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(1) A. H. Brayfield,H. F. Rothe. An index of job satisfaction.[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,1951,35(5):307.

(2) Abraham H. Maslow,Robert Frager,James Fadiman. Motivation and Personality[M]. Harper and Row,1954.

(3) 中国律师真实现状调查:律师行业就是一根鸡肋[J/OL].法制日报,2008-04-18.http://news.xinhuanet.com/legal/2008-04/18/content_8001042.htm.

(4) Blake E. Ashforth,Fred Mael. Social identity theory and the organization[J]. Academy of Management Review,1989,14(1):20-39.

(5) Henri Tajfel. Social identity and intergroup relations[M]. Cambridge University Press,2010.

(6) Mark R. Leary,June Price Tangney. Handbook of self and identity[M]. The Guilford Press,2003.

(7) Ian McGregor,Brian R. Little,Others. Personal projects,happiness,and meaning:On doing well and being yourself[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1998,74(2):494-512.

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(10) Cynthia D. Fisher,Neal M. Ashkanasy. The emerging role of emotions in work life:An introduction[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2000,21(2):123-129.

(11) Charles Christiansen. Identity,Personal Projects and Happiness:Welf-Construction in everyday action[J]. Journal of Occupational Science,2000,7(3):98-107.

(12) Debra A. Laverie,Dennis B. Arnett. Factors affecting fan attendance:The influence of identity salience and satisfaction.[J]. Journal of Leisure Research,2000,32、225.

(13) Yehuda Baruch,Aaron Cohen. The Dynamics between organisational commitment and professional identity formation at work[M]. Dordrecht: Springer, 2007:241-260.

(14) Eura Jung,Michael L. Hecht. Elaborating the communication theory of identity:Identity gaps and communication outcomes[J]. Communication Quarterly,2004,52(3):265-283.

(15) John C. Turner. Social comparison and social identity:Some prospects for intergroup behaviour[J]. European Journal of Social Psychology,1975,5(1):1-34.

(16) J. Sell,M. J. Lovaglia,E. A. Mannix et al. Investigating conflict,power,and status within and among groups[J]. Small Group Research,2004,35(1):44-72.

(17) Shelley E. Taylor,Marci Lobel,Others. Social comparison activity under threat:Downward evaluation and upward contacts[J]. Psychological Review,1989,96(4):569-575.

(18) David R. Hawkins. Power vs. Force,The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior:An Anatomy of Consciousness[M]. West Sedona,AZ:Veritas,1995.

(19) Rick D. Hacket. Individual-level cultural values as moderators of perceived organizational support — employee outcome relationships in China:Comparing the effects of power distance and traditionality.[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(3):715-729.

(20) 同(19)。

(21) Gregory E. Harris,James E. Cameron. Multiple dimensions of organizational identification and commitment as predictors of turnover intentions and psychological well-being.[J]. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement,2005,37(3):159-169.

(22) 同(21)。

(23) Sarah A. Reed,Stanley H. Kratchman,Robert H. Strawser. Job satisfaction,organizational commitment,and turnover intentions of United States accountants:The impact of locus of control and gender[J]. Accounting,Auditing & Accountability Journal,1994,7(1):31-58.

(24) Lisa G. Aspinwall,Shelley E. Taylor. Effects of social comparison direction,threat,and self-esteem on affect,self-evaluation,and expected success[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1993,64(5):708-722.

(25) Mustafa Ay,Selahattin Av C S Aro U G Lu. Research on accountants' professional burnout,job and life satisfaction:2-Burnout and job satisfaction[J]. Afr. J. Bus. Manage,2010,4(8):1576-1585.

(26) Yehuda Baruch,Aaron Cohen. The Dynamics between organisational commitment and professional identity formation at work[M]. Dordrecht: Springer, 2007: 241-260.

(27) Eura Jung,Michael L. Hecht. Elaborating the communication theory of identity:Identity gaps and communication outcomes[J]. Communication Quarterly,2004,52(3):265-283.

(28) John C. Turner. Social comparison and social identity:Some prospects for intergroup behaviour[J]. European Journal of Social Psychology,1975,5(1):1-34.

(29) Yehuda Baruch,Aaron Cohen. The Dynamics between organisational commitment and professional identity formation at work[J]. 2007,5:241-260.

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(31) Blake E. Ashforth,Ronald H. Humphrey. Emotional labor in service roles:The influence of identity.[J]. Academy of Management Review,1993,18(1):88-115.

(32) Leon Festinger. A theory of Cognitive Dissonance[M]. Stanford: Stanford University Press,1962.

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(36) Henri Tajfel. Social identity and intergroup relations[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2010.

(37) Shelley E. Taylor,Marci Lobel,Others. Social comparison activity under threat:Downward evaluation and upward contacts[J]. Psychological Review,1989,96(4):569-575

(38) William Austin. Equity theory and social comparison processes[J]. JM Suls und RL Miller,Washington DC,Hemisphere Publishing Corporation,1977:279-305.

