首页 理论教育 口译记忆训练(三)


时间:2022-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第三单元 口译记忆训练(三)第一部分 技能总述口译训练非一朝一夕,需持久的练习才能入门、掌握。在口译训练中逻辑分析能力是增强短时记忆容量的必要条件。在口译记忆训练的过程中,应时刻牢记口译中的记忆必须建立在理解的基础上,记的是意义而非机械地记忆。

第三单元 口译记忆训练(三)

第一部分 技能总述


1. 复述训练










2. 逻辑分析训练








3. 抗干扰训练



第二部分 技巧解析


UN Secretary-General’s Message on the International Dayfor the Eradication of Poverty 2010


1. This year’s observance of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty focuses on decent work,meaningful employment,income-generating livelihoods. In a word:jobs. Decent and productive work is one of the most effective ways to fight poverty and build self-sufficiency.


2. Yet today,more than half the world’s working population is in vulnerable employment. They lack formal work arrangements and social security,and often earn too little to provide for their families,let alone climb the ladder of economic opportunity. The global economic crisis has further pushed an estimated 64 million into poverty and unemployment is up by more than 30 million since 2007.


3. How can we bridge the gap from poverty to decent work? By investing in economic and social policies that foster job creation; promoting decent labour conditions and deepening social protection systems. Access to education,public health and job training is also essential.


4. We must also put a special emphasis on youth employment. Young people are three times more likely to be unemployed than adults. Last year,more than 81 million young people were unemployed,the highest on record. One of the best ways for youth to see a future of hope is through the promise of a decent job.


5. Last month at the Millennium Development Goals Summit in New York,world leaders agreed on an action agenda to intensify the global poverty fight. Despite encouraging advances in many corners of the globe,hundreds of millions of people still live in appalling conditions,lacking even the most basic services. Addressing the global jobs crisis is central to changing this picture—to defeating poverty,strengthening economies and building peaceful and stable societies. Widespread economic uncertainty and fiscal austerity should not be excuses to do less. Rather,they are reasons to do more.


6. On this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty,let us hear the voices of the poor and strive to expand job opportunities and safe working conditions everywhere. Let us work for a world of decent work for all.



第三部分 课文详解


sponsor 提供;赞助

conceive 构想,设想

enlist 劝说……加入;请求……帮助forge 建立

dinar 第纳尔(前南斯拉夫和一些穆斯林国家的货币单位)

rupee (印度)卢比

rupiah (印尼)卢比

Closing Remarks at the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship

It is such a pleasure to be with you at one of the most exciting gatherings of entrepreneurs anywhere in the world today. And I join those who have already welcomed you to Washington and thank you for helping to make President Obama’s Summit on Entrepreneurship such a success. With this summit,we carry forward a conversation about the role that entrepreneurs can and must play in a healthy,thriving,prosperous,stable society,and how each of us,no matter where we live or who we are,can help to spread the principles and the benefits of entrepreneurship to people everywhere.

I would imagine that some of you came wondering,well,what is this really all about and why is the United States and the Obama Administration sponsoring this conversation? And it is because we believe that by bringing together men and women from dozens of countries and all walks of life,this summit has made one thing clear:Being entrepreneurial does not depend on your job title or what you studied in school or even that you went to formal schooling at all. Entrepreneurship is a way of looking at the world and seeing not just obstacles,but opportunities; not just the world as it is,but the world as it could be,and then having the confidence,the determination,and the resources to move those worlds closer together.

An entrepreneur is anyone with the imagination to conceive of a new product,process,or service,and the ability and persistence to turn that idea into something real. My father was a small businessperson. By that,I mean very small. He employed maybe one,two,or three laborers depending upon what he was doing. He ran a small printing plant for fabrics. He enlisted my mother,my brothers and me. We were often down there at the factory doing the work of pouring the paint into the silk screens and pushing the paint through the design and then lifting the screen up and moving it down these very long tables. And it was really remarkable that my father made a success of that small business just by stint of hard work,persistence,commitment,and a belief that he could.

