首页 理论教育 三大从句的译法


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【摘要】:4.4 三大从句的译法在学习本节之前,请判断下列各句的翻译得失,并在必要的地方进行修改。从实质上来说,这三种从句的语法功能分别等于名词、形容词和副词的语法功能,但由于它们本身是句子,放到大的句子中去时就使句法变得复杂多了,从而也增加了翻译的信息载量和难度。

4.4 三大从句的译法



1.He's a rough diamond.Although he seems to be careless,he does everything tip- top.


2.Tom soon became the “pet”of the teacher who had once vowed to love all of her children exactly the same.


3.I have no idea what genius is;but so far as I can form any conception of it,I should say it was a stupid world which cannot be too soon abandoned to scientific and literary claqueurs.

(Samuel Butler)


4.On October 15,2003,China surprised the world as her first astronaut flew into space aboard the Shenzhou Ⅴ spacecraft.Now,China is focusing on more ambitious space program,including lunar explorations and the establishment of space stations.








4.4.1 名词性从句的译法

1.名词性从句,特别是由“that”、“where”、“when”等引起的名词性从句一般情况下都译为叙述性的信息(这里不多加示例)。但是由“what”、“how”、“whether”等引起的名词性从句,翻译就比较困难一些。这些从句往往表达的是一种具体概念,如“how things stand”,实际上是表达“情况”这个概念,如照译“事情是如何站着的”就不明确,同时也违背了原意。所以翻译这类从句时多采用概略法,也就是使从句陈述的内容明确化。这样,许多情况下都需要进行概括或引申。


【例1】That's where we differ.


【例2】My brother is not what he used to be.


【例3】What was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality.


【例4】It is necessary that those machines should be lubricated regularly.


【例5】It isn't much how he works:the question is whether he works at all.


【例6】It is common sense that a liquid has no definite shape,but it has a definite volume.


【例7】That substances expand when heated and contract when cooled is a common physical phenomenon.


【例8】I wonder not whether we shall be in time for the last bus but whether we'll be able to get front seats.


【例9】What someone chooses to observe and the way one observes it must,after all,in part be a reflection of experience and of ideas as to what is significant.


【例10】What happened on September 11,2001 will be forever etched in our memory.


[分析]“What happened on September 11...”译为“9·11”事件,译得非常具体、明确。如译为“9月11日所发生的事”也是明确的,但是不够简约和概括。



【例1】Oh,that she were there!


【例2】That he should do such a thing!


【例3】That a brother should be so perfidious!


【例4】That nobody was killed or even slightly injured in such a serious accident was incredible.



4.4.2 形容词性从句(定语从句)的翻译




从结构上来分,英语定语从句可以译为下列语言形式。 译成前置定语


【例1】This is the reason why I am not in favour of revising the plan.


【例2】When deeply absorbed in work,which he often was,he would forget all about eating and sleeping.


【例3】Every man is rich or poor according to the degree in which he can afford to enjoy the necessaries,conveniences,and amusements of human life.


【例4】Any corporation that has improved its business performance could easily suffer a decline if its top management makes misguided business decisions.


【例5】The countries and regions in which the company carried out its daily business face many complex economic and social issues—employment,education and environmental concerns.


【例6】“How could a great paper like the Washington Post,full of brilliant editors,get so involved in its own conceit and arrogance as to pursue a story which its own staff was saying was fabricated from the beginning?”

[译文]“像《华盛顿邮报》这样一家拥有许多出色编辑的大报,为何自以为是和高傲自大到如此地步,竟然追求一篇连自己编辑部的人员从一开始也认为是虚构的报道?” 译成并列分句


【例1】He is a professor,as is clear from his manner.


【例2】The director blamed me for everything,which I thought very unfair.


【例3】We will put off the outing until next week,when we won't be so busy.


【例4】Our war against terror is a contest of will in which perseverance is power.


【例5】Thinking that you know when in fact you don't is a fatal mistake to which we are all prone.


【例6】The president gave in his resignation after the sex scandal was publicized,which was the best thing he could do under the circumstance.


