首页 百科知识 腐植酸钠对土壤的作用好


时间:2022-02-15 百科知识 版权反馈


(内蒙古向阳农业开发(集团)有限公司 呼和浩特 010000)

摘 要:近年来大量使用化肥与农药造成土壤污染,使耕地板结和贫瘠,同时导致农产品品质退化,色香味越来越差;庄稼病害百出,瓜果蔬菜农残超标。因此,如何降低土壤污染,维持土壤健康,实现耕地的可持续利用已成为当务之急。腐植酸是土壤有机质的重要组成部分和影响因子,它具有改良土壤、增强肥效、刺激作物生长、增强作物抗逆性、改善作物产品品质等5大功能。有些国家规定,要在耕作农田中加入腐植酸以维护土壤有机质的含量。为了充分发挥腐植酸的多种功能,我们将腐植酸与微生物菌剂配伍,生产腐植酸促生菌剂,经过大面积的使用证明,这一配伍可以充分发挥二者的优势,达到促植物地下部分根系与促植物地上部分茎叶同时旺盛生长,改善土壤结构,增加土壤肥力

关键词:腐植酸促生菌剂 土壤 增产 抗病 有机

The Application Effect and Prospect of Humic Acid Promoting Bacteria in Agriculture

Cui Baowei

(Inner Mongolia Xiangyang Agriculture Exploit(Group)Co., Ltd., Huhhot, 010000)

Abstract: In resent years, the fertile soil has been polluted by the use of a large number of chemical fertilizer and pesticide, so that the soil becomes more and more harden and sterile. Furthermore, the argricultural products have also been polluted and mass decreased. Emblements suffer from so many kinds of diseases. And pesticide residues on ripe fruits and vegetables . Therefore it is a urgent matter that how to reduce the pollution of soil, to maintain the health of soil and to achieve the sustainable utilization of soil. Humic acid is an important component part and affecting factor of the soil organic matter. It has five main efficacies, which are soil amelioration, synergism of chemical fertilizer, stimulating the growth, enhancing the resistance, and the improving the quality of argricultural products. Some countries have stipulated to add humic acid in farmland to maintain the content of soil organic matter. In order to develop a multifunctional role of Humic acid, the author has executed the compatibility of humic acid and microbial inocula, and make a product of humic acid promoting bacteria. The large-scale application proves that this compatibility can take full advantage of both umic acid and microbial inocula, promote the growth of both the root system under the ground and the stems and leaves on the ground, improve the structure and fertility of soil.

Key words: humic acid promoting bacteria, soil, yield-increasing, disease-resistant, organic