Because engaging through entrepreneurship can benefit every country represented here,including,I might add,the United States,by forging closer ties through increased trade,new educational exchanges,new partnerships in science and technology,greater cooperation on global challenges like hunger,poverty,or climate change. Relations between nations are sustained by the connections between their peoples. And so we are all stronger for your time together here.

And I hope each of you will return home full of new ideas and a renewed sense of both purpose and possibility. But as you know,an entrepreneur’s life is not always easy,especially in the early days of a new enterprise when success is far from certain and partners may be hard to find. But every one of you is now part of this global community,with access to a network of information,advice,and support. And I hope you will help expand this community and turn the conversations you’ve had here into collaborations that endure.

And as you do that,I hope you’ll remember that the fullest measure of your impact will not only be in dollars or dinars or rupees or rupiahs,but in the lives you change and the progress you inspire and the better futures you help to create. Because you have the power not only to drive economic growth,but to promote shared prosperity,call for open and accountable governance,help expand access to services like healthcare and education. These are the pillars of stable,thriving societies. And you are the people with the talent and opportunity to help build them.

And you can count on the United States to be your partner,because this summit reflects the new approach to foreign policy that President Obama described last year at Cairo University,one that we have been putting into practice through partnerships based on shared values,mutual respect,and mutual responsibility. These partnerships are not only with governments,but they are with citizens like all of you who can help us generate local,regional,and global progress. So far,we have developed initiatives that will build on the work of this summit and support entrepreneurs worldwide in the months and years ahead.



1. It is such a pleasure to be with you at one of the most exciting gatherings of entrepreneurs anywhere in the world today.


2. I would imagine that some of you came wondering,…



3. An entrepreneur is anyone with the imagination to conceive of a new product,process,or service,and the ability and persistence to turn that idea into something real.



4. He enlisted my mother,my brothers and me.


5. And it was really remarkable that my father made a success of that small business just by stint of hard work,persistence,commitment,and a belief that he could.



6. Relations between nations are sustained by the connections between their peoples.



7. And I hope each of you will return home full of new ideas and a renewed sense of both purpose and possibility.



8. But as you know,an entrepreneur’s life is not always easy,especially in the early days of a new enterprise when success is far from certain and partners may be hard to find.



9. So far,we have developed initiatives that will build on the work of this summit and support entrepreneurs worldwide in the months and years ahead.



第四部分 技巧练习


1. 蓬勃发展的区域经济合作为泛珠三角地区带来了新的机遇。当前,经济全球化进一步发展,区域经济合作成为一种新的潮流,双边自由贸易区和区域性合作组织不断涌现。据WTO统计,世界上签署的各种区域经济合作协定已经达到三百四十多个。内地也高度重视发展区域经济合作,大力推动双向互利开放。近年来,内地与东盟国家签署了货物贸易和服务贸易协议,中国—巴基斯坦、中国—智利自贸协议已经签署并实施,正在加紧与新西兰、澳大利亚、海湾合作委员会、新加坡、冰岛等商谈自贸区。


2. 这次北京奥运会是在中国这样一个最大的发展中国家举行的。国际社会对中国政府和人民为此做出的努力给予了高度评价。奥运会的成功举办,使中国人民受到了极大的鼓舞,增强了实现现代化的信心和力量。同时,我们清醒地看到,中国有13亿人口,虽然经济总量已经位居世界前列,但人均收入水平仍排在世界100位之后,城乡发展和区域发展很不平衡,农村特别是西部地区农村还很落后,还有数以千万计的人口没有解决温饱。


3. 农业是多哈谈判的核心。发达国家和发展中国家都面临压力,但富国和穷国的压力是不同的。在全球26亿农民中,发展中国家有25亿,而且大多数处在贫困状态。即使发展中国家有雄心、有诚意去推进贸易自由化,也不能不顾及几千万甚至几亿农民的基本生计。如果让那些已处于贫困线上的农民遭受更大的冲击,将引发灾难,届时发达国家也不得安宁。因此,应立即给予最不发达国家免关税、免配额的待遇,应该给予发展中国家“特殊产品”和“特殊保障机制”的待遇。


