首页 理论教育 影响法律文本翻译的因素


时间:2022-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第四章 影响法律文本翻译的因素影响法律文本翻译的因素是多方面的。法律翻译不仅仅是一种语言转换,更是一种法律文化的转换。英国属判例法国家,它所遵循的一个基本原则是“维持先例原则”。下级法院的判决常常会受到上级法院判决的影响。了解并熟悉拉丁文等外来词是从事法律翻译的基础,否则会给翻译带来不少困难。

第四章 影响法律文本翻译的因素

影响法律文本翻译的因素是多方面的。我们说:“翻译难,法律翻译更难。”一个很重要的原因法律翻译横跨语言学、翻译学、法学三大学科的知识。法律翻译不仅仅是一种语言转换,更是一种法律文化的转换。正如奈达先生所指出的,“To be bilingual,one has to be bicultural.”王佐良(1998)先生也认为,“翻译工作者处理的是个别之词,面对的却是两大片文化。”

例如,我国刑法分则根据犯罪行为所侵犯的同类客体不同和社会危害程度大小,将犯罪分为10类:危害国家安全罪,危害公共安全罪,破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪,侵犯公民人身权利、民主权利罪,侵犯财产罪,妨害社会管理秩序罪,危害国防利益罪,贪污贿赂罪,渎职罪和军人违反职责罪。而英美一般则分为Misdemeanor(轻罪)和Felony(重罪)。Misdemeanour includes:




Felony includes:



第一节 词汇、文化与法律翻译





1154年英国开始了金雀花王朝(House of Plantagenet)后,法国人就成了英国统治者,法语则成为英国官方语言,并在宫廷、法院和学校中广泛使用。仅在1250—1400年间大概就有10 000个法语词汇直接进入(loan directly)英语词汇中,其中75%一直沿用至今。这一时期具有代表性的法律词汇有:


实际上,并不是法语的所有法律词汇侵入到英语中去,因为,当时的语言隔离政策使得法语和英语成为不同社会阶层分别独立使用的语言,两者并未有机地溶合在一起。“诺曼底人的征服”(the Norman Conquest)虽然使英国第一次实现了法的统一,严格意义的英国法—普通法雏形便产生了,同时,精通普通法的律师以及从中产生的法官集团也开始出现。然而,英国人的祖先盎格鲁撒克逊人的法大多是原始部族的习惯法,当时影响很小,流传下来的也很少。除了在法律方面所实行的侵略政策外,法国人还在语言方面实行了隔离政策,结果法语成为英国的官方语言,而英语则被视为粗陋的登不上大雅之堂的语言,只作为口头语言在平民老百姓中继续使用。








《牛津英语词典》(The Oxford English Dictionary)甚至记录了部分词汇进入英语的时间。如:orbiter(仲裁人;1502年),veto(否决,1629年)等。








在美国的法律教育中,法科学生在学习法律时必在1至2年内修完拉丁语,考试合格后才有可能申请学位,足见对外来语的重视。了解并熟悉拉丁文等外来词是从事法律翻译的基础,否则会给翻译带来不少困难。如:o-biter dictum为法官判决时所作的非决定性的附带意见(该意见不具有约束力),而ratio dicidendi指判决理由(该判决部分对以后法院判案具有约束力)。又如res意思为thing(物),在decree in rem(对物判决)中rem为“物”,而在chose in possession中chose为法语词,其意亦为“a thing”(物)。


ground lease与ground rent 两个词语,尽管lease与rent都可以译成“租赁”、“租借”,但ground lease 在英国专指 the first lease on a freehold building(对完全保有的房地产的首次出租),而ground rent 即通常所说的“地租”。

hard money;hard currency;hard cash 看上去像同义词。事实上不然。hard money 在美语中指相对于纸币而言的“硬币”,有时也作“现金”解。hard currency 可不是硬币,也不一定是现金。它是指价值比较稳定的“硬通货”。如美元、欧元、英镑等都是目前世界上的hard currency,但它们不一定是hard money。至于hard cash(or hardcash),只指“现金”,非正式用法中,有时也指“硬币”,但决非指“硬通货”。

