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时间:2022-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈









(世界知识产权组织总干事Kamil Idris 2008年致辞)


img125 从2000年世界知识产权日创立以来,越来越多的政府和组织加入到我们的行列中来,在每年的4月26日这一天,与世界知识产权组织一道,共同庆祝这一年一度的节日。

img126 没有知识产权的保护,许多用来解决全球变暖问题的新科学技术就不会诞生,那些使我们感到愉悦并团结起来的体育活动的盛况,也不可能传播到世界的每个角落。

img127 在世界知识产权日这个特殊的日子里,我们不仅仅纪念人类创新精神的伟大力量,同时也纪念知识产权,正是它帮助我们引导创新,并给予创新源源不断的力量。

img128 世界知识产权组织正致力于使知识产权成为不断推动人类创造和创新的动力,使每一个国家和社会的人民都能享受到知识产权所带来的方便和利益。

img129 在世界知识产权日这一天,我们将向所有的发明家和艺术家表示感谢,感谢他们的创造性思想和创新思维使人类生活变得多姿多彩。


img130 熟悉文本类型和相关句子结构,加强对源语文本的理解。本篇发言为纪念讲话,属演讲文本类型。主旨突出(呼吁大众增强知识产权保护意识,关注知识产权保护日),思路清晰(文本开始——知识产权保护日的确立,文本发展——知识产权保护的发展,文本结尾——人人都应该尊重和保护知识产权),语言朴实准确、通俗易懂,例证切题,贴近生活。

img131 掌握与知识产权相关的知识与术语表达,如世界知识产权日(World Intellectual Property Day),全球变暖(global warming),创造性思想和创新思维(innovative thoughts and creative vision),版权(copyrights),专利(patents),工业设计和商标(industrial designs or trademarks),清洁能源科技(clean fuel technologies),洞穴中的壁画(drawings on a cave wall),撑竿跳运动员(pole-vaulters),橄榄球运动员(footballers),高品质生活(a level of well-being)等。

img132 传译时,语音应清晰,语调应自然,英文表达应流畅,应学会控制声音质量,不要过尖、过高或过于低沉。


World Intellectual Property Day

World Intellectual Property Day is rapidly growing in popularity.Since its launch in the year of 2000,increasing numbers of governments and organizations are joining WIPO in the annual celebrations on 26 April.

The man or woman in the street might wonder just what makes intellectual property worth all this effort.What,they might ask,do the workings of copyrights,patents,industrial designs or trademarks have to do with the really big issues,like how to stop global warming;or with the things that add spice to life,like watching their favorite athletes perform in this year's Olympics?The answer is that,without intellectual property rights,many new technologies developed to tackle global problems would never see the light of day and the great sporting events,which entertain and unite us,would not be broadcast into homes across the globe.

On World Intellectual Property Day we are celebrating not only the enormous power of human creativity,but also the intellectual property rights that help to fuel and channel it,making it such an important driving force for economic,cultural and social development.

The ingenuity of our species has propelled us from the invention of the first wheel,toeffortless air travel and the latest generation of clean fuel technologies.It has led us from the creation of drawings on a cave wall,to the printing press,and on to the Internet,which puts the world literally at our fingertips.It has given us technical advances which allow pole-vaulters to soar ever higher,footballers to shoot ever further and millions of ordinary people to have a level of well-being which would have been unimaginable only a few generations ago.WIPO is committed to using intellectual property as a means of harnessing and spreading the power of human creativity and innovation so that the people of every country,of every community,can share in their bounty.

And so,on World Intellectual Property Day,we pay tribute to the inventors and artists,great and small,who enrich our existence with the fruits of their innovative thoughts and creative vision.And we remember why it is that their intellectual property rights,the rights that they have earned through their individual and collective talents,deserve our admiration,our protection,and our respect.

