首页 理论教育 商务经贸报刊文章的翻译


时间:2022-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈

第十章 商务经贸报刊文章的翻译


● 了解商务经贸文章的文体特点。

● 明确商务经贸文章翻译的基本原则。

● 熟识商务经贸文章的翻译特点和要求。





Many economists and bankers insisted that only a major restructuring of the world’s debts, to allow lower interest to be repaid over longer periods, could resolve the problem.But this cannot happen without the support of central banks and governments, and most voters and politicians were in no mood to think about long-term global solutions.Internationalism, which had been part of the Western creed of the 60s, was now an increasingly suspect word.After 12 months of the economic roller coaster, there were few signs of changing attitudes.




商务活动本来只是商人的活动,但时下关心股市和开办公司的人越来越多,阅读经济商业类的读物逐渐成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分。在全球经济一体化的背景下,人们不仅关注国内的商业读物,也更关注欧美和我国香港地区的报刊。这些刊物主要包括Business Week(《商业周刊》),The Economist《经济学人》,Financial Times(金融时报),Fortune(《财富》),Wall Street Journal(《华尔街日报》),International Herald Tribune(《国际先驱论坛报》),Far Eastern Economic Review(《远东经济评论》),Newsweek《新闻周刊》,New York Times《纽约时报》,Time《时代周刊》,Asiaweek《亚洲周刊》等。由于各家报刊的风格不同,这些报刊上刊载的商务文章也各有其独特的语言特点。尽管如此,在谈商务报刊文章的翻译之前,有必要对商务报刊文章的语言特点做一概述,以便译者加深对其语言的理解和文体的把握。


商务报刊文章具有一般新闻体的特点,经常使用一些新闻界的“行话”。例如,according to X report(据……报道);quoted as saying /cited as saying(援引……的话说);on the brink of a breakthrough(即将取得进展); with guarded reserve (持审慎态度)等(刘宓庆1998)。对这些行话的熟悉和了解,有助于译者对文章的内容快速理解和翻译。在商务报刊文章中,还常使用一些其他文章中不经常出现的商务术语和缩略语。例如,


Asia economies are displaying strong growth in the wake of the 1997-1998 currency crisis that engulfed the region.



The average net oil importing country in the region will lose more than 2% of GDP and more than 30% of their current account.



The IMF must be given enough support to make longer-term loans in order to enable developing countries to revive their exports without enduring crippling hardships.





The most uniform problem facing the countries within the region is the failure of the nations governments to fully implement financial sector reforms following the currency crisis.



They will have to lower interest requirements, with some form o f subsidy fr om the central banks if necessary.



Western bankers and governments will have to ensure that they are imposing reasonable repayment terms on developing countries, terms that will not provoke revolution or chaos.




Many economists and bankers insisted that only a major restructuring of the world’s debts, to allow lower interest to be repaid over longer periods, could resolve the problem.





With their home market already mature and well exploited, they looked to expand to new pastures.



But the leash gets pulled very tightly when a unit is underperforming.



The carnage in stock funds—the biggest money-spinners for management companies—is far bloodier.





好的新闻体文章的标题都很讲究,概括简练,生动醒目,吸引读者的注意力。翻译标题时译者也应做到这一点。例如,“Roses, Roses All the Way”译为“铺满玫瑰的路”,形象地再现了英国前首相撒切尔夫人这位漂亮的女政治家政运亨通,不仅给读者一种美好的感觉,还能吸引读者读下去。再如,All’s Not Well in Asia 译为“亚洲并非万事大吉”也是一个言简意赅的汉语标题。需要注意的是,由于英汉两种语言的差异,有些标题直接翻译成汉语并不妥当。遇到这种情况时,译者可以先阅读完全篇文章,在掌握了文章大意之后,再确定如何翻译标题,确保标题是文章“眼睛”的作用。比如,在了解了TV’s Mr.Big一文谈的是TCL集团的总裁李东生,此标题就可以灵活地译为“电视大腕李东生”。这比直译“电视大腕先生”更能吸引读者的眼球。



