首页 理论教育 商务英语翻译中省略法的应用


时间:2022-04-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第六章 商务英语翻译中省略法的应用省略是指原文中有些词在译文中不翻译出来,因为译文中虽无其词,但有其意,或者说在译文中是不言而喻的。也就是说,把一些可有可无的,或者有了反而累赘或违背译文语言习惯的词语删去,从而使译文简洁、符合汉语习惯,尤其是商务英语文本更加讲究简洁,冗长和繁琐不利于交流。我们可以从语法和修辞角度来研究英译汉的省略问题。

第六章 商务英语翻译中省略法的应用

省略是指原文中有些词在译文中不翻译出来,因为译文中虽无其词,但有其意,或者说在译文中是不言而喻的。也就是说,把一些可有可无的,或者有了反而累赘或违背译文语言习惯的词语删去,从而使译文简洁、符合汉语习惯,尤其是商务英语文本更加讲究简洁,冗长和繁琐不利于交流。一般来说,英译汉并不随便删减词语,但汉语有其简洁的特点,如果过分强调表达一切,把每一个词都译出来,反而因为保全了一些次要部分而破坏了整体,即因小失大。因此只有敢于牺牲一些不影响原意的词语,才能更好地突出重点。但应该注意的是,省略千万不能破坏原文的思想内容。该保全的,绝对不能少译一个字;该牺牲的,整个从句也可以省略不译。例如,英文中常见的“you know”、“as you might expect”就没有翻译的必要,因为汉语中这种表达法少见。我们可以从语法和修辞角度来研究英译汉的省略问题。


1. 省略作主语的人称代词


(1)Market economy is itself the product of a long course of development, and it is also a product of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and of exchange.


(2)Like his friend, he had many wonderful ideas, but he only put a few into practice.


(3)The significance of a man is not in what he has attained but rather in what he longs to attain. 人生的意义不在于已经获取了什么,而在于渴望获得什么。

(4)The money you pay to the airline company is called airfare.



(5)He who leaves his money at home rather than puts it in a bank will gain nothing.


(6)You can never tell if an investment will sure bring you benefits.


(7)Wherever you go in the city, you can find tall new office buildings.


(8)Not only does the computer gather facts, but it can also store them as fast as they are gathered. 计算机不仅能汇集资料,而且能像高速汇集资料那样储存资料。

2. 省略作宾语的人称代词


(9)I’ve received your sales report and read it with delight.


(10)We have received your fax dated October 10. We think that the prices you have offered are too high and we cannot accept them.


(11)In government, women constitute less than 1% of management-level and the average women’s annual income amounts to only half that of man’s.


3. 省略物主代词

英语中的物主代词在进行汉译时往往可以省略。比如英文说He washes his hands before his meals. 汉语只需说“他吃饭前洗手”。请看更多的例句:

(12)In my childhood I learned a great deal about China.


(13)They pride themselves on their independence, their right to make up their own minds. 他们为能独立行事,为有权做出自己的决定而自豪。

(14)As they become more powerful both economically and politically, many officials put government money into their own pockets.


(15)The average American citizen changes his or her job nine or ten times during his or her working life. 普通美国人一生中换九到十次工作。

(16)As we discuss our trade differences, neither side of us will compromise our principles. 在讨论贸易分歧时,我们双方都不会在原则问题上妥协。



1. 非人称代词it

(17)She glanced at her watch. It was time for the routine meeting.


(18)Outside it was pitch dark and it was raining cats and dogs.


2. 表示强调用的it

(19)It is only shallow people who judge by appearances.


(20)It was not until the 1990s that the Internet, as a means for commerce, became reality. 直到20世纪90年代,因特网作为一种商业手段才成为现实。

(21)Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.


(22)It was with some difficulty that he found the appropriate trading partners.


3. 作为先行词的it不能翻译,必须省略。例如:

(23)It was stressed from the beginning that the delivery date had to be less than six weeks from the initial order, so as to meet our own customers’ requirements.



