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时间:2022-04-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第四章 商务英语定语从句的翻译定语从句在商务英语中也是比较常见的句式,在翻译过程中准确处理好定语从句会使译文的表达通顺易懂,从而达到交流的目的。定语从句的翻译应视具体情况而定,一般来说,限制性定语从句由于对主句起着限制作用,并影响着主句的完整性,所以在翻译时,只要译文上口而又不会引起误解,都是可以前置的。

第四章 商务英语定语从句的翻译



1. 前置法


(1)Trade barrier is a pressing problem which we must deal with.


(2)In the room where the electronic computer is kept, there must be no dust at all.


(3)Everything that we saw at the trade exhibition greatly interested us.


(4)There are real estate markets, foreign exchange markets, labor markets, short-term capital market, and so on; there may be a market for anything that has a price.


2. 后置法



(5)They would have to live the rest of their lives under the stigma that he had recklessly participated in an action which wrecked the Summit Conference and conceivably could have launched a nuclear war.


(6)The managing director received a letter from her that announced her resignation.



(7)A fuel is a material which will burn at a reasonable temperature and produce heat.


(8)They proposed a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased.


3. 溶合法


①英语中的there be结构在翻译成汉语时往往采用这种方法,即去掉关系代词。例如:

(9)Fortunately there are some US Congressmen who are supportive of extending MFN treatment to China. 幸好有些美国国会议员支持延长对华最惠国待遇

(10)There is a man who wants to see you. 有人要求见你。

② 某些带有定语从句的英语复合句强调的重点是定语从句的内容,在翻译成汉语时可将英语的主句压缩成汉语的名词词组,而把定语从句处理成谓语,即,将主句的主语处理成定语,将主句的宾语或表语处理成汉语的名词使其变成主语,去掉定语从句的主语(关系代词),使定语从句的谓语与主句的压缩结构(处理后的主语)构成主谓语关系。例如:

(11)We used a planeof which almost every part carried some indication of national identity. 我们驾驶的飞机几乎每个部件都有国籍标志。

(12)“We are a nationthat must beg to stay alive,”said a foreign economist.




1. 前置法


(13)His firm, which has suffered from a business slump for three years, now starts all over again. 他那个萧条了三年的公司,现在又重整旗鼓了。

(14)The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendor.


2. 后置法

① 译成并列分句。在译文中将原文从句后置,重复英语关系代词所代表的含义。例如:

(15)I lent my camcorder to Mr. Li, whoin turn lent it to Mr. Wang in the marketing department.


(16)This is a school of international business and communication, the students of which are trained to be business executives for joint ventures or foreign-owned businesses.


(17)He took the sales plan to the president, wholiked it and called a meeting of the board of directors to study its feasibility.



(18)After dinner, the four key negotiators resumed their talks, whichcontinued well into the night. 饭后,四个主要谈判代表继续会谈,直到深夜。


(19)The president had talked to the commerce secretary, who assured him that everything that could be done would be done.


(20)I hope your success, which is an inspiration to me, will continue.




1. 将关系代词还原,即把关系代词翻译成它所指代的先行词或重复一下先行词。例如:

(21)He was first introduced to the employees at the welcoming party by his friend Peter Newmark who was already managing director of the corporation.


(22)Its numerical evaluation is determined by a small subsection of that society which has managed to foist itself on the rest of us as an arbiter of such matter.


2. 简化或概括先行词。例如:

(23)I received the impression of a brutal, clever, competent man who, in business matters, at all events, would be pitiless.


(24)Like all dictators he was carried away by power, which, as it inevitably must, corrupted him, corroding his mind and poisoning his judgment.


3. 主从糅合,重新组合。例如:

(25)In countries where people remain in one town or city for most of their lives, the social customs are quite different.


(26)To those visitors who come from countries where social relationships develop more slowly during a longer period of time, the American way may seem very frightening, too personal, and rude.


(27)I had a problem, which became clearly obvious just as I was to appear at the meeting. 我遇到一个问题。当我要出席会议时,这个问题越发明显。

(28)One day I received a note from him asking me to lunch at Ramada where he lived when in London.