Day of Judgment 或 Judgment Day 并非指通常所说的“宣判日”,而是指“世界末日”。所以也有写成Day of the Last Judgment 的。它与法院定期宣判的日子毫不相干。“宣判日”该用date of the pronouncement of judgment 或 the date to pronounce a judgment才是。


deportation order与 exclusion order在法律词典中都被译作“驱逐令”。其实两者含义迥异。前者指将某人驱逐出国的正式命令。而exclusion order却指婚姻诉讼中用以阻止丈夫或妻子进入婚姻住所的法庭命令(court order in matrimonial proceedings which stops a wife or husband from going into matrimonial home)。

murder;manslaughter;homicide 这三个字,通常都可译作“杀人”,其实它们有很大区别。murder指“故意杀人”,即“谋杀”。它专指“有预谋的蓄意谋杀”(premeditated and deliberate murder),在美国称为first degree murder(一级谋杀)。manslaughter 指“过失杀人”或“误杀”,着重于没有预谋的杀人。所以,非自愿的杀人,被称为 involuntary manslaughter。甚至,即使是有意的杀人行为:,但显然具有从轻情节的,比如遇到对方挑衅、出于职务上的原因、或者出于正当防卫的杀人,也称 voluntary manslaughter,而不用murder这个词。homicide 则泛指所有的杀人,既包括意外的过失杀人,也包括故意杀人。如The homicide rate has doubled in the last ten years.(在过去十年里,杀人犯罪率增加了一倍。)这显然指各种各样的杀人案件。如culpable homicide(刑事杀人),justifiable homicide(正当杀人)等都包括在内。

Cross examination 与 direct examination相对,是“交叉询问”,而不是“十字架考试”。

power of attorney“授权委托书”,而不是“检察官的权力”。

to file a brief是指律师“向法院提出辩护”,而不是“将案情摘要归档”,比如:He has plenty of briefs.不是说他有许多摘要,而是说他的律师生意很忙。

在英美国家,只有Lawyer才代表律师吗?显然不是,与“律师”相对应的单词有很多。像advocate,attorney,attorney at law;attorney-at-law,bar,barrister,counsel,counselor,counselor-at-law,esquire,gentleman of the robe,gentleman of the long robe,lawyer,solicitor等等。



Agent ad litem诉讼代理人,常用于书面用语。

Attorney一词广泛用于美国,指授权为当事人代理案件的律师;英格兰法律中,attorney一词指Westminster地区普通法高等法庭的公共官员(public officer)。

Attorney at law一词经常与attorney一词互用,用法同attorney-at-law。

Attorney in fact指法庭外接受委托的律师,也称为lawyer in fact。

Bar是律师的全称概念,与法官对应。各地律师协会一般用bar association表达。


Barrister in chambers指出庭律师工作室。英国的出庭律师不准合伙开业,所以他们通常数人共同租一个工作室(chamber),提供法律服务。通常一个工作室有15个出庭律师。


Counsel pro hoc vice指仅仅代理某案件的律师。

Counselor经常与counsel或counselor at law互用,多指从事出庭诉讼的律师。Counselor-at-law又拼为counselor at law用法同counselor和counselor at law。

Defense counsel指辩护律师。

Esquire主要用于美国,是对律师的尊称,多以缩写形式出现,加在律师姓名之后,如John Smith Esq.,Yajun Ge Esq.。Family lawyer理解为家庭律师,有点私人律师的意思。

Gentleman of the (long) robe是对律师的比喻性称谓,不直接修饰某律师。Government lawyer指政府律师。

House counsel,又称corporate counsel,house attorney,in house counsel,指美国、新加坡等英美法系国家中受聘于公司从事法律事务的专业人士,他们虽然也出庭,但更多从事公司法律性事务,甚至参与公司的经营管理。

In-house legal adviser,又称in house legal counsel,英、美等国大公司、商社法务部或法律室的律师。


Litigation lawyer指诉讼律师。

Local counsel指本地律师。Practicing lawyer在中国叫“执业律师”,在美国叫“开业律师”或“挂牌律师”。Legal practitioner指开业律师。

Prosecuting attorney叫公诉律师,即美国的刑事检察官。

Pro bona lawyer指提供社会公益性法律服务的律师。

Public defender公设辩护律师,在美国领取政府工资,在刑事案件中提供法律援助的律师。Solicitor一词源自英格兰法律,多用于英国、新加坡等国和香港地区,又称初级律师、诉讼律师,在香港称为事务律师,多从事诉讼、咨询等事务性工作,有资格出席初级法庭包括刑事案件的庭审。

英美社会对律师的别称还有:social engineer(社会工程师),champion for social justice(社会正义之斗士),ambulance chaser(字面意思“追赶救护车的人”指专门代理事故被害人案件的律师),hired gun(租用指枪),latrine lawyer(茅坑律师),pettifogger(卑劣小诉棍),professional knife thrower(执业投刀手),limited purpose friend(限用之友),shyster(诉棍)……等。

第二节 法律、法系和法律翻译


法律是调整社会关系的最基本的社会准则(social institution),它确立了人与人之间的权利和义务(rights and obligations)。在英文中,与权利义务相关的词汇还有:immunity(n.豁免,指无须承担某项义务的一种权利),liability n.(责任,义务),disability(n.法律上的不能),exercise(v.& n.行使)……等。

例句:Legal rights has been classified into rights in the strict sense,liberties,powers and immunities.