【例7】Nearly everyone knows the story of“the dog that worried the cat that caught the rat that ate the grain that lay in the house that Jack built”.


【例8】Happiness is a butterfly,which,when pursued,is always just beyond your grasp,but which,if you will sit down quietly,may alight upon you.


【例9】John is a clean- cut,great looking guy who likes his father and mother,who frowns on drugs,who takes his profession seriously,who likes to have a good time,who enjoys the company of the opposite sex,and who has his own goals and values.He is a boy with no surprise up in his sleeves.


【例10】John Nash is a mathematical genius who was a legend by age thirty when he slipped into madness,and who—thanks to the selflessness of his wife and the loyalty of the mathematics community—emerged after decades of ghostlike existence to win a Nobel Prize and world acclaim.

[译文]约翰·纳什是一位数学天才,30岁时即成为传奇式人物,但同时也患上了精神错乱症。妻子的爱心呵护和数学界同仁无私的帮助,使他从几十年非人非鬼般的生活中崛起,并走上诺贝尔奖宝座,赢得了全世界的赞扬。 倒译法。倒译法就是把定语从句放在主句的前面,这也是译为并列句的一种方式,不过是把从句放在主句之前


【例1】She tiptoed to the bed where the child lay asleep.


【例2】You've given Feldstyn,who dislikes me anyhow,the chance he was waiting for.


【例3】Yet he failed somehow,in spite of a mediocrity which ought to have insured any man a success.


【例4】You compare her with your English women who wolf down from three to five meat meals a day;and naturally you find her a sylph.


【例5】I was all the more delighted with the occasion when,as a result of the initiative of your government it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.





(3)并列分句常采取意合法,不用连接词。有时也可带连词,如“就”、“便”、“却”、“可是”等。用不用连接词,取决于对译文流畅性的要求。 译成状语从句



【例1】He likes Miss Nancy,who despises him.


【例2】He finally accepted the proposal that went against his own will.


【例3】The thief,who was about to escape,was caught by the policemen.



【例4】Nothing is difficult in the world for anyone who dares to scale the height.


【例5】Electrical energy that is supplied to a lamp can be turned into light energy.


【例6】He tries to seek happiness in selfish enjoyment,where it can never be found.


【例7】We support the open trading system which is to the ultimate advantage of all.


【例8】Any student who tries to cheat while the examiner are watching is playing fire.


【例9】They set up a state of their own,where they would be free to keep negroes as slaves.



【例10】If I have seen farther than other men,it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.



【例11】He wishes to write an article,which will attract public attention to the air pollution in this city.



【例12】There was something original,independent,and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.



【例13】How can anyone hope to be a qualified teacher,who doesn't know what the students are thinking and demanding?


【例14】You,who are in the prime of your life,come forth with greater contributions for the benefit of the people and the motherland.

[译文]趁你年富力强时,为祖国和人民作出更大的贡献吧。(译为时间状语从句) 译成独立的句子(包括融合式独立句与分离式独立句)


【例1】Is it history you are reading?


【例2】There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.


【例3】There is nothing that does not contain contradiction.


【例4】Yonder are the Misses Leery,who are looking out for the young officers of the Heavies.


【例5】My first experience of bottling a lamb came towards the end of the season,when one ewe lambed a double out in the field one afternoon.

[译文]我第一次用奶瓶喂羊羔是在产羔季节临近结束的时候。有一天下午,一只母羊在野地里下了一对羊羔。(分离式) 译成谓语结构、宾语结构等


【例1】She knew the sequestered spots where the hens laid their eggs.


【例2】She had a balance at her bank's which would have made her beloved anywhere.


【例3】...for he no sooner perceived that preference which Mrs.Blifil gave to Tom,than that poor youth began to sink in his affections...


【例4】In recent years an interesting fact has been brought to public attention:as educational levels,salaries,and the cost of living have increased,more and more people are now having fewer and fewer children to the point where schools in many cities have to close down.


【例5】Often and often in after life I have come across people doing jobs that I had never dreamed of before,and which would have thrilled me had I been told about them at school.


