首页 理论教育 数字口译(二)


时间:2022-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第八单元 数字口译(二)第一部分 技能总述在商务活动中,对数字的准确口译是十分重要的,译错一个数字、一个计量单位或者货币单位,都可能导致巨大而又无法挽回的损失。因此,译员在口译数字的时候要特别小心,注意口译中数字代表的具体内容,以及和数字联系在一起的,表示长度、面积、货币等的单位。报告期内,公司营业收入43.3亿元,同比增长75.6%;净利润7.95亿元,增长152.6%。

第八单元 数字口译(二)

第一部分 技能总述


1. 长度单位的翻译



2. 重量单位的翻译



3. 面积、体积、容量单位的翻译




4. 货币单位的翻译



第二部分 技巧解析

首先我们看一下例句。九百六十万平方公里的土地上有着勤劳、勇敢的十三亿中国人民。对这句话的口译时候,首先九百六十万为9.6个百万,转换英语是9.6 million;然后,平方公里是square kilometer,十三亿为1.3个十亿,转换英语是1.3 billion。这句话可以翻译成:1.3 billion diligent and brave Chinese people live on the land of 9.6 million square kilometer. 再如,这家公司年7.5亿英镑的收入足以购买这块35万平方米的土地。首先,需要确定7.5亿为750 million,货币单位英镑是pound,为可数名词,35万为350个千,即350 thousand,平方米为square meter,所以这句话可以翻译成:This company’s 750 million annual income is enough to buy this 350 thousand square meters land.


第三部分 课文详解


每10股转增5股 transfer of five shares from capital surplus reserve for every 10 existing shares held

商品住宅 commodity residential property

土地交易价格 land transaction price

结算面积 booked area

A 股流通股 tradable A shares

公积金转增资本 the transfer of capital surplus reserve to share capital

国家发展改革委员会 National Development and Reform Commission

国家统计局 National Bureau of Statistics of China

全资附属 wholly-owned subsidiary

合作协议 collaboration agreement


自2005年3月24日开始,公司可转换公司债券“万科转2”可以转换为公司A股流通股,截至2005年6月30日,新增股份为353 672股。其中6月28日前新增的352 603股获得10股转增5股;由于2005年6月29日实施每10股转增5股,期内,因“万科转2”转股因素,累计新增股份合计529 973股。

报告期内,公司实施公积金转增股本,以6月28日收市时公司总股本22 739 804 74股(其中352 603股为可转换公司债券“万科转2”转股所产生)为基数,向全体股东每10股转增5股,新增股份1 136 990 237股。










1. 自2005年3月24日开始,公司可转换公司债券“万科转2”可以转换为公司A股流通股。翻译为:Since 24 March 2005,“Vanke Convertible Bonds 2” can be converted into the Company’s tradable A shares. 其中可转换债券为经济类专有名词,可以翻译成convertible bond,bond 指债券的意思;流通股的含义是可以交易的股票,故可以翻译成tradable shares. 一些常用的股票术语包括:

bull market 牛市      bear market 熊市

blue-chip stocks 蓝筹股  capitalization 资本化

dividend 红利       dumping 抛售

index 指数         fundamental analysis 基本面分析

liquidation 清盘,清算   asset reorganization 资产重组

stockholder 持股人     total volume 总成交量

2. 其中6月28日前新增的352 603股获得10股转增5股。翻译为:352 603 new shares were shares converted before 28 June 2005 and were entitled to the transfer of five shares from capital surplus reserve for every 10 existing shares held. 这里的“股”是股票单位,翻译为share;10股转增5股为上市公司行为,翻译为:transfer of five shares from capital surplus reserve for every 10 existing shares held. 这篇资料在出现大量数字信息的同时,也出现了表示面积的单位如:平方米(square meter),表示股票数量的单位如:股(share)等计量单位。在口译练习时候要熟练掌握这些表示计量单位的词汇,并认真区分如:英里(mile)/公里(kilometer),平方米(square meter)/英亩(acre)这些易混淆的计量单位。

3. 公司实施公积金转增股本,翻译为:the transfer of capital surplus reserve to share capital,公积金为capital surplus reserve;转增为转化,即transfer;股本为share capital,股票资本。

4. 报告期前后的市场心态逆转,翻译为:Changing market psychology before and after the reporting period. 前后属于介词并列使用:before and after;市场心态为market psychology,心态即心理;逆转直接用change.

5. 据国家发展和改革委员会、国家统计局的调查,一季度35个大中城市房屋销售价格比去年同期上涨9.8%.翻译为:Pursuant to the survey conducted by the National Development and Reform Commission and National Bureau of Statistics of China,the property selling prices of 35 medium and large cities were 9.8%。其中国家发展和改革委员会是National Development and Reform Commission,国家统计局为National Bureau of Statistics of China,对于一些常见的政府部门、机构的名称要熟悉,口译中常见的要随取随用。比如:

外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

财政部 Ministry of Finance

国家税务总局 State Administration of Taxation

国家统计局 State Statistics Bureau

人力资源和社会保障部 Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

中国人民银行 People’s Bank of China

审计署 National Audit Office of the P.R.C.

6. 4月27日,国务院常务会议分析房地产市场形势,并提出八条措施以加强引导和调控。翻译为:On 27 April,the State Council Executive Meeting analyzed the property market trend and proposed eight measures with an aim to intensify guidance and control over the market. 其中常务会议也是常见词汇,翻译为executive meeting,提出用propose,引导和调控分别是guidance 和 control.