例句:The violation of such a legally protected interest is a legal wrong and gives rise to a legal right.


与“法律”相关的词汇还有:rule(n.规则),statute(制定法、成文法),judicial(adj.司法上的),justice(n.司法、法官,美国司法部就叫做“the Department of Justice”;大法官“Chief Justice”),code(法典),jural(adj.法律上的,权利义务上的)……等等。

例句:To have law,there must be established rules,such as constitutions,statutes,administrative agency regulations,and judicial decisions.


英语中拥有ju-前缀的词汇往往与法律有关,例如:Judicature Act(立法法),judicial branch(司法部门),jurisdiction(司法管辖),Jurisprudence(法学、法理学、法律哲学),jurist(法学家),jury(陪审团),justification(正当理由)。同样和法律有关的词缀还有leg-,如legitimate(a.合法的,婚生的),legitimacy(n.合法性),legislature(n.立法机关)。

古罗马五大法学家之一的乌尔比安首先提出了法律公法(public law)和私法(private law)的区分。公法一般认为与国家权力、组织有关的法律,而私法是与个人利益有关的法律。


1.刑法(Criminal Law)



译:Actus reus(guilty act)means the action committed by the accused that give rises to the legal prosecution.The actus reus is the material element of the crime.This element may be the commission of an action that is forbidden(for instance,assault and battery),or it may be the failure to perform an action that is required(for instance,a person’s refusal to stop and render aid to a motor vehicle accident victim).



2.宪法(Constitutional Law)

宪法分为成文宪法(written constitution)和不成文宪法(unwritten constitution),不成文宪法又称柔性宪法(flexible constitution)。


译:The Constitution of the United States is the “supreme law of the land;” it provides the basis for the U.S.government,and guarantees the freedom and rights of all U.S.citizens.No laws may contradict any of the Constitution’s principles and no governmental authority in the U.S.is exempt from complying with it.The federal courts have the sole authority to interpret the Constitution and to evaluate the federal constitutionality of federal or state laws.



3.行政法(Administrative Law)


例1:The judicial control of administrative actions is one of the most significant topics of American administrative law.Because no special system of courts handles administrative matters,judicial review is carried out within the framework created for conventional litigation in the regular courts.Most federal regulatory statutes specifically authorize review of particularactions of the agency charged with their administration.



译2:The administrative law of USA is composed of constitutional law,statutes,case law,and agency rules.On the constitutional level,the effect of due process clause upon administrative procedure is of chief importance.Most significant on the statutory level is the Federal Administrative Procedure Act of 1946,which sought to regularize administrative procedure and to clarify the scope of Judicial review of administrative action.Case law also plays an important role,due to the general nature of many constitutional and statutory directives.



4.国际法(International Law)

国际法(International Law),旧称万国法,又称国际公法,简言之,是国家之间的法律,具体来说就是指处理各个国家及政府组织之间各种关系的规则和各项基本原则的总和,但有时也包括代表一定国家意志的法人和自然人等特殊主体。

例1:Public international law concerns the structure and conduct of sovereign states and intergovernmental organizations.To a lesser degree,international law also may affect multinational corporations and individuals,an impact increasingly evolving beyond domestic legal interpretation and enforcement.Public international law has increased in use andimportance vastly over the twentieth century,due to the increase in global trade,armed conflict,environmental deterioration on a worldwide scale,awareness of human rights violations,rapid and vast increases in international transportation and a boom in global communications.



译2:Where there are disputes about the exact meaning and application of national laws,it is the responsibility of the courts to decide what the law means.In international law interpretation is within the domain of the protagonists,but may also be conferred on judicial bodies such as the International Court of Justice,by the terms of the treaties or by consent of the parties.It is generally the responsibility of states to interpret the law for themselves,but the processes of diplomacy and availability of supra-national judicial organs operate routinely to provide assistance to that end.



