首页 理论教育 汉英口译中的文化因素处理


时间:2022-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第十三单元 汉英口译中的文化因素处理第一部分 技能总述在汉英口译活动中,形式上虽然是语言字符的转换,内容上却是中英两个民族文化间的交流。遇到文化差异,译员有责任及时作出相应的处理,以避免造成误解。其中以佛教对我国的文化影响最大,不少成语就和佛教相关。

第十三单元 汉英口译中的文化因素处理

第一部分 技能总述






思维方式的差异本质上是文化差异的表现,长期生活在不同区域的人具有不同的文化特征,因而也形成了不同的思维方式。汉英不同的思维方式决定了两个民族按照各自不同的方式创造不同的文化,而这种不同必然要通过文化的载体——语言得以表达。这种思维方式的差异常导致在汉译英的口译过程中,一些词语的引申义不同。如果中国人说“您应该比我年长,您请上坐”按照中国人的思维,这句话的引申含义为“您是值得尊重的客人,应该上坐。”如果译员不加思考直接译成:You must be older than me. You take the upper seat. 西方女士很可能会觉得不愉快,英语国家的思维反应是:我看上去有那么老吗?这样中方本想表示尊重的本意不但不能传递,反而适得其反。根据英汉文化的差异译员可以将这句话译成As our guest of honor,would you take the seat of honor?

中国人表达事物总是按时间和事理发展顺序由因到果、由先到后、由大到小进行阐述,这种思维模式可称为具体一般型表达。汉语是按时间顺序和逻辑发展关系由先到后、由因到果、由假设到推论、由事实到论证,而英语则相反。汉语中许多表示具体的词也难以在英文中得以体现。如:“在全球经济事务中,中国应继续保持一个积极而充满活力的力量,我坚信这是符合我国利益的。”译为英语的语序:I strongly believe that it’s in the interests of my countrymen that China should remain an active and energetic power in global economic matters. 由此可见,汉语的表达语序与英语相反。

由于文化背景和生活习惯的不同,在社交礼节方面,英语国家和中国也有着许多的差异。如果在机场接人,中国人会说:一路辛苦了!意思是想要表达问候、寒暄之意。这句话如果直译成:You must be very tired after the journey,英方可能会想:我难道看上去很累,很憔悴吗?实际上这种场合说:Did you have a nice journey/flight? 更为合适。

对于称谓的礼仪规范也要注意,而在汉语中,“李经理、王先生、刘女士、张老师”等词常与姓氏连用用来表示礼貌和尊敬,但在英语中却不能对等地译为“Director Li、Wang Sir, Madam Liu, Teacher Zhang”,而应按照英语习惯应用Mr., Mrs., Miss与姓(名)连用来表示。

有时译员会遇到中国东道主使用外方的名加头衔的做法,如称Jack 为 杰克先生,Mary Jones 为玛丽小姐,译员在翻译时应按照英文的习惯译成Mr. Wilson 或Miss. Jones,或者视场合和双方的关系使用名字。


比较常见的是在面对恭维时的差异。中国人的传统美德是谦虚谨慎,对别人的恭维和夸奖更是推辞。如:“您的英语讲得真好。”“哪里,哪里,一点也不行。”但西方人从来不过分谦虚,对恭维一般表示谢意,表现出一种自强自信的信念。如:“You can speak very good French.”回答“Thank you.”。中国人认为,英语民族过于喜欢说“Thank you”和“Please”,认为没有必要,甚至会感到耐烦。中国人相信对方知道对自己的感激,认为是不必说出的。遇到文化差异,译员有责任及时作出相应的处理,以避免造成误解。


不少中国人信仰佛教,相信佛祖主宰一切,中国文化博大精深,源远流长。一般认为,儒、道、佛是中国的三大宗教,在我国的传统文化中,有道教的“玉帝”、佛教的“阎王”、还有神话中的“龙王”。其中以佛教对我国的文化影响最大,不少成语就和佛教相关。例如:苦中作乐、五体投地、现身说法、天花乱坠等。如果译者不了解宗教文化背景,那势必会给翻译带来困难。译时应特别注意,否则就会出现失当现象,诸如“玉帝”、“菩萨”这些概念在英语民族人的思想中是不存在的。故而在乞求保佑时,中国人用“菩萨保佑”或“老天保佑”,译成英语说“God bless you(上帝保佑)”,更能被接受和理解。可见,只有充分意识到和理解宗教信仰的差异,才能准确地表达源语言的语义。

目前中国孩子在周末参加的各种补习班,也不能简单地直译为Sunday School,因为Sunday School在西方人的文化传统里指的是教会为孩子们在星期天举办的各种圣经阅读班——主日学校。








第二部分 技巧解析



例句1. 他一向信奉明哲保身的处世哲学。He has always believed in the philosophy of self-preservation。在很多情况下,中文一个四字成语,在口译时常常只等于一个英文单字的意思。此句中的成语“明哲保身”口译时只用一个词“self-preservation”就可以了。再如:不可磨灭 indelible;无边无际 boundless;庄严肃穆 solemn;不屈不挠 unyielding,unrelenting,dauntless;不同凡响outstanding;不亦乐乎extremely;畅通无阻 check less;沉默寡言taciturnity;称心如意well-content;多才多艺versatility;蜂拥而来pour得天独厚的advantaged;吃苦耐劳tough;风平浪静calm;咄咄逼人aggressive等。

