首页 百科知识 原料冷冻处理对干红葡萄酒质量的影响


时间:2022-02-14 百科知识 版权反馈



作者:张红娜  导师:高 畅

西北农林科技大学  发酵工程2011届硕士

摘 要




1. 对葡萄酒理化指标进行分析可得,冷冻温度对葡萄原料的破坏起决定作用,-35℃冷冻葡萄原料,即使冷冻时间短,细胞破坏作用也较好,葡萄酒中总酚含量和色度值较高,明显高于-10℃处理的葡萄酒中总酚含量和色度值。原料冷冻6h酿造的葡萄酒总酚、单宁含量和色度值低于4h处理的值,在6h内冷冻时间长短与葡萄酒中物质含量高低不成正比。解冻方式对细胞破坏作用的影响较小。葡萄果粒冷冻与葡萄果皮冷冻相比,葡萄酒中总酚含量和色度值高,葡萄果粒冷冻略有优势。原料冷冻处理与对照相比,葡萄酒总酚含量和色度值较低。

2. 本研究采用HPLC法测定葡萄酒中单体酚和花色苷含量,进一步研究冷冻处理对葡萄酒品质的影响。



3. 对葡萄酒进行感官分析,结果表明,试验葡萄酒在外观上差异显著,葡萄原料经-35℃冷冻4h、自然解冻处理和-10℃冷冻6h自然解冻的葡萄酒外观质量较好,高于对照葡萄酒样,可见,冷冻处理葡萄原料能提高葡萄酒外观质量。试验葡萄酒的香气和口感质量差异不大,果皮-35℃冷冻4h和果粒-10℃冷冻6h处理且自然解冻的葡萄酒比对照葡萄酒的香气和口感质量好。其他处理效果不及对照酒。

4. 冷冻葡萄原料酿造的葡萄酒质量有一定程度的提高,相同条件处理葡萄果粒的冷冻效果比葡萄果皮略好,但是冷冻葡萄果粒消耗的能量为果皮的12.5倍,能耗高且处理量大,将导致葡萄酒成本增高。因而,葡萄果皮-35℃冷冻4h为最佳处理条件,有利于葡萄酒质量的提高和节约能源,在实际生产中可考虑应用。

关键词 葡萄酒 冷冻处理 多酚 花色苷 感官分析


Dry red wine was made by wine-grape Meili strain with different frozen treatments and the effect of the treatments on wine quality was studied,with the traditional brewing for check. The treatments are: frozen temperature,-10 ℃ and -35 ℃;freezing time,4 h and 6 h;the raw material status,grape fruit peel and grape fruit granule;unfreeze mode,natural and microwave .

Freezing can damage the structure of plant cell and change the cell membrane transparence. So,grape was frozen before fermentation to destroying the cell structure and accelerating the immersion of chemicals in skins during the fermentation,with the purpose of improving wine quality. The alcoholic fermentation was same with the traditional way of dry red wine.

Wine quality was evaluated by physical and chemical indicators and sensory analysis. The main results are as follows:

1. Through the physical and chemical analysis,the content of total phenols and color density in wine by -35℃ treatment are higher than -10℃,even with shorter freezing time. It indicates the freezing temperature is mainly in destroying the material. The content of total phenols and tannin and color density with 6h are lower than that with 4h. The effect of unfreeze code on cell damage is minor. Grape fruit is better compared with the skin. Comparing the freezing treatment and the traditional,the total phenols and color density are lower.

2. The content of mono phenol and anthocyanin was determined by HPLC.

14m ono phenols in wine were detected in the test wines with 13 in the comparisons,without caffeic acid. The content of mono phenols was higher in the test wines. The ratio of flavonoid and non-flavonoid was different,mainly related to the freezing time.

The typical anthocyanin in the test wines were Pt-3-O-Glu and Cy-3-O-Glu,above 90% of the total anthocyanin in wine. The test wine has higher color density,Pt-3-O-Glu and Cy-3-O-Glu,indicating freezing can damage the grape skin and accelerate the transaction of anthocyanin from skin to must. The content of anthocyanin was different by different freezing treatments;however,the total content was increased,compared with the comparisons,indicating freezing treatment can improve the wine quality.

3. The sensory analysis showed two test wines with grape frozen for 4h at -35 ℃ and frozen for 6h at -10 ℃,both unfrozen naturally got better appearance quality than the comparison,indicating freezing treatment on material can improve the wine appearance quality. The flavor and taste of test wine had little difference. Grape skin frozen for 4h at -35 ℃ and grape fruit frozen for 6h at -10 ℃,both unfrozen naturally had better flavor and taste than the comparison.

4. Wine quality was improved to some extent made by frozen grape. The effect of frozen treatment to the berry skin was better than grape at the same conditions,but the energy consumption of frozen grape was 12.5 times of grape skin,and it would lead to higher costs of wine for the large capacity. Thus,it was the best frozen treatment condition that the grape skin freezing at -35 ℃ for 4h,and it was beneficial to improve the quality of wine and save energy,and could be used in production.

Key words Wine Frozen treatment Polyphenolic compounds Anthocyanin Sensory analysis