7. 此文件出台后,市场持币待购之意转浓……翻译为:with the market having a wait-and-see attitude after the promulgation of this notice. 出台为公布之意,所以翻译成promulgation,持币待购并没有之间翻译成持有货币,等待时机购买,而是更为简洁、意思也表达顺畅的“等等看”即wait-and-see.

8. 5、6两月上海商品住宅成交量均在80万平米左右,仅为2004年月均成交量270万平米的30%。翻译为:The monthly turnover of commodity residential property there in May and June averaged around 800 000 square meters (“sq m”),which was only 30% of the average monthly turnover of 2.7 million sq m in 2004. 这里商品住宅是commodity residential property,property 不仅有财产的意思,还特指房产;均在……左右,可以用词组average around来表示。

9. 与2004年同期相比,报告期内公司业绩取得了相当明显的进步。翻译为:The company’s performance in the period under review showed a significant progress from the same period in 2004. 这里报告期为the period under review,review比report 更加贴切;公司业绩指的就是公司表现,用performance来表示;

10. 实现结算面积59.3万平方米,同比增长42.5%。翻译为:a 42.5% increase in booked area to 593 400 sq m. 其中,结算面积为booked area,关于房地产的一些常用词还包括:

建筑面积 floor area

土地使用证 land use certificate

契约文书 title document

容积率 plot ratio; floor area rate

增值 appreciation

国有土地 state-owned land

第四部分 技巧练习


1. Over the next year the economists estimate the U.S. will add about 133 000 jobs a month.

2. The 107th session of the Guangzhou Fair will be held in three phases as usual. There will be 56 915 stands,nearly 1 000 more than last session. The total exhibition area will reach 1.13 million square meters.

3. Exhibits of the National Pavilion will be classified into 15 categories and shown into 50 specialized exhibition sections. There are 56 302 stands with a total exhibition area of 1.115 million square meters.

4. The exhibitors will be classified by their business type. There are 11 936 manufacturers,8 578 foreign trade enterprises,2 238 industry and trade companies and 195 other companies,accounting for 52%,37%,10% and 1% respectively.

5. The International Pavilion is in exhibition Hall 9.3 and 10.3 of Area B,with a total exhibition area of 15 000m2,accommodating 613 standard stands.

6. The land lot is located in Xiaotun Village,Fengtai District of Beijing and about three kilometers away from Chang’an Avenue with a total planned gross floor area of 130 500 square meters.

7. The land lot is located in the southern part of Guiping Road,Nanhai District of Foshan,with an area of 74 600 square meters (as shown in land certificate),a total gross floor area of 219 127 square meters.

8. The land lot is located in Dongguan Songshan Lake Science and Technology Industry Park with a net site area of 133 300 square meters,a total gross floor area of 93 300 square meters.

9. The total area of the project amounts to 372 900 square meters with a planned gross floor area of approximately 415 200 square meters.

10. The land lot is located at Yanghang Town,Baoshan District of Shanghai,with a net site area of 169 300 square meters,a total planned gross floor area of 245 000 square meters.


1. 今年前九个月,城市固定资产投资增长33.3%,高于前八个月的33.0%。

2. 据日本国家旅游局统计,去年481 696名中国游客访日,比2007年增长了近20%。

3. 2009年1-10月,全国新批设立外商投资企业18 163家,同比下降20.11%;实际使用外资金额708.71亿美元,同比下降12.61%。

4. 2010年全年,859家公司的纯收入达到5 741亿美元,纳税124亿美元。

5. 公司为专业的房地产开发公司,主要产品为商品住宅,期内,结算面积59.34万平方米,较上年同期上升42.51%;结算收入42.50亿元,较上年同期增长78.79%;毛利率约为35.74%。

6. 公司主要从事房地产业务,期内,实现结算面积59.34万平方米,比上年同期上升42.51%。

7. 他花了一个星期走完了126 000公里的路程,筹款达到56 000欧元

8. 该报告有65 874页,125名工作人员花了一个月才研究完。

9. 本工厂厂房面积57 415平方米,去年招收员工1 287人,纯收入8.5亿英镑。

10. 7月22日,公司与鹏利国际集团有限公司签约,获得广州科学城项目,该项目土地面积规划和建筑面积分别为22万平米和15.5万平米。

第五部分 练习段落拓展

1. 国家体育场位于北京奥林匹克公园中心区南部,为2008年第29届奥林匹克运动会的主体育场。工程总占地面积21公顷,建筑面积258 000平方米。场内观众坐席约为91 000个,其中临时坐席约11 000个。奥运会、残奥会开闭幕式、田径比赛及足球比赛决赛在这里举行。奥运会后这里成为文化体育、健身购物、餐饮娱乐、旅游展览等综合性的大型场所,并成为具有地标性的体育建筑和奥运遗产

国家体育场工程为特级体育建筑,主体结构设计使用年限100年,耐火等级为一级,抗震设防烈度8度,地下工程防水等级1级。工程主体建筑呈空间马鞍椭圆形,南北长333米、东西宽298米,高68米。主体钢结构形成整体的巨型空间马鞍形钢桁架编织式“鸟巢”结构。混凝土看台分为上、中、下三层,看台混凝土结构为地下一层,地上七层的钢筋混凝土框架-剪力墙结构体系。钢结构与混凝土看台上部完全脱开,互不相连,形式上呈相互围合,基础则坐在一个相连的基础底板上。国家体育场屋顶钢结构上覆盖了双层膜结构,即固定于钢结构上弦之间的透明的上层 ETFE 膜和固定于钢结构下弦之下及内环侧壁的半透明的下层 PTFE声学吊顶。


