首页 理论教育 数字口译(一)


时间:2022-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第七单元 数字口译(一)第一部分 技能总述在商务活动中,数字的重要性不言而喻。所以在进行数字口译训练时,首先将汉语英语中数字的转换关系牢记于心十分必要。无文本数字口译作为数字口译的基础十分重要,它是一切数字口译中技巧的前提。而且,英语和汉语中数字的表达方式差别大,在英文数字和汉语数字的口译转换过程中,初学者肯定会遇到很多困难。

第七单元 数字口译(一)

第一部分 技能总述


数字口译是口译中的重点。因为“数字信息反映的是客观、具体、重要的事实”,所以在数字口译中译员要“保证信息得到准确、如实地传递”。同时,数字口译也是口译训练中一个的难点。因为在汉语中和英语中,数字的表示方式不同。具体来说,汉语中数字的表达单位是“个、十、百、千、万、十万、百万、千万、亿、十亿……”都是以“十”的倍数来表示,而在英语的数字表达中,数字十是“ten”,百是“hundred”,千是“thousand”,万则以千的倍数来表示,如“五万”在英语中是“五十个千”即“fifty thousand”,百万是“million”,千万用百万的倍数来表示,一亿用英语数字表达是“一百个百万”即“one hundred million”,十亿和万亿(兆)则分别有专门的单词来表示“billion”和“trillion”。



万:ten thousand

十万:one hundred thousand

千万:ten million

亿:one hundred million

百亿:ten billion

千亿:one hundred billion

掌握基本的数字转换关系,对于单纯数字口译(无文本数字口译)大有帮助。它减少了汉英思维对数字转换的影响,能够形成一种类似于公式的转换关系。比如听到百亿,大脑中立刻浮现的就是ten billion。无文本数字口译作为数字口译的基础十分重要,它是一切数字口译中技巧的前提。

第二部分 技巧解析


首先,要进行单独的数字朗读。朗读单纯的数字为数字口译的基本练习,在不断练习朗读过程中,中英数字之间的转换规律会逐渐为练习者所掌握,能够熟练而又流利的用英语读出数字可以为以后的数字口译奠定良好的基础。其次,熟练掌握上一部分提到的数字转换关系,做到随用随取。如万在英语中就是十个千ten thousand,千万就是十个百万ten million,百亿就是十个十亿ten billion。然后就是在读一长串数字时要有一定的技巧。



trillion; billion; million; thousand




第三部分 课文详解


专项补助 special subsidies

地方财政收入 local fiscal revenues

固定资产投资 fixed asset investment

可支配收入 disposable income

进出口贸易总额 import and export volume

消费品零售总额 total sales of consumer goods

地域辽阔,人口众多,山河壮美,资源富集 vast landmass,large population,beautiful landscape and rich resources

综合经济实力 overall economic strength

基础设施建设 infrastructure development

西气东输,西电东送 West-to-East gas transmission project and West-to-East electricity transmission project

生态环境保护 protection of the environment

保障改善民生 protecting and improving people’s well-being

改革开放 reform and opening-up

近十年来,中国政府在规划指导、政策扶持、资金投入、项目安排、人才交流等方面不断加大对西部地区的支持力度,向西部地区转移支付和专项补助超过3.5万亿元,安排中央财政性建设资金7 300多亿元。西部地区经济建设、社会建设、文化建设和生态建设取得重大成就,进入了增长速度最快、发展质量最好、城乡面貌变化最大、人民群众受惠最多的时期。

综合经济实力大幅跃升。2000至2008年,西部地区生产总值从1.66万亿元增加到5.82万亿元,年均增长11.7%;地方财政收入从1 127亿元增加到5 159亿元,年均增长19.6%;固定资产投资由6 111亿元增加到3.58万亿元,年均增长22.9%。这几项主要指标增速均高于全国平均水平。

基础设施建设取得重大突破。十年间,西部地区新增公路通车里程88.8万公里,其中高速公路1.39万公里;新增铁路营业里程8 000多公里;民用机场达到79个,占全国机场总数的49.4%。青藏铁路、西气东输、西电东送等标志性工程相继建成投入运营,重大水利、能源、通讯设施建设全面推进。



改革开放深入推进。国有企业改革取得积极进展,非公有制经济加快发展。已有近20万家东部企业到西部地区投资创业,投资总额超过2.2万亿元。2008年,西部地区实际利用外资总额达到66.2亿美元,进出口贸易总额达到1 068亿美元。改革开放成为西部地区加快发展的重要动力。




1. 近十年来,中国政府在规划指导、政策扶持、资金投入、项目安排、人才交流等方面不断加大对西部地区的支持力度,向西部地区转移支付和专项补助超过3.5万亿元,安排中央财政性建设资金7 300多亿元。翻译为:Over the past 10 years,the Chinese government has been scaling up support for the western region through planning guidance,policy support,financial input,project development and human resources exchanges. 近十年来翻译成over the past ten years,同时注意出现“近……年”的句式时,翻译要用完成时时态。