5.合同法(Contract Law)

合同是建立在承诺或相互承诺基础上的一种协议。合同法是调整平等主体之间的交易关系的法律,它主要规范合同的订立、合同的效力、合同的履行、变更、转让、终止、违反合同的责任及各类有名合同等问题。合同分为很多类型,如双务合同(bilateral contract),单务合同(unilateral contract),明示合同(express contract),默示合同(implied contract),已履行的合同(executed contract)和未履行的合同(executory contract),formal contract(要式合同),informal contract(非要式合同),quasi contract(准契约),valid contract(有效合同),voidable contract(可撤销合同),unenforceable contract(不可强制执行合同),void contract(无效合同),executed contract(已履行合同);executory contract(未完全履行合同;待履行合同),等等。

例:Agreement is said to be reached when an offer capable of immediate acceptance is met with a “mirror image” acceptance.The parties must have the necessary capacity to contract and the contract must not be trifling,indeterminate,impossible or illegal.Contract law is based on the principle expressed in the Latin phrase pacta sunt servanda(usually translated “pacts must be kept”,but more literally “agreements are to be kept”).Breach of contract is recognized by the law and remedies can be provided.Sometimes written contracts are required,such as when buying a house.However,most contracts can be and are made orally,such as purchasing a book or a sandwich.Contract law can be classified,as is habitual in civil law systems,as part of a general law of obligations(along with tort,unjust enrichment or restitution).

译:当提出的要约能够得到即时的完全接受时就称为达成协议。双方必须具备必要的能力来协商,并且这份合同不能琐碎、含糊、不可操作或甚至非法。合同法是基于拉丁的一句谚语pacta sunt servanda,通常被译为“契约必须保持”,字面意思就是“协议被遵守”的意思。违约行为是通过法律约束的,而补救法也通过法律提供。有时书面协议是必要的,比如买房时。而大多数协议可以通过口头方式拟定,比如买书、买三明治的时候。一般根据民法体系,协议法可被界定为关于义务的基本法(包括对侵权行为,不当得利或赔偿的规定)。



6.侵权法(Tort Law)

Tort指的是侵权行为,而torts也可以指侵权行为法;在侵权行为法上还有一个十分重要的概念叫做trespass,意为“侵害之诉”或“侵害”,如:trespass to property or to the person(对财产和人身的侵害)。

例1:As a rule no distinction is made between those torts which would ordinarily be classified as intentional and those which would ordinarily be classified as negligent,nor do the courts discuss the effect of different kinds of insanity or of varying degrees of capacity as bearing upon the ability of the defendant to understand that particular act in question or to make a reasoned decision with respect to it,although it is sometimes said that an insane person is not liable for torts requiring malice of which he is incapable.



译2:Everyone is liable for his tort act,in limited form also children(however,parents only when they acted as the child’s agent or did not comply with their duty to supervise),but not the state unless express statutory provision has abolished state immunity.



7.财产法(Property Law)

财产法是调整财产的占有、使用、享用和处分关系的法律规范。财产法以财产为核心,财产法上的财产不仅指人们所拥有的具体的物,还包括人们对该物享有的一系列权利。这些权利包括占有权、使用权、享用权和处分权等一系列财产权利(Property Rights)。

例:Property law is still one of the fundamental branches of law,and real estate is a significant branch of law practice.In fact,one of the major developments in our system,if you take the long view,is the relative decline of real property law.In medieval England,it would have only been a slight exaggeration to say that land law was the law of the land.When Blackstone published his “Commentaries” midway through the eighteenth century,one whole volume was devoted to land law.A modern Blackstone would shrink the topic to a fraction of this bulk—5 or 10 percent,at most,of the total law.




8.继承法(Inheritance Law,又叫Succession Law)



译:Succession shall,after its opening,be handled in accordance with the provisions of statutory succession;where a will exists,it shall be handled in accordance with testamentary succession or as legacy;where there is an agreement for legacy in return for support,the former shall be handled in accordance with the terms of the agreement.



9.商法(Commercial Law)

在美国及其他普通法系国家中,商法是一个相当含混的术语。商法与民法并无严格界限,如契约法、财产法等均兼属民法与商法,在美国,商法主要属于州法律的范畴。虽然美国宪法第八条第一款被称为“商务条款”(Commercial Clause,或译为“贸易条款”),但其主要涉及国际和州际的商业活动等问题。1957年,美国统一各州法律全国代表大会(National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws)通过了“统一商法典”(the Uniform Commercial Code)。



译:Commercial law(sometimes known as business law) is the body of law that governs business and commercial transactions.It is often considered to be a branch of civil law and deals with issues of both private law and public law.

Commercial law includes within its compass such titles as principal and agent;carriage by land and sea;merchant shipping;guarantee;marine,fire,life,and accident insurance;bills of exchange and partnership.It can also be understood to regulate corporate contracts,hiring practices,and the manufacture and sales of consumer goods.



10.家庭法(Family Law)


例:Marriage upon arbitrary decision by any third party,mercenary marriage and any other acts of interference in the freedom of marriage shall be prohibited.The exaction of money orgifts in connection with marriage shall be prohibited.

