首页 理论教育 为什么纠错


时间:2022-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第四节 为什么纠错汉译英方法、技巧和相关知识全都体现在具体的句子之中。句子也是大多数情况下人们讨论翻译问题的基本单位。本书绝大多数举例均以句子为“翻译单位”。但是每一位作为个体的读者,可以根据自己学习的目标自行调整时间投入,主要针对与自己译文中表现出来的问题展开阅读和做练习。总之,拿别人的错译来分析,这是成本最低的学习方式。

第四节 为什么纠错

















这套教材的目标读者使用手机比较多。为了呼应本章主题,特此安排几个以手机为主题的句子。请阅读各句的译文,按照本书的标记体系(字母D, C, B和A)打分。


1. 手机漫游,拨打每分钟两角,接听一角。

(1) It will cost twenty cents for the caller and ten cents for the receiver for mobile roaming charges.

(2) Roaming fee for mobile phones is 2 jiao per minute on calls made, and 1 jiao perminute on calls received.

(3) The mobile phone roaming charges you 0.2 yuan per minute for dialing and 0.1 yuan per minute for receiving.

(4) Roaming charges on using a mobile phone is 0.20 yuan per minute on calls made, and 0.10 yuan per minute on calls received.

2. 去年手机及其零件累计出口345.6亿美元,增长56.7%。

(1) The export of cell phones and their parts/accessories was worth 34.56 billion dollars last year,up by 56.7 percent.

(2) The export of mobile phones and components totalled USD345.6 billion last year, up by 56.7 percent over the year before.

(3) The export value of mobile phones and their spare parts has increased by 56.7 percent and reached up to 34.56 billion dollars last year.

(4) Last year the export of cell phones with its part has accumulated to $ 34.56 billion. Compared with before ,it has increased by 56.7%.

(5) Last year the exports of mobiles and its accessories added up to USD 34.56 billion, increasing to 56.7 percent compared with the one in last year.

(6) Last year the amount of money coming from exportation of mobile phones and their parts was USD 34.56 billion and it surged 56% than that of the previous year.

3. 我手机一千多买的,按美元不到150,欧元也就七八十。

(1) My cell phone cost more than 100, which is less than 150 dollars, about 70 to 80 Euros.

(2) I paid 1 000 yuan for my mobile phone ,that is, no more than 150 dollars or 70 to 80 euros.

(3) I spent 1 000 plus yuan to buy my mobilephone, which is equivalent to less than $150 or £70-80.

(4) My cellphone cost cost me more than 1 000 RMB. which equals 150 in USD and ony 70, 80 in EUR.

(5) I bought this cell phone at 1 000 plus Yuan. It should be less than 150 in dollars or 70-80 in Euros.

(6) The mobile phone cost me 1 000 plus yuan, which should be less than 150 in US dollar or 70 to 80 in euros.

(7) My cell phone is worth more than 1 000 Yuan, which equals to less than 150 us dollars and about 70 to 80 euros.

(8) My cell phone cost me more than RMB 1 000 yuan, which is equivalent to less than US$150 or Euro 70 or 80.

(9) The price of my mobilephone was over 1 000 yuan when I bought it, which was lessthan 150 dollars, 70 or 80 euros equally.

(10) The cell phone cost me more than 1 000 Yuan, while | measured in foreign currencies, it is less than 150 dollars, and roughly 70to 80 Euros.

4. 我用手机拍了一段5分钟的录像,然后上传到了电脑里。

(1) I took a 5-minute video by my cell phone, and then uploaded it to the computer.

(2) I made a five minutes video via my mobile phone and uploaded it to my computer.

(3) I have shot a five-minute video with cell phone and then uploaded it to the computer.

(4) I recorded a five-minute video with cellphone, later uploaded the video to the computer.

5. 中国联通宣布将于明年1月底前正式推出3G资费基本套餐。

(1) China Unicom has announced to officially release the 3G discount package before the end of next January.

(2) China Unicom announced that it would officially launch a base package of charges for the 3G line-up mobile phones.

(3) China Unicom announced that it would officially launch the 3G tariff basic package before the end of next January.

