首页 理论教育 雅思阅读核心技巧


时间:2022-04-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第二节 雅思阅读核心技巧有过考试经验或参加过培训的考生都知道,阅读题目,除了“段落标题题”外,无论其题型如何变化,做题的步骤都可以最终归纳为“定位+语言信息处理”。其中,明显定位词因为具有一些特别且显著的特征,在一片乌压压的小蝌蚪字母里尤为突出,是考生决定定位词时的首选。有时候也出现时代的表达,同样也可以作为明显定位词。

第二节 雅思阅读核心技巧

有过考试经验或参加过培训的考生都知道,阅读题目,除了“段落标题题(List of Heading)”外,无论其题型如何变化,做题的步骤都可以最终归纳为“定位+语言信息处理(80%识别同义替换+20%进行适度推理)”。其中定位(locating the information)主要依靠的是扫读(scanning)技法,考验学生的是在短时间内找到所需信息的能力。可以说,如果能够快速成功定位,就等于已经成功了60%。准确的寻找定位词策略对考生提高解题速度来说至关重要。







题目:The 1990survey related to 550,000consultations with alternative therapists.(剑桥真题集4)。


原文:The 550,000consultations with alternative therapists reported in the 1990survey...

可以作为明显定位词的时间表达有时候也包括时间的上下义转换,如:在题目中是数字“2000”,表示“2000年”,但是在原文中是“new millennium”或“turn of the century”;识别难度并不大,是非常好的定位词。有时候也出现时代的表达,同样也可以作为明显定位词。如在题目中出现:“Industrial Age”,“Middle Ages”或“Medieval Times”,在原文中基本都能找到相同的表达。


题目:Popper says that the scientific method is hypothetico-deductive.(剑桥真题集3)

原文:Popper was arguing that the nature of scientific is hypothetico-deductive and not as is...

题目:Opponents of smoking financed the UCSF study.(剑桥真题集3)

原文:A more recent study by researchers and the University of California at San Francisco(UCSF)has shown that...

题目:Following the construction of the Tavanasa Bridge,the architect failed to...(IELTS Plus)

原文:But the Tavanasa Bridge gained little favourable publicity in Switzerland...


题目:...made using a less poisonous type of phosphorus.(剑桥真题集1)

原文:...were safe because the red phosphorus was non-toxic...


题目:It has been suggested that children hold mistaken views about the“pure”science that they study at school.(剑桥真题集4)

原文:Many studies have shown that children harbour misconception about“pure”,curriculum science.

题目:Maillart designed the hollow-box arch in order to...(IELTS Plus)


原文:His crucial innovation was incorporating the bridge’s arch and roadway in to a form called the hollow-box arch,...





...a belief that all the health-care resources the community needed would be produced b y economic growth.(剑桥真题集4)

在这道题里,我们可以看到4个名词(组),因为文章的主题是讨论“一个国家所需要的医疗保障”,因此“health-care resources”“community”就不能成为定位词了。在“belief”和“economic growth”中,前者的概念太过宽泛,不好定位;后者的意思就明确多了。

原文:It was assumed without question that all the basic health needs of any community could be satisfied,at least in principle;the“invisible hand”of economic progress.

题目:...an accep tance of the role of the state in guaranteeing the provision of health-care.(剑桥真题集4)

原文:This right generates an obligation or duty for the state to ensure that adequate health-are resources are provided out of the public purse.


题目:Performance has improved most greatly in events requiring an intensive burst of energy.(剑桥真题集4)


原文:For the so-called power events—that require a relatively brief,explosive release of energy,...


题目:Match the following biometric systems with their users.(剑桥真题集2)

face scanner

finger print scanner

voice print


hand scanner

body odor

typing pattern




题目:Which typ e of habitat is related to good visual ability?(剑桥真题集4)两组定位词为相关的关系,一个都不能放过。

原文答案出处:For example,vision is obviously more useful to species inhabiting clear open waters than to those living in turbid rivers and flooded plains.

题目:Water is pumped from the irrig ation canals into the lagoons.(剑桥真题集5)


原文:The sediment sinks to the bottom of the canals and then is added to fields by farmers or pumped with the water into the four large freshwater lagoons that...

题目:Cheap labor g uarantees effective trade conditions.(剑桥真题集6)


原文:Cheap labor may make Chinese clothing competitive in America,but if delays in shipment tie up working capital and cause winter coats to arrive in spring,trade may lose its advantages.

题目:Sediment in the irrigation canals on the Nile delta causes flooding.(剑桥真题集5)


原文:The sediment sinks to the bottom of the canals and then is added to fields by farmers or pumped with the water into the four large freshwater lagoons that...

由于本题中只找到了定位词中的一组,另一组无法找到,他们之间的因果关系更加无法判断,因此,这道是非无判断题的最终答案为“无(NOT GIVEN)”。

题目:In certain area of my work,people are a more valuable resource than technology.(IELTS Plus)


原文:Despite the development of high-tech equipment,he says,the best sensors for finding fossils are human eyes—lots of them.


题目:Science does not belong to professional scientists alone.(IELTS Plus)

题目:The brother or sister of a gifted older child may fail to fulfill their own potential.(IELTS Plus)




Questions 36-40(IELTS Plus:Saving Language)

Match the languages A-F with the statement below which describe how a language was saved.


A Welsh

B Maori

C Faroese

D Romansch

E Ainu

F Kaurna

36.The region in which the language was spoken gained increased independence.

37.People were encouraged to view the language with less prejudice.

38.Language immersion programs were set up for sectors of the population.

39.A merger of different varieties of the language took place.

40.Written samples of the language permitted its revitalization.



Questions 1-3(剑桥真题集5:Johnson’s Dictionary)

Which THREE of the following statement are true of Johnson’s Dictionary?

A It avoid all scholarly words.

B It was the only English dictionary in general use of 200 years.

C It was famous because of the large number of people involved.

D It focused mainly on Language from contemporary texts.

E There was a time limit for its completion.

F It ignored work done by previous dictionary writers.

G It took into account subtleties of meaning.

H Its definitions were famous for their originality.



