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时间:2022-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:She had been caught up with the fussy woman who had been so particular about how her steak was cooked. In fact the offending meal had been sent back to the kitchen twice. It was, the woman complained, too well done—she liked her steak “bleu.” Yuk1!

第九单元 烹调与进餐——饮食文化


A Hard Day in the Kitchen

Shannon Hodge

Everything had gone wrong that morning. The chef had arrived late, severe headache and other effects from drinking too much alcohol, nursing a hangover, and the kitchen hadn’t been cleaned properly the night before, which put him in a worse mood.

The boss, having att ended the same party, was in a similar state. He was holding his head and trying to do the accounts at the same time. Enclosed in his little glass-fronted office, Caroline could see his face growing more puce by the moment. He was just reaching for his first sherry.

Running backwards and forwards between the kitchen and the dining room, Caroline had no time to think for a while.

When she’d first managed to get the waitressing job in the restaurant, she was delighted, for she was at her first year at university and jobs were scarce. She sighed. She’d wondered at the time at her ease in getting employment. It now appeared that her boss’ reputation had preceded him, and no one else had applied. However, she had no time to think of that now. A portly blue-eyed man was giving her furious looks as he waited for his order. Damn! What was it again? She had been caught up with the fussy woman who had been so particular about how her steak was cooked. In fact the offending meal had been sent back to the kitchen twice. It was, the woman complained, too well done—she liked her steak “bleu.” Yuk1! Thought Caroline. Give me a well-done piece of steak every time. The man continued to glower at her while he watched the grey-haired lady’s antics.

Sweetly Caroline went to him and made sure that his order was right. “I wanted,” he enunciated in ringing tones, “just a moderate grill, French fries, and a well-done steak.” He glared dismissively at the woman at the next table. “And a green side salad2.” “Right, sir,” she chirped with a cheer she did not feel. “Coming right up.” With that, she hastily retreated to make sure that Joseph the chef had it right this time.

Yes, thank goodness it was ready. Caroline thought the side salad of lettuce with tomato, several slices of hard-boiled egg, cucumber and dressing looked very attractive.

In her haste, she did not see the young man at a corner table casting her sympathetic glances as he waited patiently. Tall and about 25 with tousled black hair and an impish grin, he was watching “the circus” as he mentally dubbed it.

He could see the pretty young waitress getting more and more frustrated. Poor girl, she looked at the end of her tether. He wondered what he could do to give her a hand and pour oil on troubled waters3.

But all was not over. The man, Henry Savage, had finished his grill with much enjoyment and now turned to his salad. He poised with his knife and fork in mid-air, his expression a study. A green caterpillar was slowly crawling out from under the lettuce. It was large, fat, and apparently well-fed. It paused in its travels to survey the scene. Purple with fury, Henry could barely find his voice.

“Waitress!” he thundered. “Come here this moment!” He sounded every inch the headmaster he was.

“What do you call this?” He pointed with a quivering finger at the caterpillar, which decided the world outside was not as cozy as hiding behind the lettuce leaf and retreated.

Caroline, petrified by the tone of the shout, came into the dining room at a trot.

By now, the whole room had ground to a halt. The diners were all staring at her, mostly in sympathy.

Henry speechlessly gestured at the salad where the caterpillar, bored by its seclusion, had reappeared.

Caroline blanched. Nervously she tried to speak, but failed, then managed, “Sorry, sir, it’s never happened before, we’ll make you a new one.” Grabbing the salad, she whisked it away into the kitchen. But Henry Savage was not to be deterred. After a shouted opinion of what he thought of the restaurant, he stormed out.

Caroline, with a hastily prepared new salad in her hands, returned to an empty table. She didn’t know where to put herself with the rest of the customers peering at her. Bursting into tears, she rushed back to the kitchen. “Take that, you stupid man, next time make sure you wash the salad when you’ve got a hangover,” she ground out to the startled chef. “I’ll give you a tossed salad!” she snarled and threw the contents of the bowl over his head.

The manager, by now completely sober, appeared. When a hasty explanation was made by one of the more lucid customers, he was remarkably nice about the whole episode. Maybe he had a guilty conscience. Caroline mused, remembering that sometimes he was the one who helped wash the lettuce if the staff were too busy. In any event, the whole incident was quickly smoothed over and everyone’s temper restored.

After Caroline had washed her face, tided herself up and resumed working, the young man beckoned her over. “I watched you handle that,” he said admiringly. “I think you did great. That old man really gave you ‘what for4.’ Do you think you could do it all over again for a film I’m producing? It was far better than a custard pie5 any day, you did it so beautifully!” Here he chuckled. “But you really should have thrown it over the old boy’s head: he was being the unreasonable one.”

They looked at each other. Caroline could feel the beginnings of a smile on her face. All of sudden both of them burst out laughing. Maybe it wasn’t going to be such a bad day after all.




Some people say “yuk” when they think something is very unpleasant or disgusting.

2.a side salad

a bowl of salad for one person which is served with a main meal.

3. pour oil on the waters

Meaning: attempt to calm a problematic situation.

Origin: “Troubled” has been used to mean agitated and disturbed, either of mind or in reference to physical elements like water or sky, since at least the 14th century. This phrase alludes to the calming effect of that oil has on wave action as it spreads over the surface of the sea.

4.give sb. what for

to speak angrily to someone whose behaviour you strongly disapprove of

5.a custard pie

The origins of the custard pie as a mechanism for humiliation is unclear. The first on-screen custard pie attack is believed to have taken place in the

1909 silent film Mr Flip.



