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时间:2022-04-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第四节 归纳摘要题摘要题通常有两种形式:一种是从文章某几段中选取内容进行概括归纳,组成一段文字,在其中留出几个空格,让考生按照题目要求,在文章对应内容中选词填空;另一种则是让学生按照题目要求并根据文章对应内容,在给定的wordlist中选词填空。该题目要求未给出任何关于题目在文章中对应内容的位置提示,而仅仅提出要求考生在文章中选词填空,并提出字数限制为NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS。

第四节 归纳摘要题


若是在文章中选词填空则题目要求通常是:Choose...WORDS from the passage for each answer,有的题目还会在题目要求中提示题目在文章中对应内容的位置。如剑6,Test 1中的Q33—Q40的题目要求为:Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from paragraph C and D for each answer。该题目要求提示了题目在文章中对应内容在C和D段;要求在文章中选词填空;并且提出字数限制为NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS。

但有的摘要题虽然要求在文章中选词填空,但是并不提示题目在文章中对应内容的位置。如剑5,Test 2中的Q28—Q34的题目要求为:Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer。该题目要求未给出任何关于题目在文章中对应内容的位置提示,而仅仅提出要求考生在文章中选词填空,并提出字数限制为NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS。

若是在给定的wordlist中选词填空则题目要求通常是:Complete the summary using the list of words,...,below,有的题目要求也会提示题目在文章中对应内容的位置。如:剑5,Test 3中的Q24—Q26的题目要求为:Complete the summary of paragraphs E and F with the listed words,A-H,below;Write the correct latter A-H in boxes 24-26on your answer sheet。该题目要求提示了题目在文章中的对应内容在E段和F段;要求考生在给定的单词中选词填空;并且要求填写单词前的字母而非单词。

有的摘要题也要求在wordlist中选词填空,但却未在题目要求中提示题目在文章中对应内容的位置,如剑6,Test 4中的Q14—Q18的题目要求为:Complete the summary using the listed words,A-J,below,并且提出Write the correct letter,A-J,in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet。我们可以看出该题目要求未给出任何关于题目在文章中对应内容的位置提示,仅提出要考生在给定的单词中选词填空,并且要求填写单词前的字母而非单词。

在wordlist中选词填空的题目要求还会出现一种情况,那就是既不提示题目在文章中对应内容的位置,也不要求填写单词前的字母,而是要求填写单词。如:剑4,Test 1中的Q33—Q39的题目要求为:Complete the summary below using words from the box;Write your answers in boxes 33-39an your answer sheet。该题目说明未给出题目在文章中对应内容的位置提示;并要求考生在给定框中选单词填空;答案要求写单词。

另外还要注意,在两种形式的摘要题的题目要求中,有时还会出现“NB You may use any letter/word more than once”来提醒考生答案会被重复使用,如剑6,Test 4中的Q14—Q18和剑4,Test 1中的Q33—Q39。当然若未出现NB,通常答案不会重复使用。


如果是在文章对应内容中选词填空,则答案基本为文章中原词,很少出现需要考生自己概括答案的情况。下面我们摘用剑6,Test 4中的Q35—Q37来说明这一特点。


Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDSfrom the passage for each answer.

What steps should schools take to reduce bullying?

The most important step is for the school authorities to produce a 35____________ which makes the school’s attitude towards bullying quite clear.It should include detailed 36____________ as to how the school and its staff will react if bullying occurs.In addition,action can be taken through the 37____________...


从题目要求我们可以看出此题要求在文章中选词填空,利用标题,可以定位到题目在文章中对应信息的起始位置为section E,然后利用35题空格上下文的限定信息produce a,我们可以在文章中定位到develop apolicy,因此我们可以确定答案为policy。接下来运用36题空格上下文的限定信息detailed及how the school and its staff will react if bullying occurs,我们可以在文章中定位到explicit guidelines on what will be done if it occurs,答案可以确定为guidelines。以此类推,37题的答案为文章中单词curriculum。

如果题目是在给定的wordlist中选词填空,那么给定的wordlist中的单词是无须做任何改变的,如:剑5,Test 3中的Q24—Q26。


Complete the summary of paragraph E and F with the list of words A-H below.

In addition to the problem of coastal erosion,there has been a marked increase in the level of 24____________ contained in the silt deposit in the Nile delta.To deal with this,Stanley suggests the use of 25____________ in the short term and increasing the amount of water available through 26____________ in the longer term.

