首页 理论教育 什么是传统的中国大家庭


时间:2022-04-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:1 什么是传统的中国大家庭? What is the traditional Chinese extended family?

1 什么是传统的中国大家庭? What is the traditional Chinese extended family?

We have all read storybook accounts of the traditional extended family with three or four generations living under one roof or cluster of roofs.The mutual support and interaction among family members that occurs in this setting has its enchanting aspects.

A traditional family was headed by the oldest male(grandfather or great-grandfather).Other members included the oldest male's younger brothers,sons and nephews,grandsons and grandnephews.Daughters were only a temporary part of the family.When a daughter married,she became a part of her husband's household.In this situation,it is not surprising that baby girls were often less than welcome.Male children,on the other hand,were necessary to carry on the family line.Eventually the oldest son carried the burden of responsibility for the extended family.

Even today,in the limited confines of a small apartment,there are remnants of the old extended family,but without the formal structure.One might say that today's extended family is more like a family collective,and some rural families are still likely to have three generations under one roof.

Notes: 1)storybook 故事书 2)extended family 大家庭 3)generation 一代人 4)enchanting 迷人的 5)temporary 暂时的 6)confines 范围 7)remnant 剩余 8)collective 集体

