首页 理论教育 “黑”与“白”的直译和意译


时间:2022-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:“黑”与“白”的直译和意译在中英两种语言中,汉语的“黑”和“白”似乎就分别等于英语的“black”和“white”。“黑”与“白”有时还连在一起使用,例如: black-and-white television,a black-and-white photograph,a black-and-white panda,She insists on having the agreement down in black and white.等。例如,当谈及“不管黑猫还是白猫




汉语的“黑”与英语的black对等的词或词组有很多,例如: blacklist(黑名单),black market(黑市),black hole(黑洞),black box(黑匣子),as black as coal(像煤一样黑),Black is not my favorite color.(黑色不是我最喜爱的颜色。)等。

汉语的“白”与英语的white对等的词或词组也不少,例如: the White House(白宫),white-collar employees(白领雇员),as white as snow(像雪一样白),His hair has turned white.(他的头发已经变白了。)等。

“黑”与“白”有时还连在一起使用,例如: black-and-white television(黑白电视),a black-and-white photograph(一张黑白照片),a black-and-white panda(一只黑白相间的大熊猫),She insists on having the agreement down in black and white.(她要求把协议白纸黑字地写下来)等。



例一,当形容非洲人或美国黑人的“黑皮肤”时,其英语的对应说法是black skin;但在形容有些中国人天生皮肤较黑或旅游时将皮肤晒黑时,其对应说法则是dark skin。

例二,在表达“一匹黑颜色的马”时,英语是a black horse;而在表达“比赛或竞选中的一匹黑马”时,其对应词是a dark horse。请看例句: Every once in a while,a dark horse candidate gets elected President.(每隔一段时间,就会出现一匹黑马当选为总统。)

例三,在向别人索要一张空白纸时,应说:Would you please give me a piece of blank paper?而不是a piece of white paper。

例四,如何在餐馆劝请母语为英语者喝白酒,即烈性酒(hard liquor)呢?首先可以这样问:“Would you like a drink?”也可以一边看着酒水单,一边指着各种烈性酒问对方:“What would you like to drink?”如果对方不喝白酒,而是喝葡萄酒时,通常回答:“No,thanks,I'll just have a glass of wine.”这时我们再向对方确认:“Red or white(wine)?”根据对方的再次回答,我们便可得知对方想喝什么葡萄酒了。原来,white wine的意思是“白葡萄酒”。如果我们在国内宴请外国朋友喝白酒,如茅台,我们就直接说:“Would you like to try Maotai-it's quite famous in China.”


例一,dark eyes是有别于蓝眼睛的“黑眼睛”,我们可以说She has beautiful big dark eyes.而black eye之意却是“(被打成)青肿眼眶”,请看例句: If he says that again,I'll give him a black eye.

例二,white elephant并非是“白象”,而是指“华而不实之物”。请看例句: The car we bought two months ago is a white elephant; it costs us a lot of money and breaks down again and again.


有时一种语言中并没有“黑”或“白”的颜色词,但翻译成另一种语言后会有颜色词出现。例如:将mafia和Prince Charming译成中文后分别是“黑社会”和“白马王子”。反之亦然,将black sheep和a white lie译成中文后颜色词消失,其意分别变成了“败家子、害群之马”和“善意的谎言”。

例一,We all think Peter is the black sheep of the family because he gets drunk too often and gambles away any money he gets.

例二,He is kind of disappointed,but it's just a little white lie. I won't hurt him.

英语习语see things in black and white有“看问题非此即彼”之意,因此译成中文后颜色词也消失了。

例三,Jack always sees everything in black and white; if you are not his friend,you are his enemy.(杰克看问题总爱走极端。如果你不是他的朋友便是他的敌人。)


例如:汉语“红茶”的英语对应词变成了black tea。而在翻译His face was black with rage.(他气得脸色铁青。)时,将black译成“铁青色”更符合汉语的表达习惯。


从文化角度看,有些词的联想意义是接近甚至相同的。例如:在中西方文化中,白天鹅(white swan)都有“圣洁”的象征意义。但不同语言文化在历史传统、风俗习惯以及思维方式等方面的差异又会使同一词汇在不同文化语境中各自持有特定的联想意义或仅仅是一个语言符合。例如:“黑猫”在中国文化中并不产生任何联系意义。例如,当谈及“不管黑猫还是白猫,能捉住老鼠就是好猫”时,“黑猫”和“白猫”实际上指的是任何一只猫。但如果一个美国人看见一只黑猫从自己眼前跑过,则认为是“厄运临头”。请看例句: If a black cat crosses your path,you can expect bad luck. This fear stems from(起源于) the Middle Ages when cats were linked to witches(巫婆) and the devil(魔鬼).因此,在翻译一些有文化内涵的词汇时,需将它们的深层联想意义充分体现出来。



Where Chinese may be obsessed with(一心想) pale skin,A mer I cans are obsessed with tanned skin. A friend told me the old Chinese saying that white skin can cover a hundred“ugly”things. Obviously the Chinese desire for pale skin has a long tradition behind it. In English,there's another saying,“The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence,”meaning that people always want what someone else has. Many Chinese have a natural sort of tan,yet they want to look pale; Amer I cans of European descent tend to have naturally pale skin,but they want that sun-tanned look.

东方女性追求的“白皮肤”,在那位美国女性看来只是pale skin;而欧美人躺在沙滩上刻意将自己的皮肤晒黑,是在追求的那种时尚的tan,即“古铜色”或“裸麦色”,而与black skin或dark skin无关。


先阅读一篇英语文章的标题:When police and minorities meet,issues are not BLACK&WHITE。参考译文:当白人警察与黑人发生冲突时,问题的解决很难做到黑白分明。由于这句英语为双关语,所以在汉译英时运用了综合法:将 police译成“白人警察”是增加了颜色词,将minorities译成“黑人”属于意译,“BLACK&WHITE则是直译。