A Artificial floods

B desalination

C delta waterways

D natural floods

E nutrients

F pollutants

G population control

H sediment


题目说明中提示题目在文章中对应位置在E段和F段,根据24题定位信息marked increase in我们可以在E段定位到pollutants are building up faster and faster,然后在给定词中选答案,答案确定为F。接下来利用25题定位信息Stanley和in the short term,我们在文章F定位到in the immediate future,Stanley believes that one solution would be to make artificial foods to flush out the...,在给定词中选词,答案可以确定选A。用此方法我们可以得出26题答案为B。


因此在做要求在给定的wordlist中选词填空的摘要题时,考生应先判断空格中所需要答案的词性、时态、语态、单复数等,然后在给定的wordlist的单词中,利用语法来判断哪些单词可能是答案,从而缩小寻找范围。比如,如果空格中需要的是不可数名词,那考生就可以直接在给定词中的不可数名词中找答案,其他单词可以忽略掉不看了;而如果空格中需要的是动词原形,那考生就可以直接在给定词中的动词原形中找答案,其他单词可以忽略掉不看。下面我们可以通过剑4,Test 1中的Q33—Q39来具体说明这一计谋的运用。


Complete the summary below using words from the box.

NBYou may use any word more than once.

In the experiment described in Part 2,a set of word 33____________ was used to investigate whether blind and sighted people perceived the symbolism in abstract 34____________ in the same way.Subjects were asked which word fitted best with a circle and which with a square.From the 35____________ volunteers,everyone thought a circle fitted‘soft’while a square fitted‘hard’.However,only 51%of the 36____________ volunteers assigned a circle to 37____________.When the test was later repeated with 38____________ volunteers,it was found that they made 39____________ choices.















此题要求在给定的wordlist中选词填空,并且在NB中指出答案可以重复使用。首先我们可以判断出33题空格中需要的答案是名词,word是做定语的,然后在给定词中我们可以看出名词有associations,words,pairs和shapes,答案就在这四个名词中产生,其他单词可以忽略不看。题目第一句话中“the experiment described in Part 2”提示题目在文章中对应信息在Part 2,然后利用题目空格上下文的限定信息“a set of word____________ was used”,我们可以在文章Part 2的第二段中定位到“we gave a list of twenty pairs of words to sighted subjects...”,33题答案可以确定为pairs.接下来我们可以判断34题空格中需要答案也为名词,由于答案可以重复使用,所以给定词可能为答案的名词依然是associations,words,pairs和shapes。利用34题空格上下文的定位信息perceived the symbolism in abstract,我们可以在文章中定位到“ask them to pick from each pair the term that related to a circle and the term that best related to a square...”,34题答案可以确定为shapes。用此计谋我们依次可以得出第35、36、37、38和39题答案分别为sighted、sighted、deep、blind和similar。

在做摘要题,尤其是要求在给定的wordlist中选词填空的摘要题时,除了可以运用语法帮助缩小答案的寻找范围,还可以运用常识去猜测答案。也就是说在做要求在给定词中选词填空的摘要题时,考生先利用语法来判断在给定的wordlist的单词中,哪些单词可能是答案,然后可以直接利用常识来判断哪个词是答案。若能利用常识直接确定答案,考生就可以免去在题目中找定位词并到文章中定位的烦恼了,从而可以节约时间。当然如果无法运用常识确定答案,还是要回文章中去定位的。下面我们可以看剑5,Test 4中的Q18—Q23。


Complete the summary with the list of words A-P below.

Toughened Glass

Toughed glass is favored by architects because it is much stronger than ordinary glass,and the fragments are not as 18____________ when it breaks.However,it has one disadvantage:it can shatter 19____________.This fault is a result of the manufacturing process.Ordinary glass is first heated,then cooled very 20____________.The outer layer 21____________ before the inner layer,and the tension between the two layers which is created because of this makes the glass stronger.However,if the glass contains nickel sulphide impurities,crystals of sulphide are formed.These are unstable,and can expand suddenly,particularly if the weather is 22____________.If this happens,the pane of glass may break.The frequency with which such problems occur is 23____________ by glass experts.Furthermore,the crystals cannot be detected without sophisticated equip ment.

A numerous

B detected

C quickly

D agreed

E warm

F sharp

G expands

H slowly

I unexpectedly

J removed

K contracts

L disputed

M cold

N moved

O small

P calculated


此题要求在给定词中选答案。根据语法判断18题需要的答案是形容词,给定词中形容词有:numerous,warm,cold,sharp,small。而18题所在的句子主要讲钢化玻璃受建筑家们的青睐,因为它们比普通玻璃结实并且破碎时不像普通玻璃那样  ?  ,根据常识我们都知道钢化玻璃破碎时不像普通玻璃那样锋利,因此答案定为F。接下来我们再看19题,根据语法,19题需要的答案应为副词,在给定词中副词有:unexpectedly,quickly,slowly。而19题所在句子讲钢化玻璃有一个缺点,那就是会  ?  破碎,我们都知道钢化玻璃会意外破碎,而不是很快或很慢破碎,因此19题答案可以确定为I。20题答案根据语法可以判断也是是一个副词,并且由于此题的题目要求中未讲答案可以重复使用,因此把答案I排除掉,给定词中副词只剩quickly和slowly了,而利用常识我们知道普通玻璃是迅速冷却的,因此答案可以确定为C。同样可以判断22题答案为动词,给定词中动词有:expands和contracts。我们都知道冷却时肯定外层先收缩,因此答案为K。用此计还可以得出22题答案为E。23题无法用常识做出,需要回文章中定位,答案为L。

