首页 百科知识 警察局注册


时间:2022-09-23 百科知识 版权反馈


      所有来英国读书的中国留学生(年龄超过16岁的),只要会在英国居住超过六个月的,都会被要求在到达英国后7天内去当地警察局注册,这个要求是会在你的英国签证上标注的,不管你持有什么类型的签证,只要签证上有标注,都需要去警察局注册。如果不按时去注册的话,轻者被口头提醒,重者则会被罚款。伦敦地区的警察局注册和其他地方的不同,只可以在Overseas Visitors Records Office办理。请以官方信息为准。






If you need to register, this requirement will be shown on your visa in your passport, Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) or Home Office letter.

From Monday 27th July 2015 you will need to complete a new Registration Proforma. Handwritten and previous versions of the proforma will no longer be accepted.  The new version is MOBILE FRIENDLY and will enabled us to use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to process your registration.  

*Please ensure your form is completed using ADOBE ACROBAT READER available to download from https://acrobat.adobe.com/uk/en/products/pdf-reader.html -  also, the printed proforma MUST be of GOOD QUALITY*

If you are

* Registering for the first time or..

* If you have registered with another police force and it is your first time to report into the London area or..

* If you have lost, damaged or had your Police Registration Certificate (PRC) stolen and wish to obtain a new one.

You will need the following: 

 Your passport(s) (we do not accept copies)

Completed OCR  Registration Proforma (Available from the 'Related Publications' section' of this site )

ONE UK passport sized colour photograph measuring 45mm x 35mm (The photo must be PASTEDto the completed proforma prior to attending).

Biometric Residence Permit -BRP (if applicable)

Home Office letter showing the requirement to register - if applicable. (This letter is separate to the one your BRP arrived with). 

**You will not be registered or have your records/Police Registration Certificate (PRC) updated  if you do not provide of ALL of the above documents**

The new short term 30 day entry clearance visa will still state whether you need to register with the police. If you are issued with this new 30 day visa, you will also receive a letter confirming that your visa application for the UK has been successful and provide the start/expiry date of your visa.
If the above applies to you, you can register with the police by attending our office either:

(A). BEFORE collecting your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) from the Post Office: Attend our office with all documents mentioned under 'Required Documentation' section on this page and the original of the accompanying letter issued abroad. Once you have collected your BRP from the Post Office, you do not need to attend our office to report this card. All future (In Country) BRP’s must be reported within 7 days as usual.


(B). AFTER collecting your BRP from the Post Office: 
Attend our office with all documents mentioned under 'Required Documentation' section on this page. You must also bring your  BRP.

If you are staying in the Metropolitan Police area in London  you can register with us at the following location:

Overseas Visitors Records Office
323, Borough High Street

If you are not staying in the Metropolitan Police area, you should contact your local police for the addresses and opening hours of other police registration offices.

You do not generally have to register with us if any of the following apply, however please check your visa as a requirement may be endorsed. 
• There is no requirement to do so on your Visa 
• You are under the age of 16 
• You are not a foreign national from the list of countries shown on this site 
• You are not living in London [register with your local police]

The registration fee is currently £34.00, which may be paid by cash, sterling travellers’ cheque or most debit /credit cards. We do not accept Euros, American Express, Diners Club or personal cheques.

020 7230 1208. This is a 24 hour recorded information line but messages are not accepted.

A portable ramp and assistance bell are available for wheelchair users. There are no toilets or baby changing facilities inside. There are no printing, copying or photo booth facilities at OVRO.  

Borough tube station is the nearest Underground station and is served by the Northern Line.

Bus routes are 35, 40, 133, 343.

There are no parking facilities available on site.



 这个警察注册是要付费的,注册费为34镑。注意,伦敦的注册点不收取American Express的卡,使用美国运通卡的小伙伴记得一定要先取现金呀。


 1. 护照原件

 2. 两张护照大小(35x45mm)彩色照片

 3. 英国签证纸和BRP的原件,如果是在英国办理的签证,则没有签证纸,只需携带BRP前往。

 4. 填好的申请表(点击这里下载First Time Registration Proforma)

 注册完毕后,警察局会给你一张A4大的粉色纸,这个纸上有你的姓名,年龄,国籍,照片和地址等等信息,如果弄丢了,在补办的时候还需要另交34镑,并且重新提交上述材料,所以大家要小心保管,平时出门不需要放在身上,这张纸在续签英国签证的时候是需要出示的,平时也可以当作Proof of Address或者Proof of Identity。


 伦敦地区的同学必须去Overseas Visitors Records Office注册。

 地址:323 Borough High Street, London SE1 1JL。这个警察局靠近地铁Borough Station,可坐Northern Line到达。

时间:周一至周三,周五,9am – 4pm(周四,公众假日和Bank Holidays除外)

电话:020 7230 1208



地址:Central Park, Northampton Road, Manchester M40 5BP

电话:0161 856 4423



地址:Digbeth Police Station, 113 Digbeth, Birmingham B5 6DT

电话:0121 626 5307



地址:One Stop Shop, 3-4 Manvers Street, Bath BA1 1JQ

电话:01225 442404



地址:St Aldates, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 1SZ



地址:Fulford Road, York YO10 4BY



地址:Fettes Avenue, Edinburgh, EH4 1RB



Interim process 延期注册的方法



由于每年都会发生上述排队难的问题,伦敦的注册点2013年推出了一项Interim process的服务。你如果去了排不到队或实在不想等了,就可以问工作人员,要求使用interim process服务。即把材料递交给他们(不用交护照喔),换取一封信,信上会说明你可以在三周后再来付费与注册,那时应该可以错开高峰期,就不会发生去了5次才注册上这种悲剧(关于2016年是否继续实行这项服务我们目前没在官网上找到,不过红领巾会继续跟进相关信息的)。

 注意:第二次来的时候务必要记得带这封信才行喔,千万要保管好呀,官网说没有这封信,他们是不会承认你之前做过interim process的。



 1. 如果你搬家了(伦敦地区更换地址不可以去Overseas Visitors Records Office更改,请在这里查询你附近的警察局)

2. 如果你换学校了

3. 如果你换工作或工作地址了(如果你持有工作签证)

4. 如果你结婚

5. 如果你有新签证了

6. 如果你护照号变了




  1. 如果我的父母来英国看我,他们是否需要去警察局注册吗?

 通常来讲不需要,持有C type签证的是不需要注册的,除非是别的种类的长期签证。

 2. 如果我回国了,之后再回英国,还需要注册吗?还需要再交钱吗?


 3. 如果我持有的签证,上面没标明要去警察局注册,我还要去吗?

 不需要。举个例子来说,低于14岁的学生签证同样是Tier 4 student visa,属于长期居住签证,但由于年龄过小,通常签证页上没有要注册的要求。请务必检查自己的签证,是否有“pol reg. within 7 days”的字样。


