首页 理论教育 公共演讲技巧


时间:2022-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第六单元 公共演讲技巧第一部分 技能总述什么是公共演讲技巧?这是一项很重要的技巧,但在口译中,却有些差别。比如在演讲的最后,劳拉说,今天在座的每一位教师都代表了教学的典范,学生尊敬你们,这正证明了你们过人的天赋和奉献。再比如,在开头的部分,劳拉赞扬了贝蒂的成就,并引用了她的话,能够因自己喜欢做的事得到表彰是一件感到莫大幸福的事。

第六单元 公共演讲技巧

第一部分 技能总述


本杰明·塞维奇将公共演讲定义为:“Public speaking is the art of having something to say,and saying it well.(公共演讲是一门有东西讲且要将之讲好的艺术)”(塞维奇,2005:44)。这是一项很重要的技巧,但在口译中,却有些差别。口译中的演讲不是由译者准备给观众的内容,译者本人并不是演讲者,他的工作是将演讲者所讲的内容有效地传达给观众。这种差别使译者在进行口译的过程中有一些问题要注意:

◆ 译者讲话要充满信心,说话不能含糊不清,或小声地念叨,要清楚、准确地传达演讲者的讲话内容。

◆ 声音也不要过大,在演讲过程中注意控制自己的音量,不要让听众感觉刺耳。

◆ 不要吞音。无论是汉译英还是英译汉,在讲话时一定要吐字清晰,不要吞音或发音不清楚,让听众感到含糊不清。

◆ 不要只靠记忆或事前的准备来进行口译。口译是一项即兴型活动,要求译者丰富熟练的语言知识和敏捷的反应相结合来进行。译者事先准备要充分,但却不能一味依靠事先的准备,这会让翻译的过程不够准确,同时也会影响翻译的效果,让观众失去倾听的兴趣。

◆ 注意演讲的风格。译者作为演讲者和听众之间连接的纽带,应该学会根据演讲内容调整演讲风格,如表示欢迎的致辞,表示感谢的讲话,或者是表达一种祝愿等,译者应根据这些内容进行情感和演讲方式的调整。同时也要注意控制自己的情感,不能因为演讲者的内容过于激昂或悲伤而甚至语调失常。

◆ 注意演讲的礼仪。译者在进行口译时,要注重自己的仪表。

◆ 尽量熟悉演讲的场所,既可以对口译有所帮助,同时也可以减少自己的紧张情绪。场所的大小,高度,听众人数的多少也会影响译者在作口译时的音量方式等因素,所以这一点也很重要。

第二部分 技巧解析


Thank you,Betsy,for your warm welcome and for sharing your love of teaching as America’s Teacher of the Year. I met Betsy when she came to the White House in April to receive the Teacher of the Year award. In her remarks that day Betsy said,“It’s quite overwhelming to be recognized for something that you love to do every day.”

All teachers deserve to be recognized for the contributions they make in our classrooms and in our country. Teaching is the greatest public service and we owe teachers our admiration and respect. Each of the teachers here tonight exemplifies the very best in teaching—and the students who honor you are evidence of your immense talent and dedication. I’m happy to say that President Bush loves teachers so much that he married one,and he sends his congratulations and thanks to all of you.





第三部分 课文详解

Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. And does it get any better than this,a graduation ceremony for one of the great universities in the world in the home of New York Yankees? Nothing could be better. And thanks to all of you for cheering a visitor. I didn’t realize that was permitted in Yankee Stadium.

I am honored to receive this degree. And on behalf of the other honorees,I say thank you. Thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this commencement ceremony. As I look out at this huge crowd of graduates,family,and friends,I can only reflect on what an extraordinary moment in history you are receiving your degrees,a moment in time of our country and the world where your talents and your energy,your passion and commitment is more needed than ever. There is no doubt that you are well prepared for a world that seems somewhat uncertain but which will welcome the education that you have received on behalf of not only of yourselves and your families,but your communities and your country.

As Secretary of State,I am well aware of the challenges that we face. You,as new graduates,and your generation will be up against those challenges:climate change and hunger,extreme poverty and extreme ideologies,new diseases and nuclear proliferation. But I am absolutely convinced that you and we are up to the task. There is no problem we face here in America or around the world that will not yield to human effort,to cooperation,to positive interdependence that makes clear humanity is going on,our challenges are ones that summon the best of us,and we will make the world better tomorrow than it is today.

Now,I know that it is fashionable in commencement speeches to be idealistic,and that may sound so,but at the root of my conviction is a strong sense of reality. Because you see,I don’t think we have a choice. We can sit on the sidelines,we can wring our hands,we can retreat into cynicism,and we know what the results will be:We will cede the field to those whose ideologies are absolutely anathema to people of conscience and faith all over the world. So our positive interdependence,which is a fact,will prepare us to meet these challenges. But they can no longer be seen just as government-to-government. There is a time and an opportunity,and with the new technologies available,for us to be citizen diplomats,citizen activists,to solve problems one by one that will give in to hard work,patience,and persistence,and will then aggregate to the solutions we seek.


1. And does it get any better than this,a graduation ceremony for one of the great universities in the world in the home of New York Yankees? Nothing could be better. And thanks to all of you for cheering a visitor. I didn’t realize that was permitted in Yankee Stadium.


