首页 理论教育 美国圣诞节网购刷新多项购物记录


时间:2022-04-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:快速阅读2 美国圣诞节网购刷新多项购物记录根据多家机构发布的报告,今年圣诞购物季,美国人在网上购买电子产品、珠宝甚至服装的数量创新纪录,互联网零售商渡过一个“丰收”的快乐圣诞节。但Spending Pulse调查显示,今年网上服装经销商的销量却上涨了 25%。据Spending Pulse调查,今年每日在线销售量六次突破10亿美元,去年仅超过三次。

快速阅读2 美国圣诞节网购刷新多项购物记录



据万事达卡旗下的 Spending Pulse 研究和分析业务副总裁马克尔·麦克纳马拉(Michael MacNamara)说,今年销量的升幅呈现良性增长,是2010年的一件喜事。

据Spending Pulse统计,目前互联网销售额占据全部零售销售额的10%左右,其中并不包括购买汽车和汽油

其他调查也显示本次假日季互联网销售有大幅增长。调查消费个体购买情况的ComScore Inc.说,截至12月19日,在线购买量上涨12%至286亿美元。该公司不对店铺的销售情况进行调查。

今年网购群体购买的商品和所选店铺情况也有很大的变化。因为大多数人仍喜欢触摸和试穿衣,所以服装一向都被视为很难在网上打开销路。但Spending Pulse调查显示,今年网上服装经销商的销量却上涨了 25%。自 2007 年开始,假日期间专卖服装的网店的销量几乎翻了一倍。

Spending Pulse调查还显示,百货商店的在线销量涨了11%,电子产品商店销量涨了12.2%,珠宝零售商在线销量涨了4.5%。

据Spending Pulse调查,今年每日在线销售量六次突破10亿美元,去年仅超过三次。日销量最多的是11月30日,11月29日至12月5日期间是销量较去年增幅最大的一周。



IBM Coremetrics首席策略官约翰·斯奎尔说,整个假日季,互联网的销售一直很强劲;在购物季接近尾声的时候,百货商店和珠宝店能表现得这么好真是让人意外。


Spending Pulse的麦克纳马拉说,但是“黑色星期五”在线销量的增幅相当大,这可能反应了人们青睐的购物方式有所改变;零售商将会继续从那些不愿和拥挤人群奋战的人那里获益。



1. Even small companies with websites are attracting a client base never possible before.

2. That presents new challenges to sellers who have never shipped overseas and may have little experience with the taxes, duties and customs laws involved.

3. It also raises questions about consumer protections. When buying from an overseas vendor, what, if any, protections do consumers have if they run into problems? How safe is it to transmit credit information overseas through the Internet? How long will it take for an order to be delivered? Are unexpected taxes or duties routinely added to the price?

4. The goal is to build consumer confidence in the global electronic marketplace by working to ensure that consumers are just as safe when shopping online as when shopping offline—no matter where they live or where the company they do business with is based.

5. The guidelines also call on joining governments to take steps to push consumer confidence in the electronic marketplace. And they recommend that governments work together to fight against cross-border fraud and help establish a climate for electronic commerce that balances the needs and interests of businesses and consumers.

II. 1. h 2. g 3. a 4. b 5. f 6. c 7. e 8. d 9. j 10. i




1. Consumers around the world are increasingly turning to their computers to buy a wide range of goods and services.

2. Companies should provide accurate, clear and easily accessible information.

3. Many people think online shopping is fast and convenient.

4. Laws should protect consumer privacy during electronic commerce sales.

5. Many governments are taking steps to push consumer confidence in the electronic marketplace.

V. Omitted


I. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F

II. 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C



1. Americans went online to buy electronics, jewelry and even clothing in record amounts this season.

2. The biggest sales day overall was Tuesday Nov. 30 and the biggest sales increases from a year ago occurred the week ended Dec. 5.

3. After retailers no longer guarantee that packages shipped by the cheapest methods will arrive by Christmas.

4. They pitched time-limited deals throughout the day.

5. Because it perhaps signifies changes in the way folks want to shop.

II. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F

