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时间:2022-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:3.代理公司篇 Leo Burnett以下是20世纪90年代初期一家广告公司的平面广告。When you reach for the stars in China,It helps to have your feet on the ground.These days every advertising agency is talking about doing business in China.But the big question is,who can deliver?

3.代理公司篇 Leo Burnett


When you reach for the stars in China,

It helps to have your feet on the ground.These days every advertising agency is talking about doing business in China.But the big question is,who can deliver?So as an advertiser,before you look too far into the future,perhaps you should look back at the past.Find out who’s been operating in China these past fifteen years;who’s launched products successfully;who’s developed strong media ties in the country,and,most important,who has people on the ground;who can get things done smoothly and efficiently.Since we’ve brought up these questions,you’ve probably guessed that the answers will point to us.So,to make thing easy,just call us at Leo Burnett and we’ll give you the details.

We’ll also tell you about the belief shared by our 55offices around the world:“When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one,but you wonrt come up with a handful of mud either."

注 释:

img376...a handful of mud either 也不至于抓一把泥

img377Leo Burnett李奥贝纳广告公司

Words and Expressions

a handful of 一把

advertiser n.广告主,登广告者,广告客户

bring up 教育,培养,提出

come up with 赶上,提出,拿出

deliver vt.递送,陈述,释放,发表(一篇演说等),交付,(广告)发布

efficiently adv.有效率地,有效地

either adj.任一的;pron.任一,随便任一个;conj.或者,也

find out 找出,发现,查明(真相等),认识到,想出

guess vt.猜测,推测,猜中,猜对,想,认为;vi.猜,推测;n.猜测,推测

mud n.泥,泥浆,泥泞

probably adv.大概,或许

reach for 伸手拿东西,伸出手去抓