2. I am honored to receive this degree. And on behalf of the other honorees,I say thank you. Thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this commencement ceremony.


3. As I look out at this huge crowd of graduates,family,and friends,I can only reflect on what an extraordinary moment in history you are receiving your degrees,a moment in time of our country and the world where your talents and your energy,your passion and commitment is more needed than ever. There is no doubt that you are well prepared for a world that seems somewhat uncertain but which will welcome the education that you have received on behalf of not only of yourselves and your families,but your communities and your country.


4. As Secretary of State,I am well aware of the challenges that we face. You,as new graduates,and your generation will be up against those challenges:climate change and hunger,extreme poverty and extreme ideologies,new diseases and nuclear proliferation. But I am absolutely convinced that you and we are up to the task. There is no problem we face here in America or around the world that will not yield to human effort,to cooperation,to positive interdependence that makes clear humanity is going on,our challenges are ones that summon the best of us,and we will make the world better tomorrow than it is today.这一段是上面讲话的延续,是对毕业生的鼓励,提到了他们可能面临的困难。译者在进行口译时,注意内容的变化、调整对演讲方式和风格的影响。而且,希拉里在这一段讲话中提到了自己国务卿的身份,译者对于这一类的称谓在翻译时也要特别关注。

5. Now,I know that it is fashionable in commencement speeches to be idealistic,and that may sound so,but at the root of my conviction is a strong sense of reality. Because you see,I don’t think we have a choice. We can sit on the sidelines,we can wring our hands,we can retreat into cynicism,and we know what the results will be:We will cede the field to those whose ideologies are absolutely anathema to people of conscience and faith all over the world. So our positive interdependence,which is a fact,will prepare us to meet these challenges. But they can no longer be seen just as government-to-government. There is a time and an opportunity,and with the new technologies available,for us to be citizen diplomats,citizen activists,to solve problems one by one that will give in to hard work,patience,and persistence,and will then aggregate to the solutions we seek.


第四部分 技巧练习


1. 2006年,中澳两国领导人就建立面向21世纪的互利共赢的全面合作关系达成共识。2009年,中澳发表联合声明,将发展两国关系的基本原则和重要共识以正式文件形式固定下来。这些表明,中澳关系进入了更高、更成熟的阶段,双方有智慧、有能力来把握双边关系发展的战略大方向。


2. 近两年来中国网民规模极具扩大,网络基础设施日益完善,互联网普及率不断提高,截至目前,中国网民规模达到4.4亿,互联网普及率攀升到33%,宽带网民规模是3.6亿,使用电脑上网的群体中宽带普及率达到98%,国际出口带宽近1 000G,农村网民达到1.15亿,占整体网民的27.4%,网民每周上网的时间继续增加,人均每周上网时长达到19.8小时,特别值得一提的是中国手机网民的规模达到2.77亿,其中只使用手机上网的网民占整体网民的比例提升到了11.7%,使用手机作为上网设备的占比攀升到了65.9%,移动互联网用户在全部移动用户的渗透率达到33%,手机网民在信息获取和交流沟通类的应用上,使用率比较高,手机的即时通信使用率位居首位,达到61.5%,手机搜索以48.4%的使用率排名第二。

3. 当今世界正处于经济大动荡、体系大变革、格局大调整时期。国际经济危机阴霾未散。气候变化、能源资源、公共卫生安全等全球性问题日益突出和多元化。国际和地区热点问题此起彼伏。2010年更是继续应对国际金融危机、推动世界经济复苏非常重要的一年。


4. 提及中国门户网站的创新应用,微博无疑是一个不容忽视的方面。以2009年开始测试的新浪微博为例,截至2010年第二季度,新浪微博的注册用户数已超5 000万,在这里用户可以通过手机和互联网平台发布文字、图片、视频,并且可以推送、转发,已经成为从媒体到政府,从机构到个人,一个真正的信息交互平台。


5. 新形势下,日内瓦这个多边舞台更加广阔,更加重要。中方愿进一步全面、深入参与日内瓦多边外交各领域活动,服务中国国内社会经济发展,并为推动世界持久和平和共同繁荣做出自己的贡献。我本人和中国代表团愿意成为大家了解中国的窗口,更愿成为促进中国与各方加强交流与合作的桥梁。


6. 或许一提起中国,一些欧洲朋友就会想到北京奥运会的盛大场面和上海世博会的璀璨光芒,还有的朋友会想到中国已经成为世界第二大经济体。但是,中国国民生产总值总量以及北京、上海等现代化都市仅代表了中国发展的一个方面,中国还有许许多多很落后的地区,中国仍是一个发达程度较低的发展中国家。根据IMF的最新数据,2009年,中国人均GDP为3 678美元,排在世界第100位,只相当于比利时人均GDP的十二分之一左右。按照联合国每人每天一美元生活费的标准,中国还有1.5亿人尚未脱贫。前不久,阿什顿高级代表访华时曾到中国西部的贵州省访问。访问后,她深有感触,认为看到了中国的另一面,感受到了一个多元化中国及中国发展面临的挑战。因此,要真正深入地了解中国,就必须到中国进行实地考察、访问。在此,我欢迎在座的欧洲朋友们多到中国走走、看看,希望此次研讨会成为中欧学术界尤其是法学界进一步交流互鉴的桥梁,成为更多欧洲朋友感知中国、认识中国的“窗口”。