1. 构件体型大,单体重量重



2. 节点复杂


3. 工期紧


4. 冬雨季施工



2. 2008年,全国财政收入61 316.9亿元,比2007年(下同)增加9 995.12亿元,增长19.5%,完成预算的104.8%。其中:中央本级收入32 671.99亿元,地方本级收入28 644.91亿元。加上调入中央预算稳定调节基金1 100亿元,安排使用的收入总量62 416.9亿元。全国财政支出62 427.03亿元,增加12 645.68亿元,增长25.4%,完成预算的101.7%。其中:中央本级支出13 374.31亿元,地方本级支出49 052.72亿元。加上安排中央预算稳定调节基金192亿元,支出总量合计62 619.03亿元。

中央财政收入33 611.92亿元,增加4 999.97亿元,增长17.5%,完成预算的103.3%。其中:中央本级收入32 671.99亿元,地方上解收入939.93亿元。加上调入中央预算稳定调节基金1 100亿元,安排使用的收入总量34 711.92亿元。中央财政支出36 319.92亿元,增加6 739.97亿元,增长22.8%,完成预算的102.5%。其中:中央本级支出13 374.31亿元,对地方税收返还和转移支付支出22 945.61亿元。安排中央预算稳定调节基金192亿元以备以后使用。支出总量合计36 511.92亿元。收支相抵,中央财政赤字1 800亿元,控制在十一届全国人大一次会议批准的数额之内。2008年末中央财政国债余额53 270.76亿元,控制在年度预算限额55 185.85亿元以内。

2.08年中央对地方税收返还和转移支付22 945.61亿元,增加4 807.72亿元,增长26.5%,完成预算的106.1%。包括:税收返还4 282.19亿元,增长3.9%。财力性(含一般性)转移支付8 696.49亿元,增长22%。专项转移支付9 966.93亿元,增长44.6%,增幅高主要是增加了补助地方教育、医疗卫生等重点事业发展支出。中央对地方税收返还和转移支付相应形成地方财政收入,并由地方安排财政支出。地方支出平均38%的资金来源于中央财政转移支付,其中中西部地区支出平均54.4%的资金来源于中央财政转移支付。

地方财政收入51 590.52亿元,增加9 880.01亿元,增长23.7%,完成预算的106.4%。其中:地方本级收入28 644.91亿元,来自中央税收返还和转移支付收入22 945.61亿元。地方财政支出49 992.65亿元,增加10 790.57亿元,增长27.5%,完成预算的103.1%。其中:地方本级支出49 052.72亿元,上解中央支出939.93亿元。地方财政收支相抵,结转和结余1 597.87亿元,主要是中央和地方财政用超收收入安排的部分尚未执行完需结转的项目和结余资金。




3. Our company is located in Minhe Industrial Zone,a triangle belt where Dalian’s city proper,its Development Zone and its Jinzhou District border on one another. It was established in Mar. 2006. It covers an area of 8 000-odd square meters and with building area of 1 000-odd square meters. The total investment is RMB 15 million yuan,and the registered capital is 10.18 million yuan. The Company holds the national Grade-3 qualification in the production of commercial concrete,and has the building material laboratory with national Grade-2 qualification. The professional technical personnel take up 35% of the company’s staff,including 2 senior engineers,5 engineers and 4 assistant engineers. The Company can provide the one-stop service of commercial concrete for the construction of various buildings,bridges and roads,including production,transport and pumping.

Since the establishment,the Company successively has undertaken the works of concrete supply for many projects of high rise residences,workshops,office buildings,multi-storey residences,roads,bridges and public buildings etc,and the quality all meet the design requirements. Adhere to the principle of user first,continuous improvement and quality first. During the cooperative construction with the owner,implement the guideline that “service first and credit top”,and leave convenience to the customers. We overcame difficulty ourselves and we have established good business relation with customers in the three years. In this industry,we have established our own brand and reputation.

The Company’s main production and transport equipment are the domestic advanced 3 m3 concrete production line. In the production process flow,adopt the computer controlled fully automatic electronic metering system. Through the computer,do the stage processing and save the mixing proportion of concrete with strength of C10-C60. The Company has 4 cement silos,2 concrete pump trucks with 37M and 49M distributing bars,16 concrete agitator trucks of 9 m3 and 4 concrete agitator trucks of 14 m3. The daily transport capacity is over 3 000 m3. The annual productive capacity may reach 500 000 m3.


