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时间:2022-09-23 百科知识 版权反馈

The four competencies of a leader

Most organizations need somebody who can lead regardless of the weather.What matters is that he or she works on the basic competencies.As the first such basic competence,I would put the willingness,ability,and self-discipline to listen.

Listening is not a skill; it is a discipline.Anybody can do it.All you have to do is to keep your mouth shut.The second essential competence is the willingness to communicate,to make yourself understood.That requires infinite patience.The next important competence is not to alibi.Say,“This doesn't work as well as it should.

Let's take it back and reengineer it.”The last basic competence is the willingness to realize how unimportant you are compared to the task.Leaders subordinate themselves to the task.

When effective leaders have the capacity to maintain their personality and individuality,even though they are totally dedicated,the task will go on after them.

They also have a human existence outside of the task.Otherwise they do things for personal aggrandizement,in the belief that this furthers the cause.They become selfcentered and vain.And above all,they become jealous.One of the great strengths of Winston Churchill was that Churchill,to the very end,pushed and furthered young politicians.

Action point: Set aside ten minutes every Friday afternoon to give yourself a weekly report card on all four skills: listening,communicating,reengineering mistakes,and subordinating your ego to the task at hand.


大部分组织都需要一个能够驾驭任何风险挑战的领导者。关键在于领导者是否能够依靠以下4种基本能力来行事。第一种能力在于当领导者倾听别人谈话时,要做到谦虚、努力和自持。倾听不是一种能力,而是一条纪律。做到这一点的要诀在于保持沉默。第二种关键能力是领导者要乐于与人沟通,使别人了解自己的立场观点。做到这一点需要极大的耐心。第三种重要能力在于不要为错误辩解,而要积极地纠正错误。比方说,你可以说: “这个办法没有想象的那么管用。我们重头再来吧!”领导者最后一种基本的能力是要意识到,和任务




