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时间:2022-03-30 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:7.8 教育类新闻近年来,教育成为我国社会最引人注目的社会热点之一。因此,教育方面的一举一动绝对是每一个新闻媒体不会忽视的,尤其是像小升初、中考、高考以及出国留学等,说这些事情牵动着全社会的神经一点也不过分。翻译教育类新闻报道的一些常用词汇:1)高考college entrance exam2)高考方案plan for college entrance exam3)学业水平测试aptitude exam4)参加考试sit for examination5)参加高考take the national college entrance exam6)考生exam-taker/test-taker7)采取高科技手段严防考试作弊。

7.8 教育类新闻




1)高考college entrance exam

2)高考方案plan for college entrance exam

3)学业水平测试aptitude exam

4)参加考试sit for examination

5)参加高考take the national college entrance exam


7)采取高科技手段严防考试作弊。Hi-tech countermeasures will be taken toprevent cheating during the exams.

8)在考场屏蔽手机信号shielding mobile phone signals at exam centers

9)高考分数/成绩scores/performance in college entrance exam

10)高分考生students who score high in the exams

11)发布高考成绩release the annual college entrance exam scores

12)阅卷/批卷exam paper marking/grading

13)阅卷点paper-marking center

14)高校录取college enrollment

15)填报高考志愿apply for admission to university

16)网上填报志愿apply online/online application

17)网上录取enroll online/online enrollment

18)录取分数admission score

19)考分在576分以上的考生students who scored above 576

20)高考录取比例控制在70%set the college enrollment rate at 70%

21)考上大学/被大学录取secure a place in the university

22)增加招生计划enroll more applicants than planned


24)义务教育compulsory education

25)中小学九年义务教育nine years of free compulsory education

26)中小学生全部免收学杂费。All miscellaneous fees are scrapped in primary and junior middle schools.

27)政府免收义务教育阶段的中小学生学杂费。The government will not charge tuition or other extra fees during nine years of compulsory education.

28)防止辍学keep them from dropping out of school

29)农民工子弟/外来工子弟children of migrant workers

30)农民工子弟学校/外来工子弟学校migrant children's school/migrant school




34)社会实践social practice

35)业余工作part-time job

36)暑期工作summer job

37)进修课程refresher course

38)课外活动extracurricular activities

39)体育活动physical activities

40)娱乐活动recreational activities

41)学术活动academic activities

42)社会活动social activities



45)三好学生“Three Goods”student

46)优秀团员excellent League member

47)优秀干部excellent leader

48)学生会student council/federation

49)学年academic year






55)博士后post doctorate





60)研究生graduate student

61)留学生abroad student

62)回国留学生returned student





67)旁听生guest student(英)/auditor(美)

68)公费生government-supported student



【口导】今天是2007年高考的第一天,在全省18 338个考场里,52万多考生开始了他们人生的一次特殊考验。




526 thousand sit for college entrance exam

A record number of 526,000 students in East China's Jiangsu Province took the annual college entrance exam on Thursday.The exam,lasting from June 7th to 9th,will decide whether they can secure a place in the university.

In Jiangning High School,10-odd buses were provided to save time commuting from examinees'apartments to the exam center.Exam instructions were repeatedly flashed on screen and aired on the radio after the students entered the test rooms.

A series of measures have been taken to ensure smooth goings-on of the exam.Traffic police departments in Nanjing and Suzhou cities of South Jiangsu Province have imposed traffic control near the test centers.In Xuzhou and Nantong cities of North Jiangsu,warm-hearted taxi squads provided free rides for needy test-takers.In some test sites,encouraging songs were broadcast to build up exam-takers'confidence.

The National College Entrance Examination is seen as one of the most important examinations in China,because it is the only chance for most high school students to get access to higher education.Last year,9.5 million students nationwide sat for the exam but only 2.6 million secured enrollment to universities or colleges.










