首页 百科知识 华尔街之牛的雕塑


时间:2022-09-23 百科知识 版权反馈

去了华尔街,大家一定会去看的景点就是华尔街之牛的雕像,那是华尔街金钱和权力的象征。而今年道富银行(State Street)在今年国际妇女节当日将艺术家威丝巴尔的“无畏女孩”像矗立在华尔街铜牛的对面,意在彰显女性管理者在企业领导层的作用(prominent leadership positions),倡导男女平等。当然这也是道富银行导演的一场非常成功的公关活动。无畏女孩一出现就引起公众关注,大出风头(a high-profile debate),旅客纷纷驻足和雕塑拍照留念。铜牛的塑造者对此十分不满,要求把“无畏女孩”搬到其他地方,认为它扭曲了铜牛的艺术讯息,女孩把公牛传递出的不甘失败和积极向上的精神变成了“一种负面力量和威胁”(a negative force and threat)。纽约市长白思豪表示支持无畏女孩,决定把女孩放到铜牛前面到2018年2月底。“假若铜牛像冒犯了谁,我们也不会因此移动铜牛,所以无畏女孩也要留在原地。”


The “Fearless Girl,” fists curled at her sides and face held high in seeming defiance of the giant bull galloping before her, has drawn international attention since it was unveiled last month and tapped into growing frustration around the struggle female executives face rising into leadership positions, particularly on Wall Street.


1.Fearless 无畏的

2.Defiance 蔑视

3.Gallop 疾驰;飞奔

4.Unveil 揭幕;面世

5.Tap into 挖掘;涉及

6.curl 卷曲


The “Fearless Girl,” has drawn international attention and tapped into growing frustration around the struggle female executives. 


1.fists(are) curled at her sides face (are) held high in seeming defiance of the giant bull galloping before her (这是在用独立主格结构描述小女孩的动作和状态。)

2. since it was unveiled last month 状语

3. particularly on Wall Street 状语

4.around the struggle  定语

5.(that)female executives face (that=struggle)(that引导定语从句做宾语可以省)

6.  rising into leadership positions 定语



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