英语句子的连接,无论是并列句还是复合句,都得靠连接词来表示句子之间的逻辑关系。而汉语则不然,词语之间连接词用得不多,与注重形式的英语句子相比,汉语句子多半是平行的,即使不借助连接词,也可以看出句子与句子的关联,其上下逻辑关系常常是暗含的,由词语的顺序来表示。因此翻译成汉语时一般不必把连接词译出来。也就是说,把一个用连接词合在一起的英语句子(形合)翻译成以意思合在一起的汉语句子(意合),只要意思连贯,译文里就不必出现连接词。例如:“贵公司报价合理,我们就可以考虑订货。”而在英语里,前半句必须是个以if连接的状语从句,译成英语时应该是:“We will consider placing an order with your company if your price offer is reasonable.”

1. 省略并列连接词

(24)He worked on his MBA program for two years, and then joined our company.


(25)Traditional values discourage Japanese women from appearing independent-minded and demoralize those who try to climb the political or business ladders.


(26)Foreigners sometimes complain, however, that they have little interest or knowledge of the outside world.


2. 省略从属连词



(27)We seldom used our car because the price of gasoline was fantastically high.


(28)Advertisements help market develop. Therefore, as more goods are sold they are cheaper. 广告有助于市场发展,因此,货物卖得越多,价格就越便宜。

(29)As these commodities do not meet our specifications, we will have to return them.


(30)As about half of married women in the US are employed outside the home today, they are more economically independent.




(31)I will purchase the euro if it continues to rise in value.


(32)According to a booklet for phone users issued by British Telecom, if an Englishman says something is interesting, he may not mean it literally. 根据英国电信部门为电话使用者发行的小册子的介绍,英国人说一件事情有趣,可能不是字面意思。

(33)If there were no advertising, consumers could not know about goods in nearby shops. 没有广告,消费者就不能了解附近商店里有什么货物。



(34)Prices will rise as demands grow. 需求增长,物价上升。

(35)The copy machine will work when the button is pushed.




(36)They are prepared to take the business initiative, even when there is a risk in doing so. 他们随时准备采取商业主动,即使这样做要冒风险也在所不惜。

(37)They have a wide range of everyday things, and a keen interest in their particular city and state. 他们对日常事情了解甚广,对所在的城市和州深为关切。

(38)The individual American is generous, but the American nation is hard.


(39)The taxi driver said that he was getting a pound a mile.


(40)Microsoft is reputed to be one of the leading companies in IT industry.




1. 省略某些引导时间的介词

(41)Egypt had seized the Suez Canal in July, 1956.


(42)In 1972, China and the United States signed a Sino-US joint communiqué in Shanghai. 1972年,中国和美国在上海签署了《中美联合公报》。

(43)The flow of money will pick up sharply on Wednesday, when the holiday ends and business and work begin again.


2. 省略某些引导地点的介词

(44)Smoking is not allowed in the storehouse. 仓库重地,严禁吸烟。

(45)Complaints are now heard in all over the world about the increasing oil prices.


(46)Many office buildings have been put up in Pudong, Shanghai.


3. 有些与名词搭配的介词可以省略

(47)China is moving at surprising speed in its economy. 中国经济突飞猛进。

(48)One million dollars in donation has been sent to the disaster areas.




(49)When demands get low, prices may become low. 需求降低,价格就可能降低。(50)Solids expand and contract as liquids and gases do.


(51)China covers a vast territory and encompasses a large population.


练 习


1. Before you can come to a university campus and live on the campus, you must be accepted as a student.

2. I learned using all office equipment while I was seeking employment.

3. The money you pay to the school is called tuition fee.

4. He was thin and haggard, and he looked miserable.

5. We live and learn.

6. Please forgive me. I won’t be doing that again.

7. She covered her face with her hands as if to protect her eyes.

8. It is never too late to mend.

9. It is the Electoral College that cast the final votes for presidential candidates in the US.

10. The door was opened and in came a man.

11. We went to visit John as he was ill.

12. If I had known it, I would not have come.

13. When winter comes, can spring be far behind it?

14. The Chinese are known for their gracious hospitality.

15. His remarks provoked anger in Washington.

16. Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes.

17. 100,000 people in Hiroshima were killed by the first atomic bomb in the world.

