首页 理论教育 快速阅读弥尔顿·好时


时间:2022-04-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:快速阅读2 弥尔顿·好时——创造成功企业 建造甜蜜小镇弥尔顿·史内夫里·好时在宾夕法尼亚州中部的乡村小镇长大,尽管没有受过正规教育,30岁时还濒临破产,但他仍然成为美国最富有的人之一,不仅如此,他还是一位成功的企业家,其产品誉满全球;一位远见卓识的建造者,所建小镇以他的名字命名;一位慈善家,其慷慨、和善感动了成千上万的人。

快速阅读2 弥尔顿·好时——创造成功企业 建造甜蜜小镇


尽管在少年时期经历过两次失败的尝试,好时最终还是开创了自己的糖果生意。很快,他的兰开斯特焦糖公司进入了整个美国和欧洲市场,并雇佣了1 400名员工,这使他成为那个地区最重要的人物之一。








1. In Frank Shallenberger’s small-business class, Shallenberger asked his class to invent a new business, describe its purpose and create a marketing plan and he also defined the type of person who was an entrepreneur, which made Knight aware of what he really would like to do.

2. It is one part of Japanese culture, so it can give evidence to the fact that Knight has been enamored of Japanese culture and business practices.

3. He found a way to utilize society’s worship of heroes, obsession with status symbols and predilection for singular, often rebellious figures. Nike’s seductive marketing focuses on a charismatic athlete or image, rarely even mentioning or showing the shoes.

4. Because Knight understood and captured the zeitgeist of American pop culture and married it to sports.

5. He has jumped into the animation game.

II. 1. g 2. i 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. c 7. d 8. j 9. h 10. e


1. 从斯坦福大学毕业后,奈特勉强服从了父亲的意愿,在波特兰的一家会计事务所找了一份“真正”的工作。

2. 但他坚信,这些廉价的、高性能的运动鞋定能击败市场上像阿迪达斯、匡威、凯德这样的顶级品牌。

3. 1972年耐克运动鞋的销售额达到320万美元,在之后的十年中每年的利润都翻了一番。

4. 即使迈克尔·乔丹极具运动员风范,魅力超凡,单凭他自己的力量也无法使耐克成为像可口可乐、麦当劳这样的全球知名品牌。

5. 奈特理解并抓住了美国流行文化的时代精神,使之与体育联姻,因此,耐克成为了一种文化符号。

6. 他找到一种方法,充分利用了社会对英雄的崇拜、对身份象征的迷恋以及对一些叛逆个体的偏好。


1. Prior to his appointment as CEO, Mr. Moore had worked at the company for twelve years.

2. A chief executive officer is the highest-ranking corporate administrator in charge of total management of an organization.

3. People always try to unveil how the outstanding CEOs have succeeded in undertaking their responsibilities.

4. The CEO is responsible for the success or failure of the company, especially in a startup.

5. A CEO must have a balance of internal and external initiatives to build a sustainable company.

V. Omitted


I. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F

II. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D



1. It turned him into one of the area’s leading citizens.

2. It was at the exposition that Hershey first became fascinated with the art of chocolate making, began producing chocolate coating, and then started the Hershey Chocolate Company.

3. Because up to then the process of making milk chocolate had been kept a closely guarded secret by the Swiss.

4. Because it was convenient to the port cities that could provide cocoa beans and sugar, surrounded by dairy farms and endowed with a hardworking populace.

5. Workers who were treated fairly and who lived in a comfortable, pleasant environment would be better workers.

II. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F