例句 2. 王老师的帮助使他俩破镜重圆。Thanks to Mr. Wang’s help,the estranged coupled were reunited. 最重要的字reunion。所谓“破镜”只不过是中国文化所惯用的一个比喻,而此成语的重心只在后面的“重圆”,所以英文只需要一个字 reunion 就可以包括了。这个例句中所用的不是名词 reunion,而是(被动式)动词were reunited。这可以说明,中文的一个四字成语,在英文中所扮演的角色,视情况而定,可以是名词,也可以是动词,或形容词,或副词等等。

例句4. 他莫名其妙地发起脾气。Quite unaccountably he flew into a rage。


例句5. 我们应该牢记国际金融危机的深刻教训,正本清源,对症下药,本着简单易行、便于问责的原则推进国际金融监管改革,建立有利于实体经济发展的国际金融体系。在这句话中,每两个四字短语都是并列关系,我们可以尽量译成并列的短语:

正本清源,对症下药:clear up the root causes and apply specific remedies to them

简单易行,便于问责:practicable and accountable

参考译文:We must learn the hard lessons of the international financial crisis,clear up the root causes and apply specific remedies to them,and push forward reform to ensure that the future international financial supervisory and regulatory regime is practicable and accountable. It is important to establish an international financial system that is good for the growth of the real economy.

例句6.“望子成龙”这个成语由于汉英思维文化差异就不能直接译成“to hope that one’s son will become a dragon”,而应意译为“to hope that one’s son will become somebody”。(释译法)中国人把“龙”视为吉祥的神物,有不可思议的伟大力量,因而龙在中国文化里是至尊无上的帝王的象征,因而有“望子成龙”的说法,中国人常把自己比作是“龙的传人”,“龙的子孙”,在中国是吉祥的象征。而在英语中,龙是怪兽,是灾难和厄运的象征。英民族把龙当作是喷烟吐火的凶残怪物。英汉语民族不同的社会习俗给两种民族在价值取向;审美取向上带来相当大的差异,其中比较典型的是对动物的不同态度.比如,汉民族视虎为百兽之王,这在诸如“虎父无犬子”、“虎视眈眈”、“龙潭虎穴”、“虎踞龙盘”、“狐假虎威”等习语中得以体现。再如对狗态度上。狗在汉语中是一种卑微的动物。汉语中与狗有关的词语大都含有贬意:“狐朋狗党、狗急跳墙、狼心狗肺、狗腿子”等,还有谚语像:“好狗不挡道、狗嘴里吐不出象牙来”等。尽管近些年来养宠物狗的人数大大增加,狗的地位似乎有所改变,但狗的贬义形象却深深地留在汉语言文化中。

例句7. 当时我在黑板上,给同学们写下了“多难兴邦”几个字。

I wrote down 4 Chinese characters on the blackboard,which means “A country will emerge stronger from adversities.”

在2008年5.12汶川特大地震中,温总理视察灾区听到孩子们琅琅读书,在黑板上写下四个大字“多难兴邦”,极大地鼓舞了灾区的儿女。在演讲中引用也是颇具意义,温总理再一次向全国人民乃至全世界展现了中华民族不屈不挠的坚强精神,这是一个国家兴旺的标志。这样一个寓意深刻的成语,在翻译的时候不但要翻译出词语的内涵意义,更要注意其传递的精神。译文“A country will emerge stronger from adversities.”中的emerge stronger实际是翻译处理时的一个补偿,原文并没有表示“更强”的意思,可是译成英文时却有stronger,这主要是补偿了“中国的现状背景——改革开放后的中国越来越强大”这样一个文化意义,所以“兴邦”,也就是“使得国家强大”,这里根据国情译为“使国家更强大”。这样的词语翻译缺省如不加注意,而是简单地译成“A country will emerge strong from adversities.”那么显然这个译文会给人传递一种“中国还是个弱国”的概念,因此将会失去温总理引用该成语的初衷,会造成语义上的错误而带来不良后果。




例句8. 2010年3月14日,在第十届全国人大三次会议闭幕后,温家宝总理与中外记者见面并回答记者提问。在回答记者提问前,温总理发表讲话,短短几分钟的讲话中,温总理引用了三句古训。其中有一句引自屈原的《离骚》:


参考译文:I have deep love for this country. I love every inch of its land. I love every river that flows on this peace of earth,with deep passion and deep affection. “For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart,I’d not regret even a thousand times of death.” With this strong commitment,I will continue to devote myself to my work in my next three years. Now I’m ready for your questions.

