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2.7.4 专业化的前奏


在工程开始之际,他们通过一个“总则”(General Note)来对承包商的行为进行约束,同时也为整个修复工作定下一个基调:




这一时期,工匠在建筑遗产修复中起到的作用开始得到正视。霍瑞斯·塞勒斯(Horace Wells Sellers)自20世纪20年代开始在《美国建筑师协会期刊》(AIA Journal)上发表文章,在1920年2月的《美国建筑师协会期刊》上他撰写了《历史建筑保护》(Pretection of historic building)一文,肯定当时美国社会的保护观,并认为幸存的历史建筑是对历史上那些辛苦劳作的匠人的纪念。然而同时他又认为,这种纪念“没有必要包括19世纪晚期的那些匠人,因为这是美国历史上设计的一个低谷。”[89]两年后,费斯克·肯贝尔(Fiske Kimball)在同一期刊上对那些不专业的修复者提出了批评,并提出了工匠在修复工作中的重要作用:


费城的建筑师们以及埃伯顿的实践表明,在20世纪初期,建筑保护已经开始走向专业化,建筑师和历史保护者们已经开始进入这一领域,并开始形成自己的保护理念和专业技术。但在这一时期,建筑保护和修复作为一种专业学科仍未出现,现代修复技术研究基本没有开始。建筑师和工匠的经验仍是修复技术的主导。除了《新英格兰古迹保护协会公报》(Bulletin of the SPNEA)和《美国景观与历史保护协会年鉴》(Annual Reports of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation)之外,基本上没有系统介绍建筑保护与修复的期刊。而后者事实上也不是一直在关注这一领域的内容。这一时期的很多“修复”事实上是对历史建筑的破坏,而地域的限制使许多建筑遗产保护和修复的经验无法在更大的范围内融合。


[1]William J.Murtagh.Keeping Time:The History and Theory of Preservation in Ameri-ca.Pittstown,N.J.:Main Street Press,1988

[2]即图洛犹太教会堂的建立者艾萨克·图洛(Isaac Touro)的儿子。

[3]William J.Murtagh.Keeping Time:The History and Theory of Preservation in Ameri-ca.Pittstown,N.J.:Main Street Press,1988

[4]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[5] Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[6]Max Page,Randall Mason.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Pres-ervation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[7] James Marston Fitch.Historic Preservation:Curatorial Management of the Built World.New York:McGraw-Hill,1982

[8]James Marston Fitch.Historic Preservation:Curatorial Management of the Built World.New York:McGraw-Hill,1982

[9] James Marston Fitch.Historic Preservation:Curatorial Management of the Built World.New York:McGraw-Hill,1982

[10] Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[11] Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[12]James M.Lindgren.A Spirit that Fires the Imagination.In:Max Page,Randall Ma-son ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[13]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam.1965


[15]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam.1965

[16]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam.1965

[17] James M.Lindgren.A Spirit that Fires the Imagination.In:Max Page,Randall Ma-son ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[18] James M.Lindgren.A Spirit that Fires the Imagination.In:Max Page,Randall Ma-son ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[19]这一时期美国的民粹运动主要是一种农民民粹运动,源于美国西部和南部各州农民在经济上的不满,典型代表是19世纪90年代的“美国人民党”(US People’s Party)。民粹主义者的宣言是:“我们要使共和政府重回平民(the Plain People)之手。”对20世纪初期由知识分子带动的进步主义运动有重要影响。

[20]James M.Lindgren.A Spirit that Fires the Imagination.In:Max Page,Randall Ma-son ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[21] James M.Lindgren.A Spirit that Fires the Imagination.In:Max Page,Randall Ma-son ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[22]James M.Lindgren.A Spirit that Fires the Imagination.In:Max Page,Randall Ma-son ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[23]James M.Lindgren.A Spirit that Fires the Imagination.In:Max Page,Randall Ma-son ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[24]市政会议(Town Meeting)起源于17世纪的新英格兰,由定期举行的市民大会来管理城市政务,这是美国民主政治的基础,对后来美国政治体制有很大影响。由于城市规模的扩大,市政会议逐渐被议会制取代,但至今美国仍有437个城市依然保留着市政会议的体制,几乎全在新英格兰地区。

[25]Michael Holleran.Roots in Boston,Branches in Planning and Parks.In:Max Page,Randall Mason ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the Unit-ed States.New York:Routledge,2004

[26]玛莉·赫敏维(Mary Tileston Hemenway),1820—1894,新英格兰著名慈善家,成立赫敏维研究基金会,资助美国的考古、人类学研究和教育。

[27]Michael Holleran.Roots in Boston,Branches in Planning and Parks.In:Max Page,Randall Mason ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[28]Mark Gelernter.A History of American Architecture:Buildings in Their Cultural and Tech-nological Context.Hanover,N.H.:University Press of New England,1999

[29]布芬奇(1763—1844),1781年毕业于哈佛大学,并在1784年取得硕士学位。1785年至1787年,布芬奇在欧洲。他的主要作品包括Tontine Crescent(已毁),该建筑受到英国建筑师约翰·伍德的Royal Crescent的影响,后者是英国著名的乔治亚风格的住宅群。布芬奇还为哈里森·奥蒂斯(Harrison Grey Otis)设计了一系列住宅,并引起了美国总统詹姆斯·门罗的注意,门罗将布芬奇邀请到了华盛顿。后来布芬奇还设计了康涅狄格州和马萨诸塞州的州政厅,以及哈佛大学的大学厅(University Hall)。