何田 译


















1.这篇散文经常出现在英美文章佳作赏析中,这里我们主要从本文中涉及的饮食文化入手,分析中英文之间的文化翻译。英文题目中的A Bad Day没有被直译为糟糕的一天,而是翻译为一场闹剧。译者通过对全文故事的把握,对题目进行了意译,又在文章的结尾处点题,很显然读者应该对“闹剧”比“糟糕的一天”更感兴趣。

2.“Sherry”指雪利酒。英文中没有量词,因此“first Sherry”被译为第一瓶雪利酒,十分恰当,体现了厨师宿醉未醒的状态。雪利酒是原产自西班牙的一种葡萄酒,十分有名,因此在这里译者并未对其做任何的注释。在西方的酒文化中,葡萄酒是最常见也是最受欢迎的。英文中的wine在不同的情况下有时候泛指所有的酒类,有时候专指葡萄酒。但是中国人普遍喜欢喝粮食酿造的白酒,显然不能直译为white wine(白葡萄酒)。在不同的翻译目的下,大家可以尝试用不同的翻译技巧和策略去解决这个问题。

3.在烹制方法上,中西方式有很大的差异。西方人在饮食方面强调科学与营养,因此烹调的全过程都严格按照科学规范行事,规范化的烹饪要求调料的添加量精确到克,烹调的时间精确到秒,烹调的成熟度精确到几成熟。Well done指全熟,而too well done是说牛排做得比女顾客要求的老了,过火了。

4.“bleu”是一个法语词,即所谓带血的牛肉,表面稍有一点焦黄色泽,这是牛排成熟度最低的一级,因此翻译成“半生不熟”。中国人则很难接受这个成熟度的牛排,一般中国人会点medium或是well done,这和饮食习惯有很大的关系。

5. well done 又一次出现,这里指全熟的牛排,很显然这位男士故意点全熟的牛排,为的是以此来表达对那挑剔妇女的不满,所以翻译时强调为“熟透”的牛排。“moderate”翻译得恰到好处,这个词本来是说很适中的,译者翻译为“不太熟也不太生”很好地解释了在烹调中适中的概念。

6. 色拉是西方人餐桌上必不可少的食物,相对主菜有解腻开胃之用。色拉分很多种类,其中常做的有蔬菜色拉、水果色拉、金枪鱼色拉。译者将“green side salad”直译为绿色配菜色拉,对于中国读者来讲理解起来不直观不清晰。其实这里讲的就是常用绿叶菜制作的蔬菜色拉。

7. 色拉由生菜、黄瓜和西红柿等做成的,此处进一步验证了此色拉为蔬菜色拉,而不是什么绿色色拉。

8. 三个小句子,第一句主语是a green caterpillar,紧接着两个句子都用第三人称代词来替换这个主语,这样符合英文的表达习惯,文章读起来自然流畅。考虑到汉语的表达习惯,译者省略了后面两个句子的主语,句子读起来就不会显得啰嗦,冗繁了。

9. tossed即指摇晃均匀的,又可以指扔这个动作。在原文中其实有一语双关的妙用,而中文的翻译则很难表达出来。
















王逢鑫.中国菜命名的文化内涵(The Cultural Implication of the Chinese Cuisine Naming).跨文化交际面面观.胡文仲,主编.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999: 220-233.



The New Food

Stephen Leacock

I see from the current columns of the daily press that “Professor Plumb, of the University of Chicago, has just invented a highly concentrated form of food. All the essential nutritive elements are put together in the form of pellets, each of which contains from one to two hundred times as much nourishment as an ounce of an ordinary article of diet. These pellets, diluted with water, will form all that is necessary to support life. The professor looks forward confidently to revolutionizing the present food system.”

Now this kind of thing may be all very well in its way, but it is going to have its drawbacks as well. In the bright future anticipated by Professor Plumb, we can easily imagine such incidents as the following:

The smiling family were gathered round the hospitable board. The table was plenteously laid with a soup-plate in front of each beaming child, a bucket of hot water before the radiant mother, and at the head of the board the Christmas dinner of the happy home, warmly covered by a thimble and resting on a poker chip. The expectant whispers of the little ones were hushed as the father, rising from his chair, lifted the thimble and disclosed a small pill of concentrated nourishment on the chip before him. Christmas turkey, cranberry sauce, plum pudding, mince pie—it was all there, all jammed into that little pill and only waiting to expand. Then the father with deep reverence, and a devout eye alternating between the pill and heaven, lifted his voice in a benediction.

At this moment there was an agonized cry from the mother.

“Oh, Henry, quick! Baby has snatched the pill!” It was too true. Dear little Gustavus Adolphus, the golden-haired baby boy, had grabbed the whole Christmas dinner off the poker chip and bolted it. Three hundred and fifty pounds of concentrated nourishment passed down the oesophagus of the unthinking child.

“Clap him on the back!” cried the distracted mother. “Give him water!”

The idea was fatal. The water striking the pill caused it to expand. There was a dull rumbling sound and then, with an awful bang, Gustavus Adolphus exploded into fragments!

And when they gathered the little corpse together, the baby lips were parted in a lingering smile that could only be worn by a child who had eaten thirteen Christmas dinners.












(译文修改于《中国翻译》1993年第6期,60页;博文 http://blog.163.com/gqq318@126/blog/static/1719828020095125247284)

