首页 理论教育 中国的中学教育情况如何


时间:2022-04-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:18 中国的中学教育情况如何? What is the secondary education like in China?

18 中国的中学教育情况如何? What is the secondary education like in China?

Chinese secondary schools are called middle schools.They are divided into junior and senior levels.Both offer three-academic-year courses.Students begin their secondary education at the age of twelve,with most of them being non-board students.

Usually a regular middle school has two semesters,to talling nine months.Students study in school five days a week.Each day has seven classroom-teaching periods lasting 45 minutes.The academic curriculum consists of Chinese,mathematics,physics,chemistry,geology,foreign languages,history,geography,politics,physiology,music,fine arts,and physical education.Some middle schools also offer vocational subjects.

Since not all the students can be admitted into universities,the government attaches great importance to expanding vocational and technical schools to prepare students for jobs.The vocational education generally falls into three categories:junior secondary,senior secondary and tertiary education.Junior vocational education refers to the vocational and technical education after primary school education and is part of the Nine-Year Compulsory Education.The senior secondary category mainly refers to the vocational education at the level of senior high school education.Tertiary vocational education mainly enrolls graduates from regular high schools and secondary vocational schools.The schooling lasts two to three years and emphasizes vocational and technical training aimed at preparing students for work.

Notes: 1)academic 学术性的 2)non-board 非寄宿,走读 3)semester 学期 4)physics 物理学 5)chemistry 化学 6)politics 政治 7)physiology 生理学 8)vocational 职业的 9)admit 接收 10)technical 技术的