7. 新中国建立以来,特别是1978年实行邓小平先生倡导的改革开放政策以来,中国发生了前所未有的深刻变革。从1978年到2004年的26年间,中国国内生产总值从1 473亿美元增长到16 494亿美元,年均增长9.4%;进出口总额从206亿美元增长到11 548亿美元,年均增长超过16%;国家外汇储备从1.67亿美元增长到6 099亿美元;农村贫困人口由2.5亿人减少到2 600万人,中国的综合国力显著增强,人民生活不断改善。中国人民在继承和发扬古老文明的基础上创造了新的历史。现在,13亿中国人民正万众一心地在中国特色社会主义道路上开拓前进。

8. 我很高兴地看到,近些年来,蒙特利尔始终走在中加两国人民有关合作的最前面。目前,蒙市是加国第三大华人居住地,也是中国留学生最多的城市之一,与中国相关省市在贸易、教育、文化科技等领域的合作交流不断加强。

9. 蒙特利尔是中国最大的城市——上海的友好城市。上海是中国最具活力,正在蓬勃发展的城市。我相信,蒙特利尔通过参加明年在上海举办的世界博览会,将会有更多的中国人了解你们这座城市。

10. 2009年,全世界饥饿人口超过十亿大关,部分原因是由于粮价飙升以及全球经济危机。无声的饥饿问题之所以如此严重,是几十年来忽视农业,对农业领域投资不足造成的。这就是为什么粮农组织在2009年11月国家元首和政府首脑罗马“饥饿峰会”前夕发起了一场请愿活动,对这一状况发出道义上的愤怒呼声。“十亿人在挨饿项目”广泛联系各界群众,签署反饥饿请愿书,并共同努力向全社会加强宣传,要对此采取特殊关注,确保当今世界没有人挨饿。该项目还在进行中,签署请愿书的人数已超过100万。


1. The case for increased cooperation between China and EU is stronger than ever. Together,the EU and China can contribute to solving the problems the world is facing. Relations between China and the EU are good and dynamic. Together,we have developed a strategic partnership in which we cooperate on numerous issues. We are currently elaborating a partnership and cooperation agreement,to better reflect how our relations have developed and to boost those relations for the future. People-to-people exchanges have increased. Our bilateral trade has grown. Today China is the most important source of imports for the EU,and the EU is China’s largest trading partner. Our political,economic and people-to-people contacts have increased exponentially over the last decade.

2. The Chinese economy is increasingly moving up the global economic value chain,where growth is created not just by the power of a country’s industrial might,but also by the power of its people’s ideas and their inventions. In the long run,economies with poor intellectual property protections and inconsistent application of market access laws will lose out on generating great new ideas and technologies. And they’ll lose out on the jobs that come with producing new products—jobs critical to an expanding middle class. The damage won’t happen overnight. I freely admit that companies and countries can gain short-term advantages from lax rules in the commercial space.

3. The European Union,responsible for just 14% of greenhouse gas emissions,is taking action to reduce emissions by 20%. But we obviously cannot do it alone. It will serve little purpose if other countries,including China,a huge consumer of fossil fuels,do not join in common action. Yes,there is a cost to reducing emissions,but the cost of global warming and not just in the long term is going to be far higher,including for China. Furthermore,policies and investments dedicated to energy saving as well as replacing polluting energy sources with new and renewable sources of energy will also foster growth,technological development and employment. It is important that efforts to combat climate change stay on track,despite the financial turmoil. Combating climate change is an objective not only for us but also for the future of mankind.

4. We have developed cooperation in all fields:from scientific research to education,from energy to the environment,from transportation to tourism,and in many other areas. We have supported China’s accession to the WTO and have welcomed China’s increasingly important role in various international organizations. In other words,we have demonstrated through our policies and actions,our interest in and support for your stability,prosperity and success. We will continue to engage in China’s development,just as we wish for China itself to become more and more engaged in global affairs,in a way that reflects China’s growing global position.

5. Our bilateral dialogue on human rights serves the same purpose. In this important year when we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights,it is imperative to redouble our efforts in ensuring that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Human rights are universal; they belong to each and every individual around the world. I hope you—the people of the great nation of China—will join us in celebrating the 60th anniversary and contribute to the spreading and consolidation of human rights. The trend towards a more multi-lateral world is getting clearer. It is positive that other nations are ready and willing to take on global responsibilities.

6. More than two decades ago,on my first trip to China’s mainland,I could not imagine that the U.S.-China relationship would eventually become so consequential.

Nor could I have imagined a scene like we witnessed a few days ago:Defense Secretary Gates joining together with his Chinese counterpart to stress the need for stronger military ties between China and the United States. In 1989,I came in from Shanghai’s airport on a rickety,Russian-made bus,and stepped into that city’s dimly lit streets into a world very different than the one I left in the U.S. There were swarms of bicycles—young men with their dates balanced on handlebars,grandparents pedaling to the market,boys and girls with white-knuckle grips on their parents’ shoulders. Bikes everywhere. Shanghai then was a gritty,industrial city filled with low-rise buildings. There were no skyscrapers. Few cars. There was little sign of what was to come.