Bigamy shall be prohibited.Cohabitation of a married person with any third party shall be prohibited.Domestic violence shall be prohibited.Within the family maltreatment and desertion of one family member by another shall be prohibited





11.知识产权法(Intellectual Property Law)



译1:A trademark is a mark on goods that distinguishes the marked goods from competing goods.The mark may be a word,picture or design.In order to qualify as a trademark,the markmust not be overly descriptive or generic.Trademarks are protected through registration.Unauthorized use of the registered trademarks of others is illegal.Public perception plays a significant role in trademark law.If the public comes to perceive that a trademark is generic,it will lose its legal status as a trademark.Public perception can also create a legal right for an attribute of a product.If a product’s shape or style or features are arbitrary and nonfunctional,and the general public comes to view these features as associated with a particular product,they are said to have acquired a secondary meaning,which may be registered and protected.


译2:However,the party challenged with patent infringement can escape liability in a variety of ways.One way is by proving that the challenged product or process is outside the scope of the patent.Another way is by proving that the patent is invalid because it fails to meet the criteria for patentability.A third way is to establish that the patent holder has misused the patent.Misuse of a patent occurs when a patent holder uses the patent to achieve something illegally.The most common type of misuse occurs when the patent holder uses the patent to violate the antitrust laws.



12.证券法(Securities Law)


例1:The enforcement authority given by Congress allows the SEC to bring civil enforcement actions against individuals or companies alleged to have committed accounting fraud,provided false information,or engaged in insider trading or other violations of the securities law.The SEC also works with criminal law enforcement agencies to prosecute individuals and companies alike for offenses which include a criminal violation.



译2:Securities regulation in the United States is the field of U.S.law that covers various aspects of transactions and other dealings with securities.It includes both Federal and state level regulation by purely governmental regulatory agencies,most notably the Federal level United States Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC).A significant influence is exerted by the availability of private rights of action under both state and Federal securities laws,as well as more generalized laws covering fraud.




法系是比较法中用来对各种法律进行划分的概念,意指具有相同或相近的传统、原则、制度和特征等要素的一类法律制度的总和。英美法系(又称普通法系、the Common Law System)和大陆法系(又称民法法系,the Civil Law System)一般被认为是当今世界最重要的两大法律体系。

民法法系(the Civil Law System)和英美法系(the Common Law System)


例1:The civil law system are those based on legal codes(or statutes)that spell out a society’s basic laws on a variety of subjects,such as acts that constitutes crimes,tax obligations,and rules about owing and transferring property.


普通法系又称判例法系(Case Law System)或英美法系(Anglo-American Legal System),包括了英国和美国,以及大部分的英联邦国家和英国殖民地,其特点是强调先例(precedent)的作用。遵循先例(stare decisis)是普通法的重要原则。

The basic building block of common-law systems is case law,which is composed of decisions handed down by judges who rule on individual cases.Because each judicial opinion serves as a precedent for later decisions,as a result,common law is sometimes called judge-made law.Common-law judges have very wide powers of interpretation to apply previous judicial rulings and to interpret statutes.One of the most important principles is known as stare decisis.It means that earlier judicial decisions,usually of the higher courts,made in a similar case,should be followed in the subsequent cases,i.e.,that precedents should be respected.

例2:The common law is historically the common general law—with supremacy over local law—which was decreed by the itinerant judges of the English royal court.


例3:In the fifteenth century,however,equity law and equity case law developed into anindependent legal system and judiciary(Court of Chancery)which competed with the ordinary common law courts.


例4:“Case Law” describes the entire body of judge made law and today includes common law and equity precedents.


例5:In imprecise and confusing usage the terms “common law” and “case law” are often used synonymously,with the term “common law” in this usage connoting judge-made law in general as contrasted with statutory law.



译6:The United States is a common law country.Every state has a legal system based on the common law,except Louisiana(which relies on the French civil code).Common law has no statutory basis;judges establish common law by applying previous decisions(precedents)to present cases.Although typically affected by statutory authority,broad areas of the law,most notably relating to property,contracts,and torts are traditionally part of the common law.These areas of the law are mostly within the jurisdiction of the states,and thus state laws are the primary source of common law.