1. 译成表示“原因”的分句。例如:

(29)We did not place an order with that company whose offer was not what we had expected. 我们没有同那家公司订货,因为他们的报价超出我们的意料。

(30)The speaker did not talk at length about the matter, which was not considered by the White House to be a particularly important question. 发言人没有详细谈到这件事情,因为白宫官员并不认为这是一个特别重要的问题。

(31)You would have to be very careful not to offend the foreman, who could give you the sack at any time.


2. 译成表示“结果”的分句。例如:

(32)There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of the directors of the board.


(33)Late last century, all universities in the United States adopted the credit system which benefited students a great deal.


(34)The first decade in space saw accomplishments in science and technology which affected our concept of the entire universe.


3. 译成表示“让步”的分句。例如:

(35)He lived his life apart from the workers on whose skill he depended.


(36)The task, which seemed to be difficult, was already accomplished in time.


(37)Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work or replace them.


(38)The new assistant, who had obtained an MBA degree, could not do the right job, because he had no practical experience. 虽然新来的助手获得了工商硕士学位,但是由于他缺乏实际工作经验,不能胜任工作。

4. 译成表示“目的”的分句。例如:

(39)They have built up a new college here, where students will be trained to business executives. 他们在这里新建立了一所大学,以培养企业管理人才。

(40)He wishes to write an article that will attract public attention to the matter.


(41)Private schools in the United States have offered a wide range of courses that will suit the needs of different students.


(42)We recognize the need to establish and develop institutions which help to tame the unbridled exercise of power.


5. 译成表示“条件、假设”的分句。例如:

(43)Men become desperate for work, any work, which will help them to keep alive their family.




1. 中心词+形容词短语+定语从句


(44)Snow-white cloth, suitable for making shirts, that is produced in our factory, has been sold out. 我厂生产的适合于制作衬衣的纯白布匹已经买完了。

2. 中心词+介词短语+定语从句


(45)He is the only one in the company who hasn’t obtained an MBA degree.


(46)There are times during a negotiation when one of the parties will suddenly leave the table and then the talks will collapse.


3. 中心词+两个定语从句


(47)This is the first field we find that is dominated by women.


(48)It is the only place we find in the United States that is free of violence.


4. 中心词+谓语+定语从句(同位语从句)


(49)All is not gold that glitter. 发光的东西不一定都是金子。

(50)A fax has come from the New York based headquarters that notifies a 5 percent discount off the original price. 纽约总部发来传真通知价格下调百分之五。

5. 中心词+其他成分+定语从句


(51)Great changes have taken place in China’s economy in just a few years that have aroused world attention.


6. 中心词+插入语+定语从句


(52)We ought to put this on the agenda, in conclusion, which must be carried out in three weeks. 总之,我们应当把它列入议程,该议程必须在三周内得到执行。

(53)We should strengthen our ties with them, on the contrary, who will be very helpful to our economic constructions.


练 习


1. An applicant who wishes to seek employment with this company must, first of all, have a degree in MBA.

2. There are a lot of travel agencies that deal with overseas travel.

3. At Duke University where we pay a lot of attention to academic research, we have exchange programs with universities in France, Spain and England.

4. We had a student who graduated some years ago who was in her seventies.

5. I work in an office where the conditions are very good.

6. Everything that is said to her goes in one ear and out the other.

7. He who respects others is continuously respected.

8. I was awoken at 4 a.m. the following morning by a telephone message from the Foreign Office to the effect that Germany had attacked Russia.

9. China is a nation that sees filial piety as a good virtue.

10. Laptops, which are smaller in size than desktops, are light and easy to carry.

11. Clinton as well as his entire party toured Xi’an, the ancient city where China’s First Emperor of Qin had once lived in lofty splendor.

12. Nevertheless the problem was solved successfully, which showed that the computations were accurate.

13. We did not buy that house which is extremely expensive.

14. Copper, which is used so widely for carrying electricity, offers very little resistance.

15. The professor, who was dog-tired, proceeded with his lecture.

16. I’ll try to get an illustrated dictionary dealing with technical glossary, which will enable me to translate scientific literature more exactly.