7. The people of Europe were quick to respond to the devastating earthquake in Sichuan. Many citizens as well as European governments offered help and financial contributions. This Sunday we will hold a conference in Chengdu together with our Chinese partners on how to advance reconstruction and attract investment in that area. Earlier this spring,I headed the biggest Commission delegation ever to travel to a third country,for a meeting with Premier Wen Jiabao to strengthen EU-China cooperation on sustainable development and trade. Indeed,new vistas of cooperation were opened up on that occasion. I am confident that tomorrow’s ASEM Summit and our EU/China Summit on 1 December in Lyon will move our partnership further forward.

8. One issue,however,deserves sustained political attention from leaders on both sides:the trade deficit. We know that this in part reflects the growing competitiveness of Chinese products. But we must also recognise that other factors are involved,which can and must be corrected. We need to work together,in a spirit of reciprocity,to eliminate obstacles preventing the access,in many sectors,of European goods and services to the Chinese market. Our cooperation in the fight against climate change is particularly important. We all now know that climate change is real,that it is caused by human activity,and that its consequences are universal and will be felt first and foremost by the poorest. Yes,it is true that the state of our planet today is a result of industrialization that began generations ago in developed countries. At that time none of us was aware of the consequences. But now we know,and we know that there is no solution without unity.

9. Actively explore new areas of cooperation. Cooperation between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries should not be limited to such traditional areas as economy and trade,human resources and infrastructure. It should be expanded to new areas. Both China and the Portuguese-speaking countries are rich in tourism resources and our cooperation in this field has broad prospects. China will promote tourism resources of the Portuguese-speaking countries and support more Portuguese-speaking countries in getting the Approved Destination Status (ADS) for Chinese tourists. Businesses and the general public of the two sides have a strong desire for transport cooperation. Governments should create conditions and support the businesses in establishing convenient and smooth logistic networks and opening more direct flights.

10. It is for us today to chart the course for the future. Our mutual dependency will continue to grow and the interactions between us will continue to multiply. We on the European side are eager to strengthen our cooperation with China in order to meet challenges of tomorrow. In doing so we must work within a comprehensive,strategic partnership keeping mutual interest and concerns in mind. We must and will continue to view the relationship from a strategic perspective. My meetings with President Hu and with Premier Wen during this visit,will provide an excellent opportunity to review our relationship and chart the course for the future continued strengthening of EU-China relations. I hope you will all take part in that endeavour.

第五部分 练习段落拓展

1. The explosive growth in places like Shanghai has helped lift almost 200 million people out of poverty. In the years ahead,hundreds of millions more Chinese citizens will join the middle class. The United States welcomes this growth,because it’s good for the people of China; it’s good for the global economy; and it’s important for U.S. companies who offer world-class products and service,products and services that can improve the quality of life for the Chinese,while providing jobs for American workers back home. With the U.S.-China Business Council’s help,this has become perhaps the most important bilateral trading relationship in the world. China is the top destination for American exports,behind just Canada and Mexico. And America is the number one national market for Chinese exports. In the past 20 years,U.S. exports to China have increased by a factor of 12; imports from China have increased more than 30-fold.

2. Today,there are scientists and researchers shuttling between the companies and the research institute,working to develop cutting-edge solutions for cleaner-burning coal and carbon sequestration. The Chinese and American governments are also working together on a variety of transportation issues,including how to spur the deployment of more high-speed rail. China has embraced high-speed rail and has developed its infrastructure at a tremendous rate. Starting from scratch,China has constructed and put into service over 4 000 miles of high-speed routes in the last decade—making China’s the longest high-speed rail network in the world.

In meetings last year,officials and experts from the Department of Transportation and China’s Railway Ministry met in Cambridge,Massachusetts,to share information on the development of high-speed rail standards. And at the state level,the Chinese government has signed cooperation agreements with the State of California on its high-speed rail project to link Anaheim and San Francisco.

3. 当今的国际形势变化深刻复杂,审视中澳关系离不开全球视野。中澳两国作为亚太地区有重要影响的国家,面临着共同的机遇和挑战。发展中澳关系的意义已经超出双边范畴,战略内涵日益加深。中澳关系已站在新的起点上,合作基础牢固,民意支持坚实,合作惠及双方。深化和扩大两国全方位多领域的交往与合作,尤其需要双方从战略高度和长远角度看待和把握中澳关系。中方愿与澳成为开展互利合作、实现共同发展的好朋友、好伙伴。澳方也看重中国的发展和作用,视与中国的合作为澳大利亚难得的历史机遇。可以说,我们越从战略高度规划双边关系,越可以成功地超越差异,寻求共同利益,实现互利共赢。我对中澳关系的发展前景充满信心。

4. 中国一贯倡导多边主义,坚定支持联合国在维护世界和平与安全、促进共同发展、保障人权等方面发挥的积极作用,主张合作应对全球挑战。过去的一年,中国积极参加应对国际金融危机、气候变化等国际合作,在一系列重大多边会议上发挥了独特的建设性作用。


第六部分 段落实战与演练

Passage 1


on behalf of 代表

normalization 正常化

estrangement 隔阂

foundation 基础

demonstrate 演示

Good morning,everyone. President Hu,members of the Chinese delegation,on behalf of Michelle and myself,welcome to the White House. And on behalf of the American people,welcome to the United States.