对“亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔”的翻译,这里作了释译法的处理,没有将“虽”的字面意思译出,也没有将“九死”译为“nine deaths”,而是顺应目的语的表达习惯,译为“a thousand deaths”,这就是脱去了原文的语言形式,而依据其意义进行翻译,既传达了其语用意义,又简单明了,照顾到了口译的即时性。在口译过程中,人们往往比较喜爱使用文化色彩很浓的习语、成语、俗语等来表达深刻的道理,达到言简意赅的目的。

例句9. 人有一日三昏。人非圣贤,孰能无过。参考译文:Nobody is a full-time genius,but a part-time fool. 该译文充分体现了原文的内涵,即无论何等聪明之人也有犯错、犯昏的时候。

例句10. 学而时习之,不亦说[yuè]乎?参考译文:The master said,to learn and at due times to repeat what one has learnt,is that after all a pleasure? / Is it not a pleasure,having learned something,to try it out at due intervals? 此句运用了直译和意译结合的方法,使听着能够了解句子的内涵。


例句11. 三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮

诸葛亮是中国历史上的著名人物,在中国可谓家喻户晓,他在中国读者的心目中是智慧的象征。但英文化中的读者未必知道他是何许人也,与“臭皮匠”又有什么关系,若采用直译的方法,很难传递它所蕴涵的历史文化信息。因此,只有采取直译和增译相结合的方法,才能使源语的文化信息得以充分再现,故该句可译为:Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhu Geliang,the mastermind.

例句12. 一人得道,鸡犬升天。Even the dog swaggers when its master wins favor. 采用直译法处理此句。

例句13. 只有大胆地破釜沉舟地跟他们拼,许有翻身的那一天。这些都是汉民族历史文化的产物,英语的对应谚语是“All you can do is to burn your boats and fight them in the hope that one day you’ll come out on top.”采用替代法处理此句。

例句14. 说到曹操,曹操就到。英语的对应谚语是Talk of the evil,and he is sure to appear/speak of angels,and you will hear their wings. 替代法使句子明显带有西方宗教色彩。

例句15. 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。要神形并茂地译成英语并不容易。主要问题在于信仰基督教的英语国家对“和尚”这个概念比较陌生,而有关和尚的典故更是鲜为人知。因此,译成英语时形意很难兼顾。所以只能传意或重形取其中一种,传意可用英语中现成的成语采用替代法译为:One boy’s boy; two boys are half a boy; three boys are no boy.

例句16. 谋事在人,成事在天。

英国翻译家大卫·霍克斯在翻译《红楼梦》中刘姥姥说的这句话时,把它译成Man proposes,God disposes,汉语成语巧对英语谚语似乎形神兼备。但由于两者存在不同的宗教背景和深层的文化差异,译文就有使刘姥姥由信佛变成西方基督教徒之嫌了。因为严格地说,在此例中的“天”与“God”并不完全对应,若译成Man proposes,Heaven disposes似更忠实于原文。

例句17. 中英两国虽然语言文字不同,但有一句相同的谚语:时不我待。处在中英关系的新起点,面临中英关系的发展机遇,我作为新任中国驻英大使,深感责任重大,使命光荣。

句中引用的成语“时不我待”用替代法译成英语“Time and tide wait for no man.”

参考译文:The Chinese and English languages share a proverb:Time and tide wait for no man. As the new Chinese Ambassador to the UK,I am keenly aware of my responsibilities.


例句18. 请提宝贵意见。

在汉语语句中带有修饰语显得很自然,完全合乎汉语习惯,但这个修饰语译成英语,效果适得其反。如果这句话译为Please give us your valuable opinions,听者就会感到为难,大概会想:How do I know whether my opinions are valuable or not?(我怎么知道我的意见是否宝贵呢?)在这种场合如果提了意见,就不够谦虚,等于说Yes,my opinions are valuable,here they are.(好,下面就是我的宝贵意见……)因此,为了避嫌,他(她)干脆什么意见也不提了。其实,这句含有“宝贵”二字的话可表示为:Your opinions will be appreciated(您提的意见我们会尊重并认真考虑的)。

例句19. 这是我们应该做的。

当外方对中方为他所做的一切表示谢意时,中方习惯回答“这是我们应该做的”。如果直译的话,中方的好意就被误解为“你是出于工作而并非心甘情愿为我们做事”。口译员应尊重异国文化习俗,换用得体的语言表达“With pleasure”或“It’s my pleasure”。中国人经常向外国客人说一些客套话,这主要是因为中国人待人处世倾向含蓄、谦虚以表明礼貌、客气。但由于文化差异的存在,这些话语经翻译后,译语听众和原语听众的感受会大不相同,有时甚至会完全相反。因此如有可能,口译人员可向发言人说明情况或建议更改。而不是直接翻译成目的语。