4. 当年为了实现乌拉圭回合,关贸总协定各个成员付出了艰苦努力,但事后的结果并不乐观,世界经济仍不平衡,两极分化越加严重。面对这一现象,发展中国家不能容忍,发达国家也感到了危机。正因为如此,大家才把现阶段多边贸易谈判多哈回合定名为发展回合。这是WTO历史上重大的进步,也是各个成员富有远见的选择。果能如此,不论富国还是穷国,都会因为生活在一个更加和谐的世界而获得持久发展的环境。反之,如果发展的主题仅仅是口号,没有实际内容,谈判将失去意义,失去动力,也会令世人对世贸组织感到失望。


5. 亚太新兴市场国家发展迅速,但仍面临诸多艰巨挑战。我们应该看到,虽然亚太新兴市场国家发展取得显著成就,但生产力总体水平不高,自主创新能力有待加强,长期形成的结构性矛盾和粗放型增长方式尚未根本改变。亚太新兴市场国家普遍面临着发展经济、改善民生的艰巨任务,面临着工业化、城镇化、现代化的崭新课题,面临着促进城乡、区域、经济社会协调发展的重大挑战,面临着健全制度体系、提升创新能力等紧迫问题。亚太新兴市场国家在实现全面发展方面仍有很长的路要走,还需要长期艰苦努力。



1. Over the past 16 months,we have worked together to lay the foundation for that positive,cooperative,and comprehensive relationship that President Obama and President Hu have committed our nations to pursuing. We launched the strategic and economic dialogue last year in Washington,as the premier convening mechanism in our relationship. And this year we have assembled an even broader and deeper team,here in China,to address our growing agenda. We have built avenues of cooperation and identified areas of mutual interest.


2. We agreed to reform our system of global economic cooperation and governance. We can no longer meet the challenges of the 21st century economy with 20th century approaches. And that’s why the G20 will take the lead in building a new approach to cooperation. To make our institutions reflect the reality of our times,we will shift more responsibility to emerging economies within the International Monetary Fund,and give them a greater voice. To build new markets,and help the world’s most vulnerable citizens climb out of poverty,we established a new World Bank Trust Fund to support investments in food security and financing for clean and affordable energy. And to ensure that we keep our commitments,we agreed to continue to take stock of our efforts going forward.


3. Officials expect to reject numerous applicants after asking them:“What is your greatest weakness?” “Candidates often respond with something that is not a weakness,said Christopher Morrow,senior vice president of the Calabasas,Calif.,concerned. “It is a deal breaker.” The weakness question represents the most common and most stressful one posed during interviews. Yet in today’s weak job market,the wrong answer weakens your chances of winning employment. Some people offer replies they mistakenly assume that bosses love,such as ‘I am a perfectionist.’ That response will be used against you because you appear incapable of delegating.


4. On climate and energy,we have built on the memorandum of understanding signed at the last round of the dialogues,collaborating on new,clean energy research,including a center. We have committed ourselves to an electrical vehicle initiative,and a renewable energy partnership,and more. At Copenhagen,for the first time,all major economies,including both the United States and China,made national commitments to curb carbon emissions and transparently report on their mitigation efforts. Now we must work to implement the Copenhagen accord with balanced commitments that are reflected in the ongoing negotiation.


5. I see China’s future in you young people whose talent and dedication and dreams will do so much to help shape the 21st century. I’ve said many times that I believe that our world is now fundamentally interconnected. The jobs we do,the prosperity we build,the environment we protect,the security that we seek all of these things are shared. And given that interconnection,power in the 21st century is no longer a zero-sum game; one country’s success need not come at the expense of another. And that is why the United States insists we do not seek to contain China’s rise. On the contrary,we welcome China as a strong and prosperous and successful member of the community of nations,a China that draws on the rights,strengths,and creativity of individual Chinese like you.