4. China has injected enormous sums of money into Internet infrastructure construction. From 1997 to 2009 a total of 4.3 trillion yuan was invested in this regard,building a nationwide optical communication network with a total length of 8.267 million km. Of that,840 000 km was long-distance optical cables. By the end of 2009 Chinese basic telecommunications companies had 136 million broadband Internet access ports,and international outlet bandwidth was 866 367 Gbps,with seven land-submarine cables and 20 land cables,that had a combined capacity exceeding 1 600 Gb. That ensured Internet access to 99.3% of Chinese towns and 91.5% of villages,and broadband to 96.0% of the towns. In January 2009 the government began to issue third-generation (3G) licenses to mobile service suppliers. Today,3G network covers almost the whole country. Along with the swift expansion of the mobile Internet,more people will benefit from this technical advance. The construction and improvement of the Internet infrastructure has beefed up the spread and application of the Internet. By the end of 2009 the number of Chinese netizens had reached 384 million,618 times that of 1997 and an annual increase of 31.95 million users. In addition,the Internet had reached 28.9% of the total population,higher than the world average. At the same time,there were 3.23 million websites running in China,which was 2 152 times that of 1997. The number of IPv 4 addresses approached 230 million,making China the second-largest owner in the world. Of all the netizens,346 million used broadband and 233 million used mobile phones to access the Internet. They had moved on from dialing the access numbers to broadband and mobile phones. These statistics make China among the top of the developing countries in developing and popularizing the Internet.

However,Internet development and application in China is imbalanced regionally,and between urban and rural areas. Hindered by different levels of economic development,education and informationization progress,the Internet has been developing more rapidly in the eastern than in the western parts of the country,and has a higher popularization rate in cities than in the countryside. By the end of 2009 it had reached 40% of the population in eastern China but only 21.5% in western China; and urban Internet users made up 72.2% of the national total,leaving the other 27.8% in rural areas. China still needs to make arduous efforts to bridge the “digital gap” between different regions and between the urban and rural areas.


第六部分 段落实战与演练

Passage 1


overseas tourists 入境旅客

star hotel 星级饭店

Scenery Tourist Zone 风景旅游区

Yangtze River Delta 长江三角洲

Background of the Exhibition

From Jan. to July of 2005,as many as 2039.3 thousand person times of overseas tourists have entered Jiangsu Province,up 30.98% over the corresponding period of last year. There are as many as 237 thousand person times approved to go abroad for personal reasons,up 10.9%.

There are 20 organizations first awarded the title of “the National Industry & Agriculture & Tourism Demonstration Points”,among which 16 are agriculture demonstration points and 4 are industry demonstration points. There are 62 newly appraised star hotels,184 newly approved travel agencies,among which 4 are international,5695 newly added tour guides with certificates and 112 travel agencies that have passed the reexamination of “Jiangsu Honest Travel Agencies”. There are 13 newly appraised national tourist zones (spots),among which 2 are of AAAA level,10 newly constructed tourist hotels in the province with 1500 newly added guest rooms and 57 tourist hotels being constructed with 8445 guest rooms. There are 10 organizations awarded the honorary title of “Provincial-level Civilized Scenery Tourist Zones Demonstration Points” and the departments of 2 organizations awarded “the National Youth Civilization Titles”.

The International Plum Blossom Festival of Nanjing,China is the annual tourist grand event held in Nanjing,the Metropolis of Philanthropy,in the season of plum in blossom. As Nanjing has a long history of planting and enjoying plum blossoms,plum blossom was determined to be the Flower of Nanjing City in 1982. Ever since 1996,the International Plum Blossom Festival has been held in Nanjing in February. and March every year,to which domestic and overseas guests are invited for enjoying the plum blossoms and the scenery in spring. Yangtze River Delta Global Tourism Fair of Nanjing (the former Tourism Fair of Nanjing and its Neighborhood) is an important item of the Nanjing International Plum Blossom Festival. As many as 9 sessions of this fair have been held consecutively and created a great influence in the national tourism industry.

In 2005,Yangtze River Delta Global Tourism Fair of Nanjing was first held in the indoor professional exhibition site of Jiangsu Exhibition Hall in Nanjing,instead of in the outdoor sites as previously and was first held simultaneously with the Plum Blossom festival. Jiang Hongkun,the mayor of Nanjing,and Jiang Yude,vice mayor,attended the opening ceremony. The organizations attending this fair and advertising their products are the tourism bureaus and travel dealers from such countries as Germany,Britain,Japan,Korea,Singapore,and Thailand as well as such provinces and municipalities as Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Anhui,Jiangxi,Shandong,Liaoning,Jilin,Henan,Sichuan,Shaanxi and Shanghai. The scale of this fair and the number of visitors are the largest in the history.

Appraisal for the best exhibition stall

The appraisal for the special exhibition stalls will be conducted simultaneously with the exhibition fair. The audience,tourism bureau and the organization committee will jointly appraise the best exhibition hall,three exhibition halls with the most striking feature and several exhibition halls with the best images,who will be awarded certificates and cups.

Provision:the exhibition venue,exhibition stand and setting it up,lintel board bearing the company’s name and its make,one negotiation table,two chairs,two fluorescent lamps and one 220V/300W socket (not used for illumination).


Passage 2


comparable prices 可比价格

primary industry 第一产业

total output of grain 粮食总产量

price factors 价格因素

real estate development 房地产开发

According to preliminary estimation,the gross domestic product (GDP) for the year 2010 was 39 798.3 billion yuan,up by 10.3 percent at comparable prices,or 1.1 percentage points higher than that in the previous year. In terms of growth by quarters,it was up 11.9 percent for the first quarter,10.3 percent growth for the second quarter,9.6 percent for the third quarter and 9.8 percent for the last quarter. In terms of growth by sectors,the value added was 4 049.7 billion yuan for the primary industry,up by 4.3 percent; 18 648.1 billion yuan for the secondary industry,up by 12.2 percent; and 17 100.5 billion yuan for the tertiary industry,up by 9.5 percent.