(39) George A. Akerlof,Janet L. Yellen. The fair wage-effort hypothesis and unemployment[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1990,105(2):255-283.

(40) Lisa E. Bolton,Hean Tat Keh,Joseph W. Alba. How do price fairness perceptions differ across culture?[J]. Journal of Marketing Research,2010,47(3):564-576.

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(42) Gregory E. Harris,James E. Cameron. Multiple dimensions of organizational identification and commitment as predictors of turnover intentions and psychological well-being.[J]. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement,2005,37(3):159-169.

(43) Lisa E. Bolton,Hean Tat Keh,Joseph W. Alba. How do price fairness perceptions differ across culture?[J]. Journal of Marketing Research,2010,47(3):564-576.

(44) Rick D. Hacket. Individual-level cultural values as moderators of perceived organizational support — employee outcome relationships in China:Comparing the effects of power distance and traditionality.[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(3):715-729.

(45) David R. Hawkins. Power vs. Force,The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior:An Anatomy of Consciousness[M]. West Sedona,AZ:Veritas,1995.

(46) M. Weick,A. Guinote. When subjective experiences matter:power increases reliance on ease of retrieval.[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2008,94(6):956-970.

(47) S. T. Fiske. Controlling other people[J]. American Psychologist,1993,48(6):621-628.

(48) D. Keltner,D. H. Gruenfeld,C. Anderson. Power,approach,and inhibition[J]. Psychological Review,2003,110(2):265-284.

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(50) D. D. Rucker,A. D. Galinsky. Desire to acquire:Powerlessness and compensatory consumption[J]. Journal of Consumer Research,2008,35(2):257-267.

(51) Lan Xia,Kent B. Monroe,Jennifer L. Cox. The price is unfair! a conceptual framework of price fairness perceptions[J]. The Journal of Marketing,2004,68(4):1-15.

(52) Leanne E. Atwater. The relationship between supervisory power and organizational characteristics[J]. Group & Organization Management,1995,20(4):460-485.

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(58) D. D. Rucker,A. D. Galinsky. Desire to acquire:Powerlessness and compensatory consumption[J]. Journal of Consumer Research,2008,35(2):257-267.

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(60) Derek D. Rucker,Adam D. Galinsky. Desire to acquire:Powerlessness and compensatory consumption[J]. Journal of Consumer Research,2008,35(2):257-267.

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(62) B. E. Ashforth,F. Mael. Social identity theory and the organization[J]. The Academy of Management Review,1989,14(1):20-39.

(63) Hugh P. Gunz,Sarah P. Gunz. Professional/organizational commitment and job satisfaction for employed lawyers[J]. Human Relations,1994,47(7):801-828.

(64) J. Sell,M. J. Lovaglia,E. A. Mannix et al. Investigating conflict,power,and status within and among groups[J]. Small Group Research,2004,35(1):44-72.

(65) T. H. Hammer,R. N. Stern. Employee ownership:Implications for the organizational distribution of power[J]. Academy of Management Journal,1980:78-100.

(66) A. D. Galinsky,D. H. Gruenfeld,J. C. Magee. From power to action.[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2003,85(3):453-466.

(67) J. T. Copeland. Prophecies of power:Motivational implications of social power for behavioral confirmation[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1994,67(2):264-277.

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(69) M. Weber. The Theory of Social and Economic Organization[M]. New York:Oxford University Press,1947.

(70) D. Keltner,D. H. Gruenfeld,C. Anderson. Power,approach,and inhibition[J]. Psychological Review,2003,110(2):265-284.

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(74) Henri Tajfel. Social categorization,social identity and social comparison[J]. Differentiation between social groups:Studies in the social psychology of intergroup relations,1978:61-76.

(75) Andrew E. Clark,Andrew J. Oswald. Satisfaction and comparison income[J]. Journal of Public Economics,1996,61(3):359-381.

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(79) D. Keltner,D. H. Gruenfeld,C. Anderson. Power,approach,and inhibition[J]. Psychological Review,2003,110(2):265-284.

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(82) Leon Festinger. A theory of cognitive dissonance[M]. Stanford: Stanford University Press,1962.

(83) Blake E. Ashforth,Fred Mael. Social identity theory and the organization[J]. Academy of Management Review,1989,14(1):20-39.

(84) George A. Akerlof,Rachel E. Kranton. Economics and identity[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics,2000,115(3):715-753.

(85) George A. Akerlof,Rachel E. Kranton. Identity and the economics of organizations[J]. The Journal of Economic Perspectives,2005,19(1):9-32.

(86) Blake E. Ashforth,Spencer H. Harrison,Kevin G. Corley. Identification in organizations:An examination of four fundamental questions[J]. Journal of Management,2008,34(3):325-374.