第五部分 练习拓展

1. 当前,亚欧合作站在了一个新的历史起点上,面临着新的发展机遇。亚洲人口众多,市场潜力巨大,是目前全球经济增长最快和最具活力的地区。欧盟是全球最大的经济体,科技先进,市场成熟,在很多方面引领世界潮流。随着澳大利亚、新西兰和俄罗斯的加入,亚欧会议成员国在地缘上东西贯通,真正成为一个紧密相联的利益共同体。48个成员人口和贸易额约占世界的60%,经济总量超过世界的50%,亚欧合作的分量和作用进一步提升,合作的空间和前景更加广阔。我们要把握机遇,顺应形势,从战略高度和长远角度不断扎实推进亚欧合作进程。


2. 很高兴总统阁下能出席本次中国新年庆祝活动,您的莅临令我们不胜荣幸。自古以来,中国人都将每年欢庆春节视作最重要的传统。对生活和工作在马尼拉的外交官来说,这个旧的传统呈现出新的意义。它不仅是家人团聚的时刻,也成为我们向总统阁下以及菲律宾的好朋友们致以诚挚的节日问候的重要时刻。难忘的2009年见证了中菲战略合作伙伴关系稳步发展。两国的高层互访加强了两国的政治联系,增进了相互信任。互利共赢的经济合作取得了可喜进展,获得了实质性的成果。在教育、旅游等多领域合作取得的新成就为中菲关系欣欣向荣提供了不竭动力。


3. That capitalism has been shown,in practice,to be endemically flawed should come as no surprise. That is the nature of mankind. What is more important is that history,notably the history of the world after the Second World War,has demonstrated beyond dispute that every other system of economic organisation is far worse. So capitalism both deserves to survive,and will survive,just as it did after the even greater economic disaster of the 1930s. But there is another lesson of the 1930s. It is that although capitalism survives it is capable of retreating behind a protectionist shell,at great cost to global prosperity. This is a real danger today. The “Buy American” provisions in President Barack Obama’s fiscal boost are an ominous sign.


4. The United Nations understands the enormous impact of scholarship,innovation and ideas. We are trying to harness that great power to build a better world—A world where human ingenuity will make our homes,communities and consumption patterns socially and environmentally sustainable; A world where research receives the funding and support it needs to defeat disease,deprivation and despair; A world where the “unlearning” of intolerance will bridge barriers that still divide nations and peoples. Promoting and advancing these goals is the essence of the United Nations Academic Impact. We have been laying the groundwork for this initiative for some time now,with great support from the academic community. Later this month,we will launch it officially at United Nations headquarters in New York.


第六部分 段落实战与演练

Passage 1



委员 Commissoner

第十一次中欧领导人会晤 the 11th China-EU summit

两位数 double-digit

外向型生产企业 export-oriented enterprise

上升 amount

密切关注 watch closely on

引起 incur

刺激计划 stimulus plan

经历,承受 undergo

政治纷争 political strife



金融危机给各国经济社会发展都带来严峻挑战。此时此刻,各国政治家、企业家、专家学者都在密切关注全球经济形势的发展以及其他国家的应对举措,期盼世界经济尽快走出谷底,实现复苏,避免因经济长期不景气带来更多的社会问题、政治矛盾甚至国际冲突。但是如果我们坐视不管,危机不会消失。我们应该采取果断行动和有效措施,加强更为密切和强有力的合作。欧盟去年12月提出总额2 000亿欧元、相当于欧盟GDP1.5%的经济刺激计划,各成员国近几个月来也相继推出整顿金融、振兴经济、保障就业的规划和战略。

中国政府自去年下半年起及时、果断地出台了一系列强有力的应对措施,形成了一个以“保增长、保民生、保稳定”为目标,着眼长远、统筹协调的综合系统方案。为扩大需求,大规模增加政府投资,实施总额为4万亿元人民币(约合5 860亿美元)的经济刺激计划,实行结构性减税;为改善供给,对十个重点产业实施调整振兴规划,推进结构调整和优化升级;为提高生产要素,大力推进自主创新,加大科技投入,加强科技支撑;为保证持续增长,大幅度提高社会保障水平,努力扩大城乡就业,促进社会事业发展。


Passage 2



辞旧迎新 bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new

中国国际广播电台 China Radio International

特别行政区 Special Administrative Regions

中国特色社会主义事业 the socialist course with Chinese characteristics

坚定不移 unswervingly

三个代表 Three Represents







Passage 3



代表 on behalf of 全国人大 the National People’s Congress

国务院 the State Council

全国政协 the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

中央军委 the Central Military Commission

浴血奋战 blooded struggle

中华人民共和国 the People’s Republic of China

马克思主义 Marxism








Passage 4

Remarks at the Opening Ceremony of China Brand Show 2009 & the Promotion Conference of the 106th Session of the Guangzhou Fair


Respected Mr. Brian K. Krolicki,Lieutenant Governor of Nevada,

Dear Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning!