Three decades ago,on a January day like this,another American President stood here and welcomed another Chinese leader for the historic normalization of relations between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. On that day,Deng Xiaoping spoke of the great possibilities of cooperation between our two nations.

Looking back on that winter day in 1979,it is now clear. The previous 30 years had been a time of estrangement for our two countries. The 30 years since have been a time of growing exchanges and understanding. And with this visit we can lay the foundation for the next 30 years.

At a time when some doubt the benefits of cooperation between the United States and China,this visit is also a chance to demonstrate a simple truth. We have an enormous stake in each other’s success. In an interconnected world,in a global economy,nations—including our own—will be more prosperous and more secure when we work together.

The United States welcomes China’s rise as a strong,prosperous and successful member of the community of nations. Indeed,China’s success has brought with it economic benefits for our people as well as yours,and our cooperation on a range of issues has helped advance stability in the Asia Pacific and in the world.

We also know this:History shows that societies are more harmonious,nations are more successful,and the world is more just,when the rights and responsibilities of all nations and all people are upheld,including the universal rights of every human being.

Mr. President,we can learn from our people. Chinese and American students and educators,business people,tourists,researchers and scientists,including Chinese Americans who are here today—they work together and make progress together every single day. They know that even as our nations compete in some areas,we can cooperate in so many others,in a spirit of mutual respect,for our mutual benefit.

What Deng Xiaoping said long ago remains true today. There are still great possibilities for cooperation between our countries. President Hu,members of the Chinese delegation,let us seize these possibilities together. Welcome to the United States of America. Hwan-ying.

Passage 2


supportive family and friends 支持你们的家人和朋友

co-op 消费合作社

assembly line 装配线

optimism of youth 年轻人的乐观精神

underrate 低估

search engine 搜索引擎

Class of 2009! First I’d like you to stand up,and wave and cheer your supportive family and friends! I’m sure you can find them out there. Show your love!

A long time ago,in this cold September of 1962,there was a Steven’s co-op at this very university. That co-op had a kitchen with a ceiling that had been cleaned by student volunteers probably every decade or so. Picture a college girl named Gloria,climbing up high on a ladder,struggling to clean that filthy ceiling. Standing on the floor,a young boarder named Carl was admiring the view. And that’s how they met. They were my parents,so I suppose you could say I’m a direct result of that kitchen chemistry experiment,right here at Michigan.

Everyone in my family went here to Michigan:my brother,my Mom,my Dad—all of us. My father’s father worked in the Chevy plant in Flint,Michigan. He was an assembly line worker. He drove his two children here to Ann Arbor,and told them:That is where you’re going to college. I know it sounds funny now. Both of his kids actually did graduate from Michigan. That was the American dream.

What I’m trying to tell you,this is WAY more than a homecoming for me. I have a story about following dreams. Or maybe more accurately,it’s a story about finding a path to make those dreams real.

You know what it’s like to wake up in the middle of the night with a vivid dream? And you know how,if you don’t have a pencil and pad by the bed,it will be completely gone by the next morning?

Well,I had one of those dreams when I was 23. When I suddenly woke up,I was thinking:What if we could download the whole web,and just keep the links? And I grabbed a pen and started writing! Sometimes it’s important to wake up and stop dreaming. I spent the middle of that night scribbling out the details and convincing myself it would work. Soon after,I told my advisor,Terry Winograd,it would take a couple of weeks for me to download the web—he nodded knowingly,fully aware it would take much longer but wise enough not to tell me. The optimism of youth is often underrated! Amazingly,at that time,I have no thoughts building a search engine. The idea wasn’t even on the radar. But,much later we happened upon a better way of ranking and we made a really great search engine,and Google was born. When a really great dream shows up,grab it!

Passage 3


中国农历新年 Chinese lunar new year

中国新年食品文化节 Chinese New Year Food & Culture Festival

作出新贡献 make fresh contribution

城市让生活更美好 Better City,Better Life

环境友好型技术 environment-friendly technology

国事访问 state visit

双边合作 bilateral cooperation









Passage 4


百废待兴的新中国 newborn People’s Republic

改革开放 reform and opening up

汉语热 mandarin fever

占……比例 account for

孔子学院 Confucius Institute

教育交流与合作 education exchanges and cooperation

母校 alma mater









第三部分 课文详解






第四部分 技巧练习


1. In 2006,Chinese and Australian leaders reached agreement on building a comprehensive and cooperative relationship for win-win progress in the 21st century. In 2009,the two countries issued a joint statement,a formal document reaffirming the basic principles guiding the development of China-Australia relations and important agreement reached between the two sides. All these are testaments to the fact that Sino-Australian relations have matured and reach a new height,and that both sides have the wisdom and ability to keep bilateral relations moving forward in the right strategic direction.

China and Australia have different national conditions. It is only normal that they do not see eye to eye with each other on some issues. What happened in the past 38 years has shown that although the international landscape and the domestic situation of China and Australia have changed significantly from the time when the two countries forged diplomatic ties,our common ground has expanded rather than diminished,our room and potential for cooperation increased rather than decreased,and our willingness to deepen bilateral exchanges strengthened rather than weakened. I think it is fair to say that our relationship could only grow when we strive to broaden common ground,and could only grow healthily when we rise above differences.

