首页 理论教育 广告口号创作的条建议


时间:2022-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:2.广告口号创作的34条建议 Slogan Writing以下34条建议是一位广告人凭据其多年的创作经验与行业实践总结出来的。这些建议以轻松诙谐的形式和生动的例句告诉读者怎样撰写有影响力、有冲击力的广告口号。Ask a question:例如,Clairol的广告口号:Does she or doesn’t she?Explain product superiority:例如,Timex的广告口号:Takes a licking and keeps on ticking.注:Timex=Time+Excellent“天美时”表的广告。

2.广告口号创作的34条建议 Slogan Writing


(1)Ask a question:

例如,Clairol的广告口号:Does she or doesn’t she?


(2)Use a two-fold delivery with a twist:

例如,David Ingram and Associates的广告口号:

Common sense.Uncommon results.

注:David Ingram and Associates大卫·英格拉姆与合作人是公司名称。

(3)Show your unique commitment:

例如,Avis的广告口号:We try harder.


(4)Address a specific need:

例如,Robert Powers(skin cream)的广告口号:

For women whose eyes are older than they are.

注:Robert Powers是一种护肤霜的商品名。

(5)Explain product superiority:

例如,Timex的广告口号:Takes a licking and keeps on ticking.


(6)Be abstract but client-centred:

例如,Authentex Software的广告口号:After all,it is your information.


(7)Evoke a benefit in a fresh way:

例如,Yellow Pages的广告口号:Let your fingers do the walking.

注:Yellow Pages电话簿,电话黄页

(8)Describe your product in a novel way:

例如,Lorr Laboratories(nail polish)的广告口号:Liquid jewelry.

注:nail polish指甲油,趾甲油。

(9)Use an emotive call to action:例如,AT&T的广告口号:Reach out and touch someone.

(10)Link company name to product benefit:例如,Elephant Memory Systems的广告口号:Never forgets.

(11)Use an evocative call to action:例如,Esso的广告口号:Put a tiger in your tank.

(12)Suggest the cost of not using your product:例如,Michelin的广告口号:Because so much is riding on your tires.


(13)Use an imperative call to action:

例如,Nike的广告口号:Just do it.

(14)Be grotesque to make a point:

例如,W.M.Finck &Co.(men’s overalls)的广告口号:Wears like a pig’s nose.

注:men’s overalls男士外衣。

(15)Use a one-word call to action:


(16)Turn a business maxim on its ear:

例如,Volkswagen的广告口号:Think small.


(17)Use a cheeky call to action:

例如,Crisby Frisian Fur Co.的广告口号:Let us tan your hide.

注:Crisby Frisian毛皮制品公司。

(18)Link a well-known phrase with your product benefit:

例如,Time magazine的广告口号:Understanding comes with Time.

注:Time magazine《时代》杂志。

(19)Revisit a familiar call to action:

例如,Crime Stoppers的广告口号:Reach out and bust someone.

注:Crime Stoppers制止犯罪。

(20)Brag about yourself:

例如,Nikon的广告口号:We take the world’s greatest pictures.

(21)Link a product feature with an abstract need:

例如,DeBeers的广告口号:A diamond is forever.

(22)Brag about your product and your client:

例如,Betty Crocker的广告口号:You and Betty Crocker can bake someone happy.

(23)Link a feature with your address:

例如,Irving Rivers Ltd.的广告口号:We corner the market.

(24)Take a breath and say it all:

例如,Union Oil Co.的广告口号:Finest antiknock non-premium gasoline ever offered at no extra cost.

注:Union Oil Co.联合石油公司。

(25)Combine a feature and a benefit in the same phrase:

例如,IKEA的广告口号:Make yourself at home.


(26)Describe your service and its1benefit in two words:

例如,Industry maxim的广告口号:Advertising pays.

注:1=Number One.

(27)Declare a superlative feature:

例如,Quicken的广告口号:The world’s1 selling financial software.

(28)Personify your product:

例如,Du Pont(paint)的广告口号:Laughs at time.

注:Du Pont(paint)杜邦(油漆)公司。

(29)Make a compelling promise:

例如,Federal Express的广告口号:The world on time.

注:Federal Express联邦快递公司。

(30)Distill your business into one phrase:

例如,Xerox Corp.的广告口号:The Document Company.


(31)Be whimsical:

例如,Coca-Cola的广告口号:It’s the real thing.

(32)Tie your slogan to your logo:

例如,Prudential Insurance Co.的广告口号:Get a piece of the Rock.

(33)Say it staccato:

例如,Murine Co.(eyedrops)的广告口号:Soothes.Cleanses.Refreshes.