I. Agricultural production grew steadily with increase in grain output for consecutive seven years. In 2010,the total output of grain reached 546.41 million tons,an increase of 2.9 percent over that in the previous year with an output increase for the seventh year. Of this total,the output of summer grain was 123.10 million tons,a year-on-year decline of 0.3 percent; the output of early rice was 31.32 million tons,a drop of 6.1 percent over that in the previous year; the output of autumn grain was 391.99 million tons,a year-on-year increase of 4.8 percent. The output of oil-bearing seeds grew by 2.7 percent and that of sugar dropped by 1.9 percent. The output of meat maintained steady growth as the output of pork,beef,mutton and poultry reached 77.80 million tons in 2010,up by 3.6 percent. Of this total,the output of pork was 50.70 million tons,up by 3.7 percent.

II. Industrial production went up steadily with a substantial increase in economic efficiency of enterprises. In 2010,the value added of the industrial enterprises above designated size was up by 15.7 percent,or 4.7 percentage points higher than that in 2009. Of which,the growth in the first quarter was 19.6 percent,that in the second quarter was 15.9 percent,13.5 percent growth in the third quarter and 13.3 percent growth in the last quarter. Analysis on different types of enterprises showed that the value added of the state-owned and state holding enterprises went up by 13.7 percent; collective enterprises,up by 9.4 percent; share-holding enterprises,up by 16.8 percent; and 14.5 percent growth for the enterprises funded by foreign investors or investors from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan. The growth of the heavy industry was 16.5 percent and that of the light industry was 13.6 percent. Among the 39 industrial divisions,38 of them witnessed year-on-year growth. In terms of different areas,the growth in eastern,central and western regions went up by 14.9 percent,18.4 percent and 15.5 percent respectively. The production and sales of industrial products went on well. In 2010,the sales ratio was 97.9 percent for the industrial enterprises above designated size,or 0.2 percentage point higher than that in the previous year.

In the first eleven months of 2010,the profits made by industrial enterprises above designated size reached 3 882.8 billion yuan,up by 49.4 percent year-on-year,or 41.6 percentage points higher than that in the same period of last year. Among the 39 industrial divisions,38 divisions registered year-on-year growth with profits.

III. Investment kept fast growth with further improved investment structure. In 2010,the total investment in fixed assets of the country reached 27 814.0 billion yuan,a year-on-year growth of 23.8 percent,or a drop of 6.2 percentage points as compared with the growth in the previous year. The real growth was 19.5 percent after deducting price factors. Of this total,the fixed assets investment in urban areas was 24 141.5 billion yuan,up by 24.5 percent,or 5.9 percentage points lower that that in the previous year,and that in rural areas was 3 672.5 billion yuan,up by 19.7 percent,or 7.6 percentage points lower. Of the fixed assets investment in urban areas,the growth of investment in the primary industry was 18.2 percent; that in the secondary industry was 23.2 percent and 25.6 percent for the tertiary industry. In terms of different areas,the investment in eastern,central and western regions grew by 22.8 percent,26.9 percent and 26.2 percent respectively. The total investment in real estate development for the year was 4 826.7 billion yuan,a growth of 33.2 percent.


Passage 3


增加值 added value

实体经济 real economy

软件运营 software operation

网络文化 cyber culture

文化共享工程 projects for the sharing of cultural resources

即时通信工具 real-time telecommunications devices

国际互联网成为推动中国经济发展的重要引擎。包括互联网在内的信息技术与产业,对中国经济高速增长作出了重要贡献。在过去16年中,中国信息产业增加值年均增速超过26.6%,占国内生产总值的比重由不足1%增加到10%左右。互联网与实体经济不断融合,利用互联网改造和提升传统产业,带动了传统产业结构调整和经济发展方式的转变。中国的工业设计研发信息化、生产装备数字化、生产过程智能化和经营管理网络化水平迅速提高。互联网发展与运用还催生了一批新兴产业,工业咨询、软件服务、外包服务等工业服务业蓬勃兴起。信息技术在加快自主创新和节能降耗,推动减排治污等方面的作用日益凸显,互联网已经成为中国发展低碳经济的新型战略性产业。2008年,中国互联网产业规模达到6 500亿元人民币,其中互联网制造业销售规模接近5 000亿元人民币,相当于国内生产总值的1/60,占全球互联网制造业销售总额的1/10;软件运营服务市场规模达198.4亿元人民币,比2007年增长了26%。


互联网成为人们社会生活的重要工具。据抽样调查统计,2009年,中国约有2.3亿人经常使用搜索引擎查询各类信息,约2.4亿人经常利用即时通信工具进行沟通交流,约4 600万人利用互联网学习和接受教育,约3 500万人利用互联网进行证券交易,约1 500万人通过互联网求职,约1 400万人通过互联网安排旅行。