(4) China Unicom announced that it will launch 3G Contract Service Tariff Package Scheme formally at the end of April.

(5) China Unicom announced that it would officially launch the 3G basic discount package of telecommunication charges by the end of January next year (in 2012).



1. 甲公司为乙公司独资组建的下属企业。

(1) A company is solely funded by company B and is a subsidiary of it.

(2) Company A is a subsidiary under the sole proprietorship of Company B.

(3) Jia is the subsidiary company of Yi which set up its own subsidiary companies by single proprietorship.

2. 我公司产品大量出口到东南亚及世界各地。

(1) Our products are sold in large quantities to Southeast Asia and all over the world.

(2) Our company exports large quantities of products to the Southeast Asia and the whole world.

(3) The products of our company have been exported in large quantity to Southeast Asia and all over the word.

3. 该公司于上星期一正式宣布变更了商标名称。

(1) The company announced their changing trademark new.

(2) The company formally announced to change their brand name last Monday.

(3) This company announced officially for its changing of its brand name last Monday.

4. 据预计,明年本市烟花供应量在40万箱左右。

(1) According to estimate, firework will supply about 400 000 cartons in own city in next year.

(2) It has been predicted that the supply of our city’s fireworks will be around 0.4 million boxes.

(3) It is estimated that the supplyment of fireworks will be about 4 000 thousand boxes in the local city next year.

5. 九月所涉及的产品配送,我们随后将分别通知。

(1) We will separately inform you for the Sep distribution later.

(2) We will soon inform you the respective goods delivery mentioned in September.

(3) From tomorrow, you would separately receive the notifications of the products distributed in September.

6. 他在上海出席某论坛时表示,深圳房价肯定要涨。

(1) “Shenzhen’s house price must rise” he said when he presented a forum at Shanghai.

(2) “The housing prices of Shenzhen will certainly be raise” He said attending a forum in Shanghai.

(3) In a speech gave during a Shanghai forum, he mentioned, the Shen Zhen real estate price will go up.

7. 该公司在一份当地的报纸上刊登了全版的道歉广告

(1) This company published a full-page to apology in the local paper.

(2) Published the apology advertisement with entire edition is published in a local newspaper.

(3) Apologizing ad that used a whole page was published by the company in local newspaper.

8. 进一步抓好产品质量,是公司当前工作的重中之重。

(1) Further improving product quality, is now company’s the heaviest work.

(2) Improving product quality is our company’s current major important job.

(3) Further improving the product quality is main task at present of our company.

9. 由于很多管理理论源于美国,因此理论与实践在国内特别容易脱节。

(1) Theory does not accord with practice, especially at home, for many management theories derive from the U.S.

(2) Since many theories on management originated from America, therefore, practice can easily be disjoined with theory domestically.

(3) Many of the management theories derived from America, so it’s obvious that the theory and the practice are easily separated from each other.

10. 他与两位同事以20万元人民币创办了迎新技术公司(迎新控股前身)。

(1) He set up the Yingxin technique company (formerly Yingxin holding company) with two of his colleagues at 0.2million RMB.

(2) With other two colleagues and 200 000 RMB, he founded the Yingxin Technology Company, which was late | named Yingxin Konggu.

(3) He, along with two colleagues, spent RMB 200 000 yuan establishing In-Shin Technology (China) Inc. (the former In-Shin Holding Company).



1. 据说市政府即将出台多项救市措施。

2. 现如今,偏远的村寨也可收看3D电视节目了。

3. 作为实习生,每天的工作基本就是校对文件。

4. 只有有了核心技术,我们才能占领市场制高点。

5. 政府这一年的宏观调控政策及时地扶持了楼市

6. 手机交费有多种方式,例如预付费、按月划扣等等。

7. 来自发改委的统计数据表明,今年楼市价格有所下降。

8. 要拆迁的住房约为200万平方米,待安置的居民大约3 000人。

9. 在中国,是中国银行最早(2006年)在上海推出了“手机银行”。

10. 他每天都会给腾讯微博平台发几条微博,随时更新自己的心情。

