首页 理论教育 灵活句序与互译处理


时间:2022-04-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第二节 灵活句序与互译处理英语和汉语的行文习惯不同。英语一般把重要的事情放到最后,汉语则放到最前。英语列举事物,先小后大,汉语先大后小;英语行文先总提,后列举,汉语则先个别,后总结。如:汉语:市属7个县境内,北有超山,南有天目山。在汉语的复合句中,不管是主句还是时间从句,一般按照事情发生的先后顺序来安排,即先发生的先叙述,后发生的后叙述,体现了汉语句式的特点。

第二节 灵活句序与互译处理




The beauty spots in the seven nearby counties form a vast area for tourist,with the West Lake as its center.To the north of Hangzhou stands Chao Hill,and to the south Mount Tianmu.Going up the Qiantang River one finds oneself at Stork Hill near the Terrace where Yan Ziling,a hermit of the Eastern Han Danasty(25-200),loved to go angling by the Fuchun River in Fuyang County.Nearby are the Yaolin Wonderland in Tonglu County,Tongjan Hill and the three Lingqi Caves in Jiande County,and Thousand-Islet Lake at the source of the Xin'an River.(郭建中译)



[例1]Please let me know as soon as your visa is ready.


[例2]Many new products have been developed since your delegation visited our company last time.


[例3]The exchanges and mutual understanding between the peoples of China and the United States have broadened and deepened steadily since the diplomatic ties between the countries were established.


[例4]There has been nothing more astonishing in the progress of war,which is really the application of the mechanics of force to human nature,than the position that public opinion occupies.



[例5]Since the various parts of the body have different functions to perform,the structure of their constituent cells must differ.


[例6]Substances have no tendency to expend unless they are heated.



[例7]I will go to the project site tomorrow,if it is fine.


[例8]We could not have solved so many complicated problems but that electronic computers had not been invented.



[例9]In order to obtain the appropriate visa,you must appear at this consulate general.



You must appear at this consulate general in order to obtain the appropriate visa.