Today,we gather here to celebrate the grand opening of China Brand Show 2009 and the Press Conference of the 106th Session of the Canton Fair. On behalf of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM),I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the guests and friends present today.

Thanks to the great support of US friends from all corners of the society and the active participation of Chinese enterprises,China Brand Show has been successfully held for 6 consecutive sessions and has become an important window for showcasing Chinese export commodities to US consumers. This year’s show is co-sponsored by MOFCOM and the people’s governments of Guangdong and Zhejiang Provinces. Many premium products have been selected from across China,especially from Guangdong and Zhejiang,for this Show. I believe those products will be well received here in the US and North America. The Canton Fair,with the 106th session coming up from October 15th to November 4th in Guangzhou,is China’s flagship international trade show with the longest history,the largest scale,the most complete offerings of commodities,the highest turnout of participants,and the most fruitful results. For this session,the sponsors are assembling more than 20 000 enterprises with 150 000 varieties of exhibits and are expected to attract approximately 200 000 overseas buyers. We cordially invite buyers from the US to source at the Canton Fair,and look forward to the display of US products which meet the needs of the Chinese market. I am sure that US business people will gain new business opportunities at the Fair.

Ladies and gentlemen,

China and the US are each other’s second largest trading partner. We share wide-ranging common interests and great promises for cooperation. At this critical juncture when the world economy is bouncing back from crisis to recovery,China and the US have taken proactive measures,particularly availing the occasion of the just concluded first China-US Strategic & Economic Dialogue (S&ED),to send another bracing message of taking joint actions for tiding over the difficulties. Such measures play a positive role in helping the two countries and the world economy out of the current economic downturn. In its response to the crisis,the Chinese government will consistently pursue the opening-up strategy of mutual benefits and win-win,maintain a level playing field,resist trade protectionism with actions,and join other countries in promoting global trade recovery and growth. A more open,dynamic Chinese economy will bring about tremendous development opportunities for the entire world including the US. China-US trade and commercial relations will surely prosper at a new starting point.

To conclude,I wish China Brand Show 2009 & the Press Conference of the 106th Session of the Canton Fair a complete success. Thank you.



第三部分 课文详解








第四部分 技巧练习


1. The vigorous development of regional economic cooperation has brought about new opportunities for the Pan-Pearl River Delta. Currently,with the further development of economic globalization,regional economic cooperation has become a new trend,and bilateral free trade areas and regional cooperation organization have been growing in number. According to WTO statistics,more than 340 regional economic cooperation agreements have been signed worldwide. The mainland has paid great attention to regional economic cooperation and promoting two-way mutually beneficial opening-up. In recent years,the mainland has signed agreements on trade in goods and services with ASEAN countries. China-Pakistan and China-Chile FTA have been signed and taken effect. FTA talks with New Zealand,Australia,Gulf Cooperation Council,Singapore and Iceland are ongoing very well.

2. The just concluded Olympic Games was held in China,the largest developing country in the world. The international community has highly commended the efforts made by the Chinese Government and people for the Games. At the same time,we are soberly aware that China is a country with 1.3 billion people. Though its total GDP is one of the highest in the world,it trails behind more than 100 countries in terms of per capita income. Development between urban and rural areas and among different regions in China is unbalanced. The rural areas,particularly those in western China,are underdeveloped. Tens of millions of Chinese lack adequate food and clothing.