[分析]前一个定语从句译成了谓语结构,后一个定语从句译成了独立的句子。一般来说,如从句的主语与其主句的主语一致,就可译为谓语结构。 译成解释性或注释性分句(一般使用破折号或用括号括起来)


【例】No oil spill ever caused suffering on a bar(in parallel)with today's civil war in Yugoslavia,which is a minor episode in human misery.


4.4.3 副词性从句(状语从句)的译法


(1)时间状语从句,由when(ever),while,as,before,after,(un)till,since,during,once,so soon as,every time(when),the moment(when),instantly(when),directly等词引起。


(3)原因状语从句,由as,because,since,for,seeing(that),considering(that),not that...but that,now that等词引起。

(4)目的状语从句,由that,so that,in order that,lest,for fear that,in case等词引起。

(5)结果状语从句,由that,so that,so(such)...that...等词引起。

(6)条件状语从句,由if,unless,suppose,supposing(用于问句之中),in case,so(as)long as,so far as,on condition(that),provided(that)等词引起。

(7)让步状语从句,由(al)though,no matter(+wh- clause),even if,even though,however,whatever,granted that,whether等词引起。



(10)方式状语从句,由as,as if(though),rather than,according as,the way等词引起。








【例1】He must be ill,for he is absent.




【例2】As the desert is like a sea,so is the camel like a ship.





【例3】Most comets are so dim that they cannot be seen by the naked eye.




【例4】When we were about to get away,police car came to the front door.





【例1】I won't go when it rains.


【例2】Everybody loves him because he is a good comrade.


【例3】They have it but you don't so,they are very haughty.


【例4】John rose gloomily as the train stopped,for he was thinking of his ailing mother.



【例5】The liquid water is heated so that it becomes steam.


【例6】The minister of education will visit our university in September,when he will make a speech at the opening ceremony.






【例1】The act was the bolder that he stood utterly alone.


[分析]“the+形容词或副词比较级+that clause”引导状语从句,表示原因。

【例2】It is not that I am unwilling to go with you,but that I'm busy now.


[分析]“not that...but(that)...”引导状语从句,表示原因。

【例3】I could understand his point of view,in that I'd been in a similar position.


[分析]“in that...”引导状语从句,表示原因。

【例4】For all that he seems so bad- tempered,I still think he has a very kind nature.


[分析]“For all that”引导让步状语从句。

【例5】Ships were built,and kept thoroughly efficient,so much so that the country remained safe for very many years.


[分析]“so much so that...”相当于“to that extent so that...”,一般译为“甚至”、“以至于……”、“因此”,等等。


【例1】But that he helps,I should fail.


【例2】I'll not go now,the rather that it's too late.


【例3】A bad book is the worse that cannot repent.


【例4】Not that I dislike the work,but I have no time for it.


【例5】He is very ignorant so much so that he cannot read his own name.


【例6】The veins are different from the arteries in that the former bring blood back to the heart.





【例1】Study hard before it is too late.



【例2】Be a pupil before you become a teacher.



【例3】The boy fell down from the ladder before he knew it.




【例4】The day began to break before we got to the hilltop.





【例1】Think well before you decide.



【例2】He will starve before he will steal.


【例3】Before he came here,he was in America.


【例4】It seemed a long time before my turn came.


【例5】The train had left before he got to the station.


【例6】Before I could say a single word,he ran away.


【例7】They had not been married a month before they quarrelled.





【例1】He was old and poor,though he was happy.



【例2】Though I were starving,I would not ask a favor of him.



【例1】He will come back for supper,though you never know.



【例2】Though the task was difficult(or:Difficult though the task was),they managed to accomplish it in time.


【例3】Though he was defeated in the political campaign,he became famous for his speech against high price of housing.





【例1】He cannot go to school because he is sick.



【例2】The mountain is not valued because it is high.




【例3】Don't be vain because you are good looking.



【例4】You should not despise a man because he is poor.







【例1】Until you told me I had no idea of it.


【例2】The value of health is not esteemed until it is lost.