Passage 4


一揽子计划 package plan

新开工项目 new construction project

商品房销售面积 floor space of commercial housing sold

双边货币互换协议 bilateral currency swap agreement

双边本币货币互换协议 bilateral currency swap agreement in local currencies

中国—东盟自由贸易区 China-ASEAN free trade area


中国是亚洲合作的积极参与者与建设者,坚定不移地奉行与邻为善、以邻为伴的周边外交方针和睦邻、安邻、富邻的周边外交政策。特别是近些年来,我们与亚洲多个国家和地区签署了双多边自贸协定,推进了贸易和投资的发展。我们还与一些国家和地区签署了六份总额为235亿美元双边货币互换协议,六份总额为6 500亿元人民币的双边本币货币互换协议,丰富了区域金融合作的内容和形式,增强了地区资金救助机制的作用。拥有19亿人口、GDP近6万亿美元的中国-东盟自贸区将于2010年全面建成。我很高兴地看到,2003年10月我在第七次东盟与中日韩领导人会议上提出的“推动清迈倡议多边化”的设想,正在成为区域财金合作的重点,已经迈出实质性步伐。



第三部分 课文详解

Beginning from 24 March 2005,“Vanke Convertible Bonds 2” can be converted into the Company’s tradable A shares. As of 30 June 2005,the amount of new shares issued were 353 672 shares of which 352 603 new shares were shares converted before 28 June 2005 and were entitled to the transfer of five shares from capital surplus reserve for every 10 existing shares held. During the period under review,the number of accumulated new shares was 529 973 shares in total as a result of the conversion of “Vanke Convertible Bonds 2” and the implementation of the transfer of five shares from capital surplus reserve for every 10 existing shares held on 29 June 2005.

During the period under review,the Company proceeded with the transfer of capital surplus reserve to share capital on the basis of five shares issued for every 10 existing shares held by shareholders. Based on the Company’s total share capital of 2 273 980 474 shares (of which 352 603 shares were shares issued as a result of the conversion of “Vanke Convertible Bonds 2”) as at the close of the market on 28 June,the transfer of capital surplus reserve to share capital resulted in an increase of 1 136 990 237 shares.

Management Discussion and Analysis

Changing market psychology before and after the reporting period

Property market price continued to maintain an upward trend in 2005.Pursuant to the survey conducted by the National Development and Reform Commission and National Bureau of Statistics of China,the property selling prices of 35 medium and large cities were 9.8% higher in the first quarter when compared with that of the same period of the previous year. The selling price of commodity residential property surged by 10.5%,land transaction price increased by 7.8%,while the price of land used for residential development rose by 9.6% when compared with those of the same period last year.

On 27 April,the State Council Executive Meeting analyzed the property market trend and proposed eight measures with an aim to intensify guidance and control over the market. On 9 May,the General Office of the State Council forwarded the “Opinions on Carrying Out the Work of Stabilizing Housing Prices” jointly promulgated by seven ministries and central government agencies. With the market having a wait-and-see attitude after the promulgation of this notice,cities like Shanghai,Hangzhou,Beijing and Xiamen all reported over 20% drop in the average daily turnover in May when compared with that in April. This phenomenon was particularly obvious in Shanghai. The monthly turnover of commodity residential property there in May and June averaged around 800 000 square meters (sq m),which was only 30% of the average monthly turnover of 2.7 million sq m in 2004.

Company’s Responses and Business Review

The company’s performance in the period under review showed a significant progress from the same period in 2004.

During the period under review,the Company reported a 63.3% increase in sales floor area to 918 000 sq m,a 102.8% increase in sales revenue to RMB 5.82 billion,a 42.5% increase in booked area to 593 400 sq m,a 79.1% increase in booked revenue to RMB 4.02 billion,a 75.5% increase in revenue to RMB 4.1 billion and a 153.1% increase in net profit to RMB 799.65 million when compared to those of the same period last year. The Company’s Shanghai operations reported a total booked area of 164 300 sq m,mainly from the Shanghai Holiday Town and Shanghai Rancho Santa Fe projects. The Company’s Shenzhen operations reported a total booked area of 94 100 sq m,mainly from the Shenzhen Vanke City,Shenzhen Vanke East Coast and 17 Miles projects. Projects in other cities such as Nanchang Four Seasons Flower City,Shenyang Four Seasons Flower City,Guangzhou Four Seasons Flower City and Tianjin Crystal City also achieved favorable sales performance,reporting sales floor areas of 56 000,47 000,53 000 and 35 000 sq m respectively.

第四部分 技巧练习


1. 经济学家预计未来一年美国每个月将新增约13.3万个就业岗位。

2. 第107届广交会继续分三期举办,设标准展位56 915个,比上届增加近1 000个。展览总面积达到113万平方米。

3. 出口展区继续分15个商品种类,设50个专业展区。本届出口展区展位数56 302个,总展览面积为111.5万平方米。

4. 按企业属性分类,制造商11 936家,占52%;外资企业8 578家,占37%;工业和贸易公司2 238家,占10%;其他企业195家,占1%。

5. 本届进口展区继续设置在B区9.3和10.3展厅,展览面积维持在1.5万平方米,设标准展位613个。

6. 该地块位于北京市丰台区小屯村,距长安街约3公里,地块规划总建筑面积13.05万平方米。

7. 该地块位于佛山市南海区桂平路南侧,土地证载明使用权面积为7.46万平方米,总建筑面积为21.912 7万平方米。

8. 该地块位于东莞市松山湖科技产业园区,净地面积为13.33万平方米,总建筑面积为9.33万平方米。

9. 项目总占地面积约37.29万平方米,规划建筑面积约41.52万平方米。

10. 该地块位于上海市宝山区杨行镇,净地面积为16.93万平方米,规划总建筑面积为24.5万平方米。


1. Fixed-asset investment in urban areas,which has been the main drivers of economic growth in recent years,increased by 33.3 percent in the first three quarters,up from 33.0 percent in the January-August period.