2. 向西部地区转移支付和专项补贴超过3.5万亿元,安排中央财政性建设资金7 300多亿元。翻译为:We have provided over 3.5 trillion yuan in transfer payment and special subsidies to the western region and earmarked more than 730 billion yuan from the central government’s fiscal resources to construction projects in the region. 其中转移支付可以翻译成“transfer payment”,专项补贴可以翻译成“special subsidies”。遇到超过百万千万达到亿的数字,如3.5万亿,7 300多亿元,1.66万亿,5.82万亿元,5 159亿,6 111亿,3.58万亿等,要特别注意汉语数字到英语数字之间的正确转换。这里较大的数字3.5万亿就是3.5 trillion,要牢记于心的是万亿就是trillion。7 300多亿翻译成more than 730 billion,billion是十亿,7 300亿自然是730个billion。

3. 2000至2008年,西部地区生产总值从1.66万亿元增加到5.82万亿元,年均增长11.7%。翻译为:Between 2000 and 2008,the western region’s GDP grew from RMB 1.66 trillion to 5.82 trillion,representing an average annual growth rate of 11.7%. 2000至2008年翻译时候用词组between…and…;由于后面的数字11.7%表示百分比,有频率的含义,因此,年均增长翻译成annual growth rate,表示频率的词rate要翻译出来。生产总值为GDP,全称为 Gross Domestic Product,GDP这样的经济缩略词会常常出现,其他常见的经济词缩写为:

CPI = Consumer Price Index 消费物价指数

PPI = Producer Price Index 生产者物价指数

IPO = Initial public offerings 首次公开募股

RPI = Retail Price Index  零售物价指数

QFII = Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors 合格境外机构投资者

QDII = Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors 合格境内机构投资者

4. 地方财政收入从1 127亿元增加到5 159亿元,年均增长19.6%;固定资产投资由6 111亿元增加到3.58万亿元,年均增长22.9%。翻译为:Local fiscal revenues increased from 112.7 billion to RMB 515.9 billion,up by 19.6% annually. Fixed asset investment jumped from 611.1 billion to 3.58 trillion RMB,growing by 22.9% each year. 地方财政收入翻译成local fiscal revenues,固定资产投资翻译成fixed asset investment;从……增加到……可以用:increase from…to…来表示。

5. 西部地区新增公路通车里程88.8万公里……翻译为:Over the past ten years,the western region’s highway mileage has increased by 888 000 kilometers. 公路通车里程可以翻译成highway mileage,通车两字虽然没有单独翻译出来,其意义却包含其中。

6. 2008年城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民人均纯收入,分别比1999年增长105%和74%。翻译为:In 2008,urban per capita disposable income and rural per capita net income increased by 105% and 74% respectively from the 1999 levels. 可支配收入可以翻译成disposable income,纯收入是net income,分别可以用副词respectively 来表示。

7. 已有近20万家东部企业到西部地区投资创业,投资总额超过2.2万亿元。 翻译为:

Nearly 200 000 businesses from eastern China have invested a total of over 2.2 trillion RMB in the western region. 东部企业可以翻译成businesses from eastern China,总额超过翻译成a total over.在翻译好单纯数字的同时,也要注意数字所对应的“事实”,否则单单记住数字没有记住其所对应的事实便没有意义。如在这句话中,20万对应的是东部企业的数量,2.2万亿对应的是投资总额。

8. 中央扩大内需...the central government boosts domestic demand... 中央指的是中央政府,故翻译成central government,扩大内需翻译成boost domestic demand。其他关于财政、经济的常用词汇有:

budget bill 预算案

budget deficit 预算赤字

economic reform 经济改革

investment environment 投资环境

monetary policy 货币政策

subsidy 补助,补贴

unemployment rate 失业率

9. 民生工程、基础设施、生态环境、产业振兴、技术创新、灾后重建这些四字专有名词可以分别翻译成:people’s livelihood,infrastructure development,ecological conservation,industrial rejuvenation,technological innovation and post-disaster reconstruction.

10. 西部地区生产总值增速达到11.8%,城镇固定资产投资增长42.1%,地方财政收入增长12.8%,社会消费品零售总额增长19%,均高于全国平均增速。翻译为:In the first half of this year,GDP in western China grew by 11.8%. Urban fixed asset investment rose by 42.1%,local government revenues increased by 12.8% and total sales of consumer goods grew by 19%. All these figures were higher than the national average.

