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时间:2022-03-30 理论教育 版权反馈




◆ 一面说着,一面男一起,女一起,一起一起俱行过礼。左右两旁设下交椅,然后又按长幼挨次归坐受礼。两府男妇小厮丫鬟亦按差役上中下行礼毕,散压岁钱、荷包、金银锞,摆上合欢宴来。男东女西归坐,献屠苏酒、合欢汤、吉祥果、如意糕毕,贾母起身进内间更衣,众人方各散出。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五十三回)

But the men in one group and the women in another paid their respects together,after which they took seats on both sides in order of seniority to receive the salutations of their juniors.When all the men and maid-servants of both mansions had paid their respects according to their degree,there was a distribution of New-Year money,as well as pouches and gold and silver ingots.Then they took their seats for the family-reunion feast,the men on the east side,the women on the west,and New-Year wine,“happy-reunion soup”,“lucky fruit”and“wish-fulfillment cakes”were served,until the Lady Dowager rose and went into the inner room to change her clothes,whereupon the party broke up.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)


◆ 新年正月,公孙回家拜祖父、母亲的年回来。正月十二日,娄府两公子请吃春酒。公孙到了,两公子接在书房里坐,问了蓬太守在家的安。(吴敬梓《儒林外史》第十一回)

After New Year,Chu Hsien-fu went home to pay his respects to his grandfather and mother.On the twelfth of the first month,after his return,the Lou brothers invited him to dine with them.When the young man arrived,they took him into the library and inquired after Prefect Chu's health.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)



◆ (宝钗)说着扶了莺儿走到灵前,一面奠酒,那眼泪早扑簌簌流下来了,奠毕拜了几拜,狠狠的哭了他一场。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第百十一回)

Then leading on Yinger's arm she went up to the coffin and poured a libation of wine,tears flowing down her cheeks.After that she bowed several times with clasped hands and wept bitterly.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)



◆ 只听宝蟾外面说道:“二爷今日高兴阿,那里喝了酒来了?”金桂听了,明知是叫他出来的意思,连忙掀起帘子出来。只见薛蝌和宝蟾说道:“今日是张大爷的好日子,所以被他们强不过吃了半钟,到这时候脸还发烧呢。”(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第一百回)

She(Jingui)heard Baochan outside saying,“You're in high spirits,Master Ke,today.Where have you been drinking?”

Taking her cue,Jingui lifted the portiere and stepped out.

“Today is Mr.Zhang's birthday,”Xue Ke was telling Baochan.“They forced me to drink half a goblet.Even now my face is still burning...”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)


◆ 明早,归家大姑娘坐轿子来。这里请了金次福的老婆和钱麻子的老婆两个搀亲。到晚,一乘轿子、四对灯笼火把娶进门来。进房撒帐,说四言八句,拜花烛,吃交杯盏,不必细说。(吴敬梓《儒林外史》第二十七回)

The next morning Kuei's wife arrived by sedan-chair,and Mrs.Pao asked Chin Tzu-fu's wife and Pock-marked Chien's wife to escort the bride to the house.Towards evening the bridal chair arrived,with four pairs of lanterns and torches.The bride and groom went to the marriage chamber,recited the usual phrases,bowed before the decorate candles,drank wine together,and all the rest of it.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