17. Cancers should be suspected in persons who have any of these symptoms and signs for unaccountable causes and for an unreasonable period of time.

18. This is the second time in two days that you have called the police.

19. He would be a short-sighted commander who merely manned his fortress and did not look forward.

20. Very wonderful changes take place in matter before our eyes every day to which we pay little attention.


1. 中国人民银行要进行汇率改革,温总理在两会记者招待会上对人民币汇率改革问题作了权威的阐述和介绍。

2. 中国既是一个能源消费大国,也是一个能源生产大国。在能源问题上,我们一直主张在平等互利基础上,加强国际合作,共同应对包括油价高在内的能源问题。

3. 中国国家主席前不久出席APEC工商领导人峰会时,就国际社会如何加强合作,共同应对能源问题提出了重要主张,并向国际社会阐述了中国能源发展战略。

4. 中国和美国互为重要的贸易伙伴,我们认为在对待贸易摩擦问题上要以发展的眼光,本着平等互利的原则,通过协商找到妥善解决问题的办法。

5. 近年来中国外贸增长很快,同世界其他国家的经贸合作水平也在不断提高,同时在发展过程中,中国同其他国家也出现贸易摩擦问题。

6. 很高兴再次参加中美知识产权圆桌会议。我首先向参加此次会议的中美政府的代表和美国企业的代表致以诚挚的问候。

7. 全国工商部门共查处商标侵权案件9 800多件,没收侵权商标标识1 000多万个,没收、销毁侵权商品1 000多万件。

8. 双方就知识产权问题达成了广泛共识,成立了知识产权工作组,推进了双方的合作,加强了相互间的交流与沟通,促进了经贸关系的稳定发展。

9. 中国和美国,是当今世界最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,我们在经济领域中的合作是富有成效的, 中美贸易的发展取得了可喜的成绩。

10. 中美经贸关系是世界上最重要的双边经贸关系之一。中美建交26年来,双边贸易和投资迅速发展,合作内容已从单一的商品贸易扩展到经济的各个领域。


A new currency called the “euro” was launched in Europe. It will replace eleven currencies by the year 2002 so that eleven European countries will share a common euro currency. The euro will make it easier for these countries to trade with each other and for other countries to trade with them.

The euro is the latest in a global economy of money which sees frantic trading of currency 24 hours a day. Every day trillions of dollars are moved around the world via banks’ computers.

Even as nations sleep, the fibre optic cables, fax and phone lines, and Internet cyberspace highways are humming with the trade in money.

This new form of electronic money is taking the place of the cash that we know from everyday dealings. Money has been used for many centuries but not always in the form of coins and notes. Some cultures used shells, cloth and precious stones. Early Maori traded items of value such as food and greenstone. Historically, gold, silver, copper and brass became the commonest currency, used by the Chinese, Greeks, Romans, Arabs and Indians. Paper money was used in China as early as a thousand years ago.

Over time, the introduction of cheques, plastic credit cards, and recently electronic banking, have meant that new standards for measuring the value of money have been sought. You can see the fluctuating value of money when you compare the buying power of the dollar over time—because of inflation, one dollar today buys less than a tenth of what one dollar could buy in 1967. The constant which could be guaranteed to measure the value of money used to be the gold bar. But gold has fluctuated since the standard price of gold ( a constant at$US 35 an ounce for decades) became moveable. Today gold is bought and sold daily. It has moved as high as $US 800 an ounce, and now hovers around the $US 250 to $ 270 mark. Stock exchanges are no guarantee of permanent values either. Constancy is not constancy, to paraphrase Shakespeare, “which alters when it alteration finds.” Stock exchange indices vary with the amount of trading and rise and fall in share prices—the Dow Jones Index of the New York Stock Exchange hit a record high of 10 000 points in 1999, but traders still remember the stock market plunges of 1987 and 1997.

Enter the McDonald’s hamburger. McDonald’s products, guaranteed by the company’s manual and constant computerized measurements, have a rigorous fixed standard. Because the Big Mac hamburger formula is the same in every country, the comparative price of a McDonald’s Big Mac hamburger is a good measure of the comparative cost of ingredients, labour and company overheads; thus a measure of each country’s different economic structure.