不同法系在法律制度上差异很大,对法律翻译有着重大的影响,英美法系有专门的侵权法,而大陆法系则没有。大陆法系有公法和私法之分,而英美法系则没有。财产法中的动产和不动产,英美法系国家和大陆法系国家在用词上有所不同。英美法系国家用“personal property”和“real estate”表述动产和不动产,而在大陆法系国家用“movable property”和“immovable property”表述动产和不动产。又如侵权行为法上的责任原则,英美法系国家所说的严格责任(strict liability),在大陆法系国家则常常称之为无过错责任(liability without fault)。

mortgage与hypothecate这两个词。根据美国最权威、发行量最大的《布莱克法律字典》(Black’s Law Dictionary)对mortgage一词的解释:A conveyance of title to property that is given as security for payment of a debt or the performance of a duty and that will become void upon payment or performance according to the stipulated terms。可见,在英美法系下的mortgage是转移抵押财产的占有权的,title在此应该是possessory interest占有权的意思。关于“hypothecate”,国内有些词典有的根本就没有收录,有的收录了,给出的意思大概有:(1)(不转移占有权的)抵押(2)质押。好像是“hypothecate”有“抵押”也有“质押”的意思。而有些字典(甚至包括有些专门的法律字典)将mortgage也译为了“抵押”或“质押”。而“抵押”和“质押”是有着严格的界限区别的。因为这两个词分属于两个不同的法系,mortgage是英美法系下的法律用语,而hypothecate来源于法语,是大陆法系下的法律用语。mortgage和hypothecate是在两个法系中进行的法律术语翻译,比较中国大陆和法国对“抵押”和“hypothecate”的概念,竟发现是一致的,即:主要都包含“不转移所有权或占有”。《布莱克法律字典》对hypothecate的定义是“The pledging of something as security without delivery of title or possession”(1999:747)。因此,我国法律中的“抵押”可以译为“hypothecate”。将mortgage一词译为中文则为:“(英美法中转移占有权之)抵押”。另外,关于“质押”一词,也可以译为“pledge”.

英国财产法律制度中有tenancy in common和joint tenancy两词,《英汉法律词典》中将其译为“共有租赁”和“共同租借权”。如若了解其在英国法中含义,不知道英国法的财产制度和其独特的信托制度,就难以对其进行准确的翻译。根据英国信托法中的有关含义,两者区别在于tenancy in common是指“共有人对共有财产享有可加确定的份额,共有人死亡后,其份额可转至健康人手中”;“Joint tenancy”是指“合有财产是一个不可分割的整体。其中一合有人死亡时,其权利转移给生存的合有人而不是继承人,直至该权利为最后生存者所有为止”。因此,前者可译作“共有”,后者可译作“合有”

libel和slander,根据《布莱克法学词典》,libel指的是:“a method of defamation expressed by print,writing,pictures,or signs.”。而slander 则指的是“the speaking of biases and defamatory words tending to prejudice another in this reputation,office,trade,business,or means of livelihood”。由此可见,libel指的是以文字或其他书面形式对人进行诽谤,而slander则指的是以口头的形式诽谤他人。我国比较有权威的词典,如《新英汉词典》、《英华大词典》、《英汉法律词典》等虽然都注意了这两个词的差异,但在翻译时将这两个词都译作“诽谤罪”。这种译法就没有考虑两大法系在法律体系上的差异。在大陆法系中,有严格的公法、私法的划分,有专门的民事、刑事及诉讼法典,并自成体系,而英美法系并没有这种严格的划分,而且在英美法中有专门的侵权法,而没有统一的民刑法典。libel和slander是一个侵权法上的概念,而不是刑法的概念,对于侵害他人名誉者,受害人可以提起损害赔偿之诉。而大陆法系国家一般都没有专门的侵权法。侵权行为依其性质的严重程度分别由民法和刑法来调整,而英美法国家的刑法学著作和刑法条文中都没有损害名誉和诽谤有关内容,而在侵权法中却能找到。因此这两个词都是侵权法的概念而不是刑法上的概念。翻译时应将libel和slander分别译作“书面诽谤”和“口头诽谤”,而不能统一译作“诽谤罪”。

法系是西方法律文化融合、综合的产物。法律英语中出现的Curia Regis(君主法庭,御前委员会)、the court of Exchequer(英国理财法院,经济法院)、the Crown(英国刑事法庭)、Magna Carta(英国大宪章)、ecclesiastical courts(宗教法庭,教会法院)、Bench Division(王座法庭)、Privy Council(英国枢密院)、Common Pleas(英国高等法院,美国某些州中级法院)、habeas corpus(人身保护令)、writ(英国传票,法院强制执行令状)等专业词汇就是佐证。

随着时代的发展与不同法系之间法律文化的碰撞,法律英语里也增添了不少现代术语,如predatory pricing(掠夺性定价,即故意低于成本价的定价以挤压竞争对手)、blue-sky law(蓝天法,指州制定的证券买卖标准以对付证券买卖欺诈的法规)、tying arrangement(搭卖协议,指买主在购买某一产品时必须购买另一产品的协议)、lost-volume seller(已损失一个客户销售量的卖方)、wrongful-birth action(错误生育之诉,指有生理缺陷婴儿之父母对医生未及时对其婴儿缺陷进行告诫而提起的诉讼)等。

