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时间:2022-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:(六)科技专题传译练习1.请完整听一遍短文A Speech at the Bauma China Press ConferenceLadies and gentlemen,exhibitors,friends from the press,Good morning!



A Speech at the Bauma China Press Conference

Ladies and gentlemen,exhibitors,friends from the press,

Good morning!

It's an honor to speak here.The first three Bauma China shows have shown very strong progress and this year is no different.Bauma China is now not only the biggest construction machinery trade show in Asia,but a leading exhibition internationally.And it is still on the increase.The success of Bauma China is a result of close Sino-German cooperation and is showing the rapid economic progress and integration in the Asian-Pacific region.

China's economy has been experiencing over 10%increase in 5 consecutive years.Though slowed down this year by the financial crisis in the US,high oil price,low export and sluggish real estate market,Chinese economy still enjoys many favorite conditions: better macro-economic controlling ability,strong material stock,rapid fiscal revenuegrowth,smooth economic operation,ample foreign exchange reserve and continuous increase in grain yield all contribute to its growth.The Fall Report:Economic Status released by the Chinese Social Science Academy on Oct.10 estimates the GDP growth around 10.1%this year.If the world economic environment does not deteriorate and no major natural disaster happens in 2009,the GDP is expected to retain around 9.5%,dropping a little.

As for the construction machinery market,in the first half of 2008,construction machinery sales exceeded 210 billion RMB,meaning over 30%increase in two consecutive years.The estimated whole year increase is around 20%.The import and export in construction machinery has quickly rocketed from 2.79 billion USD in 2002 to 13.64 billion in 2007,nearly 4 times increase in the 5 years span(for export the increase amounts to over 10 times).In 2008 the figure is expected to reach 20 billion USD.

To serve the developments in the industry and the market,Bauma China will come up with new products and services using better technology and more energy-efficient measures.Bauma China will present you the best platform for both exhibitors and visitors.It will keep manufacturing companies updated on foreign counterpart products and services.With over 1,500 exhibitors,Bauma China is the best place for you to choose the right products.Bauma China has also cast its eyes to the international market while satisfying domestic needs.In 2006 there were over 80,000 professional visitors,20% international.This year we have done better in international promotions,which will guarantee better export opportunities for the domestic companies.

We hope companies will cherish the opportunities Bauma China has brought to you.We also hope our friends from the media would follow your local companies on the show.We sincerely welcome you to Shanghai this November and enjoy the success of Bauma China with us!

Thank you.

(摘自中国国际贸易促进委员会机械行业分会副会长张效林先生于2008年10月20日在Bauma China新闻发布会上的讲话)


img60 Bauma China is now not only the biggest construction machinery trade show in Asia,but a leading exhibition internationally.And it is still on the increase.The success of Bauma China is a result of close Sino-German cooperation and is showing the rapid economic progress and integration in the Asian-Pacific region.

img61 Though slowed down this year by the financial crisis in the US,high oil price,low export and sluggish real estate market,Chinese economy still enjoys many favorite conditions:better macro-economic controlling ability,strong material stock,rapid fiscal revenue growth,smooth economic operation,ample foreign exchange reserve and continuous increase in grain yield all contribute to its growth.

img62 The estimated whole year increase is around 20%.The import and export in construction machinery has quickly rocketed from 2.79 billion USD in 2002 to 13.64 billion in 2007,nearly 4 times increase in the 5 years span.

img63 To serve the developments in the industry and the market,Bauma China will come up with new products and services using better technology and more energyefficient measures.Bauma China will present you the best platform for both exhibitors and visitors.It will keep manufacturing companies updated on foreign counterpart products and services.

img64 We hope companies will cherish the opportunities Bauma China has brought to you.We also hope our friends from the media would follow your local companies on the show.We sincerely welcome you to Shanghai this November and enjoy the success of Bauma China with us!


img65 熟悉文本类型和相关句子结构,加强对源语文本的理解。本篇发言为会展致辞,属演讲文本类型,其对象明确(为各参展企业及媒体界的朋友们),主旨突出(呼吁企业及媒体关注Bauma China并积极参展),思路清晰(文本开始——Bauma China的历史回顾,文本发展——中国的经济发展现状及工程机械市场的发展现状,文本结尾——呼吁企业参展),语言简洁易懂,句子结构较为简单。

img66 掌握与Bauma China相关的知识与术语表达,如construction machinery trade show(工程建筑机械博览会),rapid economic progress and integration(经济的快速发展及迅速融合),slowed down(增速减缓),financial crisis(金融危机),real estate market(房地产市场),macro-economic controlling ability(宏观经济调控水平),fiscal revenue(财政收入),foreign exchange reserve(外汇储备),platform(平台)等。

img67 传译时,语音应清晰,语调应自然,表达应流畅,应学会控制声音质量,不要过尖、过高或过于低沉。


在Bauma China新闻发布会上的讲话



非常荣幸在此讲话。前三届Bauma China展览取得了跨越式的进展,本届展览依然保持了这一强劲势头。Bauma China不但已成为亚洲最大的工程建筑机械博览会,而且已跻身世界同类顶级盛会的行列,并且还有进一步上升的空间。Bauma China的成功不仅是中德伙伴通力合作的结果,也反映了整个亚太地区经济的快速发展及迅速融合。


就今年工程机械市场的情况来看,2008年上半年中国工程机械行业销售额超过2 100亿元人民币,连续两年增长超过30%。估计2008年全年增长达20%左右。中国工程机械进出口贸易额从2002年的27.9亿美元迅速增加到2007年的136.4亿美元,5年内增加了近4倍(其中出口增加了十几倍)。预计2008年进出口有望达到200亿美元。

为配合工程机械行业和市场的发展,Bauma China将推出技术含量更高、更符合节能环保要求的新产品和新的服务方式,不管是参展还是参观,Bauma China都将为企业和观众搭建最佳的交流平台,协助制造企业追踪国内外本行业产品和服务的最新发展。Bauma China 2008将会有超过1 500家企业同台展示,是为企业提供适合本企业所需产品的最佳场所。Bauma China在适应中国市场需求的同时,也把眼光投向国际市场。2006年的展览有超过8万人次的专业观众前来观展,其中海外观众达到20%。今年展览在邀请海外专业观众方面的工作力度更大,这就意味着Bauma China将为国内企业提供更多的出口机会。

我们希望企业家们珍惜Bauma China为您提供的机会,希望媒体界的朋友们关注当地企业在Bauma China博览会上的精彩表现。我们诚挚地欢迎大家11月份到上海来参展,让我们共同见证Bauma China的辉煌!