Economists know that one way of measuring the value of money all around the world is to look at the cost of a single item sold in many different countries. In the Big Mac they have the perfect constant. The following chart uses a Big Mac in the local currency and then its value in$US. Note that the most economical Big Mac hamburger in the world is to be found in China, where it is obviously cheaper and more efficiently produced than in its home country of the

United States.(资料来源:《英语世界》2000年第4期)




global economy of money:世界货币经济


trillions of:大量的,无数的

in the form of:以……的形式

early Maori traded items of value:早期的毛利人使用贵重的物品进行交换

the introduction of cheques, plastic credit cards, and recently electronic banking:支票、塑料信用卡以及近来电子金融的相继出现

one dollar today buys less than a tenth of what one dollar could buy in 1967:今天一美元的购买力不到1967年一美元购买力的十分之一

hover around:徘徊在……之间,在……之间浮动

to paraphrase Shakespeare:用莎士比亚的话说

stock exchange indices:股票交易指数

hit a record high:创下新高

stock market plunge:股市狂跌

rigorous fixed standard:严格的固定标准

the Big Mac hamburger formula:巨无霸汉堡包配方

fibre optic cables:光纤电缆

Internet cyberspace highway:因特网电脑公路,因特网干道

hum with:<口语> 忙碌、活跃


over time:后来

the fluctuating value of money:货币价值浮动

the buying power of the dollar over time:美元在不同时期的购买力



gold bar:金条

the standard price of gold became moveable:标准黄金价格放开

the Dow Jones Index of the New York Stock Exchange:纽约证券交易所的道·琼斯平均指数

computerized measurements:计算机化计算

a good measure of:足以反映


早上好!很高兴参加《财富》论坛,我谨以“中国的开放与世界的共赢”为题,与各位交流。27年前,开放对于中国还是一个很陌生的词汇。当邓小平提出对外开放的时候,中国人遇到了思维上前所未有的挑战,很多人怀疑中国的开放是不是风险太大了?但无论阻力有多大,二十多年来中国始终坚持了对外开放的基本国策。今天,当人们回首往事时,惊喜地发现,中国已实现了历史跨越:在27年间,国民生产总值增加了1 100%,平均增速达9.4%。改革开放之初,人们把那些巨富的人称为“万元户”,而目前我国居民人均储蓄就有上万元了。所以,开放给中国人民带来了实惠,中国人从心里喜欢开放。

中国人办事,喜欢大家都高兴。中国开放的过程也是外来投资分享利润的过程。从1990年到2004年,外来投资者汇出了2 500多亿美元的利润。正在运营的28万多家外商投资企业中,三分之二以上赢利。中国美国商会2004年的调查显示:被调查的四分之三美国公司在华赢利,42%的公司在华利润超过其全球的利润率。德国大众在华合资公司的运营利润相当其全球运营利润的四分之一。通过双向贸易和投资,中国在世界经济增长中正发挥着日益重要的带动作用。以去年为例,中国以约占世界4%的GDP,对世界经济的增长做出了10%的贡献;以约占世界6%的外贸额,为世界贸易的增长做出了12%的贡献。《经济学家》周刊指出,在2000—2001年美国的股市泡沫破裂之后,由于中国的强劲发展,整个世界逃脱了衰退的一劫。联合国贸发会议将中国和美国并称为世界经济两大火车头。今天,在促进经济发展、实现与世界共赢的同时,中国的对外开放也进入了一个新的时期。