增速达到……可以翻译为grow by; 社会消费品零售总额可以翻译成total sales of consumer goods; 翻译此句时也应注意不同的百分比代表的不同含义,以免数字和意义对应错误。笔记中可以用对应图式表示:

11.8%  → 西部地区生产总值增速

4..1%  → 城镇固定资产投资增长

12.8%  → 地方财政收入增长

19%   → 社会消费品零售总额增长

第四部分 技巧练习


1. 全国财政收入61 316.9亿元,比2007年增加9 995.12亿元,增长19.5%,完成预算的104.8%。

2. 新增就业岗位预计60.8万个;城镇登记失业率预计为4.5%,是近10年来的首次下降。

3. 城市和农村居民家庭人均可支配收入预计分别比上年增长12.2%和10.2%,其中农村居民家庭人均可支配收入增幅为1997年以来最高。

4. 我们对每月养老金低于75元的65岁以上农民实行了政府托底补贴,直接受益约30.3万人。

5. 我们计划三年要解决750万户困难群众的住房问题、240万户棚户区改造问题。

6. 10岁的玛丽亚和7岁的莎莎,将成为自50年前肯尼迪一家人之后最年轻的第一家庭进驻白宫

7. 海尔在全球建立了29个制造基地,8个综合研发中心,19个海外贸易公司,全球员工总数超过6万人,已发展成为大规模的跨国企业集团。

8. 2008年6月,在《福布斯》“全球最具声望大企业600强”评选中,它排名13位。

9. 农业综合开发支出127亿元,支持改造中低产田2 500万亩,增加粮食综合生产能力286.6万吨。

10. 种植业保险保费补贴试点省份由6个扩大到16个,累计参保农户达到7 500万户。


1. There were nearly 2 500 trademark infringement cases of overseas rights holders in China last year,a 35 percent increase over 2007.

2. In the past 20 years,U.S. exports to China have increased by a factor of 12; while U.S. imports from China have increased almost 30-fold.

3. In 2009,of 12 439 tenders for procurement of electromechanical products,55 per cent went to foreign investment enterprises.

4. In 2009,global FDI dropped by nearly 40 per cent,but investment into China fell by only 2.6 per cent.

5. This company sold more than 1 million vehicles in China in the first five months of this year,meeting half of its 2010 target of 2 million ahead of schedule.

6. In 2010,there were 690 000 registered foreign companies in China,investing more than$1 000 billion.

7. Sales of consumer goods rose in 2009 to RMB12 530 billion,contributing more than half of gross domestic product.

8. From 2002 to 2009,China provided a total of more than 900 million yuan of grant assistance and cancelled 19.5 million US dollars of Afghanistan’s mature debts.

9. Our country has built seven projects for Afghanistan,including the Republican Hospital and the rehabilitation of the Parwan irrigation project,provided 15 batches of assistance materials,trained 781 Afghans.

10. In the first five months of 2010,the total value of China’s import and export rose by 44% year on year to US$1 100.09 billion.

第五部分 练习段落拓展


凝聚共识 加强合作



中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝

(2009年12月18日 哥本哈根)

中国是近年来节能减排力度最大的国家。推动淘汰高耗能、高污染的落后产能,2006至2008年共淘汰低能效的炼铁产能6 059万吨、炼钢产能4 347万吨、水泥产能1.4亿吨、焦炭产能6 445万吨。截至今年上半年,中国单位国内生产总值能耗比2005年降低13%,相当于少排放8亿吨二氧化碳。

中国是新能源和可再生能源增长速度最快的国家。我们在保护生态基础上,有序发展水电,积极发展核电,鼓励支持农村、边远地区和条件适宜地区大力发展生物质能、太阳能、地热、风能等新型可再生能源。2005年至2008年,可再生能源增长51%,年均增长14.7%。2008年可再生能源利用量达到2.5亿吨标准煤。农村有3 050万户用上沼气,相当于少排放二氧化碳4 900多万吨。水电装机容量、核电在建规模、太阳能热水器集热面积和光伏发电容量均居世界第一位。

中国是世界人工造林面积最大的国家。我们持续大规模开展退耕还林和植树造林,大力增加森林碳汇。2003至2008年,森林面积净增2 054万公顷,森林蓄积量净增11.23亿立方米。目前人工造林面积达5 400万公顷,居世界第一。

中国有13亿人口,人均国内生产总值刚刚超过3 000美元,按照联合国标准,还有1.5亿人生活在贫困线以下,发展经济、改善民生的任务十分艰巨。我国正处于工业化、城镇化快速发展的关键阶段,能源结构以煤为主,降低排放存在特殊困难。但是,我们始终把应对气候变化作为重要战略任务。1990至2005年,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放强度下降46%。在此基础上,我们又提出,到2020年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%-45%,在如此长时间内这样大规模降低二氧化碳排放,需要付出艰苦卓绝的努力。我们的减排目标将作为约束性指标纳入国民经济和社会发展的中长期规划,保证承诺的执行受到法律和舆论的监督。我们将进一步完善国内统计、监测、考核办法,改进减排信息的披露方式,增加透明度,积极开展国际交流、对话与合作。Source:http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/ziliao/zyjh/t646509.htm 2.


