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时间:2022-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈




甘肃历史悠久,文化源远流长,是中华文明的发祥地之一。自古以来,甘肃就是中外经济、文化交流的重要通道之一,是中华文化与西方文化交流、融汇的热土。著名的古丝绸之路全长7 000多公里,在甘肃大地就绵延1 600多公里。广袤的陇原大地已经形成了具有甘肃地域特色的敦煌文化、丝绸之路文化、黄河和伏羲文化、民族和民间民俗文化、戏剧舞台艺术等文化品牌。彩陶文化、长城文化、石窟艺术文化等在陇原大地交相辉映,不仅成为甘肃多彩的文化,也成为中华文化和世界文化的宝贵财富。以《丝路花雨》、《大梦敦煌》、《敦煌乐舞》等为代表的优秀剧目和舞台艺术,竞相彰显着甘肃特色文化独特的内涵和大西北的风情,同时也向世人展现了悠悠中华数千年的文明传承。





img165 甘肃历史悠久,文化源远流长,是中华文明的发祥地之一。自古以来,甘肃就是中外经济、文化交流的重要通道之一,是中华文化与西方文化交流、融汇的热土。

img166 广袤的陇原大地已经形成了具有甘肃地域特色的敦煌文化、丝绸之路文化、黄河和伏羲文化、民族和民间民俗文化、戏剧舞台艺术等文化品牌。

img167 以《丝路花雨》、《大梦敦煌》、《敦煌乐舞》等为代表的优秀剧目和舞台艺术,竞相彰显着甘肃特色文化独特的内涵和大西北的风情,同时也向世人展现了悠悠中华数千年的文明传承。

img168 为更好地保护历史文化遗产,科学合理地开发利用特色文化资源,2002年甘肃省委、省政府决定将甘肃特色文化建设纳入经济社会发展总体规划,把发展社会主义先进文化作为带动全省经济发展、推动社会和谐进步的重要战略,特色文化建设得到了前所未有的发展,全省初步构建起特色文化战略格局。

img169 概括地讲,地域性、多样性和特色性三个方面构筑了甘肃特色文化建设的骨干体系。目前,甘肃特色文化已成为经济和社会发展新的增长点。


img170 熟悉文本类型和相关句子结构,加强对源语文本的理解。本篇发言属陈述文本类型。主旨突出(介绍甘肃省的文化特色),思路清晰(文本开始——甘肃的主要文化特色,文本发展——甘肃省如何合理开发和利用特色文化资源,文本结尾——对甘肃文化事业发展的期望),语言简洁准确,易于理解。

img171 掌握与甘肃文化相关的知识与术语表达,如丝绸之路文化(the Silk Road Culture),民族和民间民俗文化(the Colorful Culture of Multi-Nationalities and Their Folk-Customs),彩陶文化(the culture of the Ancient Painted Pottery),石窟艺术文化(the Grotto Art),文化品牌(cultural brands),非物质文化遗产保护名录(protection list of non-material cultural heritage),《四库全书》(The Si Ku Quan Shu—a complete library in the four branches of literature),战国墓地(warring state tomb)等。

img172 传译时,语音应清晰,语调应自然,英文表达应流畅,应学会控制声音质量,不要过尖、过高或过于低沉。


An Introduction of Gansu Culture

Gansu has a long history and ever-lasting culture.It is one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation.Since the ancient times,Gansu has been one of the important passes for economic and cultural exchange between China and foreign countries,as well as a piece of hot land Where Chinese culture and Western culture have been exchanged and blended with each other.The famous 7,000-kilometer long Silk Road is traversing Gansu Province about 1,600 kilometers.On the land of Gansu,some cultural brands with Gansu's characteristics have been formed,such as the Dunhuang Culture,the Silk Road Culture,the Yellow River Culture,the Fuxi Culture,the Colorful Culture of Multi-Nationalities and Their Folk-Customs,as well as Drama Arts.The culture of the Ancient Painted Pottery,the Great Wall and the Grotto Art reflect each other's beauty,which are not only the colorful culture of Gansu but also the precious treasures of Chinese culture and that in the world.Represented by Flowers Blooming on the Silk Road,Dunhuang,My Dreamland and the Dance and Music of Dunhuang,the excellent drama arts and stagecraft show clearly the unique culture of Gansu and the charm of northwestern region.They also display to the world the thousand-year-old civilization heritage of China.

For the purpose of further protecting the historical cultural heritages and scientifically and reasonably utilize the resources of distinctive culture,Gansu Provincial Party Committee and Gansu Provincial People's Government decided to put the development of the distinctive culture in line with the general plan of provincial economic and social development in 2002,and take the development of the socialist advanced culture as an important strategy to stimulate provincial economy and push forward a harmonious and progressive society.Gansu has made an unprecedented progress in its distinctive cultural development.A strategic pattern of the distinctive culture has been basically formed.A batch of key cultural infrastructure construction have been finished,such as the Wensu Pavilion of The Si Ku Quan Shu—a complete library in the four branches of literature and the new exhibition hall of Gansu Provincial Museum.A group of excellent stagecrafts and dramas have been put on the stage,such as the Dunhuang My Dreamland and the Dunhuang Rhythm.A number of distinctive cultural brands have been formed,such as the Cultural Week of the Yellow River Charm in Lanzhou,the Fuxi Cultural Tourist Festival in Tianshui,the Cultural Tourist Festival of Kongtong Mountain in Pingliang,the Folk Custom Festival of Embroidery Pouch in Qingyang,the Heaven Horse International Cultural Tourist Festival in Wuwei and the Xiangbala Tourist Festival in Gannan.We have carried out cultural exchanges and cooperation with areas and countries from five continents in the world.23 kinds of non-material cultural heritage have been listed into the first batch of protection list of non-material cultural heritage publicized by the State Council,and archaeological studies of Dabaozishan historical site in Lixian and Majiayuan warring state tomb in Zhangjiachuan have been selected into the top 10 new archaeological discoveries of China in 2006.Generally speaking,the locality,diversity and characteristics have formed the backbone system of the construction of Gansu's distinctive culture.At present,Gansu's distinctive culture has become the new growth point of economic and social development.

We believe that the cultural undertakings in Gansu will be further developed to promote the economic and social development in Gansu Province.

