首页 理论教育 交通城建类新闻


时间:2022-03-30 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:7.11 交通城建类新闻我国经济的强劲发展带来了交通设施建设的不断升温,道路、桥梁、地铁、轻轨等交通设施工程一个又一个地完工,给百姓的出行带来了极大的方便,同时也带来了铁路、公路和民航交通之间的竞争。交通城建建设类新闻报道的翻译有较大难度,主要是中文新闻稿件常常会对一些施工的细节进行介绍,而这些细节内容中会出现大量专业性很强的词汇,从而给翻译带来了困难。

7.11 交通城建类新闻


交通城建建设类新闻报道的翻译有较大难度,主要是中文新闻稿件常常会对一些施工的细节进行介绍,而这些细节内容中会出现大量专业性很强的词汇,从而给翻译带来了困难。为此,做好此类稿件的翻译,一是要认真查询辞典和相关背景资料;二是要明确一些专业性词汇的英语对应表达,绝不可以出现差错,如斜拉索桥(cable stayed bridge)和悬索桥(suspension bridge)两者不可混淆;三是恰如其分地掌握编译的原则,可以适当地添加背景材料。对于原稿中的细节介绍,翻译时一般不需按部就班,因为对外新闻报道本身就是传递一个主体信息而已,说明工程建设的主要信息即可。


1)合理调整城市布局reasonable adjustments on urban layouts

2)拆除危旧房屋dangerous and old houses are dismantled

3)住房难,行路难,通信难problems of housing,traffic and communication

4)旧城逐步改建,近郊调整配套,远郊积极发展reforming the old city step by step,adjusting and matching installations in the outskirts,and making active development in remote outskirts