3. Agriculture is the centrepiece of the Doha Round negotiations. Although both developed and developing countries are faced with pressures,the nature of their difficulties is very different. Of the farming population of 2.6 billion in the world,2.5 billion reside in the developing countries,and the majority of them are living below poverty lines. Even if some developing countries were willing to embark on the road of trade liberalization,they would have to take into account the basic livelihood of millions or even billions of their farmers. To expose those poor farmers to further external shocks could trigger disastrous consequences. Should such scenario occur,the lifestyle of the rich countries would be endangered,too. It is therefore sensible to offer duty-free,quota-free treatment to products from the least developed countries immediately. Developing countries should also be entitled to the concepts of “Special Products” and“Special Safeguard Mechanism”.

4. During the Uruguay Round,GATT Members had worked very hard to bring it to a conclusion. However,the outcome of that Round turned out to be somewhat disappointing,in the sense that the imbalance in the world economy had not been addressed effectively,and the problem of polarization was getting increasingly serious. As a result,developing countries have been complaining a lot,and the developed ones have been feeling the heat. This is perhaps the primary reason why the current round of multilateral trade negotiations is named“Doha Development Agenda” or Doha Round. This represents a major step forward in the history of the WTO. This is also a wise and visionary choice by the WTO Members. If the objectives of development can be realized through this Round,then countries,no matter rich or poor,would benefit from an environment favourable to sustainable development and peoples of different countries would be able to co-exist in a world of greater harmony. On the other hand,if the theme of development were an empty slogan,the negotiations would become meaningless and lack momentum. If that is the case,the WTO may risk further erosion of its credibility.

5. Asia-Pacific emerging markets still face many daunting challenges despite their rapid development. We must recognize that although emerging markets in our region have scored remarkable achievements in development,the overall level of their productivity is not high and their ability for innovation is not strong. They are confronted with structural problems accumulated over the years and their extensive growth model is yet to be changed in a fundamental way. For them,developing the economy and improving people’s livelihood remains an arduous task and achieving industrialization,urbanization and modernization is an unprecedented endeavor. They must meet the major challenge of ensuring coordinated development between urban and rural areas,among different regions and between the economic sector and the social sector. And they have a pressing need to improve their institutions and enhance their innovation capabilities. In short,they still have a long way to go before they can achieve comprehensive development and they must make sustained and strenuous efforts.


1. 奥巴马总统和胡锦涛主席要求两国建立积极、合作和全面的关系,过去16个月来我们共同努力,为双方的关系奠定了基础。去年,我们在华盛顿启动了战略与经济对话,为两国关系建立了主要的对话机制。今年,我们派出代表性更广泛和更深入的团队,前来中国讨论日益增多的议程。我们构建了合作的平台,确定了拥有共同利益的领域。

2. 我们一致同意改革我们的全球经济合作与治理体制。我们不能再用20世纪的方法应对21世纪经济带来的挑战。因此,G20将带头制定一种新的合作方法。为使我们的机构反映这个时代的现实,我们将在国际货币基金组织内部让新兴经济体承担更多责任,并赋予它们更大的发言权。为了建立新市场,帮助世界上最易受到伤害人们摆脱贫困,我们建立了一个新的世界银行信托基金,以支持食品保障方面的投资,并为开发价格适度的清洁能源提供资金。为了确保承诺得到履行,我们一致同意在今后继续追踪我们的努力结果。

3. 招聘人员预计,在向应聘者提出“你最大的缺点是什么?”之后,会有很多人被淘汰。Worldwide高级副总裁莫罗(Christopher Morrow)说,“对这个问题,应聘者的回答往往并非缺点”,他们因此过不了关。“缺点”问题是求职面试中最常见也最让人头痛的一个问题。而在眼下就业市场疲软的情况下,不恰当的回答将降低你赢得工作的机会。 一些应聘者会给出误以为老板会喜欢的答案,比如,“我的缺点是过于追求完美”。这个回答会对你求职不利,因为它显得你似乎没有能力分配任务给他人。

4. 在气候和能源方面,我们在第一轮对话期间签署备忘录的基础上继续努力,为研究新的清洁能源进行合作,包括建设一个中心。我们已对电动汽车计划、可再生能源伙伴关系等给予承诺。在哥本哈根,所有主要经济体,包括美国和中国,第一次以国家的名义承诺控制二氧化碳排放并就各国缓解气候变化的努力提供透明公开的报告。现在我们必须努力实施哥本哈根协定,坚持正在进行的谈判所反映的实现整体平衡的承诺。

