首页 理论教育 当然被动句


时间:2022-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:“当然被动句”的汉语原文以主动的面貌出现,含义却是被动的,因而应采用意译的方法,物化为英语被动句的形式,也就是采用“be done”结构明确地体现在形式上。



“当然被动句”的汉语原文以主动的面貌出现,含义却是被动的,因而应采用意译的方法,物化为英语被动句的形式,也就是采用“be done”结构明确地体现在形式上。

例13 市场呼声已久的融资融券业务终于在年初推出了。

D. The long-awaited financing service in the market was implemented at the beginning of the year.

C1. Short selling and margin trading which is favored by many people was launched at the beginning of this year.

C2. Margin trading and securities lending business which have been enjoying the market voice for a long time was introduced in the early this year.


B. The longtime-voiced margin trading business was introduced early in the year.

A1. The long-expected businesses of margin purchases and short sales business was launched early this year.

A2. Margin purchases and short sales business long expected /anticipated /called for was launched early this year.

例14 贷款协议签署后两周,第一批设备就到货了。

A1. The first consignment of the equipment was shipped to our port two weeks after the signing ceremony of the agreement.

A2. … two weeks after the signing ceremony of the agreement was held.

A3. … two weeks after the agreement was signed.

