首页 理论教育 “是……的”句


时间:2022-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:四、“是……的”句汉语的“是……的”句式有时需要转换为英语的被动语态。这时,译文仍然保留原文的主语,与第一节的前两个小节所讲形式上一致,均为“沿用原文主语的直译”。例29 东方风电厂是海南省利用德国政府贷款建成的。A1. Dongfang Wind Power Station, Hainan, was funded by a German government loan.A2. The construction of Dongfang Wind Power Station, Hainan province, was funded by a German government loan.例30 我们敢肯定地说,所报的价格是经过全面考虑仔细核算的。



例29 东方风电厂是海南省利用德国政府贷款建成的。

A1. Dongfang Wind Power Station, Hainan, was funded by a German government loan.

A2. The construction of Dongfang Wind Power Station, Hainan province, was funded by a German government loan.

例30 我们敢肯定地说,所报的价格是经过全面考虑仔细核算的。

D. The quoted price we give was after a comprehensive and overall evaluation of market quotation and a careful calculation of our financial revenue and expenditurecondition, therefore the price is reasonable.

B. We are confident to say that the listed prices are all calculated carefully based on comprehensive advisement.

A. The quoted prices, we are sure, were based on careful calculations of overall factors.