法系对中英法律文本翻译一个很大的影响是用语、概念、制度的差异,甚至空缺。如在美国的《合同法》中有防止欺诈法,而我国合同法中并无此制度。再如在美国,醉酒的人如果醉到不知自己所为的程度也被认为缺乏缔约能力,因此限制行为能力人包括醉酒的人,而在中国限制能力人则一般不包括此类的人。我国刑法中的许多词语,如“劳改”、“徇私经营罪”、“拐卖妇女儿童罪”、“破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪”、“死刑缓期执行”等在英、美刑法中就不存在。而普通法上的许多词语,如burglar(普通法上的“夜闯民宅罪”、制定法上的“破门入室罪”)、index crime(“列入统计指数内之犯罪”)等在我国刑法中也无法找到对应的词项。

在英语中,corporation和company是多义词。corporation除了可以表示“公司”外,还可以表示“法人”;当表示“公司”时,相当于business corporation或for- profit corporation。company除表示“公司”外,还可表示不具备法人资格的“商行”。Company表示“公司”时一般在英国英语中使用,corporation表示“公司”时一般在美国英语中使用。澳大利亚英语两词都使用,一般没有区别。美国一般将公司分为close corporation和publicly held corporation,英国一般将公司分为privately limited company和publicly limited company,澳大利亚一般将公司分为public company和proprietary company。所以很难分清哪个词更常用、更正式,哪个词所表示的公司规模更大。

汉语的“法学博士”是一个较为模糊的术语,我国目前的各类汉英词典几乎都笼统地将其翻译成Doctor of Laws,而英文里相应的表达却有Doctor of Laws,Doctor of Juridical Science,Doctor of Jurisprudence,Juris Doctor等。

Legal education in the United States normally proceeds along the following route:

Undergraduate education(usually 4 years)

Law school(usually 3 years)

Admission to the bar(usually by taking a state’s bar exam)

Legal practice

The Doctor of Jurisprudence or Juris Doctor(J.D.),like the Doctor of Medicine(M.D.),is a professional doctorate.The Doctor of Judicial Science(J.S.D.),and Doctor of Comparative Law(D.C.L.),are research and academic-based doctorate level degrees.In the U.S.the Legum Doctor(LL.D.)is only awarded as an honorary degree.

因此,将“Doctor of Jurisprudence”和“Juris Doctor”译成“法律博士”;“The Doctor of Judicial Science”译成“法学博士”;“Doctor of Comparative Law”译成“比较法学博士”;“Legum Doctor”译成“荣誉法学博士”较为合适。“Good Samaritan Law”译为“《见义勇为法》”。为什么?

The parable of the Good Samaritan is a parable told by Jesus in the Gospel of Luke(10:25-37).In the parable,a Jewish traveler is beaten,robbed,and left half dead along the road.First a priest and then a Levite come by,but both avoid the man.Finally,a Samaritan comes by.Samaritans and Jews generally despised each other,but the Samaritan helps the injured Jew.Jesus is described as telling the parable in response to a question regarding the identity of the“neighbor” which Leviticus 19:18 says should be loved.

美国法律引用了《圣经》中被人们广为所知的短语,想要说明的其实就是:Good Samaritan是法律中规定的既没有法定义务也没有约定义务或者说和自己先前的行为也没有任何关联,而出于道德的约束而去救助他人的人。因此,“Good Samaritan Law”译为“《见义勇为法》”

第三节 语言差异和法律翻译




又如:中国法律根据内容需要,为编、章、节、条、款、项、目。因此,有学者建议:“编”的翻译一般为“part”;“章”译为“chapter”;“节”译为“section”;“条”译为“article”;“款”译为“paragraph”;“项”译为“subparagraph”;“目”译为“item”。,“总则”可译为“General Provisions”;“分则”则译为“Special Provisions”;“附则”译为“Supplementary Provisions”。“附件一、附件二”则译为“Appendix I,Appendix II”。



语汇空缺(lexical gaps)是由于语言的民族、地域、历史、政治等因素深刻的内在联系,使一种语言的某些词汇在另一地域的另一种语言里找不到对应的词。英国的司法体系是以王权为基础发展完善的,而美国的司法体系是在以议会为中心的基础上形成的联邦与各州两级司法体系,加之各自的法律文化传统不同,因而不可避免地出现法律词汇空缺现象。

1.1 美国法律英语词汇,英国法律英语词汇空缺。如:


1.2 英国法律英语词汇,美国法律英语空缺。如:








译:Any one who commits arson,breaches a dike,causes explosion,spreads poison or

inflicts serious injury or death on people or causes heavy losses of public or private property by other dangerous means,shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years,life imprisonment or death.