【配音】据不完全统计,去年我省出境留学的在8 000人左右,如果按花费中档的赴澳大利亚留学一年15万元算的话,就要花掉1.2亿元,江苏学生的素质和家庭经济承受能力,是吸引这些院校不远万里前来推销自己的主要原因。从专业上看金融、会计、IT、旅游及酒店管理等持续看热,因就业形势不错而深受大家青睐。记者注意到,往年很火的港澳学校今年只来了一所,表明在多数大学依托高考选拔人才后,港澳高校在大陆的市场已相对饱和了。

More overseas universities lure Chinese students

More than 350 universities and other educational institutions from 40-odd countries were promoting themselves at the 12th China International Education Exhibition Tour or CIEET that kicked off on Tuesday in Nanjing,its fifth leg of the China tour show.

Universities and colleges from English-speaking countries such as the USA,Canada,Australia,and Singapore account for 2/3 of all the schools,indicating their popularity among the Chinese students.Educational institutions from countries of minor languages such as the Netherlands and Germany also attracted lots of prospective students with their cheap tuition,flexible school system,and promising employment prospects.

Studying abroad is flourishing across Jiangsu,an economic powerhouse of China.The province saw 8,000 students head for overseas study last year with an estimated 120 million yuan spent.

The annual CIEET,an officially approved event by the Ministry of Education,is an important platform providing much information to prospective students.According to the CIEET Spring 2007,finance,accounting,IT,tourism and hotel planning are some of the popular majors due to their great potentials in landing good jobs.


苏州外来工子弟学校 年内必须全达标


【配音】创办于2005年的苏州高新区新浒学校有学生1 600多名,教师78人,是苏州目前规模最大的外来工子弟学校之一。昨天,新浒学校成为苏州首批通过验收的外来工子弟学校之一。




【同期】苏州教育局基教处副处长 秦宁人



Suzhou imposes new standards on migrant schools

New standards for migrant children's schools have been set in South Jiangsu's Suzhou City.Any school that fails to pass the new criteria by the end of this year will be shut down,according to the city's education authority.

Founded in 2005 in the city's new and high-tech zone,Xinhu School is one of the largest schools for migrant children citywide,with over 1,600 students on enrollment and 78 teachers in total.It passed the examination and acceptance of the municipal education bureau last Thursday,being one of the first group of migrant children schools that measure up to the new standards in the city.

For measurement of a qualified school for migrant kids,a complete set of norms has been formulated by the city's education bureau,something that are measurable in concrete terms with vision to ensuring the quality of education for migrant children.

The norms are fulfilled in three categories,including school facilities,teachers' team,and administration,which are further divided into 28 specifications.Some of them are hard and fast,for example,the building area per student should be at least 7 square meters and the number of students in each class must not exceed 56.

Migrant schools have mushroomed in recent years in Suzhou as more children and their parents arrive in the city.At present,there are 125 schools for migrant children citywide,providing education to 82,000 students of different levels.Most of the migrant schools,which collect cheap fees and suit the needs of lowincome migrant families in the city,are not well-equipped and do not even have enough qualified teachers to guarantee the quality of education.

New criteria for migrant schools were drawn by the municipal education bureau in 2007 to improve their facilities the best they can,and after one year of effort,a total of 24 schools for migrant kids have met the standards citywide so far.

223,000 children from migrant worker families are now studying in the city,and 63 percent of them attend public schools.The rate will be raised to 70 percent this year.

China's economic boom has attracted a large number of people from the countryside to work in the cities.But how to have their kids well educated has become a headache for many migrant families.And schools like Suzhou Xinhu School have been set up to meet their demands.

But unlike public schools which are financed by the government,schools for migrant farmer-workers'kids have to rely solely on tuition fees.So,many operate under conditions far below national standards.

Despite this,migrant farmer-workers prefer to send their kids here,rather than leave them behind in the countryside,where the quality of education is much lower.