例句20. 五讲、四美、三热爱

如果在翻译的过程中我们仅仅根据字面意义直接将“五讲、四美、三热爱”译成为“five stresses,four beauties and three loves”,“One central task and two basic points”。一些不熟悉中国国情的英语国家人士会对我们中国人提倡“五讲、四美、三热爱”而感到奇怪,也会对我们所提出的经济方针感到难以理解。因此在跨语言、跨文化的交际中,准确地把我们自己的语言要表达的意思用英语表达出来,对取得翻译的成功具有十分重要的意义。类似情况的处理方法应该为直译并附加注释。如:“五讲、四美、三热爱”的译文为“five stresses,four points of beauty and three aspects of love,”并附加注释,“stress on decorum,manners,hygiene,discipline and morals; beauty of the mind,language,behavior and the environment; love of the motherland,socialism and the Communist Party of China.”(何自然,1997:182)表面上译文似乎有些啰嗦,但有时附加注释却是翻译中必不可少的。

例句21. 您辛苦了。

这句话在中国使用的范围非常广,而在英语中必须根据实际情况选择不同的表达方法。例如欢迎远道而来的外国客人可以说“You must have had a tiring journey.”表示“路上辛苦了,一路好吗?”而对于刚刚完成艰难任务的可以说“Well done! That was a hard job.”

例句22. 我原先打算七月一日去香港旅游,后来不得不取消,这使我很扫兴。

中国学生就常按中文语序脱口而出,使语义重心落在后面。实际上,按英语思维习惯应先概括,将语义重心放在前面,然后分解开来,所以应翻译成:It was keen disappointment that I had to cancel the visit I had intended to pay to Hong Kong on July 1st.

例句23. 我谨代表市委市政府……

在汉语中动词,常常译为英语中的名词和介词。如:我谨代表市委市政府……转化为英语的介词结构:On behalf of the municipal government,and the committee 才更符合英文的习惯。

第三部分 课文详解


full of confidence 充满信心

stand numerous vicissitudes 历经磨难

boundless desert 浩瀚的沙漠

thrive in hostile environments 生命力极其顽强

defy droughts 抗干旱

defy sandstorms 斗风沙

defy salinization 耐盐碱

the resilience of the Chinese nation 中华民族坚韧不拔的精神

The Book of History 尚书

address both the symptoms and the root cause of the problem 标本兼治








1. 我愿借用两句唐诗形容中国的现状:潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。

From shore to shore it is wide at high tide,and before fair wind a sail is lifting.


翻译在处理时选择了释译的办法,虽然不够与原文的诗句比美,但是达意,通顺。另外诗文中出现了对仗,客路—行舟,潮平—风正,海日—江春,乡书—归雁。所以译者巧妙地采用了两个介词短语置前“From shore to shore…and before fair wind...”。此外,引用句中还有“两”对“一”,译者都没有具体字字译出,而是统一使用了释译法,这样既达到对仗的效果,同时又增加译文的文学色彩,这种释译法是可以让人接受并印象深刻的。

2. 第二,要精诚合作,不搞以邻为壑。

Second,carry out cooperation with full sincerity and avoid pursuing one’s own interests at the expense of others.

根据《汉语成语词典》的解释,“以邻为壑”出自《孟子·告子下》:“是故禹以四海为壑,今吾子以邻国为壑。”意思是把邻国当做排泄洪水的沟壑。比喻把困难、灾祸转嫁于他人。由此可见,壑,就是沟壑,英语意为gully,big pool,如果按照字面意思翻译,而不考虑其文化内涵,那么这个文化缺省就不会得到补偿,所以译文中at the expense of others就是一个补偿策略的体现,从而将“比喻把困难、灾祸转嫁于他人”的寓意表达了出来。

3. 第三,要标本兼治,不能头痛医头、脚痛医脚。

Third,address both the symptoms and the root cause of the problem.


4. 既要发挥市场这只看不见的手的作用,又要发挥政府和社会监管这只看得见的手的作用。两手都要硬,两手同时发挥作用,才能实现按照市场规律配置资源,也才能使资源配置合理、协调、平衡、可持续。

The invisible hand of the market and the visible hand of government and social supervision should both act,and act vigorously. Only in this way can resources be distributed according to market rules and distributed in a reasonable,coordinated,balanced and sustainable manner.

“两手都要硬”是中国改革开放后最流行的政治用语之一,根据人民网“领袖人物资料库”中提到,“两手抓,两手都要硬,这种思想散见于邓小平各个时期的讲话中”。这个政治话语也是中国老百姓最熟悉的用语,在日常生活中也常见引用。在译文The invisible hand of the market and the visible hand of government and social supervision should both act,and act vigorously中,译者使用了metaphor的手法——the invisible hand of the market和the visible hand of government,处理得很好,因此把“两手都要硬”可以顺势译为“act vigorously”,基本上采用直译,再加上前文使用的隐喻,这样的处理方法把意思表述的清晰,同时把具有中国特色的短语翻译得较为到位,这种空缺现象在译文中实际都填补了上去,即传达了语义意义,又传达了文化意义,可以看出在文内就做好了相应的补偿,而不必添加注释,因而语言利落,行文畅快。