18. Could you help me in any way?

19. University applicants who have worked at a job will receive preference over those who have not.

20. Financial crisis has struck a severe blow to the economy of some Southeast Asian countries.


1. 截止到2004年5月底,全国累计批准设立外商投资企业482 636个,合同外资金额10 003.71亿美元,实际使用外资金额5 273.81亿美元。

2. 为吸引更多高质量外商投资,同时也推动中国企业投资海外,中华人民共和国商务部每年9月8日-11日在厦门举办中国投资贸易洽谈会。自1997年以来已经成功举办七届。

3. 在2001年至2003年的三年时间里,中国的进口总额接近1万亿美元;外商在中国的直接投资自1993年起连续11年居发展中国家之首,到2003年底,实际直接利用外资累计5 015亿美元。

4. 中国对外贸易和吸引外资的迅速发展,中国市场容量的迅速扩大,不但推动了中国经济社会的发展,也为世界贸易和投资的增长做出了积极的贡献,为世界其他国家和地区的发展带来了积极的作用。

5. 在新的世纪,中国政府明确提出,坚持“引进来”和“走出去”相结合,全面提高对外开放水平,在更大范围、更广领域和更高层次上参与国际经济合作与竞争。

6. 企业的经营方式呈逐步多样化,经营层次不断提高。跨国并购、股权置换、收购销售网络、许可证、技术专利、建立研发中心和工业园区等对外直接投资方式不断增多。

7. 通过开展多种形式的对外投资合作,中国加强了与世界各国和地区的经贸合作关系,为当地的经济社会发展做出了积极的贡献,实现了优势互补,促进了共同发展。

8. 为促进企业以更加积极的姿态与世界各国和地区开展多种形式的投资合作,中国政府正在按照以市场为主导、以企业为主体、政府提供服务的原则,加快建立中国对外经济合作的管理服务体系

9. 中巴自贸区第五轮谈判11月7日至10日在北京举行。双方就市场准入和自贸协定文本达成一致,取得了实质性进展,基本完成了自贸区的谈判。

10. 外商向中国境内转让技术,凡属技术先进或条件优惠的,可免征营业税和企业所得税;外商投资企业取得的技术转让收入免征营业税。


As international commerce grows, there is an amazing development which is expanding at an ever-increasing rate—business on the Internet. One of the most arresting examples is the expansion of the Internet auction business called eBay. Down at the local auction house in the city, you would normally find excited bidders raising their hands or nodding agreement as the auctioneer rattles off the prices for a set of bookshelves, heater or second-hand television set.

Now the same cut and thrust auction selling is drawing not the hundreds who come into a crowded auction room, but millions of Internet surfers who visit eBay, the biggest online auction site, and others of similar style.

This is a business that allows customers buy and sell goods by offering them for sale, or bidding for items listed at the eBay website, as if they were at an auction. Currently, eBay has listed at its website 2.14 million items for sale in 1 627 categories. Each month the eBay site has 1.5 billion visitors who view the eBay pages, looking for bargains or working out how much to charge for that bed or unwanted radio they want to list for auction.

Among the special items for sale is an illustration of the winners from 84 Years of the USA Open Golf Tournament, signed by the famous golfers, and framed. There is a Beatles Original Coin, especially minted for the first US tour in 1964 of the famous Liverpool pop music group, furniture, new kitchen knives, guitar study programs, computers—you name it, eBay auction site has it, as people worldwide take advantage of the chance to sell their goods to the biggest market in the world—the cyberspace community of Internet watchers.

So why do people come to eBay? As the leading person-to-person trading site, buyers trade on eBay because of the large number of items available. If you want it, somebody’s probably selling it on eBay. Similar, sellers are attracted to eBay to conduct business because eBay has the most buyers. There are over a million auctions happening on eBay every day.

A simple system is in place if you want to sell goods through eBay. You register with eBay, fill in their “Sell Your Item” form on their web page, describing what you have and what category it is in, and setting the lowest price which you will accept.

eBay charges a small fee for selling items and you are shown how to create an account with eBay, using your credit card. You click on the button “I agree to these terms and conditions” and see the sales confirmation come up on the screen. The millions of listings pages are updated hourly, so your new item appears in the listings pages quite quickly. Auction results are available on the original item’s auction page, for up to 30 days after the scheduled close of the auction.

