首页 百科知识 付款的时间安排


时间:2022-09-23 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:(a)在合同开始实施和生效日期后42天,或雇主收到按照第4.2款[履约担保]和第14.2款[预付款]的规定提出的文件后21天,二者中较晚的日期内支付首期预付款;(c)在收到按照第14.11款[最终付款的申请]和第14.12款[结清证明]的规定提出的最终报表和书面结清证明42天内,支付应付的最终款额.Except as otherwise stated in Sub-Clause 2.5 [Empl


(a) 在合同开始实施和生效日期后42天,或雇主收到按照第4.2款[履约担保]和第14.2款[预付款]的规定提出的文件后21天,二者中较晚的日期内支付首期预付款;

(b) 在收到有关报表和证明文件后56天内,最终报表除外,支付每期报表的应付款额;

(c) 在收到按照第14.11款[最终付款的申请]和第14.12款[结清证明]的规定提出的最终报表和书面结清证明42天内,支付应付的最终款额.


Except as otherwise stated in Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employers Claims], the Employer shall pay to the Contractor:

(a) the first instalment of the advance payment within 42 days after the date on which the Contract came into full force and effect or within 21days after the Employer receives the documents in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.2 [Advance Payment], whichever is later;

(b) the amount which is due in respect of each Statement, other than the Final Statement, within 56 days after receiving the Statement and supporting documents; and

(c) the final amount due, within 42 days after receiving the Final Statement and written discharge in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.11 [Application for Final Payment] and Sub-Clause 14.12 [Discharge].

Payment of the amount due in each currency shall be made into the bank account nominated by the Contractor, in the payment country (for this currency) specified in the Contract.