5. 我从你们年轻人身上看到了中国的未来,你们的才能、你们的献身精神、你们的梦想在21世纪实现方面会发挥很大的作用。我说过很多次,我认为世界是互相连接的,我们所做的工作,我们所建立的繁荣,我们所保护的环境,我们所追求的安全,所有这些都是共同的,而且是互相连接的,所以21世纪的实力不再是零和游戏,一个国家的成功不应该以另一个国家的牺牲作为代价。这就是美国为什么不寻求遏制中国的崛起。相反,我们欢迎中国作为一个强有力的、繁荣的、成功的成员出现在国际社会。

第五部分 练习拓展

1. ASEM cooperation now stands at a new historical starting point and faces new development opportunities. Asia has a large population and huge market potential. It is the fastest-growing and most vibrant region in the global economy. The EU is the world’s largest economy with advanced science and technology and a well-developed market. It is a world trendsetter in many fields. With the joining of Australia,New Zealand and Russia,ASEM partners have formed a close-knit community of interests,covering the entire Eurasian continent from east to west. The 48 ASEM partners account for about 60% of the world’s population and trade and over 50% of the global economy. This has made Asia-Europe cooperation all the more important and its scope even broader. We must seize the opportunities,keep up with the times,and take solid steps to advance Asia-Europe cooperation from a strategic and long-term perspective.

2. How much honored we are that Your Excellency is gracing us with your presence at this very festive event to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The Spring Festival has been celebrated by the Chinese people every year as the most important tradition since ancient times. For the Chinese diplomats living and working in Manila,this old tradition takes on new meanings. It’s more than a time simply for family reunion. It has become a momentous occasion when we extend our heart-felt season’s greetings to Your Excellency and our good friends in the Philippines. Memorable should be the past 2009 which witnessed steady development of the strategic and cooperative relationship between our two countries. Exchange of high-level visits strengthened our political ties and enhanced our mutual trust. Economic cooperation to mutual benefit made gratifying progress and yielded concrete results. Fresh cooperation achievements in various fields such as education and tourism provided sustaining driving force behind the vibrant China-Philippines relationship.

3. 实践已表明,资本主义存在固有缺陷,这一点不足为奇。那是人类的天性。更重要的是,历史——尤其是二战之后的世界历史——已无可辩驳地证明,其他所有经济组织制度都要糟糕得多。因此,资本主义既应当继续存在下去,也将会继续存在下去,正如上世纪30年代那场甚至比目前更为严重的经济灾难之后的情况。但上世纪30年代还有一个教训:尽管资本主义幸存了下来,但它会缩进一个保护主义的壳里,让全球繁荣付出了惨重代价。目前这是一种真实存在的危险。美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)财政刺激方案中的“买美国货”条款就是一个不祥之兆。

4. 联合国十分清楚知识、创新和理念的巨大作用。我们正努力利用这些巨大的能量来建造一个更美好的世界。在这个世界里,人类的聪明才智将发挥作用,我们将建造新型的家园、社区,采用社会可持续发展和环境可持续发展的消费模式。在这里,人们将投入更多的资金,加大对研究的支持,努力消除疾病、消灭剥削、增强信心。在这里,人们将更加宽容,分割不同国家与民族之间的壁垒将减少。本届学术影响力国际研讨会的核心便是推动这些目标的实现。为了促成这个项目的展开,在学术界的支持下,我们已经作了一些时日的准备工作,奠定了基础。本月末,我们将在联合国总部纽约正式举办这个活动。

参 考 文 献

刘和平. 口译理论与教学. 北京:北京对外翻译出版公司,2005.

刘宓庆. 口笔译理论研究. 北京:北京对外翻译出版公司,2006.

莫雷. 教育心理学. 北京:教育科学出版社,2007.

张威. 口译记忆:历史、现状、未来. 外语研究,2006:(6).