中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝

中国是世界上人口最多的国家。1978年以来,中国主要依靠自己努力,改革开放,加快发展,在不到30年时间内使绝对贫困人口从2.5亿减少到1 500万;在全国特别是农村实行了九年免费义务教育;在八亿农民中建立了政府投入为主的新型合作医疗制度;同时还建立了农村村民和城市居民自治制度,实行政务公开、民主监督和基层直接选举


中国作为一个负责任的发展中大国,尽管并不富裕,但已兑现对《千年宣言》的承诺,为世界上一些最不发达国家作出了力所能及的贡献。截至2008年6月底,中国累计免除亚非等49个重债穷国和最不发达国家债务247亿元;提供各类援款2 065亿元,其中无偿援助908亿元;对42个最不发达国家的商品给予零关税待遇,税目为736-1115个,占最不发达国家对中国出口贸易额的98%。中国还为非洲培训了15 000名各类人才,派遣100名高级农业技术专家,派出医疗队,援建30所医院、100所农村学校,无偿提供防治疟疾药物。2007年底中国为增强非洲的自我发展能力,决定提供23.77亿元的无偿援助和7亿元的无息贷款。






In 1992 before the communication is only 13 Nokia diversified in a project,accounting for about 15% of the total turnover. In the first half of this year,the completion of Nokia’s sales is 8 647 000 000 U.S. dollars,more than 90% from communications. At present,Nokia’s global mobile communications market share of close to 30% and become the world’s largest mobile phone manufacturer. Nokia can provide users with advanced solutions and wireless,wireline telecommunications products,including mobile and fixed networks,mobile phones and other voice,data,video terminals. Its research and development center to open in the future technology to provide users with more value-added services. Nokia is currently in the field of development,including third-generation wireless systems,multi-media network applications and network management solutions,and so on. It is forecast through to meet the needs of customers and improve product quality,enhance public and open a new concept,and other means to maintain its fast-growing telecommunications market leading position.

In 2003,Nokia’s sales in China to 20 billion euros and exports 1.7 billion euros for the third consecutive year ranked Chinese mobile communications industry’s first foreign export companies in the past four years,with exports amounting to a total of 8 000 000 000 Euros. As of the end of 2003,Nokia’s investment in China amounted to 1 700 000 000 Euros. From 2003 to 2004,Nokia has been two years in a row,the “Economic Observer” reported that as China’s most respected enterprises; in 2004,in the “Fortune” for the first time launched the Chinese version of “China’s Most Admired Company” in the rating,Nokia Selected the top ten enterprises.



Thriving China is ever More Open for Business

China has kept its market open throughout the financial crisis. In late 2008,we adopted a RMB 4 000 billion stimulus package,along with readjustment programs in sectors such as information communication technology,logistics and equipment manufacturing. Companies have followed strict tender rules to ensure a level playing field for all businesses—Chinese or foreign. In 2009,of 12 439 tenders for procurement of electromechanical products,55 per cent went to foreign investment enterprises.

China remains a top destination for investment by multinational companies,particularly in services and outsourcing. In 2009,global FDI dropped by nearly 40 per cent,but investment into China fell by only 2.6 per cent. Reacting to worries in the west,China has also strengthened intellectual property protection with new laws and a “double-track” system of administrative and criminal enforcement.

Crisis-hit multinationals have found new sources of profit growth in China. In 2009,General Motors filed for bankruptcy in the US,but its sales in China grew by 67 per cent. It sold more than 1million vehicles in China in the first five months of this year,meeting half of its 2010 target of 2million ahead of schedule. Siemens will invest €1billion ($1.29billion,£843million) in the next three years,with Volkswagen adding €1.6billion by 2011. In 2010,there were 690 000 registered foreign companies in China,investing more than $1 000billion.

These companies drive growth abroad through their Chinese operations. They create valuable trade surpluses for neighboring countries by importing intermediate goods,and create jobs in developed countries by buying capital goods and services.

Such growth will continue as China expands its internal market. Sales of consumer goods rose in 2009 to RMB 12 530 billion,contributing more than half of gross domestic product. This year China’s domestic market will grow by RMB 2 000 billion ($295bn,£193bn,€229bn),outstripping exports. The US is set to gain in particular. The independent American Chamber of Commerce in China recently published a report arguing that in the next 30 years the US can achieve “three trillion-dollar goals”:$1 000 billion for annual US exports to China,$1 000 billion for revenues of US businesses in China producing goods and services for the Chinese market,and $1 000 billion for cumulative Chinese FDI in the US.

