首页 理论教育 标题配对题


时间:2022-04-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第一节 标题配对题标题配对题作为每次雅思考试的主流题型,其难度排各大题型之首,大部分考生“谈标题配对而色变”。究其原因,是大部分同学对雅思标题配对题的认识存在误区。标题配对题的典型特点则是它考查考生理解文章、把握文章主旨和结构的能力,而不是具体每个单词、每句话的理解;运用的阅读方法是skim;headings选项中有陷阱,而且陷阱通常是原文段落中的细节内容。

第一节 标题配对题



由于英语的话语结构呈直线型(linear),因此英语段落大都呈直线型展开,也就是先有主题句(topic sentence),后接一个自然衔接的例证句,而后收尾,不同于汉语的演绎与归纳型段落;因此在做标题配对题时通常要求考生首先要读懂段落中的第一句和第二句,因为通常第一句往往是该段的主题句,而第二句往往是对前句的延伸或进一步的解释。

接下来要略读其他句子,可能出现的一种情况为其他句子解释说明第一、二句,这种情况下,第一、二句就为此段的主题句,也就是“抓龙头”即可。而这其中有很多信号词可以被利用来确定其他句子是否是解释说明第一、二句的,一旦出现这样的信号词,信号词后面的部分就可以不读了。如:Urbanites had to seek locations to dispose of the wastes they produces.Initially,they placed wastes on sites within the city,polluting the air,land,and water with industrial and domestic effluents.As cities grow larger,they disposed of their wastes by transporting them to ore distant locations.Thus cities constructed sewerage systems for domestic wastes.They usually discharged the sewage into neighbouring waterways,often polluting the water supply of downstream cities.此段属于非常典型的总分结构。第一句话中urbanites,可能考生不认识,但根据词根urban可以猜出它和城市有关,同时根据上下文,我们可以看出它应该指人,所以可以猜出它为城里人。而第一句的大意也就出来了,即城市中的人不得不找地方处理他们所产废物。第二句话中第一个单词为initially,即“最初”的意思,根据此词我们可以断定第二句话讲最初如何处理废物的,解释说明第一句话,而其他单词则可以不读了。第三句话中出现As cities grow larger即随着城市变大,根据这一状语,我们可以断定这句话是讲城市变大后怎样处理废物的。第四句中出现Thus一词,我们又可断定第四句为第三句导致的一个结果,还是解释说明废物处理的。第五句中They usually discharged the sewage,读到这我们可以断定这句话是解释说明城市变大后如何处理废物的。上面一段话可以浓缩成以下内容:

Urbanites had to seek locations to dispose of the wastes they produces.Initially...As cities grow larger...Thus...They usually discharged the sewage...

我们会发现这一段的其他句子都是解释说明第一句话的,因此此段标题选removing the unwanted by-products of city life,这就是“眼中无词”和“抓龙头”在这种题目中的应用。




But the sales push rarely stops in the office.The flashy brochures and pamphlets left by the sales reps are often followed up with meals at expensive restaurants,meeting in sunny and warm places,and an inundation of promotional gadgets.Rarely do patients watch a doctor write with a pen that isn’t emblazoned with a drug’s name,or see a nurse use a tablet not bearing apharmaceutical company’s logo.Millions of dollars are spent by pharmaceutical companies on promotional products like coffee mugs,shirts,umbrellas,and golf balls.Money well spent?It’s hard to tell.‘I’ve been the recipient of golf balls from one company and I use them,but it doesn’t make me prescribe their medicine,’says one doctor.‘I tend to think I’m not influenced by what they give me.’(剑6,Test 4,Passage 3,Paragraph E)


在这一段落中,第一句话主要讲办公室里的推销很少停止,第二句话通过举例The flashy brochures and pamphlets are often followed up with meals at expensive restaurants...解释说明第一句话,而我们在读到at expensive restaurants时,后面就可以不用读了,因为后面部分和meals at expensive restaurants是并列成分,都做with的宾语,我们可以“眼中无词”不用关注它。第三句话Rarely do patients watch a doctor write with a pen that isn’t emblazoned with a drug’s name,or...也是通过例子来解释说明第一句的,我们在读到or时,后面部分就不用读了,因为or后面内容和a doctor write with a pen that isn’t emblazoned with a drug’s name并列的,都做watch的宾语,也可以“眼中无词”把它忽略掉。而第四句话Millions of dollars are spent by pharmaceutical companies on promotional products like...则进一步延伸说明医药公司花很多钱进行推销,这一句中我们在读到like时,后面内容也可以不用读了,因为后面部分是具体例子解释说明products的,作为细节内容也被忽略掉。