5)成片建设地区vast stretches of construction area

6)统一规划integrated planning

7)卫星城satellite city


9)房地产开发real estate development

10)城市建设和管理的总体规划the overall plan of urban construction and administration

11)竣工面积completed residential areas


13)方便市民生活provide citizens with conveniences

14)长期的低租金福利性住房制度the long-existing low-rent welfare housing system

15)建立住房公积金set up housing accumulation funds

16)出售公有住宅sell publicly-owned residences

17)集资合作建房collect funds for cooperative house-building

18)逐步提高房租raise the rent step by step

19)公路建设管理highway construction administration

20)交通运输网transportation network

21)公路网highway network

22)公路建设基金highway construction fund

23)过路费road toll

24)过桥费bridge toll

25)过隧费tunnel toll

26)船渡费ferry toll

27)养路费highway maintenance fee

28)车辆购置附加费vehicle purchase additional fee

29)公路造价highway construction cost

30)工程直接费direct expense of project

31)工程间接费indirect expense of project

32)工程预备费reserve fund of project

33)养护费用maintenance cost

34)大修工程费major maintenance cost

35)交通管理费traffic administration cost

36)公路勘测规程highway reconnaissance and survey regulations

37)施工规范construction specification

38)公路施工管理highway construction management

39)工程质量管理engineering quality control

40)全面质量管理total quality control,TQC

41)施工现场管理construction site management

42)施工计划construction plan

43)设计荷载design load

44)公路工程监理highway engineering supervision

45)招标calling for tenders






51)监理工程师supervising engineer

52)监理工程师代表supervising engineer's representative

53)驻地监理工程师resident supervising engineer

54)招标文件bidding documents


56)投标人须知instruction to bidder

57)投标担保bid bond

58)投标邀请书invitation to bid

59)投标书有效期bid validity

60)国际竞争性招标international competitive bidding,ICB

61)国内竞争性招标local competitive bidding,LCB

62)联合投标joint ventures bidder

63)投标截止期deadline of bid

64)标底engineer's estimate

65)评标evaluation of bids

66)开标bid opening

67)中标award of contract

68)中标通知书notification of award

69)国内投标人优惠preference for domestic bidders

70)竣工completion of construction


72)验收证书acceptance certificate

73)工程决算final account of project

74)工期construction time limit


76)延期违约偿金liquidated damages

77)终止合同termination of contract

78)延期extension of time






【配音】苏通大桥东距长江入海口108公里,西距江阴大桥82公里,是我省继江阴大桥、南京二桥、润扬大桥之后开工建设的又一座现代化特大型桥梁工程。它创造了斜拉桥型四项世界之最:主跨径达1 088米,是世界最长的斜拉桥主跨;主塔高306米,为世界最高的桥塔;主桥两个基础墩将分别采用131根直径为2.5米至2.6米,长120多米的群桩,是世界最大规模的群桩基础;主桥最长斜拉索长达580米,是世界最长的斜拉索。





Construction wraps up on world's longest cable-stayed bridge

The Sutong Yangtze River Bridge,linking up the riverside cities of Suzhou and Nantong in East China's Jiangsu Province,were connected on Monday,marking the completion of the principal part of its construction.The bridge boasts four world records in the history of international bridge construction.

With a main span of 1,088 meters,the Sutong Bridge is the first to break the magic 1,000-meter span barrier.The six-lane Sutong Bridge also sets a new benchmark with its two A-shaped pylons,whose height of 306 meters is also unprecedented.The bridge's two group-pile foundation piers,which were formed by 131 piles each measuring 2.5-2.6 meters in diameter and 120 meters in length are the largest group-pile foundations in the world.The longest cable of the main bridge,which is 580 meters,is the longest cable-stayed bridge in the world.

There are tens of bridges over the Yangtze River already.Jiangsu Province alone has four hi-tech bridges across the Yangtze River.The Sutong Bridge is located about 90 kilometers to the Yangtze River Bridge in Jiangyin,and 100 kilometers east of the estuary of the Yangtze River.Besides,the Sutong Bridge is a crossriver hub of one of the four north-south highways of the province,linking Shanghai in the east and Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Area in the west.The completion of the bridge makes the commute between the north part of Jiangsu and Shanghai,originally completed through ferry route,cut to about an hour.

The bridge construction is a strong indication that China is leading the world in cable-stayed bridgeconstruction.Thetechnologyprovideshighfatigue resistance,excellent corrosion protection,and cable force monitoring,as well as strand adjustability.In addition to its high quality and performance,the stay cable system can also be equipped with the new anti-vibration systems.

A typical cable stayed bridge is a continuous girder with one or more towers erected above piers in the middle of the span.From these towers,cables stretch down diagonally and support the girder.The cable routing and attachments for the girders and towers are complex structures requiring precision fabrication.









Nanjing starts construction on its 2nd subway line

The East-West Line of the Nanjing Subway will start construction on May 1st,the city's subway authority was quoted as saying on Friday.

According to insiders,the city's second subway line is slated for completion in January,2008.The newly released construction plan also indicates that the subway line will start trial run on October 1,2009 before opening to traffic one month afterwards.

The project of the downtown Nanjing's Xinjekou Station,starting construction on May 1st,is estimated to last 18 months,while the projects of the Daxinggong and Shanghai Road Stations will start construction in late May and early July.




Cross-river railroad to link Shanghai,Nantong

A cross-river railroad is to be built between North Jiangsu's Nantong City and Shanghai,making it more convenient for people to travel between the two cities that are separated by the Yangtze River.

The Hu-Tong or Shanghai-Nantong Railway project got the official approval from the National Development and Reform Commission days ago,sources say.

According to the blueprint,the railroad will be connected with the Nanjing-Qidong railway network at the Nantong East Railway Station.It will diverge in South Jiangsu's Taicang City after crossing the Yangtze River and join Anting Station of the Beijing-Shanghai Railway Line and Putong Railway.

Around 22 billion yuan will be invested in this 225-kilometer railroad,which will be co-funded by the Ministry of Railway,East China's Jiangsu Province,and Shanghai Municipality.

The cross-river passage for Shanghai-Nantong Railway will be built to the east of Suzhou-Nantong Bridge,which will be the largest cable-stayed bridge in the world when completed this year.The railway line is expected to start construction before the year 2010.