为什么叫“新时期”?因为当今的中国与20年前的中国已判若两人,与10年前的中国也大不一样了。“新时期”不是个形容词,它是具体的:首先,中国的开放水平上了一个新台阶。自加入WTO以后,经过3年多的过渡期,我们已经按照有关规则和承诺,调整了国内的经济体制。关税总水平已经降到了 10%以下,所有非关税壁垒已被取消,国内各行业尤其是服务业的对外开放程度已大幅度提高。目前,中国开放了100个服务贸易部门,占服务部门总数的62.5%,只比发达国家低5个百分点。第二,中国的市场规模越来越大,而且方兴未艾。谁也不怀疑,中国正在成为世界上成长最快的巨大市场,已经成为世界最大的电视机、电冰箱和手机消费国;住房、家用轿车和国内外的旅游已经成为新的消费热点。去年,中国国内市场消费了2万亿美元以上的生产资料和生活资料,中国东部近5亿人口的地区,人均GDP已经达到了2 000美元。盖洛普公司最新调查数据显示,目前中国中高收入家庭的标准为6 100美元,人口总数为1.4亿。而且根据预测,今后中等收入人口每年还要增加两三千万。在中国的银行里,居民储蓄已超过1.5万亿美元。第三,中国不仅有较高素质的蓝领工人,还将有众多白领工人。过去,中国靠廉价的劳动力优势来竞争;今天,在继续保有这一优势的同时,高素质人才也成长起来。中国大学毕业生将超过300万人,中国人力资源的智力水平和外语普及程度都将不断提高。第四,中国的基础设施日臻完善。目前,中国高速公路总里程已达到3万公里;铁路总营运里程7.2万公里,居世界第三;港口吞吐量41亿吨,居世界首位;电话用户总数已超过6.5亿户,居世界第一;互联网用户数超过9 400万户,居世界第二。中国已有条件在完善和通畅的条件下与世界合作。第五,外商投资企业在中国已不是一个个孤岛。外商投资企业已经摆脱了过去“孤军作战”的局面,形成了从上游到下游的产业链,而且与流通企业、金融企业相互配合,编织成上上下下、纵横交错的产业网络;并且与中国企业相互渗透,你中有我,我中有你,在竞争中合作共赢。第六,中国已拥有巨大而且持续增长的进口需求。中国每年的进口总额已经从1978年的109亿美元增加到2004年的5 614亿美元。近5年,中国进口的年均增长率超过了28%。这种大幅快速增长的进口,将为世界经济提供广阔的市场。(资料来源:商务部网站)


以“中国的开放与世界的共赢”为题,与各位交流:to speak to you on the topic of “China’s Opening and a Win-for-all world”

万元户:ten thousanders; households with a ten-thousand- yuan income; well-off family

带来实惠:bring benefits to

赢利:profitable; make profits

运营利润:profits from business operations

发挥着日益重要的带动作用:play an increasingly important driving role in …

联合国贸发会议将中国和美国并称为世界经济两大火车头:The UNCTAD regards China and the US as the two powerhouses of the world economy.

上了一个新台阶:lift to or reach a new level

关税总水平:overall tariff rate

方兴未艾:be in the ascendant; be just unfolding; show an upward trend

生产资料和生活资料:means of production and livelihood

廉价劳动力优势:the advantage of cheap labor

基础设施日臻完善:infrastructure attains perfection on a daily basis

相互渗透,你中有我,我中有你:interweave with each other

铁路总营运里程:total length of railways in operation

摆脱了过去“孤军作战”的局面,形成了从上游到下游的产业链:no longer operate by isolated force and have forged industrial chains covering the upstream and downstream stages

思维上前所未有的挑战:an unprecedented challenge in the way of thinking

实现了历史的跨越:make a historic leap

我国居民人均储蓄:the deposit per capita of the Chinese citizens

中国美国商会:American Chamber of Commerce in China

股市泡沫破裂:stock bubbles burst

当今的中国与20年前的中国已判若两人:today’s China looks fundamentally different from 20 years ago

“新时期”不是个形容词,它是具体的:The word “new phase” is not merely a descriptive term. Rather, it embodies concrete meanings.

过渡期:transitional period

非关税壁垒:non-tariff barriers

国内外的旅游:domestic and outbound tourism

较高素质的蓝领工人和白领工人:highly skilled blue-collars and white-collars

智力水平和外语普及程度:the intellectuality and the popularization of foreign languages

互联网用户:Internet users

流通企业、金融企业:circulation enterprises and financial companies

外商投资企业在中国已不是一个个孤岛:Foreign invested enterprises are no longer isolated islands in China.

为世界经济提供广阔的市场:provide the world economy with a broad market

