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时间:2022-09-04 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:首先说明,据CMU CS系的前辈介绍,该系不是所有人都参加了这种面试,很多都是直接给offer的。我是2月10日接到CMU的e-mail通知,告知20日开始电话面试,让我挑个合适的时间和日期。谈论这个问题的时候我充分地把自己的研究方向和CMU的一位我感兴趣的教授的研究领域的相似之处体现了出来。面试结束后的第三天,我就收到了CMU, school of computer science, computer science department的e-mail,通知给我offer了。有效面试时间应该在25分钟左右。整个面试过程大概30分钟。


首先说明,据CMU CS系的前辈介绍,该系不是所有人都参加了这种面试,很多都是直接给offer的。一些大牛,像Belongs早就收到了offer,肯定是没有经过什么面试的。

我是2月10日接到CMU的e-mail通知,告知20日开始电话面试,让我挑个合适的时间和日期。来信的是CMU的ICC,即International Communication Center,是CMU英语教育和国际交流的机构。我直接e-mail回复了,定在21日北京时间晚上10点,Pittsburgh应该是早上10点。


1.Please tell me about your academic background.

2.What is your specific research area?


3.How do you know CMU?Why you interested in CMU?

CMU provides the best PhD program in my field.我又跟她讲了不少目前的研究课题,总之都是CMU也在搞的课题,且CMU做得最好。

4.How do you learn English?



通话大约持续了二三十分钟。面试结束后的第三天,我就收到了CMU, school of computer science, computer science department(CSD)的e-mail,通知给我offer了。现在觉得如果有了面试机会,只要口语听力不成问题,offer就有了。


由Lisa Cummings面试的。原本约的是在Skype上videointerview,但后来因为Skype的technical problem,在打了两次电话后直接phone interview了,面试时间差不多25分钟。

1.Why Finance?

2.How can MIT Fin program help you?

3.Short and long-term career goal.

4.Describe a challenge you face in your current position.

5.What do you like to do out of work?

6.因为我们聊到了我的义工经验,所以她又问了我工作后要怎么继续义工活动。You had the experience of being a volunteer in the past, right, so how could you continue your volunteer activity after working?

7.Your biggest achievements?

8.An example you motivate others when the morale of your team is low?

9.How do you work with a less capable person?

10.How do you respond when others disagree with you?

11.Give an example you make a project done faster in your previous company?



案例3.关于Duke MMS的Skype面试

由Sara Ptakowski面试的。面试官是Duke Fuqua的MBA二年级学生,面试时间差不多40分钟,但是网络的问题让我几乎听不清她的声音,所以最后基本上是Sara在typing questions我语音回答。有效面试时间应该在25分钟左右。所以劝诫各位同学面试前一定要确保自己的网络状况。

1.Tell me a little about yourself and why you’re applying for Fuqua?

2.What do you think you’d like to do after MMS program?And why do you want to pursue such a career?

3.I’ve seen you had some internship experience at large companies, what's skills do you want to build at Fuqua to help achieve your short and long term plans?

4.Why do you think those skills are important for your future career?

5.How do you normally approach a new group of people you’ve never met?

6.How do your colleges or students describe you?

7.Tell me about things that you do now outside of school/work that are rewarding to you, Sara然后继续问What kind of clubs do you want to join in Duke?

案例4.关于Baruch MFE的Skype面试

这是我Baruch Financial Engineering的第一次面试,我是由Professor Wong(Tai-Ho Wong)面试的。Baruch MFE的一面基本上是纯技术面试,和大多数金融工程项目的行为面试有很大的区别。Professor Wong没有太多的寒暄,直奔主题。整个面试过程大概30分钟。

我先进行介绍,因为我自己本身是CS背景,并且刚拿到该校的C++certificate, Professor Wong只问了还会其他什么programming language,并没有问其他programming的问题。因为我金融方面的背景只有一个券商的实习,并且没有修过相关的课程,所以可能让Professor Wong觉得我的金融背景是个劣势,故后面的问题基本都是围绕各种公式求price。

1.S=10,Su=20,Sd=5,r=0.求ATM put option price然后求ATM call option price.接着问为什么一样,如何hedge put option,算出来delta=-1/3,需要short-selling 1/3 share of stock。

2.B-S有什么assumption?说到log-normal的时候问我log-normal有什么不好?如何应对可能出现的black swan?

3.如果现在有一个client也觉得stock price will have extreme movement,找你来买out-of-the-option,你怎么办?


第二次是由Director Dan Stefenica面试的,语速很快,我中间被director所提的一个相对challenging的问题吓到了,而且director在面试中间还有事出去了两次,整个面试进行了大概40分钟。

1.What is your plan after graduation?

2.You rank 3rd in your department, and the 1st one also applied for this MFE program, how can you convince me to admit you?

3.What about your programming skills?

4.Difference between structure and class in C++.

5.Challenged internship experience.Definition of Sharpe ratio and GARCH.

6.N*N matrix, how many eigen values?Explain why in detail.

7.What's interest rate swap?How to value?Calculate an instance with numbers.Valuation of fixed interest rate bonds and floating interest rate bonds.

8.What's pdf of N(1,1)+N(1,2)?What if they are independent?

