首页 理论教育 英语写作主语怎么变化


时间:2022-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第四节 主语的选择本节是对第三节的拓展,任务是举证说明英语译文对主语的选择可以是多样的、灵活的,目的是演示汉译英过程中在句型选择环节的技巧,能在“译对”的前提下适当考虑译文“归化”。在逻辑主语缺失的时候,英语常用被动语态——这是译文A3的依据。

第四节 主语的选择




例21 软件出口可享受优惠利率的信贷支持。

D1. Software export can enjoy favorable interest rate from credit support.

D2. Software export can make your company enjoy the credit loan with prime rate.

C1. Exported software | are under credit support of preferential interest rate.

C2. Banks offer | interest-lower credit for the exporters of software.


A1. Software export may receive credit support in the form of favorable interest rate.

A2. The company (that is /which is) exporting its software (products) will be backed / supported with credit on concessionary interest rates.

A3. The export of software can be /will be /is to be supported by credit agencies with concessionary interest rates.


例22 农民工工资低,与其繁重的劳动强度极不相称。

D1. The low payment of migrant works can not match with the heavy labour intensity.

D2. The low level of pay for rural migrant workers is not match with their heavy workload.

D3. It is disproportionate to the low salary of peasent-workers compare with the heavy work.

D4. Migrant workers, who earn less, do more hard job.

C1. Migrant workers obtain low wages by contrast with their heavy labor intensity.

C2. The low wages of migrant workers is disproportionate to their heavy and labor-intensive work.


B. The low income of rural labourers is disproportionate to their heavy labour intensity.

A1. The low payment to migrant workers can not match their heavy labour intensity.

A2. The wages of the low-paid peasant workers bear no relations to their heavy work.

A3. The low wages for migrant workers are not compatible with the heavy work load.

A4. The poor wages migrant workers receive do not match the intensity of their labor.除了所附简评中提到的问题之外,这两个例句的D类和C类译文的共同问题还在于“主语选择”以及不得不同时考虑的动宾搭配。


例23 立即整改车间机器摆置问题,保证现场过道宽度达到212cm。

D1. Rectify the workshop machinery | place issue at once. Make sure the corridor | wideness to reach 212 cm.

D2. Re-arrange immediately the layout of the machine in workshop to insure the escape route | in 212cm wide.

A1. The layout of the machines in the workshops shall be rearranged to ensure a width of 212 cm for the aisles.

A2. The positions of machines in the workshops should be rearranged to ensure that the aisles of the shop floor shall be 212 cm wide.

A3. The machines in the workshops shall be aligned /rearranged to ensure that the aisles in the shops shall be 212 cm in width.

A4. Machinery in the workshops must be so aligned /rearranged that the width of the floor aisles must be 212 centimetres.

例24 目前,河南已经探明储量的矿产有123种,总储量居全国第六位。

D1. At present, in He’nan province, there are 123 kinds verified mineral products. General reserves is ranking 6thin the whole country.

D2. Currently Henan has discovered 123 kinds of minerals that have verified storage amount, with the total storage amount taking the 6th nationwide.

B. At present, Henan province, with 123 kinds of minerals with proved reserves, ranks the sixth in the reservation of minerals in China.

该句的主语似乎是“河南”,其实它是指地点,此句应当理解为“无主句”,而英语中绝大多数句子都要有主语,所以译文中可以增加geologists等能够做出“勘探”或“探明”这类动作的人作主语,也可改用被动语态,还可以选择there be句型。总之,主语要改变。

A1. To date, geologists have verified deposits of 123 minerals in Henan Province, with the total reserves ranking the sixth in the country.

A2. In Henan province there are so far verified deposits of 123 minerals with the total reserves ranking the sixth among the provinces in /of China.

例25 为适应国际市场的变化和国内客户的需求,适时加大了开拓业务的力度。

A. Responding to client expectations in a changing world market, … strengthened its efforts in developing market.

译文中的省略号表示译文的主语的位置,但是具体选择可以十分灵活。汉语原文讲究意合,经常可以使用无主句,而英语讲究形合,只要形式逻辑上能够“开拓”“业务”的主体都可以添加进去作为译文的主语,比如说这些词中的任何一个:the corporation, the company, XX Co. Ltd. (the proper name of any business), Municipal Commission of Commerce,等等。


例26 总经理带领员工分析大买家的查询。

C. The general manager led the staff to analyze the inquiry of the big buyer.

B. Staff analyzed the inquiry of big purchaser under the leadership of the general manager.

A1. The staff analyzed the inquiries of big buyers with their general manager.

A2. Headed by the general manager, the staff analyzed the inquiries of some big buyers.


例27 这份报告是关于那个建设项目的环境影响的。

D1. This report is about the affects to the environment of that construction projects.

D2. The report is related to the construction project leading to many environmentalproblems.

C1. This report involved environmental impact of that construction project.

C2. This report is about the environmental impact, which is brought by the projects.


B1. This is a report with regard to environmental impact in that project of construction.

B2. This report is about the environmental impact which would be brought about by the project.

A1. The environmental impact of that construction project is stated in this report.

A2. This report is about the environmental impact which the project would bring.

A3. This is a report with regard to the environmental impact of that construction project.

A4. This is a report with regard to environmental impacts of that construction project.

A5. This report is to demonstrate the environmental impact of that construction project.

例28 这种产品的出口可由国家出口信用保险机构提供出口信用保险。

D. The export credit insurance of this kind of products was provided with Government Agencies in exporting.

C. The export of this product is provided with insurance of export credits by national insurance institution of export credits.

B1. The Export & Credit Insurance Corporation can provide the export of these goods with export credit insurance.

B2. The company dealing with this kind of export can get export credit insurance offered by the governmental export credit agency.


A1. The export of this product is covered with insurance of export credit by national insurance agencies handling export guarantees.

A2. China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation can provide export credit insurance to the export of these goods.

A3. The company dealing with the export of this product can apply for export credit insurance to /offered by the governmental export credit agency.

A4. As for the export of this product, China Export & Credit Insurance Cooperation could provide it with Export Credit Insurance (ECI).

例29 加强工人现场施工安全培训,且凡有电焊作业将必须有保安值勤。

D. Reinforce training on work safety to | workers, make sure security personal is on duty when workers do the welding.


A1. Workers shall be provided with training on safety. Security staff must be presentwhen welding jobs are being done.

A2. Safety training shall be provided to the workers, making sure that security personnel is on duty when welding jobs are in process.

A3. The company will strengthen safety awareness training on workers and make sure that security surveillance is in place when they do welding.

例30 从第一条高速公路通车开始,中国的投资硬环境发生了巨大的变化。

D. Starting from the first expressway, China’s investment environment have happened great changes.


B1. With the opening to traffic of the first expressway, great changes have occurred in China’s investment environment.

B2. Starting with the opening to traffic of the first expressway, China’s infrastructure construction as part of the improved investment environment has seen great changes.

A1. With the opening to traffic of China’s first expressway, great changes have occurred in its investment environment.

A2. With the opening to traffic of the first expressway in China, infrastructure construction as part of the country’s investment environment has improved greatly.


