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时间:2022-03-30 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:一、戏曲名的翻译1.意译◆ 话说众人看演《荆钗记》,宝玉和姐妹一处坐着。该剧描写南宋时王十朋和钱玉莲夫妻悲欢离合的故事,其《祭江》、《见母》两出,脍炙人口,至今仍上演不衰。《男祭》:即南戏《荆钗记》第35出《时祀》。宝钗点了一出《鲁智深醉闹五台山》。是清初朱佐朝所作《虎囊弹》传奇中的一出。



◆ 话说众人看演《荆钗记》,宝玉和姐妹一处坐着。林黛玉因看到《男祭》这一出上,便和宝钗说道:“这王十朋也不通的很,不管在那里祭一祭罢了,必定跑到江边子上来作什么!俗语说,‘睹物思人’,天下的水总归一源,不拘那里的水舀一碗看着哭去,也就尽情了。”(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第四十四回)

Baoyu was sitting with the girls as everybody watched The Tale of the Thorn Pin.When it came to the scene in which the hero sacrifices to his drowned wife,Daiyu remarked to Baochai:

“What a fool this Wang Shipeng is!Surely he could offer a sacrifice anywhere.Why must he rush off to kneel beside the river?The proverb says: Things have their associations.But water the whole world over in the last analysis comes from the same source.He could have ladled out a bowl of water anywhere and wept over it to work off his feelings.”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)



◆ 一个穿花衣的末脚拿着一本戏目走上来,打了抢跪,说道:“请老爷先赏两出!”万中书让过了高翰林、施御史,就点了一出《请宴》,一出《饯别》,施御史又点了一出《五台》;高翰林又点了一出《追信》。(吴敬梓《儒林外史》第四十九回)

A small-role actor in bright clothes came in with a list of plays.He walked forward and knelt on one knee.

“Please choose a few scenes,sir,”he said.

Wan tried ineffectively to persuade Mr.Kao and Censor Shih to choose first,then selected“An Invitation to a Feast”and“The Farewell.”Shihchose“Brothers Meet on Mount Wu Tai,”and Kao“The Pursuit of Han Hsin.”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

◆ 至上酒席时,贾母又命宝钗点。宝钗点了一出《鲁智深醉闹五台山》。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第二十二回)

When the feast was ready the Lady Dowager told Baochai to select another opera,and she asked for The Drunk Monk.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)


◆ 林黛玉道:“安静看戏罢,还没唱《山门》,你倒《妆疯》了。”说的湘云也笑了。于是大家看戏。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第二十二回)

“Do be quiet and watch,”said Daiyu.“Before we've seen the The Drunk Monk you're playing The General Feigns Madness.”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)



◆ 于是忽而想到赵太爷的威风,而现在是他的儿子了,便自己也渐渐的得意起来,爬起身,唱着《小孤孀上坟》到酒店去。(鲁迅《阿Q正传》)

And then the thought of the prestige of Mr.Zhao,who was now his son,gradually raised his spirits.He scrambled up and made his way to the tavern singing The Young Widow at Her Husband's Grave.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

◆ (贾母)指湘云道:“我象他这么大的时节,他爷爷有一班小戏,偏有一个弹琴的凑了来,即如《西厢记》的《听琴》,《玉簪记》的《琴挑》,《续琵琶》的《胡笳十八拍》,竟成了真的了,比这个更如何?”众人都道:“这更难得了。”贾母便命个媳妇来,吩咐文官等叫他们吹一套《灯月圆》。媳妇领命而去。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五十四回)

Pointing at Xiangyun she added,“When I was her age,her grandfather had an opera troupe in which someone performed real lyre music when they played‘Listening to the Lyre’from The Western Chamber,‘Seduction by the Lyre’in The Romance of the Jade Hairpin and‘Eighteen Songs to the Hun-nish Pipe’in The Lute Player's Return.What do you think of that?”

All admitted that such a thing was even rarer.Then the old lady told servants to order Wenguan and her troupe to play with lute and flute Full Moon at the Lantern Festival,and they went off to carry out her instructions.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

*The Romance of the Jade Hairpin:By the Ming playwright Gao Lian.

*The Lute Player's Return:By Gao Lian,Gao Xueqin's grandfather.



◆ 少时,太监出来,只点了四出戏:第一出,《豪宴》;第二出,《乞巧》;第三出,《仙缘》;第四出,《离魂》。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第十八回)

Presently four pieces were chosen:“The Sumptuous Banquet,”“The Double Seventh Festival,”“Meeting the Immortals”and“The Departure of the Soul.”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

※The Sumptuous Banquet:from A Handful of Snow by the Ming playwright Li Yu.