第四部分 技巧练习



1. 此起彼伏

2. 繁衍生息

3. 改朝换代

4. 穷兵黩武

5. 雅俗共赏

6. 与日俱增

7. 极目远眺

8. 按资排辈

9. 求同存异

10. 流连忘返

11. 乐不思蜀

12. 不宣而战

13. 尽收眼底

14. 扬长避短

15. 反腐倡廉

16. 集思广益

17. 辞旧迎新

18. 开拓进取

19. 求同存异

20. 审时度势

21. 招商引资

22. 急功近利

23. 减员增效

24. 互利互补

25. 廉洁奉公


1. 绿水青山

2. 墨客骚人

3. 奇花异草

4. 鱼米之乡

5. 奇峰异石

6. 浓妆淡抹

7. 轩然大波

8. 凤毛麟角

9. 层峦叠嶂

10. 崇山峻岭

11. 雕梁画栋

12. 湖光山色

13. 青山绿水

14. 名胜古迹

15. 平等互利

16. 国计民生

17. 灵丹妙药

18. 中流砥柱

19. 世外桃源

20. 长治久安

21. 按劳分配

22. 饱经风霜


1. 奉公守法

2. 莘莘学子

3. 青春洋溢

4. 持之以恒

5. 大公无私

6. 一如既往

7. 富丽堂皇

8. 愤世嫉俗

9. 充满活力

10. 光芒四射

11. 飞黄腾达

12. 当务之急

13. 出乎意料

14. 胆战心惊

15. 多愁善感

16. 阿谀奉承

17. 翻天覆地

18. 泛滥成灾

19. 分门别类

20. 蔚为壮观

21. 举足轻重

22. 光辉灿烂

23. 广袤富饶

24. 宏伟挺拔

25. 金壁辉煌


1. 中国政府反对有关公司拍卖两只圆明园兽首,因为这些兽首是被掠夺的中国的流失的文物,中国有权追溯这些文物。这种雪上加霜的行为是很不道德的。

2. 狄更斯在其名著《远大前程》里写道,“我发现了一个真理,机会不会掉到我们身上,我们必须去寻找机会”。让我们共同努力,寻找机会,抓住机遇,推动两国经贸合作不断深入,促进中英关系不断发展。

3. 中国古代先哲就曾提出“海纳百川”的思想。我们应以开放、包容、友善的态度真诚相待,实现国家之间、民族之间、宗教信仰之间、各种文明之间和谐相处、互鉴共进,建设丰富多彩的和谐亚洲。

4. 中国是亚洲大家庭的一员,我们的外交政策就是“与邻为善、以邻为伴”。所谓“善”,就是希望邻居政治上稳定、经济上发展、民生上改善。所谓“伴”,就是我们要同我们的邻居建立和发展互利共赢的伙伴关系。

5. 交友贵在交心,古语说“以利合者,利尽则散”。

6. 恐怕是要眼观六路,耳听八方,胸怀大局,处置得当。

7. 华山再高,顶有过路。

8. 亦余心之所向兮,虽九死其尤未悔。

9. 人或加讪,心无疵兮。

10. 兄弟虽有小忿,不废懿亲。

第五部分 练习段落拓展

1. 上海世博会是一届规模空前的人类文明盛会,将创下多项世博历史纪录:共有192个国家和50个国际组织参展;除开闭幕式、高峰论坛外,还将举行189个国家馆日、39个国际组织荣誉日;举行共计2万场文艺演出活动,平均每天100多场。参观人数预计超过7 000万,其中350万人次来自国外。已有100多个国家表达了领导人出席的意愿,规模空前。参展场馆精彩纷呈。从有“东方之冠”美誉的中国馆,到带来童话乐园的丹麦馆;从“一个地球,一个联合国”的联合国馆,到绚丽斑谰的非洲联合馆……无不呈现各自独特的历史文化精髓。此时的上海,就如同一座浓缩世界各国、各地区、各民族文明精华的地球村。在未来184天里,这里将成为不同国家、不同文明交流融汇的大舞台。

2. 上海世博会是人类追求和谐城市、和谐世界的盛会。城市是人类文明的结晶。上海世博会以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题,充分反映了全球化时代人类追求美好城市生活的共同理想。当今世界正迅速走向城市化,城市人口已超过50%。到2030年,这一数字将达60%,2050年达70%。城市的发展,早已超出过去简单的防卫和贸易功能,成为人类向往的安居之所和精神家园。然而,随着工业化、城市化进程加速,人口膨胀、交通拥挤、环境污染、资源紧缺、文化摩擦等“城市病”日益凸显。各国都在寻找解决问题的“钥匙”。当前,中国也处在应对城市化挑战的前沿。创建一个能够使经济发展、社会进步和环境保护三者相互协调、人与自然和谐相处的城市发展模式,是国际社会的共同目标。在184天的展期里,各参展国家和国际组织、城市、企业等将充分展示城市文明成果、交流城市发展经验、传播先进城市理念,促进城市文化与自然遗产的保护和传承,推进和谐、可持续的城市发展理念,寻求未来的城市化道路。我们有理由相信,本届世博会必将为人类建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界作出重要贡献。