英美报刊中还经常借用某门学科的专门名词,来增强文章的表达力。遇到这种情况,译者先要搞清楚它们的语言背景,然后根据上下文来灵活处理,不必拘泥于原文的指示意义或形象。例如,在翻译economic roller coaster这一短语时,译者应首先弄清楚roller coaster本意是指在大型游乐场中,一组载人的小车利用惯性在坡度不一的曲线轨道上滑行的一种娱乐活动,即过山车。由于这种游戏具有上下剧烈运动的特点,与economic一词连用时,喻指经济上的剧烈波动。因此,此短语可意译为“经济极端动荡不定”。再如,tectonic plates of the world history中tectonic plates原为地质学术语,表示地壳的结构。翻译时译者可以根据上下文,不保留这个地质学用语,而直接译为“世界历史上的势力结构”,或者“世界历史的沧桑变化”。





The confidence that the West would remain a dominate force in the 21st century, as it has for the past four or five centuries, is giving way to a sense of foreboding that forces like the emergence of fundamentalist Islam, the rise of East Asia and the collapse of Russia and Eastern Europe could pose real threats to the West.


(1) The West has remained a dominate force for the past four or five centuries;

(2) The confidence is giving way to a sense of foreboding;

(3) Forces pose real threats to the West;

(4) Fundamentalist Islam is emerging;

(5) The East Asia is rising;

(6) Russia and Eastern Europe have collapsed.




Her rise, as she (Thatcher) once described the star-is-born press coverage that greeted her maiden speech in Commons, was“roses, roses all the way.”


(1) (Thatcher made) her maiden speech in Commons;

(2) Her speech was covered by the press and was greeted by the coverage;

(3) The coverage said“the star is born”, referring to the rise of Thatcher;

(4) Just like Thatcher said when describing the coverage, her rise was“roses, roses all the way.”






A sign advertising Coca-Cola on a bus shelter in the Chinese port city of Hangzhou shouldn’t have been any big deal.Problem was, the billboard—like many Coke ads—was predominantly red, and in China red belongs to the Communist Party.So Clear Media Ltd., the company that owns the shelter, had to lobby local officials at meetings over green tea before finally winning approval for the ad.“We brought them the Cole and Pepsi annual reports and showed the officials that, yes, the two companies use different colors,”says Clear Media Chairman Steven T.Yung.

Even advertising, it seems, is not beyond the reach of the long arm of the party in China.And it’s not just color.Far more than in most other countries, Chinese advertisers face strict limits on the claims they can make in their ads.Superlatives such as“best”are banned.So are rankings and head-to-head comparisons with rivals.Just mentioning prices is pushing the envelope—and still needs official approval.








Steve Jobs

The ailing creator of the iPod and iPhone is next to irreplaceable

For two years I wrote a satirical blog under the persona of Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs, and one of the recurring themes was that Jobs is not actually human but in fact is a demigod, the offspring of Zeus and a mortal woman, an immortal figure who uses his extraordinary powers to restore a sense of childlike wonder to the world by creating magical consumer-electronics products like the iPod and iPhone.This is, after all, a CEO who inspires a frightening level of adoration from Apple fanatics.These people think nothing of camping out overnight in freezing cold weather just to attend one of his speeches.No other chief executive is so inextricably linked to his company’s brand and products.As one Wall Street analyst put it this year,“Apple is Steve Jobs, and Steve Jobs is Apple.”

Jobs cofounded Apple in 1976, got tossed out in 1985 and returned in 1997, when the company was as close to death as a company can get.Since then he has orchestrated one of the greatest turnarounds in corporate history, making Apple into the hottest brand in consumer electronics.At the end of 1997 Apple stock was trading for about three bucks a share.Today those shares trade for $96, after shooting as high as $202 earlier this year.The weak economy might take some wind out of Apple’s sails, especially since the company sells mostly to consumers rather than to corporate customers, and because Apple’s products are hardly cheap.On the other hand, Apple’s customers are fiercely loyal and aren’t penny-pinching bargain hunters.They’re not likely to start buying Dell computers or Motorola cell phones just to save a few bucks.If anything, they’ll just wait a bit longer before upgrading their Apple gear.

