首页 理论教育 “定义”条文的英译


时间:2022-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:4.3.1 “定义”条文的英译法规中有一种条文,专以出现于该法规的用语为其作出定义的对象;这里我们就称之为“定义条文”。The expression “above” referred to in these provisions includes the figure itself.以上定义条文英译五则,基本上还算可以。须知作为定义的对象而且又是放在引号内的主语“radioactive drugs”应视为单数,动词应作“refers”才是。但按立法意图,“本规定所称”乃本条“导游人员”的要件,非有限制性定语不可。

4.3.1 “定义”条文的英译

法规(广义,下同)中有一种条文,专以出现于该法规的用语为其作出定义的对象;这里我们就称之为“定义条文”。随着我国法制日益健全,法规中的定义条文已经比较多见了—— 或见于附则,或散见于法规条文之中,或见于某一条文。请看下列定义条文及其英译。




“Novelty” means …

“Inventiveness” means …

“Usefulness” means …


The securities termed herein refer to:…


“Returned overseas Chinese” denotes overseas Chinese who have returned to the country and taken it as their place of permanent residence.


The new technologies and products based thereon referred to in these regulations include:…


The expression “above” referred to in these provisions includes the figure itself.



“Radioactive drugs” refer to …

上例的败笔在于动词的数用了“refer”。须知作为定义的对象而且又是放在引号内的主语“radioactive drugs”应视为单数,动词应作“refers”才是。


The term “tourist guides”,as used in these provisions,refers to …



The terms as used in these Regulations are defined as follows:…


The terms hereinunder used are defined as follows:…


[原译]The meanings of the terms appearing in the procedures are expounded as follows:…

[改译]The terms hereinunder are defined as follows:…


“New tech enterprise” referred to in these regulations means:…


[原译]The public security organs,the state security organs,and the procuratorial organs,as mentioned in these rules,refer to the public security organs,the state security organs,and the procuratorial organs at or above the county level.

[改译]The public security,the state security and the prosecution organs under these rules refer to those at or above the county level.

