首页 理论教育 工业发展专题传译练习


时间:2022-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈











img157 进入下半年以来,国际经济环境变化对我国经济的负面影响进一步显现,工业增长增速出现了逐月回落的情况。

img158 党中央、国务院高度重视新形势下我国的工业发展问题。从11月13日到12月1日,国务院领导四次主持召开专题会议,研究促进轻工、纺织、有色金属、冶金、石化、汽车、船舶、电子信息行业健康发展的有关问题。

img159 工业和信息化部坚决贯彻落实党中央、国务院的部署安排,把保增长、促发展作为当前压倒一切的中心任务,会同有关部门积极推动各项工作的开展和措施的落实。

img160 充分发挥技术改造技术新、投资省、周期短、见效快、效益好的特点,大力推进技术改造。

img161 加强对行业、企业的指导与协调。指导行业协会从技术和执行层面组织开展行业自律,加强行业管理,搞好诚信建设,维护正常的市场秩序。


img162 熟悉文本类型和相关句子结构,加强对源语文本的理解。本篇发言为大会主旨发言,属陈述文本类型。主旨突出(采取措施促进工业的平稳发展),思路清晰(文本开始——当前工业面临的问题,文本发展——国家为解决问题拟采取的具体措施,文本结尾——对工业发展的未来充满信心),语言简洁准确、易于理解。

img163 掌握与工业发展相关的知识与术语表达,如工业增加值(industrial added value),轻工、纺织、有色金属、冶金、石化、汽车、船舶、电子信息行业(light industry,textile,non-ferrous metals,metallurgical,petrochemical,automotive,shipping and electronic information industries),投资省、周期短、见效快、效益好(small investment,short cycle,quick return and high efficiency),行业自律(industry self-discipline),诚信建设(creditability building),行业协会(industry associations)等。

img164 传译时,语音应清晰,语调应自然,英文表达应流畅,应学会控制声音质量,不要过尖、过高或过于低沉。


Take Positive and Stronger Measures to Promote Steady and Moderately Rapid Development of Industry

Since the second half of this year,the international economic environment changes have imposed negative impact on Chinese economy.The industrial growth has experienced slowdown on a monthly basis.Large-scale industrial added value decreased from 16%in June to 8.2%in October,and kept declining in November.Enterprises in some industries encountered difficulties in production and operation.

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council paid due attention to the development of the industry sector in the new environment.From November 13 toDecember 1,leaders of the State Council have chaired four meetings to study issues in order to promote healthy development of the light industry,textile,non-ferrous metals,metallurgical,petrochemical,automotive,shipping and electronic information industries.From November 19 to 26,the Executive Meeting of the State Council chaired by Premier Wen Jiabao produced six measures to promote healthy development of the textile industry and six solutions to address difficulties of enterprises.The Central Economic Conference further clarified guidance principles and policy measures to promote steady and moderately rapid industrial development.

The top priority of the current economic endeavor is to reverse economic slowdown and promote steady and moderately rapid growth.The key is industry and enterprise is a heavy task.The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology prioritized maintaining growth and promoting development and worked vigorously with relevant agencies to implement the measures according to the deployment and arrangement of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.

We will vigorously implement technical upgrading of enterprises.We will promote technical transformation due to its new technology,small investment,short cycle,quick return and high efficiency.We should also accelerate industry restructuring and transformation of development mode,and work vigorously to draft plans to rejuvenate nine keyindustries:ironandsteel,non-ferrous metals,petrochemical,automotive,shipbuilding,equipmentmanufacturing,lightindustry,textilesandelectronic information,and reinforce the implementation of policy measures.We will increase the support for SME development.We will also strengthen guidance and coordination on industry and enterprises,guide industry associations to launch industry self-discipline at the technical and implementation level,improve industry management and creditability building to maintain a sound market order.

We are confident that through series of related measures and guiding principles,the current economic situation will be improved.

