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时间:2022-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:8.4 意义的重复除了词语和句式的重复,汉语还常常运用同义反复和近义复现等表达形式或相似、相对和不同的词语来重复同一意义。汉语“意复”的现象常见于四字格中,但在其英译中,多数情况下只译出意义而不重复,我们简称为“单译法”。这里反反复复说的都是一个意思,这种无谓的意复,英译时注意省略。

8.4 意义的重复


8.4.1 单译法


The towering Purple Mountains and billowing Yangtze River nurtured them and provided them with arenas in which to realize their aspirations. By virtue of their genius, vision, and sagacity, these best and brightest sons and daughters of the nation made spectacular contributions to the resplendent Chinese civilization.


称心如意 satisfactory

惊天动地 earth-shaking

奇装异服 outlandish clothes

日新月异 ever changing

深仇大恨 deep hatred

发号施令 issue orders

胡言乱语 talk nonsense

粗制滥造 crudely made

街谈巷论 street gossip

无边无际 boundless

南腔北调 a mixed accent

销声匿迹 become extinct

千真万确 absolutely true

天经地义 natural

当然也有一些“意复”的成语英译时,保留“意复”的特点,起到加强语气和强调的作用,如例35中“殚精竭虑”的译文“strained their energy and intellect to the limit”。其实“殚精”和“竭虑”的意义也是很相近的,所以在有的译文中也确实融合为一个词或词组:

A.人们很难相信,仅仅在两年前, MBA就业主管们还殚精竭虑地为学生们找工作。

It is hard to believe that just two years ago MBAcareers directors were tearing their hair out trying to find jobs for their students.


All the while Hurstwood was endeavoringto formulate his plea in such a way that it would strike home.


The stresses of juggling a family and a job can be mind-numbing, driving us to exhaustion.


His unqualified dedicationto teaching is always an example to us all.


There is sometimes, someone who racks his brainor even try any kind of means to get what he likes but ends up in extremeness.

8.4.2 谐音法


千方百计 by hook or crook

唉声叹气 moan and groan

光明正大 fair and square

亲朋好友 kith and kin

变化无常 chop and change

千辛万苦 trials and tribulations

8.4.3 省略法


例39.“不,”潘先生心想他们的话不对,牵着只有牵着的妙用;再一转念,妙用岂是人人能够了解的,向他们辩白,也不过徒费唇舌,不如省些精神罢:就把以下的话咽了下去。(叶圣陶《潘先生在难中》 )

“No,”Mr. Pan disagreed with them. There were good reasons for holding on together. He realized, however, on second thought that not everyone was intelligent enough to see these reasons and it was a waste of breath to argue with them.


例40.当毓芳上课去后,把我一人撂在房里时,我便会想起这所谓男女间的怪事;其实,在这上面,不是我爱自夸,我所受的训练,至少也有我几个朋友们的相加或相乘,但近来我却非常不能了解了。(丁玲《莎菲女士的日记》 )

Yufang has gone off to her classes, and I’m alone here thinking about the strange relations between man and woman. I’m not boasting, but I think I’ve had more experience along this line than most of my friends put together. Still, I don’t understand these relationships, especially now.


Shanghai Public Security Authorities are carrying on an anti-scalper campaign at Shanghai Railway Station these days.

8.4.4 避免赘言

琼·平卡姆(Joan Pinkham)在《中式英语之鉴》(The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish)一书(平卡姆2000)中坦言,“Unnecessary words are the hallmark of Chinglish”,“They are plainly redundant because their sense is already included or implied in some other element of the sentence”。可见,在我们的译文中还普遍存在赘言现象:例如:

例42. Our basic ideas, ranging from the development strategy to the principles and policies, including the policies of reform and opening to the outside world, are correct. If there is any inadequacy, it lies in the fact that the efforts we have made along the line of reform and opening are inadequate.

其中的“the fact”属于无谓的重复,宜删除;“along the line of reform and opening”更是会使译文冗长,宜使用替代法;“inadequacy”和“inadequate”的同义重复,使译文显得单调,宜用变换法改写。

Our basic ideas, from the development strategy to the principles and policies, including the policies of reform and opening to the outside, are correct. If our efforts have fallen short in any respect, it is that we have not done enough to implement those policies.

我们再看看Joan Pinkham是如何修改以下译文的:

例43. A. We uphold the Party’s leadership, but the problem is whether the Party is doing a good job of leading. It should give effective leadership and not intervene in too many matters. The Central Committee should take the lead in this regard. This is not meant to weaken the Party’s leadership. Too much intervention and mishandling of things will actually weaken the Party’s leadership.


B. We uphold Party leadership, but the problem is whether the Party is doing a good job of leading. It should give effective leadership and not intervene in too many matters. The Central Committee should take the lead in this regard. What I am proposing will not weaken leadership by the Party. On the contrary, its leadership will be weakened if it tries to take responsibility for too many areas.


A. The better you do your work and the more achievements you have to your credit, the better the people throughout the country will understand the value of knowledge and the more encouraging the people to respect and acquire knowledge.

B. The better you work and the more you achieve, the better the people throughout the country will understand the value of knowledge and the more they will be encouraged to respect and acquire it.







凄凄惨惨戚戚。(李清照: 《声声慢》 )

I look for what I miss,

I know not what it is,

I feel so sad, so drear,

So lonely, without cheer.(许渊冲译)

So dim, so dark,

So dense, so dull

So damp, so dank, so dead.(林语堂译)















1.一抹绀色,兼以青紫色霞光,返映着湖堤上的雨后的碧柳,某某祠庙的东边,有个小小的荷荡。这处的荷叶最大不过,高得几乎比人还高。叶下的白洁如玉雕成的荷花,到过午之后,又是将花萼闭起。偶然一两只蜜蜂飞来飞去,还似留恋着花香的气味,不肯即行归去。红霞照在湛绿的水上,散为金光,而红霞中的欲下沉的日光,也幻成异样的色彩。一层层的光与色,相荡相薄,闪闪烁烁的都映现在我眼底。(王统照: 《湖畔儿语》 )







向高买了几根葱和一碗麻酱回来,放在明间的桌上。(许地山: 《春桃》 )


1. We should enthusiastically explore both the international and domestic markets, opening up new international markets and further exploring the rural market.

2. On the whole, however, financial and economic work was still decentralized, because we had not adopted measures to bring financial revenue under unified management; only expenditure was unified, not revenue.

3. Foreign experience has shown that some countries have experienced development periods or undergone a number of high-growth stages, as demonstrated in Japan, Republic of Korea and parts of Southeast Asia.

4. The offices of the Military Control Commission were located in an area where board and lodging, and public transport and communication facilities were easily available and where telephone contacts could be made with much convenience.

5. Moreover, they are in the habit of taking more than their due and do not make compensation for or return the things which they are not entitled to but which they have taken into their own possession.

