首页 理论教育 中国古代的教育情况是怎样的


时间:2022-04-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:12 中国古代的教育情况是怎样的? What do you know about education in ancient China?

12 中国古代的教育情况是怎样的? What do you know about education in ancient China?

The Chinese education system accompanied the birth of Chinese civilization.The Shangxiang(上庠) was a legendary school that taught young nobles in the Youyu(有虞)period in ancient China.Teachers at Shangxiang were generally erudite,elder and noble persons.This may be the origin of education in China.

In the Zhou Dynasty,the curriculum in school centred on the so-called“Six Arts”:Rites,Music,Archery,Chariot-Riding,History,and Mathematics.At that time,numerous different schools enrolled students.One of the schools was Confucianism and one of Confucius's famous sayings declared,“Provide education for all people without discrimination(有教无类).”Another was“Teaching according to the student's ability(因材施教).”

Emperor Wudi(汉武帝)made Confucianism the orthodox philosophy of the Han Dynasty.Taixue(太学) was established to train civil servants for the empire.Taixue literally means“Greatest Learning,”and it is the highest rank of educational establishment in Ancient China between Han Dynasty and Sui Dynasty.Gradually the curriculum focused on The Four Books and The Five Classics.Imperial examinations began in 605 AD.All those taking the examination were required to pass their local tests before the final examination in the capital.Private schooling(私塾),where one teacher taught a small group of students from wealthy families,was the dominant mode of education.Feudal China's ancient educational system remained in place until 1905,when it was abolished and replaced by a more modern system.

Notes: 1)civilization 文明 2)erudite 博学的 3)mathematics 数学 4)discrimination 歧视 5)orthodox 正统的 6)curriculum 课程 7)abolish 废除

