首页 理论教育 句式的重复


时间:2022-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:8.3 句式的重复句式的重复中自然包括词语的重复,但这部分我们主要探讨有修辞意义的平行结构的翻译。最常见的当然是保留句式的重复。虽然英语和汉语都有句式的重复,但汉语句式的重复无论在使用范围、出现频率和表达方式的多样性方面都远远超过英语。汉译英时,对于句式的重复主要有三种翻译方法:完全保留、部分保留和放弃句式重复。的重复,同样由于英汉语的语法差异,译文采用了部分保留。

8.3 句式的重复


8.3.1 保留句式的重复


例29.义和利,貌似相反,实则相通。“义”要求人献身抽象的社会实体,“利”驱使人投身世俗的物质利益,两者都无视人的心灵生活,遮蔽了人的真正的“自我”。“义”教人奉献,“利”诱人占有,前者把人生变成一次义务的履行,后者把人生变成一场权利的争夺,殊不知人生的真价值是超乎义务和权利外的。义和利都脱不开计较,所以,无论义师讨伐叛臣,还是利欲支配众生,人与人之间的关系总是紧张。(周国平《在义和利之外》 )

Indeed, righteousness and gain, seemingly poles apart, have much essence in common. Righteousness calls for a devotion to the whole society while gain drives one to pursue material interests. In both cases, one’s disposition is over- looked and his true“self”concealed.“Righteousness”teaches one to give while“gain”induces one to take. The former turns one’s life into a process of fulfilling endless obligations while the latter breeds a life-long scramble for wealth and power. We must remember, however, the true value of life is beyond obligations and power. Both righteousness and gain are yoked by calculating minds. That’s why we often find ourselves in a tense interpersonal relationship whether Mr. Righteousness is commanding or Mr. Gain, controlling

例30.我思念那洞庭湖,我思念那长江,我思念那东海,那浩浩荡荡的无边无际的波澜呀!那浩浩荡荡的无边无际的伟大的力呀!那是自由、是跳舞、是音乐、是诗!(郭沫若《屈原》 )

Ah, I long for the Dongting Lake, I long for the Yangtze River, I long for the East-China Sea! That mighty and boundless expanse of waves! That mighty and boundless expanse of strength! That is liberty, dancing, music, and poetry!



例29第一句中的“貌似相反,实则相通”就是采用的融合法,译作“seemingly poles apart, have much essence in common”。接下来的三个对偶结构中,译文都完全保留了原文的句式重复,而且用“while”连接,更凸显了对比的逻辑关系。最后一句,由于英汉语的语法差异,省略了“is”,属于部分保留。例30中的“我思念……”和“那浩浩荡荡的无边无际的……”,译文采用了完全保留,而最后一句的“是……”的重复,同样由于英汉语的语法差异,译文采用了部分保留。

8.3.2 融合法


例31.这半年来,我几乎求乞了,实际,也可以算得已经求乞。然而我还有所为,我愿意为此求乞,为此冻馁,为此寂寞,为此辛苦。但灭亡是不愿意的。(鲁迅《孤独者》 )

During the last half year I have virtually been a beggar; it’s true, I could be considered a beggar. However, I had my purpose: I was willing to beg for the cause, to go cold and hungry for it, to be lonely for it, to suffer hardship for it. But I did not want to destroy myself.(完全保留)

例32.他暗暗地使天地变异,却不敢毁灭这个地球;暗暗地使生物衰亡,却不敢长存一切尸体;暗暗地使人类流血,却不敢使血色永远鲜浓;暗暗地使人类受苦,却不敢使人类永远记得。(鲁迅《淡淡的血痕中》 )

In secret, he causes heaven and earth to change, but dare not destroy this world. In secret, he causes living creatures to die, but dare not preserve their dead bodies. In secret, he causes mankind to shed blood, but dare not keep the bloodstains fresh for ever. In secret, he causes mankind to suffer pain, but dare not let them remember it for ever.(完全保留)

例33.秋天,无论在什么地方的秋天,总是好的;可是啊,北国的秋,却特别地来得清,来得静,来得悲凉。(郁达夫《故都的秋》 )

Autumn, wherever it is, always has something to recommend itself. In North China, however, it is particularly limpid, serene and melancholy.(部分保留)

例34.读书钻研学问,当然得下苦工夫。为应考试,为写论文,为求学位,大概都得苦读。(杨绛《读书苦乐》 )

Reading and studying regularly calls for a painstaking effort, whether it is meant for passing an exam, writing a thesis or pursuing an academic degree.(部分保留)

例35.人生是什么?人生的真相如何?人生的意义何在?人生的目的是何?这些人生最重大最中心的问题,不只是古来一切大宗教家哲学家所殚精竭虑以求解答的。(宗白华《歌德之人生启示》 )

What is life? What are the true nature, meaning and purpose of life? Since ancient times, great philosophers and scholars of religion have strained their energy and intellect to the limit for an answer to these crucial and central questions in a person’s life.(融合法)

例36.她底思想似乎浮漂在极远,可是她自己捉摸不定远在那里。于是慢慢地跑回来,跑到眼前,跑到她底孩子底身上。(柔石《为奴隶的母亲》 )

Lost in deep thought, she seemed absolutely dead to the reality surrounding her. Later she gradually came to, and found herselfface to face with the present and her child.(融合法)

例37.潘先生前进后退都没有希望,只得自己失约,先放了手,随即惊惶地发命令道:“你们看着我!你们看着我!”(叶圣陶《潘先生在难中》 )

Since Mr. Pan could see no way either to advance or to turn back, he had to be the first to violate his own admonition and let go of the child’s hand.“Keep your eyes on me, don’t lose sight of me,”he ordered, flustered and worried.(变换法)

