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时间:2022-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:(十)科技产品专题传译练习1.请完整听一遍短文Speech at“Han Yu Tong”Product Promotion Press ConferenceLadies and gentlemen,Good afternoon!Thank you for attending this“Han Yu Tong”product launch.It's great to be here.Many people ask me why the sales of“Han Yu Tong”have been so spectacular in so many countries,and what makes it different from the other learning machines.Well,it's a good question.Why is it that the sales of“Han Yu Tong”have exceeded market expectations?Why is it that“Han Yu Tong”has outsold every other Chinese-learning machines in the market?



Speech at“Han Yu Tong”Product Promotion Press Conference

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good afternoon!

Thank you for attending this“Han Yu Tong”product launch.It's great to be here.

Many people ask me why the sales of“Han Yu Tong”have been so spectacular in so many countries,and what makes it different from the other learning machines.Well,it's a good question.Why is it that the sales of“Han Yu Tong”have exceeded market expectations?Why is it that“Han Yu Tong”has outsold every other Chinese-learning machines in the market?Well,it's the right product at the right time.A trusted brand name like“Han Yu Tong”with its worldwide reputation has brought a totally different learning style to millions of people throughout the world who are eager to learn Chinese and find it so difficult to learn.

“Han Yu Tong”Chinese-learning machine is the first Chinese-learning tool developed in China for foreigners to learn Chinese easier.It has received close attention from experts attending the World Chinese Conference.Currently,the“Han Yu Tong”Chinese-learning machine is recommended as the preferred Chinese-learning textbook and teaching tool to all students of Confucius Institutes worldwide by the Office of Chinese Language Council International.The product has already been developed into Chinese-English,Chinese-Russian and Chinese-Korean versions.The three versions will be put into mass production and are expected to be on the market in the first half of this year.

Following China's rapid economic development and the success of the 2008 Olympic Games,surges in Chinese learning have been seen in many countries around the world.According to statistics,Chinese learning has started in more than 100 countries and more than 300 Confucius Institutes have been set up in over 70 countries and regions.The number of Chinese-language learners in the world exceeds 40 million.However,the factthat the Chinese language is difficult to learn and write has been a major obstacle to the spread of the language.

“Han Yu Tong”has changed conventional teaching methods for learning Chinese.It transforms abstract Chinese characters back to visual images using the word-formation principles of Chinese characters.Therefore,learners are able to understand the evolution and development of Chinese characters,making the learning process easier.

In addition,“Han Yu Tong”also matches the 26 English letters on the computer keyboard with the 26 basic roots of Chinese characters,allowing rapid input of Chinese into computers through the association and combination of pronunciations,shapes and meanings of the basic character roots.

With the innovative design,we believe that“Han Yu Tong”will bring you a totally new experience in learning Chinese and thus promotes worldwide Chinese-learning fever.

We hope that more people will join the“Han Yu Tong”sales team and make your contribution to the spread of Chinese language.


img93 Well,it's the right product at the right time.A trusted brand name like“Han Yu Tong”with its worldwide reputation has brought a totally different learning style to millions of people throughout the world who are eager to learn Chinese and find it so difficult to learn.

img94 The product has already been developed into Chinese-English,Chinese-Russian and Chinese-Korean versions.The three versions will be put into mass production and are expected to be on the market in the first half of this year.

img95 According to statistics,Chinese learning has started in more than 100 countries and more than 300 Confucius Institutes have been set up in over 70 countries and regions.The number of Chinese-language learners in the world exceeds 40 million.

img96 “Han Yu Tong”has changed conventional teaching methods for learning Chinese.It transforms abstract Chinese characters back to visual images using the word-formation principles of Chinese characters.Therefore,learners are able to understand the evolution and development of Chinese characters,making the learning process easier.

img97 In addition,“Han Yu Tong”also matches the 26 English letters on the computer keyboard with the 26 basic roots of Chinese characters,allowing rapid input of Chineseintocomputersthroughtheassociationandcombinationof pronunciations,shapes and meanings of the basic character roots.


img98 熟悉文本类型和相关句子结构,加强对源语文本的理解。本篇发言为产品推介,属说明文本类型。其主旨突出(推介产品),思路清晰(文本开始——借提问推介产品,文本发展——介绍产品的特点及创新设计,文本结尾——希望更多的人加盟销售队伍),语言简洁、通俗易懂,句子结构较为简单。

img99 掌握与“汉语通”产品推介相关的知识和与汉字有关的术语表达,如product launch(产品发布会),World Chinese Conference(世界汉语大会),Confucius Institutes(孔子学院),Chinese characters(汉字),word-formation(构字),basic character roots(基本部首),pronunciations,shapes and meanings(音、形、义)等。

img100 传译时,语音应清晰,语调应自然,表达应流畅,应学会控制声音质量,不要过尖、过高或过于低沉。








随着中国经济的快速发展及2008年北京奥运会的胜利召开,世界上许多国家都出现了汉语学习热。据统计,全球有100多个国家的外国人开始学习汉语,在70多个国家和地区建立了共300多所孔子学院,全球汉语学习者超过4 000万。但是一个不争的事实是汉语难学,汉字难写,这已成为推广汉语的最大障碍