Coming out of crisis,China must now work to upgrade its own industries in areas such as high-end manufacturing and environmental goods and services. To do this,China wants to make better use of the knowledge and expertise of multinationals. German carmaker Daimler’s success in forming a joint venture in China to develop next-generation electric vehicles is only one example of how more foreign investment can help.

The world economy is at a crucial stage of restructuring. As China works with others to push the global recovery,tremendous opportunities will open up for foreign companies. China remains open for business,and the rest of the world can benefit.


第六部分 段落实战与演练

Passage 1


World Exposition 世界博览会

innovation and interaction 创新和互动

global perspective 全球视野

cross-culture dialogues 跨文化对话

World Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London,the World Expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic,scientific,technological and cultural exchanges,serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience,exchanging innovative ideas,demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future.

With a long civilization,China favors international exchange and loves world peace. China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international community’s support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition in a developing country,which gives expression to the expectations the world’s people place on China’s future development.

So what will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the world? There is no doubt the Chinese people will present to the world a successful,splendid and unforgettable exposition.

Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urban evolution. Fifty-five percent of the world population is expected to live in cities by the year 2010. The prospect of future urban life,a subject of global interest,concerns all nations,developed or less developed,and their people. Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city,Exposition 2010 will attract governments and people from across the world,focusing on the theme “Better City,Better Life”. For its 184 days,participants will display urban civilization to the full extent,exchange their experiences of urban development,disseminate advanced notions on cities and explore new approaches to human habitat,lifestyle and working conditions in the new century. They will learn how to create an eco-friendly society and maintain the sustainable development of human beings.

Expo 2010 Shanghai China will centre on innovation and interaction. Innovation is the soul,while cultural interaction is an important mission of the World Expositions. In the new era,Expo 2010 Shanghai China will contribute to human-centered development,scientific and technological innovation,cultural diversity and win-win cooperation for a better future,thus composing a melody with the key notes of highlighting innovation and interaction in the new century.

Expo 2010 Shanghai China will also be a grand international gathering. On the one hand,we shall endeavor to attract about 200 nations and international organizations to take part in the exhibition as well as 70 million visitors from home and abroad,ensuring the widest possible participation in the history of the World Expositions. On the other hand,we will put Expo 2010 Shanghai China in a global perspective and do our best to encourage the participation and gain the understanding and support of various countries and peoples,in order to turn Expo 2010 Shanghai China into a happy reunion of people from all over the world.

In addition,Expo 2010 Shanghai China will offer a wonderful opportunity for cross-culture dialogues. Before the conclusion of the Exposition,a “Shanghai Declaration”will be issued. This declaration,hopefully a milestone in the history of the World Expositions,will epitomize the insights to be offered by the participants and embody people’s ideas for future cooperation and development and extensive common aspirations,thereby leaving a rich spiritual legacy of urban development to people throughout the world.

The Chinese Government will go to great lengths to make Expo 2010 Shanghai China a special event that carries on traditions and opens a new vista into the future. Our motto is:“Keeping in mind the next 60 years’ development while preparing for the six months’Exposition.” We count on the continuing attention,support and participation of all the peace-loving countries.


Passage 2


milestone 里程碑

surpass 超越超过

pinpoint 明确指出

appreciate 升值

catch-up effect 追改效应

Each year it seems,China passes at least one new milestone. In 2008,it surpassed Germany to become the third biggest economy. In 2009,it surpassed Germany as the biggest exporter and America as the biggest car market. In 2010,it will (barring a really dramatic yen appreciation) surpass Japan as the second biggest economy.

But exactly when will China surpass America as the world’s biggest economy? Obviously,we can’t for sure pinpoint the exact year it will definitely happen. But we can pinpoint using basic arithmetic just when it is likely to happen. And the numbers clearly suggest that old estimates that the shift won’t happen until 2040 or 2050 are far off the mark.

In 2009,nominal GDP in America was according to preliminary estimates,$14.26 trillion. In China,nominal GDP was 34.05 trillion yuan,or $4.98 trillion using the average 2009 exchange rate. That means that America’s GDP was 2.86 times bigger.

With average annual growth in America being some 7.5 percentage points lower during the 2000s,then assuming that this will continue and that the real exchange rate of the yuan will appreciate by on average 3 percent per year (quite reasonable), then it will only take 11 years before the Chinese economy becomes bigger,meaning that by 2020,China’s economy will be the biggest in the world.

If we assume that the growth differential falls to just 5 percent,while the estimated real appreciation is assumed to be just 2.5 percent per year,then China’s economy will become bigger by 2024.

Given the falling returns from the “catch-up effect” that naturally follows when a nation becomes richer,it is unreasonable to assume that the growth differential of the last decade will last forever,or even for several more decades.