3. 上海世博会将是一次推动绿色发展的盛会。当前,全球经济危机阴霾尚未散尽,世界正处于经济复苏的关键时期。进入后危机时代,以破坏性攫取不可再生资源为主要手段的传统经济增长方式和发展模式难以为继。人类迫切需要开发新的资源,创造新的发展模式,创建新的生产和生活方式。上海世博会以“科技世博、低碳世博”为理念。世博园区在选址、规划、设计、运营及后续利用等全过程中处处强调绿色和低碳。各参展方也将竞相展示各具特色的绿色理念和措施。展览期间,还将有数十个以低碳经济、绿色增长、新能源、新技术为主题的论坛活动,供各方交流、借鉴、共享。上海世博会必将成为一个跳板,为打造21世纪国际绿色城市,推动世界经济绿色发展提供更多创新与解决方案。

4. 上海世博会将是中国与世界增进沟通了解的盛会。159年前徐荣村所处时代的中国积贫积弱,灾难深重。159年后的中国发生了沧桑巨变。尤其是改革开放三十多年来,中国取得举世瞩目的发展成就,GDP总量已跃居世界第三位。面对百年一遇的国际金融危机,中国政府从容应对,保持经济平稳较快发展。去年中国GDP增长8.7%,对世界经济增长的贡献率超过50%。//但中国仍然是一个发展中国家,中国的发展任重道远。人口多、底子薄、发展不平衡是我们的基本国情。中国人均国内生产总值刚超过3 000美元,还不到世界人均水平8 000美元的一半,居世界100位之后。按照联合国标准,还有1亿多人生活在贫困线以下。正如胡锦涛主席不久前在“金砖四国”领导人会晤时的讲话中指出,中国在发展进程中遇到的矛盾和问题,无论规模还是难度,在当今世界绝无仅有,在人类历史上也是罕见的。//今年3月,中国政府工作报告提出要“让人民生活得更加幸福、更有尊严”。为实现这一目标,中国政府将继续贯彻落实以人为本的科学发展观,努力构建社会主义和谐社会。举办2010年世博会,为我们近距离对话世界文明,学习借鉴各国先进的发展理念和经验提供了重要契机。正如温家宝总理所说的,我们希望通过举办上海世博会,让世界了解中国,也让中国了解世界,增强中国同各国人民的友谊与合作。

来源:创建和谐城市 推动绿色发展


第六部分 段落实战与演练

Passage 1


being modest and craving for knowledge谦虚好学

modest gentlemen 谦谦君子





Passage 2


international financial crisis 国际金融危机 Great Depression 大萧条

我们正在经历的这场国际金融危机,使世界经济陷入上世纪大萧条以来最困难的境地。各国和国际社会纷纷采取积极应对措施,对提振信心、缓解危机、防止 金融体系崩溃和世界经济深度衰退起到了重要作用。这场危机的原因是多方面的。主要是:有关经济体宏观经济政策不当、长期低储蓄、高消费的发展模式难以为继;金融机构片面追逐利润而过度扩张;金融及评级机构缺乏自律,导致风险信息和资产定价失真;金融监管能力与金融创新不匹配,金融衍生品风险不断积聚和扩散。“吃一堑,长一智。”我们必须从中认真吸取教训,正确处理储蓄与消费的关系,金融创新与金融监管的关系,虚拟经济与实体经济的关系,从根本上找到化解危机之策。

Passage 3


May Fourth Youth Day 五四青年节 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部




Passage 4


a sea change 沧桑巨变

historical responsibility 历史责任

sense of mission 使命感



第三部分 课文详解

See China in the Light of Her Development

I want to quote from a Tang Dynasty poem to describe what is happening in China,“From shore to shore it is wide at high tide,and before fair wind a sail is lifting.” The Chinese people are working hard to modernize their country. This is a great practice in a large developing country both ancient and new. The Chinese people,with destiny in their own hands,are full of confidence in their future.

My beloved motherland is a country that stood numerous vicissitudes but never gave up. Earlier in my career,I worked in northwest China for many years. There,in the boundless desert,grows a rare variety of tree called euphrates poplar. Rooted over 50 meters down the ground,they thrive in hostile environments,defying droughts,sandstorms and salinization. They are known as the “hero tree”,because a euphrates poplar can live for a thousand years. Even after it dies,it stands upright for a thousand years,and even after it falls,it stays intact for another thousand years. I like euphrates poplar because they symbolize the resilience of the Chinese nation.

Over the millennia,the Chinese nation has weathered numerous disasters,both natural and man-made,surmounted all kinds of difficulties and challenges,and made her way to where she proudly stands today. The long sufferings have only made her a nation of fortitude and perseverance. The experience of the Chinese nation attests to a truth:what a nation loses in times of disaster will be made up for by her progress.

My beloved motherland is a country that values her traditions while opening her arms to the outside world. The traditional Chinese culture is rich,extensive and profound. Harmony,the supreme value cherished in ancient China,lies at the heart of the Chinese culture. The Book of History,an ancient classic in China for example,advocates amity among people and friendly exchanges among nations.