(34)Dare to be different:

例如,LOEB Cola的广告口号:Dare to diff.



Author:Alan Sharpe is a copywriter who specializes in business-to-business copywriting for Fortune 1000 high-technology companies.He works with advertising agencies and multinationals to develop print ad campaigns,direct marketing programs,sales and marketing collateral,slogans,taglines,product branding,and online advertising.



The Effective Echo

The remembered slogan will have a cadence to it—a lilt,if judiciously handled,which borders on the poetic.It can generate a rhythmic echo which is much harder to forget than the ordinary statement.A brief string of words can,through repetition be the magic linking of words to emotion.These little phrases which wheedle,cajole,brag,promise,guarantee,gild or stultify are all a direct appeal to the emotions and,ideally,to action.The history of advertising is,briefly,a movement from slogans to jingles to copy.Advertising jingles went slogans one better and selling text replaced the poetry in the evolution from simplicity to complexity.

img682Do slogans change with the times?

img683Do they reflect a buyer’s or a seller’s market?

img684Are they symptomatic of hard sell and soft sell?

They may well reflect the times—the more affluence,the less rigorous but more sophisticated the selling effort.Although their effective use has declined in recent years,we may well be witnessing a resurgence of slogan usage.A good phrase,used as a primary advertising tool,can create both success and profit.Such a resurgence would mirror the continuing need to identify the particular product or service above all other competitors.In a time of increasing impersonalization,the brief and human phrase is still able to creep into the mind and stay.It is,indeed,The Effective Echo.

注 释:

img685generate a rhythmic echo 产生有节奏感的回响。

img686...in the evolution from simplicity to complexity.……从简单到复杂的演变过程。

img687A good phrase,used as a primary advertising tool,can create both success and profit.一条好的短语作为广告主要的工具使用可以创造出成功与利润。

img688effective echo 有效的反馈,印象深刻的回响。

img689resurgence of slogan usage 广告口号使用的复活

img690The history of advertising is,briefly,a movement from slogans to jingles to copy.广告的历史演变是从广告口号到广告小调/韵律诗,再到广告文的过程。

img691The remembered slogan will have a cadence to it—a lilt,if judiciously handled,which borders on the poetic.被记住的广告口号通常有节奏感——一种轻快活泼的调子,如果明快地处理的话,该调子接近于诗作。

img692These little phrases which wheedle,cajole,brag,promise,guarantee,gild or stultify are all a direct appeal to the emotions and,ideally,to action.这些小词起到诱导、引导、夸张、承诺、保证、镀金或者徒劳的作用,对感情和理想上(希望采取的)的行动都是一种最直白的诉求。

Words and Expressions

abstract adj.抽象的,深奥的,理论的

affluence n.富裕,富足,丰富

brag about 吹牛

bust 驯服,殴打,击破

cadence n.(声音的)抑扬顿挫,节奏,韵律,调子

cheeky n.无礼,厚颜,莽撞;adj.大胆无礼的,放肆的

common sense 常识(尤指判断力

compelling adj.强制的,强迫的,引人注目的

creep into 开始发生于…;溜进…

decline vi.下倾,下降,下垂;v.拒绝,衰落

diff=different adj.不同的

distill vt.蒸馏,提取;vi.滴下

effective echo 有效的反馈,印象深刻的回响

evoke vt.唤起,引起,博得

eyedrop n.眼药水

grotesque adj.奇形怪状的,奇异;n.奇形怪状的人(或物、图案等),奇异风格

impersonalization n.非人格化

judiciously adv.明智地,贤明地,深思熟虑地,审慎地

lilt v.唱轻快的调子,轻快地动;n.轻快活泼的调子,轻快的动作

maxim n.格言,座右铭

men’s overalls 男士外衣,男子套衫

nail polish 指甲油,趾甲油

prudential adj.谨慎的

reach out 伸出

remembered slogan 被记住的广告口号

repetition n.重复,循环,复制品,副本

resurgence n.苏醒,复活

Soothe vt.使(某人,其神经,其情绪)平静,安慰,使(痛苦,疼痛)缓和或减轻

sophisticated adj.诡辩的,久经世故的

staccato n.断奏,断唱

superiority n.优越,高傲

symptomatic adj.症状的,征候的,征兆的,有症状的,表明…的症候

twist n.扭曲,盘旋,手法,螺旋状,扭成,捻成,搓成的东西

twofold adj.两部分的,双重的;adv.两部分地,双重地

whimsical adj.反复无常的,古怪的,异想天开的,奇形怪状的