But since per capita income would still be much lower in China when its economy are as big as America given it’s much bigger population,it is quite reasonable to expect a similar growth differential for a while,and to expect a significant real appreciation of the yuan,making it likely that the year when China will become biggest somewhere between 2020 and 2025.


Passage 3


调控 regulation

暂时的 temporary

房租价格 rental prices



北京链家地产近期公布的数据显示,2010年上半年全市套均租金为每月2 792元(从一居室到三居室全部包含在内),同比上涨约18.5%。过去两个月的租金上涨幅度更大,五月份套均租赁价格为2 885元/月,比去年同期上涨19.8%。

高松,23 岁,北京理工大学毕业生,在京郊通州区租了一个两居室。“以前每月房租1 000元,”高松说,“但是,上个月续约时房东告诉我们房租上涨了。”现在,他不得不支付1 200元的房租——几乎是他工资的一半。据新华社报道,2009年,北京应届毕业生的月平均工资为2 472元。这就意味着,目前的租金至少高出北京应届毕业生月平均收入的17%。







Passage 4


法制环境 legal regime

实际投资方 actual investor

欧盟成员国 EU members

广阔前景 promising future



中欧经济贸易合作取得了可喜的成果。欧盟已经成为中国的重要经贸伙伴,是中国最大的技术供应方、第三大贸易伙伴和第五大实际投资方。2001年,中欧贸易达到766亿美元,比上一年增长11%,尤其是中国从欧盟的进口增长了15.8%。中国从欧盟成员国引进1 050个技术项目,金额达44亿美元。截至2001年底,欧盟企业在华投资项目达12 583个,实际投资达到303亿美元。我非常赞赏欧中贸协与比中经贸理事会为发展中欧经贸关系所做出的努力。



第三部分 课文详解

Towards Greater Development and Opening-up of Western China

Over the past 10 years,the Chinese government has been scaling up support for the western region through planning guidance,policy support,financial input,project development and human resources exchanges. We have provided over 3.5 trillion yuan in transfer payment and special subsidies to the western region and earmarked more than RMB 730 billion yuan from the central government’s fiscal resources to construction projects in the region. These efforts have led to enormous achievements in economic,social and cultural development and ecological conservation in western China,a region that is experiencing faster growth,better quality of development,greater changes in the urban and rural outlook and more benefits to the people than at any period in history.

Significant increase in overall economic strength. Between 2000 and 2008,the western region’s GDP grew from RMB 1.66 trillion to 5.82 trillion yuan,representing an average annual growth rate of 11.7%. Local fiscal revenues increased from RMB 112.7 billion to 515.9 billion yuan,up by 19.6% annually. Fixed asset investment jumped from RMB 611.1 billion to 3.58 trillion yuan,growing by 22.9% each year. All these figures are higher than the national average.

Major breakthroughs in infrastructure development. Over the past ten years,the western region’s highway mileage has increased by 888 000 kilometers,including 13 900 kilometers of expressway,and its railway mileage by over 8 000 kilometers. The number of civil airports has grown to 79,taking up 49.4% of the country’s total. A host of landmark projects,including the Qinghai-Tibet railway,West-to-East gas transmission project and West-to-East electricity transmission project have been completed and put into operation. And the development of major water conservancy,energy and telecommunications projects is in full swing.

Stronger protection of the environment. We are conscientiously implementing a range of major ecological projects in western China,including returning farmland and grazing land to forest and grassland,virgin forest protection,dust storm reduction projects to protect the environment of Beijing and Tianjin,land management and water pollution treatment project in the Three Gorges reservoir areas and conservation of the waterhead areas of the Yangtze River,the Yellow River and the Lancang River. Our comprehensive environmental protection efforts have achieved initial success and a series of pilot projects on circular economy are making steady progress. The western region today enjoys clearer sky,greener land,cleaner water and a better environment for development.

Notable progress in protecting and improving people’s well-being. Education,healthcare,culture,employment and social security programs are all moving forward in the western region,and people’s living standards continue to rise. In 2008,urban per capita disposable income and rural per capita net income increased by 105% and 74% respectively from the 1999 levels. Rural poor population was down by 9.54 million and poverty occurrence rate declined by 1.6 percentage points. The living and working conditions of people of all ethnic groups have improved significantly.

Deepening reform and opening-up. The reform of state-owned enterprises has made good progress and the non-public sector has grown at a faster pace. Nearly 200 000 businesses from eastern China have invested a total of over 2.2 trillion yuan in the western region. In 2008 alone,the western region utilized US$6.62 billion of overseas investment and its import and export volume reached US$106.8 billion. Reform and opening-up have become a major driving force behind the accelerated development of the western region.