The Chinese cultural tradition values peace as the most precious. This has nurtured the broad mind of the Chinese nation. The Chinese nation is generous and tolerant,just as Mother Earth cares for all living things. She is in constant pursuit of justice,just as the eternal movement of the Universe. In the 15th century,the famous Chinese navigator Zheng He led seven maritime expeditions to the Western Seas and reached over 30countries. He took with him Chinese tea,silk and porcelain and helped local people fight pirates as he sailed along. He was truly a messenger of love and friendship.

I believe that closer cooperation is needed to meet the global crisis,and the level of cooperation hinges upon the level of mutual trust. The Chinese Government maintains that countries should:first and foremost,run their own affairs well and refrain from shifting troubles onto others; second,carry out cooperation with full sincerity and avoid pursuing one’s own interests at the expense of others; and third,address both the symptoms and the root cause of the problem. A palliative approach will not work. We should not treat only the head when the head aches,and the foot when the foot hurts. As I reiterated at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos,necessary reform of the international monetary and financial systems should be carried out to establish a new international financial order that is fair,equitable,inclusive and well-managed. We should create an institutional environment conducive to global economic growth.

For many years in the past,China practiced a highly centralized planned economy and regarded planning as being absolute. This hampered the development of productivity. The ongoing financial crisis has made it clear to us,however,that the market is not a cure-all,either. A totally laissez-faire approach will inevitably lead to economic disorder and unfair social distribution,and will eventually take its toll. A credible market-oriented reform should never set the market against government macro-regulation. The invisible hand of the market and the visible hand of government and social supervision should both act,and act vigorously. Only in this way can resources be distributed according to market rules and distributed in a reasonable,coordinated,balanced and sustainable manner.

第四部分 技巧练习



1. 此起彼伏 rise one after another/keep cropping up

2. 繁衍生息 live and multiply/reproduce

3. 改朝换代 changes of dynasties

4. 穷兵黩武 wantonly engage in military aggression; use all one’s armed might to indulge in wars of aggression

5. 雅俗共赏 appeal to both refined and popular tastes

6. 与日俱增 increase with each passing day/be steadily on the increase

7. 极目远眺 look as far as the eye can see

8. 按资排辈 to assign priority according to seniority

9. 求同存异 seeking common ground while putting aside/shelving differences

10. 流连忘返 linger on/be too delighted to leave

11. 乐不思蜀 too delighted to be homesick

12. 不宣而战 start an undeclared war

13. 尽收眼底 hold a panoramic view

14. 扬长避短 play up strengths and avoid weaknesses

15. 反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government

16. 集思广益 draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas

17. 辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new one

18. 开拓进取 blaze new trails and forge ahead

19. 审时度势 size up the trend of events

20. 招商引资 attract investment

21. 急功近利 eager for instant success and quick profits

22. 减员增效 downsize to improve efficiency

23. 互利互补 mutually complementary and beneficial

24. 廉洁奉公 honestly perform one’s official duties


1. 绿水青山 green hills and clear waters

2. 墨客骚人 men of letters

3. 奇花异草 exotic flowers and herbs

4. 鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey

5. 奇峰异石 picturesque peaks and rocks

6. 浓妆淡抹 heavy or light makeup

7. 轩然大波 a great disturbance/a mighty uproar

8. 凤毛麟角 rarity of rarities

9. 层峦叠嶂 range upon range of mountains/the hills rise around…10. 崇山峻岭 steep mountains

11. 雕梁画栋 carved beams and painted pillars

12. 湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills

13. 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites

14. 平等互利 equality and mutual benefit

15. 国计民生 national welfare and the people’s livelihood

16. 灵丹妙药 panacea/miraculous cure

17. 中流砥柱 mainstay/chief cornerstone

18. 世外桃源 a haven of peace

19. 长治久安 a long period of stability

20. 按劳分配 distribution according to one’s performance

21. 饱经风霜 weather-beaten


1. 奉公守法 law-abiding

2. 莘莘学子 students

3. 青春洋溢 young

4. 持之以恒 preserve

5. 大公无私 selfless

6. 一如既往 unswervingly

7. 富丽堂皇 magnificence

8. 愤世嫉俗 cynical

9. 充满活力 dynamic; vigorous

10. 光芒四射 shining; brilliant

11. 飞黄腾达 successful

12. 当务之急 urgent; imminent

13. 出乎意料 unexpected

14. 胆战心惊 funky

15. 多愁善感 sensitivity; sentimentality

16. 阿谀奉承 greasiness

17. 翻天覆地 world-shaking

18. 泛滥成灾 overrun

19. 分门别类 classify

20. 蔚为壮观 splendid; spectacular

21. 举足轻重 decisive,vital,significant

22. 光辉灿烂 glorious and magnificent

23. 广袤富饶 vast and fertile

24. 宏伟挺拔 towering magnificence

25. 金壁辉煌 splendid and magnificent


1. The Chinese government opposes the auction by relevant company of the two bronze rabbit and rat heads from China’s Old Summer Palace. Because these two bronze rabbit and rat heads are cultural relics looted from China and China has the right to recover those lost cultural relics. This move is adding salt to injury and it’s immoral.