2. Last year,a record 481 696 Chinese tourists visited Japan,up nearly 20 percent from 2007,according to the Japan National Tourism Organization.

3. In January-October 2009,the number of newly approved and established foreign-funded enterprises in China totaled 18 163,down by 20.11% year-on-year,and the foreign investment in actual use reached US$70.871 billion,down by 12.61% year-on-year.

4. In the year 2010,the net incomes of 859 companies are 574.1 billion dollars,having paid tax of 12.4 billion dollars.

5. The company specializes in property development business,with commodity residential properties as its major products. During the period under review,the booked area and booked revenue were 593 400 square meters and RMB 4.25 billion respectively,representing increases of 42.51% and 78.79% when compared to those in the same period last year. The gross profit margin was 35.74%.

6. The Company is principally engaged in property development. During the period under review,a floor area of 593 400 square meters,was booked,representing an increase of 42.51% from that of the same period last year.

7. It takes him a week to finish 126 000 kilometers,having raised 56 000 euros.

8. This report has 65 874 pages,125 workers spent a month in studying it.

9. The area of the factory building is 57 415 square meters; the factory employed 1 287 workers last year with the net income of 850 million pounds.

10. On 22 July,the Company entered into an agreement with Top Glory International Group Co.,Ltd. for the acquisition of Guangzhou Science City project. The site area and planned gross floor area of this project are 220 000 square meters and 155 000 square meters respectively.

第五部分 练习段落拓展

1. Located at the southern part of the Olympic Green in Beijing,the National Stadium is the main stadium of the 29th Olympiad in 2008. Occupying an area of 21 hectares,it has a floor space of 258 000 square meters. Its seating capacity amounts to 91 000,including 11 000 temporary seats.

The venue will host the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games,the track and field competitions,and the football finals. After the Olympics,the stadium will become a large-scale sports and entertainment facility for the residents of Beijing—an architectural landmark and Olympic legacy.

The main body of the National Stadium has a design life of 100 years. Its fire resistance capability is first-rate,and it can withstand an eight-magnitude earthquake. The water-resistance capability of its underground project is also first-rate.

The main body of the National Stadium is a colossal saddle-shaped elliptic steel structure weighing 42 000 tons. It is 333 meters long from north to south,298 meters wide from east to west,and 68 meters tall.

The main body’s elements support each other and converge into a grid formation,just like a bird’s nest with interlocking branches and twigs. Being a seven-story shear wall system,the stadium’s stand has a concrete framework. The upper part of the stand and the stadium’s steel structure are separated from each other,but both are based on a joint footing. The roof of the National Stadium is covered by a double-layer membrane structure,with a transparent ETFE membrane fixed on the upper part of the roofing structure and a translucent PTFE membrane fixed on its lower part. A PTFE acoustic ceiling is attached to the side walls of the inner ring.

The National Stadium is a complex structure,posing great difficulties for its designers and constructors.

1. Large and heavy steel part

The fracture surface of the largest truss column—the major load-bearing component of the roof structure—measures 25 m×20 m,with a height of 68 m. The maximum weight of a single column is 500 tons. The main truss is 12m tall. The maximum span between and through the two columns amounts to 145.577+112.788 m,and the maximum span between the two trusses stands at 102.391 m. Each truss column is of great bulk and weight,and so are the main trusses.

2. Complex nodal joints

Because the structural elements in the project are box-typed,many elements intersect spatially among the steel parts. Besides,the complex nature of secondary structures has resulted in the diversity of nodal joints of the main structures,requiring accurate and sophisticated manufacturing and installation.

3. Tight schedule

In addition to the huge workload,the allotted construction period is short. Having started on December 24,2003,the project is expected to be completed by the end of 2007,with the inauguration time scheduled for March 2008. Therefore many operations have to be conducted on a limited terrain,causing a very tense situation.

4. The hoisting work extended across the winter and spring,so the workers have had to defy both rainy and cold conditions in the winter to continue their work.

2. In 2008,national revenue reached 6.131 69 trillion yuan,an increase of 999.512 billion yuan or 19.5% over 2007 (both here and below),equivalent to 104.8% of the target. This consists of 3.267 199 trillion yuan collected by the central government and 2.864 491 trillion yuan collected by local governments. Added to the 110 billion yuan taken from the central budget stabilization fund,total revenue came to 6.241 69 trillion yuan. National expenditures amounted to 6.242 703 trillion yuan,an increase of 1.264 568 trillion yuan or 25.4%,equivalent to 101.7% of the target. This figure consists of 1.337 431 trillion yuan used by the central government and 4.905 272 trillion yuan used by local governments. Added to the 19.2 billion yuan set aside for the central budget stabilization fund,total expenditures amounted to 6.261 903 trillion yuan.