2. In the last two years,the population of Internet users in China has grown rapidly. As the basic network facilities gradually improve,China increasingly expands the coverage of the Internet. By June 2010,China had registered a total of 440 million Internet users and the penetration of the Internet had risen to 33 percent. The broadband users in China had reached 363.81 million and 98.1 percent of the Internet users who surf the Internet on computers have access to broadband networks. The export of Internet bandwidth had reached nearly 1 000 gigabytes. About 115.08 million people in rural areas have access to Internet,accounting for 27.4 percent of the total Internet users. The time people spent online continues to increase—each person spending 19.8 hours per week. What deserves to be mentioned is that 277 million people surf the Internet on mobile phones,which accounts for 65.9 percent of the total Internet users and 33 percent of the total mobile phone users,and 11.7 percent of them only get access to mobile Internet. People usually use mobile Internet to acquire information and communicate with others. Instant messaging service tops the usage of the mobile Internet,accounting for 61.5 percent,followed by mobile search,which accounts for 48.4 percent.

3. The present world is witnessing major economic challenges,coupled with major structural changes or adjustments. The impact of the global economic crisis is still with us,while global challenges such as climate change,energy and resources,public health security have become increasingly prominent. In addition,the present world is also witnessing international or regional hot issues here and there. 2010 is a very important year for the international efforts to combat financial crisis in promotion of early world economic recovery.

Collective efforts are essential,under the present new circumstances,if the above global problems are to be put behind us. No country can do it alone. To further advance the noble course of peace and development for humanity,intensified cooperation and coordinated actions are called for on the part of the international community. The Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said during a recent press conference,“the cold-war mentality and zero-sum game theory have become anachronistic. And the right way to survive and thrive is stick together in tough times like passengers in the same boat and pursue mutual benefit and win-win progress”.

4. To speak of the innovative applications for Chinese portal sites,it’s no doubt that microblogging cannot be neglected. Take the microbogging service of Sina.com,which was put to test in 2009,as an example,by the second quarter of 2010,it has more than 50 million registered users,and it has become a real info-exchange platform for media,government,other institutions and individuals where they can publish,push and forward text,photos and video from cell phones and other Internet interfaces.

During this year’s sessions of the National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference,Xinhua News Agency,China’s official news agency,registered an account for its key program“Xinhua Viewpoints” on Sina microblogging to publish the latest news on the sessions. It accumulated 200 000 users in two weeks and was described by overseas media as ‘a small step that is worth paying attention to and recording in the history of Chinese news reporting.’ Since the beginning of this year,public security systems,one after another,have systematically opened accounts for microblogging on Sina.com to publish various alerts and answer administrative questions. Such moves were described by the media as“concrete embodiment of respecting citizens’ rights to know.”

5. Geneva,under new circumstances,will be a even more importance multilateral stage with broader agenda. We,for our part,stand ready to work closely with our friends here in a bid to advance the multilateral diplomatic work on all fronts,so as to help serve China’s domestic social and economic development,and to contribute to the durable peace and common prosperity of the world. I myself and the Chinese Mission are willing to serve as a window,through which,to promote the understanding,exchanges and cooperation between China and the world.

The Expo 2010 Shanghai is going to unveil on 1 May this year in China. With the theme of “Better City,Better Life”,Expo 2010 represents the common aspiration of all mankind for a better living in future urban environments. And it will also be a wonderful occasion for dialogue between human civilizations. I’d like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome you all to the Shanghai Expo.

6. For many friends in Europe,the knowledge of China is mostly confined to the grand opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games and the Shanghai World Expo. Some might also look at China as the world’s second largest economy. But,the total size of the GDP and cities like Beijing and Shanghai only represent a part of China that is relatively developed. China is still a developing country with many backward regions. The latest IMF data recorded a 3 678 USD per capita GDP in China,ranking the world’s 100th place,equivalent to only 8% of Belgium’s level. 150 million Chinese are still living below the poverty line,spending less than one US dollar a day. I believe a personal visit to a country will promote thorough understanding of a nation. Not long ago,while High Representative Ashton was in China,she paid a visit to the Guizhou Province in the western part of the country. The visit left her deep impression. What she saw is another side of China. She saw China in great diversity and facing enormous development challenges. It is my hope that our friends in Europe could visit China more often and know more about our country. I hope that this symposium will serve a window of understanding and a bridge of academic exchanges between China and Europe,particularly between law experts and scholars.

7. Since 1949 when the New China was founded,and particularly since the implementation of reform and opening-up program pioneered by Mr. Deng Xiaoping in 1978,China has undergone a profound transformation never seen in the country before. In a short span of 26 years from 1978 to 2004,China’s GDP increased from 147.3 billion US dollars to 1.649 4 trillion US dollars with an average annual growth rate of 9.4 percent. Its foreign trade rose from 20. 6 billion US dollars to 1.154 8 trillion US dollars,averaging an annual growth rate of over 16 percent. China’s foreign exchange reserve increased from 167 million US dollars to 609.9 billion US dollars. The number of rural poor has dwindled from some 250 million to 26 million. The overall national strength of China has increased remarkably and the texture of life of its people improved steadily. While inheriting and carrying forward their proud past,the 1.3 billion Chinese people are writing a new chapter in history as they march of one mind on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

8. I have noticed with delight that in the past few years,Montreal has been at the forefront of forging closer cooperation and exchanges between Canada and China. Montreal is now the third largest host city to overseas Chinese in Canada. It has also attracted a very large number of Chinese students. Cooperation between Montreal and many Chinese cities are accelerating in fields such as trade,education,culture,science and technology.

