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时间:2022-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第四节 解释性增词假如汉语原文的作者考虑到了国外读者不很了解中国的情况,在其行文之中已经提供了一些解释,这种情况下我们直译即可,不必自作主张而添油加醋。A中的“5-6 pc”的表述在英国报刊中常见。与本节主题相关的则是加词解释,而这需要仔细“连连看”,自行对比。D4是个短语句,即没有谓语动词。B是D4的修改版。仔细阅读A类译文可知何谓“解释性加词”。

第四节 解释性增词


例31 据估计,明年人民币的升值幅度可能会在5%-6%之间。

C1. As estimated, yuan’s appreciation may appreciate 5% - 6% next year.

C2. The exchange rate of RMB is estimated to appreciate 5 percent to 6 percent next year.


B. It is estimated that RMB may appreciate between 5 percent and 6 percent next year.

A. It’s estimated that Chinese yuan (RMB) may appreciate between 5-6 pc /between 5-6 percent /between 5 and 6 percent /between five and six percent against the US dollar next year.

译文A加词做了解释(against the US dollar),表达准确而专业。A中的“5-6 pc”的表述在英国报刊中常见。

例32 订票时每张火车票须缴100元订票押金,取票时多退少补。

B1. You have to pay a deposit of RMB100 per ticket when you book tickets, and square accounts with agency when you get the tickets.

B2. When you book a train ticket, you have to pay a deposit of 100Yuan. When you get your ticket, you will be refunded or charged for any difference in price.

A1. RMB100 yuan shall be deposited for each train ticket when you book. Refund will be paid for any overpayment and extra payment made for any overdue when you collect your ticket.

A2. You are to deposit RMB100 yuan for each train ticket when booking. Adjustments will be made when tickets are collected—a refund for any overpayment and a supplemental payment for any shortfall.


例33 百事公司投资内蒙2万余亩荒漠,如今这块地已成为种植土豆的绿洲。

D1. PepsiCo. Invested more than 20 000 mu of desert land, which has now turned into an oasis to plant potatoes.

D2. PepsiCo’s investment has transformed around 20 000 acres of desert land in Inner Mongolia to fertile potato farmland.

D3. Pepsico invested in over 20 thousand | acres of desert in Inner Mongolia, which now has become the oasis of potato planting.

D4. The green potato fields in Inner Mongolia, where investment by Pepsi Cola has turned about 20 000 mu of wilderness into crop oasis.


B. The 20 000 mu (approximately 1 334 hectares) of wilderness in Inner Mongolia, in which Pepsi Cola has invested, has turned into green potato fields.

A1. The reclamation of the 20 000 mu (about 3 295 acres) of desert, funded by PepsiCo China, has been turned into an oasis of potatoes in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

A2. The 20 000 mu (about 3 295 acres) of Gobi in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, whose reclamation was funded by PepsiCo China, has been developed into an oasis of potato fields.

例34 近几年来,以天津为中心的环渤海地区已成为全国经济开发热点地区。

D1. Recent year, the Bohai Sea which takes Tianjin as a center has become the hot economic development area in the country.

D2. These years, areas surrounding the Bohai Sea, whose center is Tianjin, have become hot economic development zone | around the country.

C1. The Tianjin-centred Bo Hai Coastal Region has been the hot zone of economic development these years.

C2. In recent years, the Bohai Rim area with Tianjin City as its center has been a hot spot area for the national economic development.

两个D类译文给人的感觉都是Tianjin已被海水淹了,而D2那个development zone似乎又漂到全国去了。两个C类译文的问题请见黑体部分,主要是把“热点地区”译成了一个整体,应当说本质上是“形合”不够。A 则是稍显夸张的意译,表现在添加的解释。

A. In recent years, the areas /regions /cities and counties around the Bohai Sea, with Tianjin as their (geological) center, have become popular destinations of investors from around the country for development projects there.

例35 贸易部长会议与会代表在结束上午的会议后下午移师周庄

C. Delegates of the MRT conference moved to Zhouzhuang, a region of river and lake, after meeting in the morning.

A. … Zhouzhuang, a region of rivers and lakes near Shanghai, after meeting in the morning.

译文C的黑体部分仍然是“形合”不够的表现,A的黑体部分便是本节的主题:解释性加词,其中near Shanghai也可视为“实义加词”。

例36 拉萨有名的女裁缝格桑措姆,是切莫占堆老人的唯一传人。

B. sKal-bzang-mtsho-mo, a famous female tailor in Lhasa, is Che-mo dGra-vdul’s only successor.

A1. sKal-bzang-mtsho-mo, a famous tailoress in Lhasa, is the only successor to the clothes-making arts of Che-mo dGra-vdul. Che-mo means “great master craftsman”.

A2. sKal-bzang-mtsho-mo, a famous tailoress in Lhasa, is the only successor to Che-mo dGra-vdul, one of the last declared “Che-mos”, which meant “great master craftsmen”.

例37 电工每日都要检查所有的电器设备,及时整改存在的不安全因素。

C. The electrician workers inspect daily equipment and repair the broken one.

A. Electricians shall inspect daily all electric equipment and devices of the factory, eliminating all possible safety problems and mechanical defects.


例38 违反这条规定的罚款100元。

C. Those who break the rule are fined 100 yuan.

B1. If one breaks the rule, he will be fined 100 yuan.

B2. Violation of this rule will result in a fine of 100 yuan.

A1. Those who break the rule are to be fined RMB100 yuan for each violation.

A2. If one breaks the rule, he or she will be fined RMB100 yuan.

A3. Every violation case of this rule will result in a fine of RMB100 yuan.

汉语经常采用“无主句”,而英语通常要求主谓齐全。遇到无主句的汉语原文时,必须增加逻辑主语。A1至A3依次是前面三个译文的修改版。对比这三对译文,可以清楚地看出何谓本章所说的“加词”,而且种类较多:人称代词,关系代词,从句(“结构加词”)以及冠词和介词。前面两对都增加了“人”及其相关的结构(those who, if one…, he …),B2和A3这一对则采用了抽象词作主语的方式,归化明显。

A4. A penalty of RMB100 yuan shall be made against anyone who violates the rule.

A5. A penalty of RMB100 yuan shall be imposed upon anyone who violates the rule.

A6. The penalty for the violation of the rule is a RMB100.00 fine.


例39 这届展览会大约为10天左右的时间,含布展、展览和撤展。

A1. This fair / exhibition shall last about ten days, including time used for venuepreparation, exhibition and trading, and withdrawal of exhibits from the stands.

A2. This fair / exhibition will last about ten days, including time used for venue preparation, exhibition and trade and withdrawal of exhibits and commodities.


例40 现在的消费电子类产品都采用了新技术,环保还节能。

D1. Nowadays electron consumed products are adopting new technology to protect environment and save energy.

D2. Nowadays, Consumer electronic products are by new technologies, environmental protection and energy saving.

D3. Now new technology has been adopted, consumable electronic products are environmental and economical.

C1. Now, the consuming electronic products use new technology to stay environmentally friendly and powerfrugal.

C2. Nowadays, new technologies have been taken to environment protecting and energy saving for consumer electronics products.

B. The new environment-friendly and power-saving technology was used in the consumer electronic products.

A. New and high technologies are used in consumer electronic products currently on the market, making it possible for them to be environmental friendly and energy efficient.