For all this and more, thank Steve Jobs.He’s not an engineer.He can’t write a line of software code.He is, by most accounts, a terrible manager, prone to tantrums and abusive tirades, almost unbearable to work for.But he is also a genius—a relentless perfectionist with a keen eye for design and a Zen master’s sense of which features to leave out.His products are simple, spare and elegant, with the best user interfaces in the world.


Nobel Peace Prize for Banker to the Poor

Muhammad Yunus, the Bangladeshi economist whose Grameen Bank is credited with helping millions of the world’s poorest people to lift themselves out of poverty, was the surprise winner of the Nobel Peace Prize yesterday.

Prof.Yunus, 65, known as Bangladesh’s“banker to the poor”won the £750 000 award ahead of the former president of Finland, Martti Ahtisaari, who had been widely tipped for his role in brokering a peace deal in the Indonesian province of Aceh.

Speaking from his home in Dhaka yesterday, Prof Yunus said the award was recognition of the fact that ending poverty was a fundamental prerequisite to bringing peace to the world.

“I am delighted, I can’t believe it,”he said.“Eradication of poverty can give you real peace.There is no self-respect and status when you are burdened with poverty.”“You are endorsing a dream to achieve a poverty-free world.”

Prof.Yunus shares the award with the Grameen Bank, which he founded in 1983 to dispense tiny loans to Bangladeshi women who used the money to transform their lives by buying tools to start small businesses.

Grameen Bank has been instrumental in helping millions of poor Bangladeshis, many of them women, improve their standard of living by letting them borrow small sums to start businesses.

Loans go toward buying items such as cows to start a dairy, chickens for an egg business, or mobile phones to start businesses where villagers who have no access to phones pay a small fee to make calls.

He said he would use part of his prize money to create a company to make low-cost, high-nutrition food for the poor.The rest would go toward setting up an eye hospital for the poor in Bangladesh.




法国释意派翻译理论创始人塞莱斯科维奇教授认为:“翻译的任务是转达交际意义,语言只是理解意义必不可少的条件之一。若想正确理解意义,译者不仅仅要拥有语言知识,还应有足够的主题知识、百科知识”。 (许钧 1998:9)翻译是以原文为参照体系的。然而,原作者的写作以目标读者的知识为参照,而不是以译者的知识为参照。这就使得译者在翻译的时候相对于原作者会出现知识欠缺的现象。下面的例子都说明了译者主题知识和百科知识的欠缺对翻译质量的影响。


原文 And here is a surprise: Uncle Edgar.He has been here for years, but I have never bumped into him before.I don’t dare disturb him, for he is an important man, the manager of the baseball team, and his two pitchers, My uncle Harold and my Cousin-in-law Howard, have both been shelled on the mound and Uncle Edgar has to decide whether to ask the shortstop if he knows anything about pitching (A Visit with the Folks).

译文 令人惊讶的是,埃德加叔叔的墓地也在这儿。他安息在这儿也已有多年了,但我以前从未碰到过他。我不敢打扰他,他可是个大人物,棒球队的经理。他的两个投球手,哈罗德叔叔和我的堂姐夫霍华德,也都长眠于此了。埃德加叔叔现在也只能向游击手请教一些关于投球的常识了。

如果只是粗粗地读一下译文,读者很难发现译文中有什么问题。但是读者如果了解一些棒球的知识,再对比一下原文,就会发现译文存在着明显的误译。误译的出现是由于译者对to be shelled on the mound不理解所造成的。该短语在棒球运动中指的是“在投球区被对方连连安打得分”。正是由于这个原因,下文才接着说埃德加叔叔不得不决定问游击手是否懂得投球。遗憾的是,由于译者不熟悉棒球知识,将mound理解为土堆,把to be shelled on the mound理解为“埋在土里”了(即译文中的“长眠于此”)了。


原文 Nowhere is it more pervasive than in Scotland’s dramatic capital city.Stroll through the cobbled streets of the medieval Old Town and remember the monarchs, religious zealots and literary giants who walked this way before you.Visit the castle and uncover 1 000 years of Scotland’s tumultuous past.Have a pint in Deacon Brodie’s Tavern and learn about the devious Edinburgh citizen who inspired Robert Louis Stevenson’s tale of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde.

