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时间:2022-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:3.时令鲜果嫩菜篇 Farmers Markets农贸市场的促销广告注 释:basil 罗勒,紫苏,小矮糠——Any of various plants in the genus Ocimum,native to warm regions,having aromatic foliage and terminal clusters of small,usually white flowers.一种薄荷属植物,生长在温暖地区,有芳香的枝叶,末端有许多簇通常为白色的花朵。summer squash 夏南瓜——Any of several varieties of squash,such as the crookneck or the cymling,that are eaten shortly after being picked rather than kept in storage.南瓜的多种变种的任一种,如弯颈南瓜或颏生西葫芦,摘下后短期内食用,不能储藏。

3.时令鲜果嫩菜篇 Farmers Markets




注 释:

img108basil 罗勒,紫苏,小矮糠(Also called:sweet basil紫花罗勒)——Any of various plants in the genus Ocimum,native to warm regions,having aromatic foliage and terminal clusters of small,usually white flowers.一种薄荷属植物,生长在温暖地区,有芳香的枝叶,末端有许多簇通常为白色的花朵。

img109BC=British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚省(加拿大),当地华人根据BC的发音译为“卑诗省”。

img110cilantro 芫荽,香菜(Also called:Chinese parsley cilantro中国香芹/香菜)——The seed like fruit of this plant,used whole or ground as a flavoring for food and as a seasoning,as in curry powder.这种植物的种子状如果实,整个的或碾碎用做食物的调味品和佐料,例如咖喱粉中就含有它。

img111dill 莳萝,草茴草,莳萝子,莳萝叶(可做香辣佐料)——The leaves or seeds of this plant,used as a seasoning.这种植物的叶子和籽可用做调味品。

img112farmer 农场主,经营农业者,农夫——One who works on or operates a farm.在农场工作或经营农场的人。

img113lavender 薰衣草(香料:非食用)——Any of various aromatic Old World plants of the genus Lavandula, especially L.angustifolia,having clusters of small purplish flowers that yield an oil used in perfumery.任何一种产于欧洲的薰衣草,属芳香植物,尤指狭叶薰衣草,开成串的紫色小花,其香精油可用于制香水。

img114marjoram 马郁兰(唇形科植物),牛至菜。

img115rosemary 迷迭香,艾菊——An aromatic evergreen Mediterranean shrub(Rosmarinus officinalis)having light blue or pink flowers and grayish-green leaves that are used in cooking and perfumery.一种地中海芳香常绿灌木(药用迷迭香),长有淡蓝色或粉红色的花和可用来烹饪和调制香水的灰绿色叶子。

img116sage 鼠尾草,洋苏叶——Any of various plants of the genus Salvia,especially S.officinalis,having aromatic grayish-green,opposite leaves used as a cooking herb.尤指唇形科鼠尾草,有褐绿色对生的叶子,有香气,可用做烹调香料。

img117summer squash 夏南瓜——Any of several varieties of squash,such as the crookneck or the cymling,that are eaten shortly after being picked rather than kept in storage.南瓜的多种变种的任一种,如弯颈南瓜或颏生西葫芦,摘下后短期内食用,不能储藏。

img118swiss chard 瑞士甜菜,唐莴苣(甜菜之一)——A variety of beet(Beta vulgaris var.cicla)having large succulent leaves used as a vegetable.一种甜菜,有大的、肉质的、可作为蔬菜的叶片。

img119To everything there is a season... 万物有其时(季节)。

img120winter squash 笋瓜,栗南瓜,南瓜——Any of several thick-rinded varieties of squash,such as the acorn squash,that can be stored for long periods.一种厚皮的南瓜,如橡实形南瓜,这种瓜能保存很长时间。


img121Meet the farmer!All produce items grown or raised locally on family farms.

img122To everythingthere is a season...

Words and Expressions

basil n.罗勒,紫苏,小矮糠

chutney n.酸辣酱

cilantro n.芫荽,香菜

dill n.莳萝,草茴香,莳萝子,莳萝叶

farmer n.农场主,经营农业者,农夫

flyer n.飞页广告,广告传单

green beans 豆角,扁豆(Also called:string bean青豆,菜豆)

kiwi n.(kiwi fruit,kiwi berry)猕猴桃

lavender n.薰衣草

marjoram n.马郁兰(唇形科植物),牛至菜

rosemary n.迷迭香,艾菊

sage n.鼠尾草,洋苏叶

salad greens 色拉菜,色拉蔬菜,凉拌生菜,用来做色拉的蔬菜

summer squash 夏南瓜

swiss chard 瑞士甜菜,唐莴苣

tempting adj.诱惑人的

winter squash 笋瓜,栗南瓜,南瓜

Grammar Focus




There is a season...

There is a flyer about farm produce.

There is also a tempting range of country-style preserves,chutneys and other produce.

Is there any Advertising English Textbook in the case?There are a number of family-run farms.

Are there farmhouse dairy products sold at the Farmers Markets?


1.Match the words of Column A and Column B:

Column A Column B

(1)Featuring farm fresh

(2)Showing local

(3)Tastingdelicious C

(4)Obtaining useful

(5)Enjoying in live

(6)Talking with friendly

A.arts and crafts.




D.fruits,vegetables and plants.

E.master gardeners.

F.music & entertainment.

2.True or False:

(1)The Nat Bailey Stadium is in the East 15th &Victoria Drive.

(2)The Nat Bailey Stadium opens every Wednesday afternoon from mid June to the end of October in 2004.

(3)The East Vancouver is in East 15th &Victoria Drive.

(4)The East Vancouver opens on Saturdays all year round.

(5)Nelson Park(West End)opens at 9:00and closes at 2pm every Saturday.

3.Translate the following words/phrases in Chinese.

(1)Organic &conventional produce

(2)Nursery plants &hanging baskets

(3)Fresh cut flowers

(4)Pickles &Preserves

(5)Farm house cheese

(6)Grass fed beef

(7)Fish from BC waters

(8)Spring lamb

(9)Specialty greens

(10)Potted &Fresh cut herbs

(11)Delicious baked goods

4.Complete the sentences.

(1)There_a season for everything.

(2)All produce items_or_locally on family farms.

(3)If the consumer wants more information,he/she can either make a call_or_browse around the website.

(4)If you go to the Farmers Markets,you couldnot only purchase fresh fruits and vegetables,but also enjoy local crafts and live music.

(5)Family farms____their produce and____promotes the Farmers Markets.

(6)The East Vancouver opens over 10days more than that of the____.

(7)The open days for Nelson Park are over 30days less than that of the____.

(8)Of the three Farmers Markets,which is the new location?

(9)What’s the word for the person who works on or operates a farm?