Revenue in the central budget totaled 3.361 192 trillion yuan,an increase of 499.997 billion yuan or 17.5%,equivalent to 103.3%of the target. This consists of 3.267 199 trillion yuan directly collected by the central government and 93.993 billion yuan turned over by local governments. Added to the 110 billion yuan from the central budget stabilization fund,total revenue came to 3.471 192 trillion yuan. Expenditures in the central budget totaled 3.631 992 trillion yuan,an increase of 673.997 billion yuan or 22.8%,equivalent to 102.5% of the target. This figure consists of 1.337 431 trillion yuan used by the central government and 2.294 561 trillion yuan in tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments. A total of 19.2 billion yuan was set aside for the central budget stabilization fund. Total expenditures thus added up to 3.651 192 trillion yuan. Expenditures exceeded revenue,leaving a deficit of 180 billion yuan,which was within the target approved at the First Session of the Eleventh NPC. The outstanding balance of government bonds in the central budget at the end of 2008 totaled 5.327 076 trillion yuan,which was under the set limit of 5.518 585 trillion yuan.

The central government turned over 2.294 561 trillion yuan in tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments in 2008,an increase of 480.772 billion yuan or 26.5%,representing 106.1% of the target. This total consists of 428.219 billion yuan in tax rebates,up 3.9%,869.649 billion yuan in fiscal transfer payments including general transfer payments,a 22% increase,and 996.693 billion yuan in special transfer payments,a 44.6% increase. The large increase in this last item was mainly due to the huge increase in expenditures required to subsidize key local programs such as education and medical and health care. Tax rebates and transfer payments turned over to local governments became part of the revenue of local governments,which made arrangements for their utilization. Transfer payments from the central government accounted for an average of 38% of local government spending nationwide and 54.4% in the central and western regions.

Revenue of local governments totaled 5.159 052 trillion yuan,an increase of 988.001 billion yuan or 23.7%,equivalent to 106.4% of the target. This consists of 2.864 491 trillion yuan collected by local governments and 2.294 561 trillion yuan in tax rebates and transfer payments from the central government. Local government expenditures totaled 4.999 265 trillion yuan,an increase of 1.079 057 trillion yuan or 27.5%,equivalent to 103.1% of the target. This total consists of 4.905 272 trillion yuan spent by local governments and 93.993 billion yuan turned over to the central government. Revenue exceeded expenditures,leaving a surplus of 159.787 billion yuan,which mainly came from the surplus revenue in the central and local budgets that was not spent and will be rolled over into local budgets this year.

3. 本公司坐落于大连市区、开发区、金州区三角连接地带的民和工业区。成立于2006年3月。占地面积8 000余平方米,建筑面积1 000余平方米,总投资人民币1 500万元,注册资金1 018万元。并且具有国家三级商品混凝土生产企业资质,同时配备了国家二级资质的建材实验室。专业技术人员占公司员工35%,其中高级工程师两人,工程师五人,助理工程师四人。可为各类建筑,桥梁,道路等提供商品混凝土生产、运输、泵送一条龙服务。自公司创建以来,先后承担了高层住宅、厂房、写字楼、多层住宅、道路、桥梁、公共建筑等多项工程的混凝土供应任务,产品质量均达到设计要求。并且坚持用户至上、持续改进、质量第一的原则,在与业主配合施工的过程中,贯彻“服务第一,信誉至上”的主导思想,将方便留给客户。困难自己克服,三年来与客户建立了良好的业务关系,在同行业中,建立起了自己的品牌和信誉。本公司的主要生产及运输设备,均引进的是国内先进的三立方米混凝土生产线,在生产流程上,采用微机控制的全自动电子计量系统,通过微机,可以对C10—C60等强度等级的混凝土配合比进行分级处理和储存。具有4座水泥储仓,2台布料杆各为37M、49M混凝土泵送车,16台9立方米和4台14立方米的混凝土搅拌运输车等。日产运输能力3 000立方米以上。年生产能力可达50万立方米。

4. 中国投入大量资金建设互联网基础设施。1997年至2009年,全国共完成互联网基础设施建设投资4.3万亿元人民币,建成辐射全国的通信光缆网络,总长度达826.7万公里,其中长途光缆线路84万公里。到2009年底,中国基础电信企业互联网宽带接入端口已达1.36亿个,互联网国际出口带宽达866 367Gbps,拥有7条登陆海缆、20条陆缆,总容量超过1 600 Gb。中国99.3%的乡镇和91.5%的行政村接通了互联网,96.0%的乡镇接通了宽带。2009年1月,中国政府开始发放第三代移动通信(3G)牌照,目前3G网络已基本覆盖全国。移动互联网正快速发展,互联网将惠及更广泛的人群。互联网基础设施的建设和完善促进了互联网的普及和应用。截至2009年底,中国网民人数达到3.84亿,比1997年增长了618倍,年均增长3 195万人,互联网普及率达到28.9%,超过世界平均水平。中国境内网站达323万个,比1997年增长了2 152倍。中国拥有IPv 4地址约2.3亿个,已成为世界第二大IPv 4地址拥有国。中国使用宽带上网的网民达到3.46亿人,使用手机上网的网民达到2.33亿人。中国网民上网方式已从最初以拨号上网为主,发展到以宽带和手机上网为主。中国互联网发展与普及水平居发展中国家前列。中国互联网发展、普及和应用存在区域和城乡发展不平衡问题。受经济发展、教育和社会整体信息化水平等因素的制约,中国互联网呈现东部发展快、西部发展慢,城市普及率高、乡村普及率低的特点。截至2009年底,东部地区互联网普及率为40.0%,西部地区为21.5%;城市网民占网民总数的72.2%,农村网民占27.8%。弥合地区之间、城乡之间的“数字鸿沟”,中国还需要付出艰苦努力。

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