大家可以看出前四句都是关于公司花大量钱推销药的很多措施,但当我们略读到第五句和第六句时会发现作者的思路逆转了。“Money well spent?It’s hard to tell”作者思路逆转到“很难说这些措施真的起到了作用”,然后在第七句中通过一个医生的话来论证这一说法。这种情况下我们就应该重点关注该段落的第五、六句和第七句,并根据它们归纳段落大意。答案选Not all doctors are persuaded.



Selling pharmaceuticals is a daily exercise in ethical judgment.Salespeople like Schaefer walk the line between the common practice of buying aprospect’s time with a free meal,and bribing doctors to prescribe their drugs.They work in an industry highly criticized for its sales and marketing practices,but find themselves in the middle of the age-old chicken-or-egg question—business won’t use strategies that don’t work,so are doctors to blame for the escalating extravagance of pharmaceutical marketing?Or is it the industry’s responsibility to decide the boundaries?(剑6,Test 4,Passage 3,Paragraph C)


在这篇谈论药物推销的段落中,作者在第一句中指出卖药每天都遭受道德判定。第二句讲像Schaefer walk这样的推销人员行走于用免费贩卖可能的顾客的时间和贿赂医生开他们的药的分界线上。第三句前半部分讲他们从事于一个销售和市场做法都受到批判的行业,同时也发现自己处于一个“鸡还是蛋”的问题上——公司不会用无效的策略。

而段落的第三句后半部分和第四句,作者用逻辑词so,并采用问句的形式引出结论:so are doctors to blame for the escalating extravagance of pharmaceutical marketing?Or is it the industry’s responsibility to decide the boundaries?(对于医药销售中日益增加的奢侈,医生应该受到责备吗?还是应该是医药行业的责任去决定这个界限呢?)我们在归纳该段的段落大意时,就应该根据第三句so后面的内容来归纳,所以答案选Who is responsible for the increase in promotion?




On the horizon are optical computers.These could store programs and process information by means of light—pulses from tiny lasers—rather than electrons.And the pulses would travel over glass fibres,not copper wire.These machines could function hundreds of times faster than today’s electronic computers and hold vastly more information.Today fibre optics are used to obtain a clearer image of smaller and smaller objects than ever before—even bacterial viruses.A new generation of optical instruments is emerging that can provide detailed imaging of the inner workings of cells.It is the surge infibre optic use and in liquid crystal displays that has set the U.S.glass industry(a 16 billion dollar business employing some 150,000workers)to building new plants to meet demand.(剑1,Test 4,Passage 1,Paragraph B)


此段的第一句话On the horizon are optical computers是倒装句,On the horizon就算不知道是什么意思,也不影响做题,我们“眼中无词”可以判断第一句话是关于optical computers。第二句话these仍然代指optical computers,因此“眼中无词”,句子的其余部分无需再读,略过。第三句话讲optical computers的工作原理,第四句these machines依然是指optical computers,句子的其余部分也“眼中无词”略过。也就是说前四句都是关于optical computers的。

而读到第五句时,仅读主句Today fibre optics are used to...,我们会发现出现了新的信息即fibre optics;第六句A new generation of optical instruments is emerging...则是关于optical instruments的;第七句通过强调句式It is the surge infibre optic use and in liquid crystal displays that...,以美国为例讲解fibre optic use and liquid crystal displays的发展。

我们会发现这一段落中出现的信息包含:optical computers,fibre optics,optical instruments。而这些信息的共同特点则是“optic”,因此我们可以确定这一段落的标题应该选:Exciting innovations in fibre optic use。但很多同学会选“computers and their dependence on glass”,其实这一选项是干扰项,是陷阱。如果同学们仅仅读此段落的前四句话就选答案,肯定会掉到考官设计的陷阱中。所以建议同学们在做标题配对题时,要坚持略读完其他句子,分清该段落属于哪种情况;千万不要所有段落“一刀切”;一定要具体问题具体分析,“一把钥匙开一把锁”;当然也别忘了“眼中无词”,做到“只见森林不见树木”。