译文 没有哪个地方像充满戏剧色彩的苏格兰首府那样到处弥漫着历史的气息。来吧!在中世纪遗留下来的古镇那铺满鹅卵石的街道上徜徉,你会回想起那些曾经走过这条道路的帝王将相、宗教信徒和文坛巨匠。探访那些古堡吧,开启苏格兰那尘封千年、风起云涌的历史遗存吧。到布洛迪助祭酒馆里喝一盅吧,这样可以了解爱丁堡那位魔鬼般的公民臭名昭著的故事,罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森就是从他身上得到的灵感,创作出《化身博士》这部不朽之作的。

上面这段译文语言通顺、流畅,但是却因作者百科知识的欠缺多处翻译得不够准确。Old Town指的是爱丁堡老城,却翻译成了“古镇”。苏格兰的爱丁堡市由老城和新城两部分组成,翻译成“古镇”显然是由于译者对该城市的历史和现状缺乏了解。the castle指的是爱丁堡城堡,而不是“那些古堡”。虽然译者有可能是将原文的单数误看成了复数,但如果对苏格兰的首府爱丁堡市的爱丁堡城堡有所了解的话,也不会犯这样的错误:爱丁堡市以爱丁堡城堡闻名,英文Edinburgh的字面意思就是“斜坡上的城堡”。在苏格兰并入联合王国之前,苏格兰和英格兰之间持续不断的战争都与这座城堡有关。所以文中才说:“造访爱丁堡城堡,你会揭开苏格兰动荡不安的千年历史”。Deacon Brodie Tavern译为“布洛迪助祭酒馆”也有问题,反映了译者对原文中谈到的历史人物不够了解。Brodie是苏格兰历史上有名的木匠,曾担任过爱丁堡工匠行会的会长。位于爱丁堡皇家大道的Deacon Brodie Tavern就是以这位生前经常到这家酒店喝酒、赌牌的会长的名字命名的。所以,Deacon应译为“会长”而不是“助祭”(曹明伦2007:88)。


原文 If it’s drama you’re after, you’ll head for the Highlands, a vast swathe of untamed wilderness fringed by mile upon mile of fretted coastline dotted with islands.Land and sea collide to create spectacular perspectives, which change with the seasons and within the space of a day.One moment you’re gazing upon rocky mountain peaks, shimmering sea lochs and desolate moors.

译文 如果你要探寻戏剧的踪迹,就去苏格兰高地吧,那是一篇广袤无垠、粗犷狭长的原野,两端镶嵌着绵延不绝的海岸线,点缀着大大小小的岛屿。陆地与大海狭路相逢,互不相让,形成一道道蔚为壮观的景象,这些风景随着季节的交替和早晚的更迭而变幻无常。此刻,你可能正在凝望壁立千仞的山峰、波光粼粼的海湾或荒无人烟的沼泽。





原文 Barca’s loss has been Real’s gain, and although Figo has not reproduced the sparkling form of his days in the granite and blue stripe, he has proved to be an asset to the Whites.

译文1 巴萨的损失使王室获利,虽然费戈并不像穿蓝红间条纹时那么有成就,对白人来说,他还是个宝物。

译文2 巴塞罗那的损失使皇家马德里获利,虽然费戈并不象在巴塞罗那那么有成就,对皇家马德里来说,他还是个宝物。

如果译者对足球运动不关注,不了解Barca 和Real分别指代巴塞罗那队和皇家马德里队,不知道the granite and blue stripe和the Whites指的分别是巴塞罗那队和皇家马德里队的队服,那么他的译文很可能像译文1那样,英文是转换成了中文,但表达出的意思却不知所云,令人费解。