【例3】He had never been able to relax until he took up fishing.


【例4】It was not until yesterday that I got the news.





【例1】She will never accept any dictates,no matter where they come from.


[分析]“no matter where...”引导的状语从句被译成了定语,修饰“dictates”。

【例2】A writer needs to be a Walt Whitman if his faults of technique are to be rated unimportant beside the vigor of his personality.



【例3】Although you undoubtedly know it,the Chinese,principally workers,have played a very considerable role in the history of the Western part of the United States.




【例1】If your father wronged you,you shouldn't hate him.


【例2】When someone violates the rule,please let me know.



1.You are posted in what had preceded all this,but I was not.


2.I haunted all the meetings in London where debates followed lectures.


3.A cat,whose eyes can take in more rays of light than our eyes,can see things clearly in the night.


4.If you would know the value of money,go and try to borrow some;for he that goes a borrowing goes a suffering.


5.Men spoke highly of Khakassia's soil,which was rich,and slightingly of its climate,which was unsettled and dry.


6.As to the precise value of this initial fund of knowledge,this depends to a great degree on how it has been acquired and on who has been imparting it.


7.The danger of a recession in world trade that could hit all countries cannot be ignored,but it would bear most heavily on the weakest partners in the world economy.


8.If you learn to read the signs,you can tell whether what a person says is what he really means,or whether,like the man whose stomach does not move when he laughs,he is trying to deceive you.


9.The “actions”of the conscious mind,like choosing,whose existence as genuine operations many would deny,still give scientists nightmares,philosophers headaches,and theologians eternal joy.


10.They saw many honest faces go by that were not intelligent enough;many that were intelligent,but not honest enough;many that were both,but the possessors were not poor enough,or if poor enough,were not strangers.




1.He who knows he knows little knows much.

[提示]“He who...”中的定语从句译时一般应和“he”粘连在一起,不译为“凡是……的人”,也可译为动词词组,不带人称主语。

2.We must not pretend to know something when we do not know at all.


3.Time is of no account with great thoughts,which are as fresh today as when they first passed though their author's minds ages ago.


4.“It benefits both Iraq and the Gulf monarchies,for all of which the U.S.menace is a major source of anxiety,”an Arab League diplomat said privately.

[提示]“all of which”是前面“Iraq and the Gulf monarchies”的替代词,可重复译出。

5.The two sides were edging toward an improvement of relation that in time could be capped by a high level American visit to Moscow,perhaps even a presidential visit.


6.Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all,people will have to accept more“unnatural food”.


7.She has played a role in fighting for the cancellation of African government's foreign debts and campaigned against land grabbing,in which members of Africa's elite claim public land as their own.

[提示]“in which...”定语从句在此句中内含原因,应译出来。

8.Efforts to bring industrial development to what was a backward agricultural area caused a population boom and a shortage of housing,which local builders tried to meet with cheap,jerry built homes,or by adding extra floors to existing houses.


9.David Hume argued that morals are founded on a basic sympathy for our fellow creatures,by which we can appreciate that they too have plans,projects and experiences of the world,ones that may not involve having to listen to the fascinating details of where we are now.Confucius say,“What you do not want done to yourself,do not to others.”

[提示]“by which...”可译为“由此,我们……”;“ones that...”可译为“他们不一定……”


It is perfectly possible to organize the life of our colleges in such a way that students and teachers alike will take part in it;in such a way that a perfectly natural daily intercourse will be established between them;and it is only by such an organization that they can be given real vitality as places of serious training,be made communities in which youngsters will come fully to realize how interesting intellectual work is,how vital,how important,how closely associated with all modern achievement—only by such an organization that study can be made to seem part of life itself.Lectures often seem very formal and empty things;recitations generally prove very dull and unrewarding.It is in conversation and natural intercourse with scholars chiefly that you find how lively knowledge is,how it ties into everything that is interesting and important,how intimate a part it is of everything that is interesting and important,how intimate a part it is of everything that is“practical”and connected with the world.Men are not always made thoughtful by books;but they are generally made thoughtful by association with men who think.