2. As Charles Dickens wrote in Great Expectations,“I find the truth to be that an opening won’t come to one,but one must go to it”. Let us work together,find the openings,seize the opportunities and move forward our business cooperation,bilateral relations and friendship.

3. As ancient Chinese philosophers said of the importance of inclusiveness,“the sea is so inclusive that it holds the water from hundreds of rivers”. We should treat each other with sincerity,good-will and an open and inclusive mind,and we should allow different countries,nations,faiths and civilizations to live in harmony and move forward together through mutual learning. We should build a colorful and harmonious Asia.

4. China is a member of the big Asian family; we pursue to establish amicable relations and partnership with surrounding countries. We hope to see political stability,economic development and the improved livelihood of the people in our neighboring countries. We are committed to pursuing partnership of mutual benefit with surrounding countries.

5. Making friends is about treating each other with every sincerity,as an old phrase reads/saying goes that cooperation driven solely by profits will soon end when there is no profit to gain.

6. Seem that we should be receptive to all sources of information and knowledge and always keep the big picture in mind.

7. No matter how high the mountain is,one can always ascend to its top.

8. For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart,I’d not regret a thousand times to die.

9. My conscience stays untainted inspite of rumors and slanders from the outside.

10. Differences between brothers can not sever their bloodies.

第五部分 练习段落拓展

1.  Shanghai Expo is an unprecedented grand gathering of human civilizations with many new records in the Expo history:192 countries and 50 international organizations will take part; in addition to the opening and closing ceremonies as well as the Summit Forum,there are 189 National Pavilion Days and 39 International Organization Days; 20 000 cultural performances will be held,averaging 100 per day; over 70 million visitors are expected,of which 3.5 million are from abroad; leaders from more than 100 countries will participate.

National pavilions are spectacular. From the “Oriental Crown” of China Pavilion to the fairy-tale Denmark Pavilion;from the United Nations Pavilion featuring “One Earth One UN” to the splendid Africa Joint Pavilion...each and every pavilion reflects its unique history and culture. It is fair to say that Shanghai Expo is just like a global village enriched with diverse civilizations from all over the world. In the coming 184 days,Shanghai will become a grand stage for dialogue and interaction among nations and cultures.

2.  With “Better City,Better Life” as its theme,Shanghai Expo fully demonstrates the common aspiration of mankind for a better urban life in the globallized world. The world today,with 50% of its population living in cities,is urbanizing fast. By 2030,this figure will reach 60%,and by 2050 70%. Going far beyond its original function as human shelter and trade center,city has become the spiritual home for mankind.

However,with the speedy industrialization and urbanization,urban problems such as overcrowding,traffic jam,pollution,lack of resources,cultural conflicts become increasingly acute. It is the common goal of the international community to find an urban development model which combines economic development,social progress and environment protection with a view to ensure that mankind and nature coexist in harmony.During its 184 days,participating countries,international organizations,citiesand enterprises will display urban civilization to the full extent,exchange their experiences of urban development,disseminate advanced notions on cities,protect and inherit urban culture and natural heritage at same time,promote harmonious and sustainable urban development. We are confident that the Shanghai Expo will make important contributions to building a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity.

3.  Shanghai Expo will also be a great event for promoting green development. The impact of the global economic crisis is still with us and the recovery of world economy is at a critical juncture. As we enter into post-crisis world,the old economic growth and development pattern heavily relying on non-renewable resources can not sustain. It is imperative for us to explore new resources,create new development pattern.There will be dozens of forums featuring on low-carbon economy,green growth,new energy and new technology. Shanghai Expo will provide creative ideas and solutions for building green cities and promoting green development in 21st century.

4.  Shanghai Expo will offer a wonderful opportunity for China to enhance mutual understanding with the world and vice versa. China was a country in shambles during Xu Rongcun’s time 159 years ago. Breath-taking changes have taken place in China over the past one and half centuries. Especially over the past 30 years of reform and opening up,China has made remarkable achievements in economic and social development. Last year,in spite of the financial crisis,China’s GDP still grew by 8.7%,contributing to more than half of the world economic growth.However,China remains the world’s largest developing country with a huge population,a weak economic foundation,unbalanced development. These are the basic national conditions China has to face. Our per capita GDP has just reached 3 000 US dollars,less than half of the world’s averaging 8 000 dollars and falls behind more than100 countries. There are still over 100 million Chinese living on less than 1 US dollar a day. As President Hu Jintao said during the Second Summit Meeting of BRIC Leaders recently,the problems China encountered in its development process,whether in terms of extensiveness or difficulty,are unmatchable in the world today and rare in human history. Last month,the Chinese Central Government committed in its Report of Government Work to do everything to ensure that the Chinese people live a happier life with more dignity. To that end,the Chinese Government will continue to carry out people-oriented scientific development and strive to build a socialist harmonious society. Hosting the Expo 2010 provides us with an important opportunity to participate in the dialogue among world civilizations,and learn from others. As Premier Wen Jiabao said,it is our hope,by hosting the Shanghai Expo,that the world will know China better and China will know the world better,so as to enhancing the friendship and cooperation between China and the world.