Since the beginning of last year,the western region has suffered the double blow of a devastating natural disaster and the international financial crisis. While comprehensively implementing the package plan in response to the financial crisis,the Chinese government has continued to firmly press ahead with the Western Development Strategy. Over 43% of the central government’s investment to boost domestic demand is allocated to projects essential to people’s livelihood,infrastructure development,ecological conservation,industrial rejuvenation,technological innovation and post-disaster reconstruction in western China. It has generated more local and non-public investment in the western region. In the first half of this year,GDP in western China grew by 11.8%. Urban fixed asset investment rose by 42.1%,local government revenues increased by 12.8% and total sales of consumer goods grew by 19%. All these figures were higher than the national average.

第四部分 技巧练习


1. National revenue reached 6.131 69 trillion yuan,an increase of 999.512 billion yuan or 19.5% over 2007,equivalent to 104.8% of the target.

2. A total of 608 000 new jobs were created. The urban registered unemployment rate decreased to 4.5%,the first drop in the past decade.

3. The per capita disposable income of urban households and rural households grew by 12.2% and 10.2% respectively,the latter representing the largest increase since 1997.

4. We provided top-up subsidies to farmers aged 65 or over whose monthly pension entitlement was less than 75 yuan,directly benefiting 303 000 people.

5. In a space of three years,we are going to resolve the housing difficulties for 7.5 million households and for 2.4 million households living in shanty towns.

6. 10-year-old Malia and 7-year-old Sasha will be the youngest first family to move into the White House since the Kennedys nearly 50 years ago.

7. With its 29 manufacturing plants,8 comprehensive R&D centers,19 overseas trading companies across the world and more than 60 000 global employees,Haier has involved into a giant multinational corporation.

8. In June 2008,it ranked 13th and 1st among Chinese companies on the list of Forbes’ the world’s “600 Most Reputable Companies”.

9. A total of 12.7 billion yuan was spent for overall agricultural development to support the improvement of 1.67 million hectares of low and medium-yield farmland and increase overall grain production capacity by 2.866 million tons.

10. Trials to subsidize insurance premiums for crops were extended from 6 to 16 provincial-level administrative areas,and 75 million rural households are now covered.


1. 去年,中国受理了近2 500宗涉及海外所有权人的商标侵权案件,比2007年增加了百分之三十五。

2. 在过去20年里,美国对中国的出口增加了12倍,而美国从中国的进口则增加了近30倍。

3. 在2009年中国开展的12 439个机电产品国际招标采购项目中,外资企业中标数占项目总数的55.4%。

4. 2009年,全球外国直接投资下降近40%,但对华投资仅下降2.6%。

5. 今年头五个月,该公司在华销量超过100万辆,提前完成了今年目标(200万辆)的一半。

6. 截至今年5月底,在华注册外资企业数量累计近69万家,实际利用外资总额超过了1万亿美元。

7. 中国2009年实现社会消费品零售总额12.53万亿元人民币,对国内生产总值的贡献率达到50%以上.

8. 2002年至2009年,中方共向阿富汗提供了9亿多元人民币无偿经济援助,免除阿富汗1 950万美元到期债务.

9. 我国为阿富汗建设了共和国医院、帕尔旺水利修复工程等七个成套项目,提供15批援助物资,培训阿富汗人员共计781人。

10. 2010年1-5月,全国进出口总值为11 000.9亿美元,同比增长44%。

第五部分 练习段落拓展


1. China has made the most intensive efforts in energy conservation and pollution reduction in recent years. The inefficient production capacity that China eliminated between 2006 and 2008 stood at 60.59 million tons for iron,43.47 million tons for steel,140 million tons for cement and 64.45 million tons for coke. By the end of the first half of this year,China’s energy consumption per unit of GDP had dropped by 13% from the 2005 level,equivalent to reducing 800 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

China has enjoyed the fastest growth of new energy and renewable energy. On the basis of protecting the eco-environment,we have developed hydro power in an orderly way,actively developed nuclear power,and encouraged and supported the development of renewable energy including biomass,solar and geothermal energy and wind power in the countryside,remote areas and other places with the proper conditions. Between 2005 and 2008,renewable energy increased by 51%,representing an annual growth rate of 14.7%. In 2008,the use of renewable energy reached an equivalent of 250 million tons of standard coal. A total of 30.5 million rural households gained access to bio-gas,equivalent to a reduction of 49 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. China ranked first in the world in terms of installed hydro power capacity,nuclear power capacity under construction,the coverage of solar water heating panels and photovoltaic power capacity.

China has the largest area of man-made forests in the world. We have continued with the large-scale endeavor to return farmland to forest and expand afforestation,and made vigorous effort to increase forest carbon sink. Between 2003 and 2008,China’s forest coverage registered a net increase of 20.54 million hectares and forest stock volume rose by 1.123 billion cubic meters. The total area of man-made forests in China has reached 54 million hectares,the largest in the world.