[30]Michael Holleran.Roots in Boston,Branches in Planning and Parks.In:Max Page,Randall Mason ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[31] Michael Holleran.Roots in Boston,Branches in Planning and Parks.In:Max Page,Ran-dall Mason ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[32] Michael Holleran.Roots in Boston,Branches in Planning and Parks.In:Max Page,Ran-dall Mason ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[33]Michael Holleran.Roots in Boston,Branches in Planning and Parks In:Max Page,Randall Mason ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the Unit-ed States.New York:Routledge,2004

[34] Michael Holleran.Roots in Boston,Branches in Planning and Parks.In:Max Page,Randall Mason ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the Unit-ed States.New York:Routledge,2004

[35] Michael Holleran.Roots in Boston,Branches in Planning and Parks.In:Max Page,Randall Mason ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the Unit-ed States.New York:Routledge,2004




[39]Michael Holleran.Roots in Boston,Branches in Planning and Parks.In:Max Page,Randall Mason ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the Unit-ed States.New York:Routledge,2004

[40]Documentary Chronology of Selected Events in the Development of the American Con-servation Movement,1847—1920,http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amrvhtml/cnchron4.html.

[41]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[42] 丹尼尔·布尔斯廷著;中国对外翻译出版公司译.美国人建国历程.北京:三联书店.1993


[44] 丹尼尔·布尔斯廷著;中国对外翻译出版公司译.美国人建国历程.北京:三联书店.1993

[45]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[46]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[47] Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965


[49]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965


[51]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[52]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965


[54]James M.Lindgren,A Spirit That Fires the Imagination.In:Max Page,Randall Ma-son ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[55] 朱世达.当代美国文化.北京:社会科学文献出版社,2001


[57]这是对Penn Central Transportation Company.V.City of New York.Penn Central一案的裁决,这一诉讼发生在对纽约中央车站的保护过程中。纽约最高法院的裁决认为,城市有权将私人财产指定为历史遗产而对私人的发展权加以限制。这一裁决意义重大,成为之后一系列保护法规的基础,后文另有详述。

[58]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[59] Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[60] Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[61]Keeping Time一书中,威廉·穆塔夫认为该建筑建于1676至1681年间


[63]James M.Lindgren,A Spirit that Fires the Imagination.In:Max Page,Randall Ma-son ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004


[65]Jukka Jokilehto.A History of Architectural Conservation.Oxford:Butterworth-Heinemann,1999

[66] Jukka Jokilehto.A History of Architectural Conservation.Oxford:Butterworth-Heinemann,1999

[67] Jukka Jokilehto.A History of Architectural Conservation.Oxford:Butterworth-Heinemann,1999

[68]William J.Murtagh.Keeping Time:The History and Theory of Preservation in Ameri-ca.Pittstown,N.J.:Main Street Press,1988

[69]William J.Murtagh.Keeping Time:The History and Theory of Preservation in America.Pittstown,N.J.:Main Street Press,1988

[70] William J.Murtagh.Keeping Time:The History and Theory of Preservation in America.Pittstown,N.J.:Main Street Press,1988

[71] William J.Murtagh.Keeping Time:The History and Theory of Preservation in America.Pittstown,N.J.:Main Street Press,1988

[72]William J.Murtagh.Keeping Time:The History and Theory of Preservation in Ameri-ca.Pittstown,N.J.:Main Street Press,1988

[73]查尔斯·诺顿(Charles Eliot Norton),美国著名的文艺评论家、艺术史学家。他开创了哈佛大学的艺术史课程。至今哈佛大学还有一个以他的名字命名的人文学术讲座系列———诺顿讲座,许多国际大师都曾担任授课人。诺顿延续了德国艺术史研究的主要观点,代表了一种具有高贵文化教养的欧洲艺术史传统。19世纪中期诺顿在欧洲度过了一段相当长的时间,深受欧洲文化传统的浸染与熏陶。诺顿还同拉斯金保持着长期的书信交往。拉斯金强烈地反对在当时非常流行的“为艺术而艺术”的观念。认为艺术反映一个时代社会文化精英的伦理价值和社会关怀。这些观点对诺顿也有所影响。

[74]James M.Lindgren.A Spirit that Fires the Imagination.In:Max Page,Randall Ma-son ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[75]James M.Lindgren.A Spirit that Fires the Imagination.In:Max Page,Randall Mason ed.Giving Preservation a History,Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States.New York:Routledge,2004

[76]Jukka Jokilehto.A History of Architectural Conservation.Oxford:Butterworth-Heinemann,1999

[77]惠提埃(John Greenleaf Whittier,1807—1892),美国19世纪著名诗人,以新英格兰人的劳动和生活为题材,发表了许多诗集,如《新英格兰的传说》、《自由的声音》、《劳工之歌》等,他的长诗《大雪封门》(1866)被评论家誉为“一部优美的新英格兰田园诗”


[79]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[80]用来加固外墙或屋顶的木板条,20世纪之前多在美国木构建筑中使用。参见Ward Bucher.Dictionary of Building Preservation.New York:John Wiley&Sons,Inc,1996

[81]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[82]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[83]②③ Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preserva-tion Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[84] Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[85] Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[86]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[87]James M.Lindgren.A Constant Incentive to Patriotic Citizenship:Historic Preserva-tion in Progressive-Era Massachusetts.New England Quarterly,1991,64(12)

[88]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[89]Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

[90] Charles Bridgham Hosmer,Jr.Presence of the Past,A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg.New York:Putnam,1965