9. Montreal is a Sister City of Shanghai,the biggest and a most dynamic and prosperous city in China. I believe,through Montreal’s participation in the 2010 Expo in Shanghai,more Chinese people will get to know your city better.

10. In 2009,the critical threshold of one billion hungry people in the world was reached in large part due to soaring food prices and the global economic crisis. The gravity of the silent hunger crisis is the result of decades of neglect of agriculture and under-investment in the sector. That is why on the eve of the“Hunger Summit” of heads of state and government held in Rome,in November 2009,FAO launched a petition to reflect the moral outrage of the situation.

This “1 billion hungry project” reaches out to persons to sign the anti-hunger petition and to work together to amplify the message that society has to take special care that no one goes hungry today. Over 1 million people have signed and the project is continuing.


1. 中国和欧盟日益加深的合作规模是空前的。欧盟和中国能够共同为解决世界面临的问题做出贡献。中国和欧盟之间的关系是良好而有活力的。我们建立了战略伙伴关系,在众多事务上开展了合作。目前,我们正在细化伙伴合作协议,以反映我们业已存在的关系并着眼未来推动这些关系的发展。中欧间的人员交流也已加强。中欧双边贸易得到了扩大。中国今天已成为欧盟最重要的进口商品来源国,欧盟是中国最大的贸易伙伴。中欧间的政治、经济和人员交流在过去十年得到了显著加强。

2. 中国的经济正在全球经济价值链上逐步提升,取得这种发展不只是依靠一个国家的工业力量,还依靠其人民的创意及他们的发明。从长远来看,缺乏知识产权保护以及不能始终执行市场准入规则的经济体将错失开发重大新创意和新技术的机会。它们将错失伴随着新产品生产而出现的就业机会,这些就业机会对于一个不断壮大的中产阶层至关重要。这种损失不会在一夜之间发生。我可以坦言,有些公司和国家有可能从商业领域的宽松规则中获得短期利益。

3. 虽然欧盟温室气体的排放总量大约只占全球总量的14%,并且我们正在采取行动以争取在2020年减少排放总量的20%,但我们不可能独立完成这项事业。如果包括化石能源巨大消费者——中国在内的其他国家不参与共同行动,我们的努力将不会产生结果。是的,我们将为减少温室气体排放付出代价,但我们可能在并不遥远的将来为全球变暖付出远高于此的代价,中国也不能例外。此外,旨在节约能源以及用新的可再生能源替代污染型能源的政策与投资也将促进增长、技术进步和就业。尽管我们遇到了这场金融动荡,我们仍需继续为应对气候变化做出努力,这一点非常重要。应对气候变化不仅是关乎我们自身的目标,而且也将关系到人类的未来。

4. 从科学研究到教育,从能源到环境,从交通到旅游,以及在许多其他领域,我们都进行了合作。我们支持中国加入世界贸易组织并欢迎中国在许多国际组织内发挥重要作用。换句话说,我们已经通过政策和行动表明了对中国稳定、繁荣和成功的兴趣和支持。我们将继续参与中国的发展,同时我们希望中国能够更多地参与全球事务,这样才能反映出中国日益提升的国际地位。

5. 我们在人权问题上的双边对话具有同样目的。今年是联合国《世界人权宣言》发表60周年的重要年份,我们必须加倍努力,以保障全人类与生俱来的自由和人格平等。人权是普遍的,它属于世界上的每一个人。我希望你们,伟大的中国人民,与我们一起庆祝人权宣言发表60周年并且为推广和加强人权作出贡献。世界多极化的趋势日益清晰。许多其他国家准备并愿意承担全球责任,这将产生积极的影响。

6. 二十多年前,我第一次访问中国大陆,那时我难以想象有朝一日美中关系会变得如此重要。我也难以想象我们几天前看到的情景:国防部长盖茨和中国国防部长共同强调中美之间有必要加强军事联系。1989年,我到达后在上海机场乘坐的是一辆破旧的苏联制造的大客车,走上那座城市的灯光昏暗的街道,它与我离开美国时留在身后的那个世界大不相同。那是自行车的海洋——车大梁上载着女友的男青年、骑车去市场的爷爷奶奶、双手紧紧抓住父母肩膀的男孩和女孩。到处都是自行车。当时的上海是一座铺着砂石路、房屋低矮的工业城市。没有高楼大厦。汽车也很少。难以想象会有后来的变化。

7. 欧洲人民对发生在四川的破坏性大地震作出了快速反应。许多欧洲人和政府提供了帮助和资金支援。本周日,我们将与我们的中国合作伙伴在成都共同举办一个旨在推动灾区重建和吸引投资的会议。今年春天早些时候,我率领欧盟委员会历史上最大规模的出访第三国的代表团来到中国,与温家宝总理进行了会谈,讨论如何加强欧盟与中国在可持续发展和商贸方面的合作。事实上,那次会议已经为中欧间合作开启了新的前景。我相信,明天召开的亚欧首脑会议和12月1日在里昂召开的欧中峰会将会进一步推动我们的伙伴关系向前发展。