(87) Gregory E. Harris,James E. Cameron. Multiple dimensions of organizational identification and commitment as predictors of turnover intentions and psychological well-being.[J]. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement,2005,37(3):159-169.

(88) Gregory E. Harris,James E. Cameron. Multiple Dimensions of Organizational Identification and Commitment as Predictors of Turnover Intentions and Psychological Well-Being.[J]. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement,2005,37(3):159-169.

(89) Sarah A. Reed,Stanley H. Kratchman,Robert H. Strawser. Job satisfaction,organizational commitment,and turnover intentions of United States accountants:The impact of locus of control and gender[J]. Accounting,Auditing & Accountability Journal,1994,7(1):31-58.

(90) Lisa G. Aspinwall,Shelley E. Taylor. Effects of social comparison direction,threat,and self-esteem on affect,self-evaluation,and expected success[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1993,64(5):708-722.

(91) Mustafa Ay,Selahattin Av C S Aro U G Lu. Research on accountants' professional burnout,job and life satisfaction:2-Burnout and job satisfaction[J]. Afr. J. Bus. Manage,2010,4(8):1576-1585.

(92) Henri Tajfel. Social identity and intergroup relations[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2010.

(93) Mark R. Leary,June Price Tangney. Handbook of self and identity[M]. Oxford: The Guilford Press,2003.

(94) M. R. Frone,M. Russell,M. L. Cooper. Job stressors,job involvement and employee health:A test of identity theory[J]. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,1995,68(1):1-11.

(95) Gregory E. Harris,James E. Cameron. Multiple dimensions of organizational identification and commitment as predictors of turnover intentions and psychological well-being.[J]. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement,2005,37(3):159-169.

(96) Sarah A. Reed,Stanley H. Kratchman,Robert H. Strawser. Job satisfaction,organizational commitment,and turnover intentions of United States accountants:The impact of locus of control and gender[J]. Accounting,Auditing & Accountability Journal,1994,7(1):31-58.

(97) Daan van Knippenberg,Ed Sleebos. Organizational identification versus organizational commitment:Self-definition,social exchange,and job attitudes[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2006,27(5):571-584.

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(99) A. H. Brayfield,H. F. Rothe. An index of job satisfaction.[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,1951,35(5):307.

(100) Abraham H. Maslow,Robert Frager,James Fadiman. Motivation and personality[M]. Harper and Row,1954.

(101) Gregory E. Harris,James E. Cameron. Multiple dimensions of organizational identification and commitment as predictors of turnover intentions and psychological well-being.[J]. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement,2005,37(3):159-169.

(102) Mark R. Leary,June Price Tangney. Handbook of Self and Identity[M]. The Guilford Press,2003.

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(104) 同(103)。

(105) B. E. Ashforth,F. Mael. Social identity theory and the organization[J]. Academy of Management Review,1989,14(1):20-39.

(106) Virginia O'Brien,Manuel Martinez-Pons,Mary Kopala. Mathematics self-efficacy,ethnic identity,gender,and career interests related to mathematics and science[J]. The Journal of Educational Research,1999,92(4):231-235.

(107) Gregory E. Harris,James E. Cameron. Multiple dimensions of organizational identification and commitment as predictors of turnover intentions and psychological well-being.[J]. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement,2005,37(3):159-169.

(108) Fred A. Mael,Blake E. Ashforth. Loyal from day one:Biodata,organizational identification,and turnover among newcomers[J]. Personnel Psychology,1995,48(2):309-333.

(109) Nissim Aranya,J. Pollock,Joel Amernic. An examination of professional commitment in public accounting[J]. Accounting,Organizations and Society,1981,6(4):271-280.

(110) Daan van Knippenberg,Ed Sleebos. Organizational identification versus organizational commitment:self-definition,social exchange,and job attitudes[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2006,27(5):571-584.

(111) Gregory E. Harris,James E. Cameron. Multiple dimensions of organizational identification and commitment as predictors of turnover intentions and psychological well-being.[J]. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement,2005,37(3):159-169.

(112) Mark R. Leary,June Price Tangney. Handbook of self and identity[M]. Oxford: The Guilford Press,2003.

(113) 同(110)。

(114) 同(111)。

(115) Sarah A. Reed,Stanley H. Kratchman,Robert H. Strawser. Job satisfaction,organizational commitment,and turnover intentions of United States accountants:The impact of locus of control and gender[J]. Accounting,Auditing & Accountability Journal,1994,7(1):31-58.

(116) Abraham H. Maslow,Robert Frager,James Fadiman. Motivation and personality[M]. Harper and Row,1954.

(117) Lisa E. Bolton,Hean Tat Keh,Joseph W. Alba. How do price fairness perceptions differ across culture?[J]. Journal of Marketing Research,2010,47(3):564-576.

(118) David R. Hawkins. Power vs. Force,The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior:An Anatomy of Consciousness[M]. West Sedona,AZ:Veritas,1995.