※The Double Seventh Festival:from the Palace of Eternal Youth by the early Qing playwirhgt Hong Sheng.

※Meeting the Immortals:from The Dream at Handan by the Ming palywirght Tang Xianzu.

※The Departure of the Soul:from The Peony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu.







◆ 车过去了,还得跟着,他现在没什么表现,焉知道他到单牌楼不缓过气来而高唱几句《四郎探母》呢?(老舍《骆驼祥子》)

The chart passed,but everyone pressed on behind.He was silent now,but what if he were suddenly to sing out a few lines from“Silang Visits His Mother”when he reached the single archway?(施晓菁译)

◆ 那一日正当三月中浣,早饭后,宝玉携了一套《会真记》,走到沁芳闸桥边桃花底下一块石上坐着,展开《会真记》,从头细玩。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第二十三回)

One day,about the middle of the third month,carrying a copy of The Western Chamber he strolled after breakfast across the bridge above Seeping Fragrance Lock.There he sat down on a rock to read under a blossoming peachtree.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)


◆ 贾珍一时来回:“神前拈了戏,头一本《白蛇记》。”贾母问“《白蛇记》是什么故事?”贾珍道:“是汉高祖斩蛇方起首的故事。第二本是《满床笏》。”贾母笑道:“这倒是第二本上?也罢了。神佛要这样,也只得罢了。”又问第三本,贾珍道:“第三本是《南柯梦》。”贾母听了便不言语。贾珍退了下来,至外边预备着申表、焚钱粮、开戏,不在话下。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第二十九回)

Presently Jia Zhen came to report that lots had been drawn before the shrine for the operas,and the first was to be The White Serpent.

“What's the story?”asked the old lady.

“It's about the First Emperor of Han who killed a serpent,then founded the dynasty.The second is Every Son a High Minister.”

“So that's the second?”The Lady Dowager nodded,smiling.“Well,if this is the wish of the gods,what must be must be.And what's the third?”

“The Dream of the Southern Tributary State.”

At this she made no comment.Jia Zhen withdrew to prepare the written prayers,burn incense and order the actors to start.But no more of this.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

*Every Son a High Minister:A story about Guo Ziyi of the Tang Dynasty.

*The Dream of the Southern Tributary State:Based on a Tang story in which a scholar had a dream of great wealth and splendour;then he woke up and found it was just an empty dream.




◆ 宝钗推让一遍,无法,只得点了一折《西游记》。贾母自是喜欢,然后便命凤姐点。凤姐亦知贾母喜热闹,更喜谑笑科诨,便点了一出《刘二当衣》。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第二十二回)

The Lady Dowager called on Baochai to name her choice.The girl declined the honor at first but finally,to the old lady's delight,named a scene from Pilgrimage to the West.Next,Xifeng was ordered to take her pick.And knowing the old lady's liking for lively plays,especially comedies and burlesques,she pleased her even more by selecting Liu Er Pawns His Clothes.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)


◆ 凤姐儿立起身来答应了一声,方接过戏单,从头一看,点了一出《还魂》。一出《弹词》,递过戏单去说:“现在唱的这《双官诰》,唱完了,再唱这两出,也就是时候了。”(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第十一回》

Xifeng rose to signify obedience.Taking the list she read through it and marked The Resurrection and The Rhapsody.Handing it back she observed,“When they've finished this Double Promotion there'll be just time enough for these two.”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

*The Resurrection:A scene from The Peony Pavilion,by the Ming playwright Tang Xianzu.

*The Rhapsody:A scene from The Palace Youth,by the Qing play-wright Hong Sheng.

*Double Promotion:A popular opera chosen for its auspicious title.




◆ 贾蔷忙答应了,因命龄官作《游园》、《惊梦》二曲。龄官自为此二曲原非本角之戏,执意不作,定要作《相约》、《相骂》二出。贾蔷扭他不过,只得依他作了。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第十八回)

Jia Qiang hastily agreed and suggested“A Visit to the Garden”and“The Dream”.But since neither formed part of her repertoire,Lingguan insisted“The Pledge”and“The Quarrel”instead.And Jia Qiang had to let her have her way.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

The Dream:Two more scenes from The Peony Pavilion.

The Quarrel:Scenes from The Hairpin and the Bracelet by a Ming playwright by the pseudonym of Mater of the Moon Pavilion.