这是一个简单句,一般应该翻译成:“A mistake was made in the written opinion.”而不是:“The judge made a mistake in the written opinion.”



译:Any disputes arising out of this Contract shall first be settled by the Parties heretothrough consultation with their higher authorities in accordance with the spirit of mutual trust.Should such consultation fails to settle the dispute within thirty days of notification to such higher authorities,mediation may be concluded by a third party selected by the Parties hereto.


If any person over the age of 16 years who has the custody,charge or care of any child or young person under that age willfully assaults,ill-treats,neglects,abandons or exposes such child or young person...such person shall be guilty of an offence.


翻译这种句子的相关的词,一般应该进行词的语义分析,看它们是完全同义还是部分同义,如果完全同义,就可以采取综合的方法,找出合适的中文概括词,如果部分同义,应该正确体会它们差异,正确将其译出。例如:“rectify,amend or modify”一般应译成“更正、修正或修改”。

法律英语中条件句、定语从句等的使用频率非常之高,这往往是为了准确地、完整地表达一个法律概念和法律事实,排除误解的可能性。法律英语使用条件状语从句往往采取三种形式:简单条件句(Simple-clause sentence as clause)、平行条件句(side-by-side sentence as clause)和树形条件句(tree-shape sentence as clause)。条件句的使用,既可以使得法律文书逻辑脉络清楚明白,主从分明,又可以使得表述具有严谨、庄重的语言风格。

例:Some academics,whilst accepting that terms like ratio decidendi and obiter dicta are used in judgments,and whilst accepting that at least some judges think they construct their judgment,on the basis of ratio and obiter in previous judgments,believe that important influences on decisions made by judges are to be found in the nature of matters such as the social background of judges,the economic circumstances of the time or even the very nature of language itself.

译:一些学者虽然接受在判决中使用如“判决依据”和“附带意见”这些术语,虽然也承认至少有些法官认为他们是根据先前判决的"判决依据"和"附带意见"作出判决的,但是认为影响法官判决的重要因素应该从事务本身的特性寻找,诸如法官的社会背景、当时的经济环境甚至语言本身的特征。(ratio decidendi和obiter dict为拉丁语)



例1:The Option Period shall be the period of 10 days starting from the 30th day after the execution of this Agreement.(选择期为本合同执行之日30天后的十天)

例2:This Convention shall not affect,or be incompatible with,the application of any international convention or national law relating to the regulation and control of transport operations.(本公约不得影响任何有关运输业务管理的国际公约或国家法律的适用,也不得与之相冲突)


例:The value of US dollars under the contract is determined by the ratio of the mean buying and selling rates of US dollars against deutsche marks and french francs published by the Bank of China on the date of negotiation.

这句话中,斜体字under the contract和against分别表示“根据合同”和“对”,与我们平时所了解的意思大不一样;而“at common law”中的“at”也可译为“根据……”。

又如where一词,一般是用作连接副词引导地点状语,如:I don’t know where I keep it;或用作关系副词引导定语从句,如:The city where I work is well-known for its fog.但在法律英语中,其使用范围广泛而用法特殊:

1.当用于句首时,该词具有抽象条件的含义,常译为“在……时”。如:Where statute operates in the law of torts,its function is usually to reform or to limit the common law.(在侵权法领域适用制定法时,后者的功能是修正或约束普遍法);

2.引导非限制性同位语从句。如:Through sale,gift or compulsory acquisition by law,e.g.where goods or land are compulsorily acquired by statute,or taken by distress in execution of judgment.在此句中,where代前面的“依法强制性取得”,故不妨译为:通过买卖、赠与或依法强制性取得,即通过征用或者在执行法院判决时扣押动产或土地从而依法取得所有权;

3.引导表语从句。如:The normal method of discharge is where both parties perform their obligations.(此句表明了严格履行合同义务的一般理论即通过履行合同而解除合同义务,故试译为:合同通常因双方都履行各自义务而解除)。


如:Hereinafter referred to as the“Joint Venture company”该句中hereinafter等于in and after which;later in the same official paper or document,故可译为:以下简称“合资公司”。

又如:According to other authorities,however,special circumstances may make it inequitable to allow the defense of ultra vires,as where benefits have been received or the contract has been performed by the party seeking the enforcement thereof.

在本句中,whereof相当于of which,故可译为:但按照其他权威人士的见解,凡是在已经获得利益或积极实施有关合同的一方业已履行合同的特殊情况下,再允许其以越权行为作为其抗辩理由,则有失公平。再如:They should consider such problem as the mode of paying the purchase price and the tax consequences resulting therefrom.在此例中,therefrom的意思为from which,故可译为:他们应考虑支付方式及其有关的纳税问题。