One of the frequently asked questions is “What can I do if the seller or buyer does not respond to their email?” eBay has registered everybody and so can track them. If you are very pleased or unhappy dealing with someone you can give some public feedback, positive or negative, on another eBay registered user by using our user feedback feature. If you are making a complaint about someone, the eBay people ask that you please try to resolve the conflict with that person directly before using user feedback forum.

Using this open system of monitoring standards, eBay puts a number next to a person’s name to signify his or her Feedback Rating. Everyone at eBay has a Feedback Rating that is determined by: Adding 1 point (+1) for each positive comment or praise. Subtracting 1 point(−1) for each negative comment of complaint. Awarding 0 point (0) for each neutral comment. A star may also appear next to the Feedback Rating. Stars are awarded for achieving a particular Feedback Rating. There are not many stores in the world where they praise you as a good shopper or give you minus points in public if you are a bad payer. But this is the world of the Internet where the rules are being constructed as the system develops.(资料来源:《英语世界》2000年第5期)


as international commerce grows:随着国际商务的发展

Internet auction business:网上拍卖业务

rattle off the prices:飞快报出价格

cut and thrust of auction selling:拍卖竞争

looking for bargains or working out how much to charge:寻找特价商品或者了解开价行情

84 Years of the USA Open Golf Tournament:美国1984年来高尔夫球公开赛

Beatles Original Coin:披头士乐队原版硬币

US tour:全美巡回演出

the cyberspace community:电脑世界

Internet watchers:因特网网民

person-to-person trading site:面对面交易场所

a simple system is in place:有一个简单机制

fill in their “Sell Your Item” form:填写“卖商品”表格

see sales confirmation come up on the screen:看见屏幕上显示出售信息证实出售

millions of listings pages are updated hourly:网页上成百万的商品目录每小时更新一次

after the scheduled close of the auction:在拍卖结束后

If you are very pleased or unhappy dealing with someone:如果你很高兴或不愿意与某个人做生意

user feedback forum:用户反馈专栏

Feedback Rating:反馈评定结果

If you are a bad payer:如果你不是一个好买主

this is the world of the Internet where the rules are being constructed as the system develops:随着网络系统的发展,这种网上规则正逐步建立起来







影响和平与发展的不确定因素:uncertainties that impede peace and development

受周期性和结构性问题的影响,复苏步伐比较缓慢:burdened by cyclical and structural factors, the recovery is rather slow-paced.

提出新思路,探索新途径:come up with new ideas and new initiatives

特别珍惜亚太地区来之不易的和平稳定局面:cherish particularly the peaceful and stable situation that has not come by easily

加强合作、标本兼治:intensify cooperation and take strong measures to address both the symptoms and root causes of problems

提出科技创新倡议:propose the initiative of innovation

启动项目:a kick-off project

举办有关科技中介机构发展问题的高级研讨会:hold a high-level workshop to discuss about the development of science and technology intermediary

健全多边贸易体制:to perfect the multilateral trading system

贸易保护主义有所抬头:the rise of trade protectionism

拿出政治意愿,采取灵活务实的态度:demonstrate a political will and take a flexible and pragmatic approach

取得预期的进展:achieve the anticipated progress

恐怖主义、跨国犯罪等非传统安全问题:non- traditional security concerns such as terrorism and trans-boundary crimes

值得欣慰的是:It is gratifying(to know)that; fortunately; it is quite a relief that

保持良好势头,前景看好:maintained a sound momentum of economic growth with a positive prospect

坚持相互尊重、增加互信、求同存异:adhere to mutual trust on the basis of mutual respect, seek common ground while putting aside differences

采取适当的宏观政策措施:adopt appropriate macro-economic policies and measures

就促进亚太地区科技创新制定指导原则:formulate guiding principles for scientific and technological innovation of the Asia-Pacific Region

积极推动经济社会协调发展、城乡协调发展、人与自然和谐发展:positively promote a coordinated development of the economy and society, and of cities and rural areas, and a harmonious coexistence between man and nature

一如既往地支持和推动亚太经合组织进程,并愿进一步深化同其他成员的互利合作:to support and facilitate the APEC process as always and keep up its mutually beneficial cooperation with other members

茂物目标:the Bogor goals