◆ 他的思想仿佛风似的在脑里一回旋:《小孤孀上坟》欠堂皇,《龙虎斗》里的“悔不该……”也太乏,还是“手执钢鞭将你打”罢。(鲁迅《阿Q正传》)

His thoughts revolved like a whirlwind:The Young Widow at Her Husband's Grave was not heroic enough.The passage“Alas,in my cups”in The Battle of the Dragon and the Tiger was too feeble.“Steel in hand I shall trounce you”was still the best.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

◆ 宝玉便笑道:“姐姐通今博古,色色都知道,怎么连这一出戏的名字也不知道,就说了这么一串子。这叫《负荆请罪》。”(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第三十回)

“Why,cousin,”he cried,“surely you're sufficiently well versed in ancient and modern literature to know the title of that opera.Why do you haveto describe it?It's called Abject Apologies.”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)


◆ 正唱《西楼·楼会》这出将终,于叔夜因赌气去了,那文豹便发科诨道:“你赌气去了,恰好今日正月十五,荣国府中老祖宗家宴,待我骑了这马,赶进去讨些果子吃是要紧的。”(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五十三回)

This was towards the end of the scene“Encounter in the Tower from The West Tower”,when Yu Shuye flings off in a rage.The girl playing Wenbao adlibbed:

“So you're leaving in a huff.Luckily this is the fifteenth of the first month,and the Old Ancestress of the Rong Mansion is holding a family feast.I'm going to ride there as fast as I can on this horse to ask for some goodies now.That's the thing to do.”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

The West Tower:By Yuan Yulin,a Qing playwright.

【注】《西楼·楼会》:清初袁于令撰《西楼记》传奇中的一出。剧本写于叔夜和妓女穆素徽悲欢离合的故事。第八出《病晤》,写于、穆二人正在西楼相会,书童文豹来传于父之命,让他去“赴社”;于只得与穆相别,恹恹而去。这出戏的演出本,俗称《西楼会》。(张俊等,1987: 870)

◆ 当下天未二鼓,戏演的是《八义》中《观灯》八出。正在热闹之际,宝玉因下席往外走。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五十四回)

It was not yet the second watch.Eight scenes from Eight Gallants at the Lantern Festival were being performed,and the climax had just been reached when Baoyu rose to go out.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)


◆ 秋纹笑道:“外头唱的是《八义》,没唱《混元盒》,那里又跑出‘金花娘娘’来了。”(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五十四回)

“They're playing The Eight Gallants over there,not The Magic Box,”quipped Qiuwen.“So where does this Goddess Jinhua come from?”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)


◆ (贾母)说着又道:“叫葵官唱一出《惠明下书》,也不用抹脸。只用两出叫他们听个疏异罢了。若省一点力,我可不依。”文官等听了出来,忙去扮演上台,先是《寻梦》,次是《下书》。众人都鸦雀无声。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五十四回)

She then told Kuiguan,“Sing that aria‘Huiming Delivers a Letter’and don't trouble to make up.Just sing a couple of scenes to amuse these ladies with our amateur style.But mind you do your best.”

Wenguan and the others assented and withdrew to change their clothes.First they staged“Seeking the Dream,”then“The Letter Is Delivered.”All listened in absolute silence.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)




◆ 众皆不识,听见外面人说:“这是新打的《蕊珠记》里的《冥升》。小旦扮的是嫦娥,前因堕落人寰,几乎给人为配,幸亏观音点化,他就未嫁而逝,此时升引月宫。”(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第八十五回)

No one knew what opera this was till they heard it said outside that this was the scene“Returning to Heaven from Hell”from the new opera The Tale of Ruizhu.The girl was the moon goddess who descended to earth and became betrothed to a mortal;luckily the goddess Guanyin had shown her the right course and she died before her marriage took place.She was now going back to the moon.”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

※The Tale of Ruizhu:the playwright is unknown.

◆ 少刻,摆上酒席,打动锣鼓,一个人上来做一出戏。也有做《请宴》的,也有做《窥醉》的,也有做《借茶》的,也有做《刺虎》的,纷纷不一。后来王留歌做了一出《思凡》。(吴敬梓《儒林外史》第三十一回)

Soon the feast was served,and music sounded as the first actor ascended the stage.One acted“The Feast”,another“The Drunken Singer”,yet others“Borrowing Tea”or“Killing the Tiger”.No two scenes were the same.Wang Liu-ko presented“The Nun Longs for Earthly Pleasures”.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