8. 然而,有一个问题需要我们双方领导人从政治方面加以不断的关注,这就是贸易赤字问题。我们知道贸易赤字部分地反映出中国产品不断增加的竞争力。但是我们也必须认识到这其中还有一些可以而且必须纠正的其他因素。我们需要共同努力,本着互惠的精神,在许多领域为欧洲商品和服务进入中国市场清除障碍。我们在应对气候变化方面的合作尤其重要。我们现在都认识到气候的变化是实实在在的,这一变化由人类活动引发,其影响是全球性的并且将首先波及最贫困的人口。是的,我们星球的现状是发达国家数代人以前开启的工业化进程造成的。当时,没有人意识到这些后果。但是,我们现在认识到了这一点,并且知道只有团结起来才能找到解决问题的办法。

9. 积极开拓新的合作领域。中国与葡语国家的合作不应局限于经贸、人力资源、基础设施等传统领域,还可以向其他领域扩展。中国与葡语国家旅游资源丰富,合作前景广阔,中方愿意推介葡语国家的旅游资源,支持更多葡语国家成为中国公民出境旅游目的地。双方企业和居民对交通运输合作的愿望日益强烈,各国政府要创造条件,支持企业建立便捷畅通的物流网络,开通更多直航航线。

10. 今天,我们需要为未来发展做出规划。我们的相互依赖将会继续加深,我们间的交流也将继续增加。我们欧洲方面迫切地希望加强与中国的合作以应对明天的挑战。为此,我们必须在全面的战略伙伴关系下展开合作,同时要考虑到相互利益和关注点。我们必须也将继续从战略高度审视中欧之间的合作关系。我此次访问与胡主席和温总理的会谈将为总结中欧关系并且规划我们未来继续加强的关系提供良好的机会。我希望你们都能参与到这一事业中。

第五部分 练习段落拓展

1. 上海和其他地方发生的爆炸式增长已经帮助近两亿人口脱离贫困。在未来一些年中,还会有数亿中国公民加入中产阶层的行列。美国对此一增长表示欢迎,因为它对中国人民有利,对世界经济有利,对提供世界一流产品与服务的美国公司很重要,这些产品与服务能够改善中国人民的生活,同时为美国工人提供就业机会。在美中贸易全国委员会的帮助下,这种关系已经成为或许是世界上最重要的双边贸易关系。中国是美国最大的出口市场之一,仅次于加拿大和墨西哥。而美国是中国最大的出口对象国。与二十年前相比,美国对中国的出口是当年的12倍,从中国的进口则增加了30倍以上。

2. 今天,科学家和研究人员在各公司和研究机构之间来回穿梭,努力制定更清洁的燃煤和碳封存的尖端方案。中美政府还在就各种交通运输问题展开合作,包括推动建设更多的高速铁路。中国已经拥有高速铁路并以惊人的速度建设起基础设施。中国白手起家,在过去十年已建成并投入使用四千多英里的高速公路,使中国成为世界上高速铁路总里程最长的国家。去年,中国交通运输部和铁道部的官员和专家前来马萨诸塞州剑桥参加会议,交流有关制定高速铁路标准的信息。在州一级,中国政府与加利福尼亚州签署了连接旧金山和阿纳海姆的高速铁路项目的合作协议。

3. In the context of profound and complex changes in the international situation,we must take a global perspective on China-Australia relations. We are both countries with considerable influence in the Asia-Pacific,and are facing common opportunities and challenges. As a matter of fact,the implications of growing China-Australia relations have gone beyond the bilateral scope and is acquiring increasing strategic significance. We have come to a new starting point in the development of our relations,which is solidly based and mutually beneficial and enjoys popular support. To deepen and expand our exchanges and cooperation at all levels and in all areas,we must view and approach bilateral ties from strategic and long-term perspectives.

China is willing and ready to be Australia’s good friend and good partner for win-win cooperation and common development. Australia,too,sets much store by China’s development and the role it has to play,and sees cooperation with China as a historic opportunity. I believe the harder we work to plan bilateral ties from the strategic height,the better placed we will be to transcend differences,identify common interests and deliver win-win cooperation. I have full confidence in the future of Sino-Australian relations.

4. China has all along championed multilateralism,and we have been resolute in supporting the positive role of United Nations in maintaining world peace and security,promoting common development and safeguarding human rights. We’ve also stood for intensified international cooperation to meet global challenges. Over the year,China has,for its part,actively participated in international cooperation to address international financial crisis and climate change,and played a unique and constructive role in a series of major international conferences.

At the just-concluded Third Session of the 11th National People’s Congress,Premier Wen Jiabao said in his Work Report of the Government,that,in 2010,“China will continue to use the G20 financial summit and other major multilateral activities as our main platforms for actively participating in the process of change in international systems and safeguarding the interests of developing countries. We will make overall plans for coordinating bilateral and multilateral diplomacy as well as promote further,comprehensive development of our relations with major powers,neighboring countries,and developing countries. We will continue to carry out diplomatic work in climate change,energy and resources cooperation,and other areas,and play a constructive role in finding proper solutions to hot issues and global problems”.

参 考 书 目

Sevitch,B. Speaking in Public:A Global Perspective.Shanghai:Fudan University Press,2005.