China has a 1.3 billion population and its per capita GDP has only exceeded US$3 000. According to the UN standards,we still have 150 million people living below the poverty line and we therefore face the arduous task of developing the economy and improving people’s livelihood. China is now at an important stage of accelerated industrialization and urbanization,and,given the predominant role of coal in our energy mix,we are confronted with special difficulty in emission reduction. However,we have always regarded addressing climate change as an important strategic task. Between 1990 and 2005,China’s carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP were reduced by 46%. Building on that,we have set the new target of cutting carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40-45% by 2020 from the 2005 level. To reduce carbon dioxide emissions on such a large scale and over such an extended period of time will require tremendous efforts on our part. Our target will be incorporated into China’s mid—and long-term plan for national economic and social development as a mandatory one,and its implementation is subject to the supervision by law and public opinion. We will further enhance domestic statistical,monitoring and evaluation methods,improve the way for releasing emission reduction information,increase transparency and actively engage in international exchanges,dialogue and cooperation.

2. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s speech at U.N. High-Level Meeting on MDGs

Mr. President,Mr. Secretary-General,Ladies and gentlemen:

China is the most populous country in the world. Since 1978,we in China have accelerated development mainly with our own efforts and through reform and opening-up. As a result,China has brought down the number of people in absolute poverty from 250 million to 15 million in less than 30 years. China has made free nine-year compulsory education universal in the country and particularly in the rural areas. We have put in place a new type of cooperative medical care system mainly financed by the government for 800 million farmers. We have set up the system of village and community self-governance for rural and urban residents and introduced government transparency,democratic oversight and direct election at the community level.

In the final analysis,all that we do in China now serves but one purpose—to eradicate poverty and build on this basis to achieve modernization with prosperity,democracy,advanced culture and harmony.

China is a responsible,large developing country. Though not rich,it has honored its commitments to the Millennium Declaration and done what it can to help some least developed countries. By the end of June 2008,China had cancelled a total of 24.7 billion billion yuan of debts for 49 heavily indebted poor countries and least developed countries in Asia and Africa and provided 206.5 billion yuan in various forms of assistance,of which 90.8 billion yuan is free aid. China has provided zero-tariff treatment to the goods of 42 least developed countries. The number of covered tariff items ranges from 736 to 1 115,accounting for 98 percent of the export volume of least developed countries to China. China has trained 15 000 African professionals,sent medical teams and provided free anti-malaria medicine to Africa. China will continue to do so and will dispatch up to 100 senior agricultural experts to Africa and build 30 hospitals and 100 rural schools for Africa. To enhance Africa’s capacity for independent development,China decided at the end of 2007 to provide 2.377 billion yuan of free aid and 700 million yuan of interest-free loans to Africa

Statistics released by the World Bank last year showed that over the past 25 years,China accounted for 67 percent of the achievements in global poverty reduction. The vision set out in the U.N. Millennium Declaration is being gradually turned into reality in the vast country of China. This is also the most important international responsibility that the Chinese today should fulfill.

Nonetheless,we have to recognize that about one billion people in the world still live below the poverty line and hundreds of millions suffer from hunger. China is also under pressure in terms of population,resources and the environment,and it faces such challenges as uneven development between urban and rural areas and between different regions,imbalance between economic and social development and a large low-income group.

To attain the goals of the Millennium Declaration globally remains a long and uphill journey and the difficulties cannot be underestimated.

3. 1992年以前,通信只是诺基亚13个多元化经营项目中的一项,约占总营业额15%。而在今年上半年诺基亚完成的86.47亿美元销售额中,有90%以上来自通信。目前,诺基亚在全球移动通信市场的份额已接近30%,并成为世界最大的移动电话生产商。诺基亚可为用户提供先进的解决方案和无线、有线电信产品,包括移动和固定网络、移动电话及其他声音、数据、图像终端。其研究开发中心全力开未来技术,为用户提供更多的增值服务。目前诺基亚的开发领域包括第三代无线系统、多媒体网络应用、以及网络管理解决方案等。它正通过预测、满足用户的需求,提高产品质量,强化对大众及其新理念的开放性等手段保持其在快速发展的电信市场的领先地位。




在金融危机期间,中国政府坚持对外开放政策不动摇。2008年末,我们推出了规模为4万亿的一揽子刺激方案,同时启动了电子信息业、物流、装备制造等产业的调整和振兴规划。在一些重点领域投资和建设项目招标过程中,我们为所有企业(不管是中国企业还是外国企业)创造公平的竞争环境。例如,在2009年中国开展的12 439个机电产品国际招标采购项目中,外资企业中标数占项目总数的55.4%。







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